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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" is a thrilling and adventurous movie released in 2003. Directed by Gore Verbinski, the film tells the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Caribbean in search of a cursed treasure. With the help of the brave blacksmith Will Turner, portrayed by Orlando Bloom, and the fierce Elizabeth Swann, played by Keira Knightley, they must battle supernatural forces that threaten their lives.

The movie's captivating soundtrack, composed by Klaus Badelt, perfectly captures the swashbuckling atmosphere, evoking feelings of excitement and danger. Dive into the world of pirates by playing and downloading these sensational sounds here. Set sail on this unforgettable adventure with the unforgettable cast, immersing yourself in a gripping tale of mystery and adrenaline.

A better one!
A better one.
A bit closer. A bit closer.
A compass that doesn't point North.
A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated.
A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed.
A fine gentleman, don't you think?
A lot of good it did them.
A marriage to a fine woman.
A mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story.
A moment, please.
A pair of pistols.
A pirate's life for me
A pirate's life for me
A really big one, Commodore.
A respectable man who obeyed the law.
A short drop and a sudden stop.
A wedding! I love weddings!
Abandon ship!
About me?
About the day we met. Do you remember?
According to the Code
According to the Code of the Brethren set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew,
Actually, I find it all fascinating.
Actually, I...
After all, he is a blacksmith.
After killing me, what is it you're planning on doing next?
After she died, I came out here, looking for my father.
After the curse is lifted?
After you've killed Norrington's men.
Ah, yeah.
Aim for the flashes!
All by me onesy, savvy?
All hands to the boats!
All I need is a crew.
All of them faithful hands before the mast.
All of you with me!
All the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold
Already feel like a fool.
Although, I suppose I should be thanking you because, in fact,
Am I not?
Anchors aweigh!
And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest.
And a good man.
And a hard learned lesson it was.
And a hundred times again!
And all the pleasurable company in the world
And are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet.
And be lost to Davy Jones' locker.
And blast the bejesus out of them with your little cannons.
And captained by a man so evil that Hell spat him out
And crazy to boot.
And each man jack of you here
And for these crimes
And frittered them away on drink and food
And he requests you wear this.
And I half expected it to be made of wood.
And I negotiate the return of your medallion?
And I practice with them three hours a day.
And I shall need to know your name.
And I shall need to know your name.
And it's you who brought us here in the first place.
And last we saw of Ol' Bill Turner,
And my hat.
And now I step again.
And now we finally get to spend it.
And now you have no weapon.
And on the fourth morning,
And otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out.
And pleasurable company.
And provide us with a bearing to isla de Muerta.
And really bad eggs.
And remain cursed.
And run out the sweeps.
And says everything's an equal share.
And she'll go without a fuss.
And sinister in nature.
And starve to death yourself.
And stay true in the face of danger and death?
And the apples.
And the blood to be repaid?
And the crew. The crew are not to be harmed.
And the rest of you, bring me that medallion!
And then I'll shout the name back to you.
And then they made me their chief.
And this is how you thank me?
And this is not the moment for rash actions.
And try not to do anything stupid.
And watch you sail away in my ship?
And we forget the name?
And what's the benefit for us?
And where do you propose we start?
And who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?
And whose blood must yet be paid?
And ye will not lay a hand
And you get to introduce yourself as Commodore Barbossa.
And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?
And you'll be naked.
And you're completely obsessed with treasure.
And you're not.
And your bonny lass.
Another miraculous escape.
Any attempt to storm the caves could turn to an ambush.
Any man who falls behind is left behind.
Any mortal that removes
Any of you so much as thinks the word "parley,"
Any other ship than the Black Pearl,
Any port in a storm.
Anything we can afford to lose, see that it's lost.
Anything we have left.
Anything. Everything!
Apparently, there's a leak.
Are you accepting the commodore's proposal?
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Are you decent?
Are you the pirate I've read about or not?
Are you there?
As a wedding gift.
