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Remember the Titans (2000) Remember the Titans is a powerful sports drama film released in the year 2000. Directed by Boaz

Remember the Titans (2000)

Remember the Titans is a powerful sports drama film released in the year 2000. Directed by Boaz Yakin, the movie is based on the true story of the T.C. Williams High School football team and their struggle to overcome racial tension in Alexandria, Virginia, during the early 1970s. The film stars Denzel Washington, who delivers a captivating performance as coach Herman Boone, guiding his racially diverse team to success while inspiring unity and breaking down racial barriers.

With a talented ensemble cast, including Will Patton, Wood Harris, Ryan Hurst, Hayden Panettiere, and many more, Remember the Titans tells a poignant and inspiring tale of teamwork, friendship, and tolerance in the face of adversity. The film's emotional score, composed by Trevor Rabin, adds depth and intensity to its themes.

If you want to relive the emotions and triumphs of Remember the Titans, you can play and download its soundtrack from various online platforms. Immerse yourself in the memorable sounds that accompany this iconic film and rediscover the remarkable story it tells.
A couple of extra practices this week,
A couple of extra practices this week,
A field goal attempt for T. C. Williams.
A football injury before, you wimps ?