As are we all.
As can match the Interceptor,
As is mine.
As the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.
As the day that...
Ask him where it is. He could lead us to it.
At least once more, Miss Swann, as always.
At least the boy has a sense of propriety.
Aye, Captain, aye!
Aye, Lieutenant.
Aye, sea turtles.
Aye, sir.
Aye, that one.
Aye, that'll about do it.
Aye, the Code.
Aye, the compass doesn't point North,
Aye! Avast!
Back when he was Captain of the Black Pearl,
Barbossa, you lying bastard! You swore she'd go free!
Because I was afraid that you were a pirate.
Because it was Mr. Sparrow who said it.
Because the HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy,
Because you can never predict
Because you're a pirate.
Beg your pardon. Beg your pardon.
Begun by blood.
Black Pearl is a real ship.
Blast all to carcasses, men!
Blast! I'm already awake!
Bleak. Very bleak.
Blood money paid to stem the slaughter
Bloody empty.
Bloody pirates!
Bloody pirates!
Boarders, away!
Borrowed. Borrowed without permission.
Bring her around! Bring her around!
Bring him.
Buried on an island of dead what cannot be found,
But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst,
But don't stop.
But how's your footwork?
But I can't bring this ship into Tortuga
But I doubt it.
But I have seen a ship with black sails.
But I'm concerned about the effect
But it seems to me that a ship like that
But it turns out you're a hard man to predict.
But it was you who failed to specify when or where.
But Jack escaped the island, and he still has that single shot.
But neither are we dead.
But not before he'd gone mad with the heat.
But not from you.
But so was his decision to engage in piracy.
But the commodore proposed. Fancy that.
But the company is infinitely better than last time,
But the greed of Cortes was insatiable.
But there's no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed.
But we're not trying to find North, are we?
But what a ship is, what the Black Pearl really is,
But what of the Pearl?
But why is the rum gone?
But with every intention of bringing it back.
But you didn't!
But you have heard of me.
But you were marooned on this island before.
But you're Captain Jack Sparrow.
But, you know, even a good decision,
Buys the man who was sleeping a drink.
By blood
By blood undone.
By remembering that I serve others, Mr. Sparrow.
By the powers, you're right.
By throwing in your lot with him?
Came by, and I was able to barter passage off.
Can you sail under the command of a pirate?
Cannon fire!
Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants
Captain Barbossa, I am here to negotiate
Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped.
Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir.
Captain Jack Sparrow.
Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony.
Captain Sparrow.
Captain, we're coming up on the Interceptor,
Captain. Captain Jack Sparrow.
Carefully, Lieutenant.
Case shot and langrage!
Clearly you've never been to Singapore.
Come along.
Come back to haunt us.
Come on, doggy.
Come on, you filthy, slimy, mangy cur.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come out and we promise we won't hurt you.
Come, come, dear. We don't have all day.
Coming through!
Commodore Norrington is bound by the law.
Commodore Norrington is going to be very pleased with this.
Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become.
Commodore Norrington, my effects, please.
Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?
Commodore, he's disabled the rudder chain, sir.
Commodore, I beg you, please do this.
Commodore, I really must protest.
Compelled by greed, we were, but now we are consumed by it.
Consider them marked.
Contemplating all meanings of the phrase
Cotton here says you missed a bit.
Cotton's right. We've got the Pearl,
Could not slake our lust.
Could possibly have black sails, therefore couldn't be
Couldn't be more proud of you.
Crossing blades with a pirate?
Curse you for breathing, you slack jawed idiot!
Cursed pirates sail these waters.
Damn to the depths whatever man that thought up "parley"!
Dead men tell no tales.
Depredation, and general lawlessness.
Did it work?
Did not merit an invitation?
Did you not notice?
Did you, now?
Disproportionate to our crime!
Do I make myself clear?
Do it, you dogs, or it's you we'll load into the cannons!
Do not lose these.
Do not make the mistake of thinking
Do pass my compliments on to your master.
Do us a favor.
Do we have an accord?
Do you like pain?
Do you think there is the slightest chance they won't see?
Do you think this wise, boy?
Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter?
Don't dare impugn me honor, boy.
Don't do anything stupid.
Drink up
Drink up
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
Drinks all around!
Easy on the goods, darling.
Eat a whole bushel of apples.
Elizabeth goes free.
Elizabeth Turner.
Elizabeth, are you even listening to me?
Elizabeth, I want you to accompany the boy.
Elizabeth, you look absolutely stunning.
Elizabeth? How's it coming?
Even a miniature one.
Ever since you learned my name.
Every decision you've made has led us from bad to worse.
Every last one.
Every last piece that went astray, we have returned.
Every man worth his salt.
Everyone else called him Bootstrap or Bootstrap Bill.
Everyone stay calm! We are taking over the ship.
Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it.
Excellent work, Mr. Brown.
Except by those who already know where it is.
Except for Elizabeth who is, in fact, a woman.
Except for those who know where it is.
Except they was in a horse instead of dresses.
Except, once again, you are between me and my way out.
Family heirloom, perhaps?
Feast your eyes, Captain.
Finally. Indeed.
Find it, we did.
Find the oars!
Find them!
Fire all!
First, your return to shore was not part of our agreement.
Food turned to ash in our mouths,
For 10 years we've been tested and tried,
For goodness sake, put them down!
For having such a bleak outlook on pirates,
For instance,
For instance...
For me.
For too long I've been parched and unable to quench it.
Fortunately, I know how to counter it.
Forward clear to the powder magazine.
From my back.
From the looks of things,
From the man who did the waking.
Funny old world, isn't it?
Gentlemen, milady, you will always remember this
Gentlemen, the time has come!.
Gents, our hope is restored!
Gents, take a walk.
Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow?
Get after her, you feckless pack of ingrates!
Get away from there!
Get me out.
Ghastly weather, don't you think?
Gillette, Mr. Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows.
Give nothing back.
Go on, poppet, go!
Go on.
Goes with your black heart.
Good boy. Come get the bone.
Good day, Mr. Turner.
Good day, sir.
Good day.
Good man.
Good man. Good pirate.
Good to see you again.
Good, strong name.
Governor Swann.
Governor, barricade yourself in my office.
Guess there is reason to fret.
Had a brush with the East india Trading Company, did we, pirate?
Hands aloft to loose t'gallants!
Hands to braces!
Hands, come about!
Hands, grapnels, at the ready.
Hang him.
Hang the Code, and hang the rules!
Hard to port!
Hard to port! Rack the starboard oars.
Has he said anything?
Has my daughter given you an answer yet?
Has proved his mettle a hundred times over
Hasten to her rescue, and so win fair lady's heart,
Haul him aboard.
Haul on the main brace! Make ready the guns!
Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?
Have you not heard the stories?
He also said, if that be the case,
He didn't waste it.
He failed to mention that.
He fancies you, you know.
He fell behind.
He plays things closer to the vest now.
He roped a couple of sea turtles,
He roped a couple of sea turtles?
He said he'd come to commandeer one.
He said it wasn't right with the Code.
He said we deserved to be cursed.
He said you'd say that.
He sent it to me.
He shot me!
He strapped a cannon to Bootstrap's bootstraps.
He trained the parrot to talk for him.
He waded out into the shallows.
He waited there three days and three nights
He was a bloody pirate. A scallywag.
He was a merchant sailor.
He was sinking to the crushing, black oblivion of Davy Jones' locker.
He wreaked upon them with his armies.
He'll be in your charge.
He's a fine man.
He's a given a pistol with a single shot. One shot.
He's a mute. Poor devil had his tongue cut out.
He's a pirate!
He's a pirate.
He's not a man to suffer fools, nor strike a bargain with one.
He's only half Turner. We spill it all!
He's still breathing.
He's the spitting image of old Bootstrap Bill
He's what any woman should dream of marrying.
Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats.
Hello, chum.
Hello, poppet.
Here it is!
Here there be monsters.
Here they come.
Here. Let me.
Hey, boy, where be Jack?
His blood runs in my veins.
His fortunes aren't improved much.
His mutinous first mate.
His name's William Turner. That's all I found out.
His only child, savvy?
Hoist the sails! Make quick!
Hold fire.
Hold your fire!
How can we sail to an island that nobody can find
How can you pass that up, right?
How could I forget, Miss Swann?
How could it be two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves
How did Jack get off the island?
How did you escape last time?
How does a maid own a trinket such as that?
How far are you willing to go to save her?
How is it that Jack came by that compass?
How many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage.
How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?
How the blazes did you get off that island?
How's that? They key's run off.
Human hair.
Hung by the neck until dead.
Hurry. Someone will have heard that.
I agreed she'd go free,
I always liked you.
I am.
I apologize if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind.
I believe thanks are in order.
I believe you made a very good decision today.
I can get you out of here.
I can kill it!
I can let you drown.
I can.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
I can't move it!
I cannot just step aside and let you escape.
I convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats.
I couldn't resist, mate.
I did notice.
I didn't know we was taking on captives.
I didn't steal it, if that's what you mean.
I didn't.
I do.
I don't care for the situation.
I don't know.
I don't need to. Get them in range of the long nines.
I expect to leave you standing on some beach
I feel nothing.
I feel...
I got her!
I had a dream about you last night.
I hardly believe in ghost stories anymore, Captain.
I have a gift for you.
I have your order.
I helped build these cells.
I hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today.
I intend that any man who sails under a pirate flag
I invoke the right of parley.
I just want you to know
I knew him.
I knew it.
I knew you'd warm up to me.
I know exactly what you mean, love.
I know it's difficult for you, but please stay here
I know the Code.
I know where it's going to be, and I'm gonna take it.
I know whose blood you need.
I know why we're here.
I know.
I look nice?
I love this song!
I love you.
I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.
I may have deserved that.
I meant you being threatened by that pirate. Sounds terrifying.
I meant, why aren't we doing
I must admit, I wasn't prepared for it.
I must admit, Jack, I thought I had you figured.
I need a full strike, fore and aft.
I never would've thought of that.
I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate,
I saved your life. You save mine. We're square.
I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from England.
I scurry over to the Interceptor,
I see no profit in it for me.
I see. Well, if you're intending to brave all,
I shall take you to the Black Pearl
I shall.
I should have told you every day from the moment I met you.
I suppose in exchange, you want me not to kill the whelp.
I suppose you didn't deserve that.
I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose.
I swear, you look just like him.
I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate.
I think she lied to us.
I think we should decide now.
I think we've all arrived at a special place.
I think.
I thought I'd lost it the day they rescued me.
I thought we might endure some ill conceived escape attempt.
I trust you will remember this is the day
I want 50% of your plunder.
I want you to know that I was rooting for you, mate.
I want you to leave and never come back.
I will accept the consequences of my actions.
I will.
I won't take questioning or second guesses from you, Twigg.
I would expect the man who made it to show the same care
I would hate for him to miss it.
I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you.
I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship.
I'd die for her.
I'd rather see her at the bottom of the ocean
I'd really rather hoped we were past all this.
I'll drop it.
I'll find us a crew.
I'll have your guts for garters.
I'll sail under your colors. I'll give you 10% of me plunder.
I'll tell you, mate,
I'm a maid in the governor's household.
I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.
I'm curious.
I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
I'm going after the Black Pearl,
I'm gonna teach it to the whole crew.
I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain!
I'm having a thought here, Barbossa.
I'm in the market, as it were.
I'm not a simpleton, Jack.
I'm not entirely sure I've had enough rum
I'm of no further value to you.
I'm sorry, Jack.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Blacksmith's hands. I know they're rough.
I'm sorry. It's such a pretty boat.
I'm the only one who hasn't committed mutiny.
I'm told it's the latest fashion in London.
I'm watching over you, Will.
I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship.
I've heard of it.
I've heard of one.
I've heard of one.
I've heard stories.
Idiot. He has nowhere to go but back to the noose.
If all I have achieved is the hangman
If an adversary demands parley,
If any coward here dare challenge me, let him speak!
If every town in the world were like this one,
If he were telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us.
If I may be so bold as to inject my professional opinion.
If I may.
If I see one, I shall inform you immediately.
If I step here.
If made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision.
If we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet.
If you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die,
If you have information concerning my daughter,
If you spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death
If you were waiting for the opportune moment...
If you'd be so kind,
Impersonating a cleric of the church of England."
Impressive. Very impressive.
In a fair fight, I'd kill you.
In every aspect of his life.
In here!
Inescapably clear.
Inside be the gold.
Is floating just offshore, waiting for you.
Is freedom.
Is he, now?
Is it supposed to be doing that?
Is that so?
Is that what you're saying?
Is that you found one
Isn't it?
It didn't work.
It has the element of surprise.
It holds fair now you return the favor.
It is a smart match.
It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships,
It is.
It was a difficult day for you, I'm sure.
It was a gift from my father.
It was a good plan.
It was my father's blood.
It was only after you learnt my name you agreed to help.
It was you who sent Bootstrap to the depths!
It would be a shame to put a mark on your record.
It would never have worked between us, darling.
It'll be far worse not to have her.
It'll be one pistol as before,
It'll linger.
It's a fine goal, to be sure.
It's a pirate medallion.
It's a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock.
It's a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock.
It's an island that cannot be found,
It's bad luck to be singing about pirates
It's bad luck to have a woman on board, too.
It's bad luck.
It's difficult to say.
It's just you and me now.
It's not just a keel and a deck and sails.
It's not possible.
It's not true.
It's okay.
It's poisoned.
It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
It's right here between you and Jack.
It's so good to see you.
It's supposed to be very fast. Nigh uncatchable.
It's the honest ones you want to watch for,
It's the one I need.
It's the Pearl,
It's the powder magazine.
It's very unlikely she'll be able to make good time.
It's what you've been searching for. I recognize this ship.
It's you and old Jack. Come on.
It's yours.
Jack gives up the bearings.
Jack owes us a ship.
Jack Sparrow, isn't it?
Jack Sparrow?
Jack, it must be really terrible for you
Jack, it's a fool's errand.
Just a prick of the finger. A few drops of blood.
Just doing my civic duty, sir.
Just hear me out, mate.
Just in case.
Just not yet.
Just so we're ready when the time comes.
Just wait, Captain Sparrow.
Keep a sharp eye.
Keep to the Code.
Keep to the Code.
Keep us steady, man.
Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons.
Kill him.
Know that.
Lashed them together, and made a raft.
Last time I saw you,
Last time, I was here a grand total of three days, all right?
Last time, you left me a pistol with one shot.
Last time...
Left Sparrow locked in his cell, ergo they are not his allies.
Let down and haul to run free!
Let's just say it's a matter of leverage.
Lieutenant Norrington, I appreciate your fervor,
Lighten the ship, stem to stern!
Like I said, there's no real ship
Like that.
Listen. They haven't seen you.
Load the guns!
Load the guns!
Lock him in the brig.
Look into that. Report back.
Look nice, though.
Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!
Looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity,
Lovely singing voice, though. Eunuch.
Lower the anchor on the right side.
Lower the starboard anchor!
Lower your weapons.
Make for the ship! Move!
Make way!
Makes this one here a bit superfluous, really.
Man overboard!
Man the ropes. Fetch a hook.
Mark my words.
Mary, Mother of God.
May God have mercy on your soul."
May I ask you something?
May I have a moment?
May I inquire as to the occasion?
Me holds are bursting with swag.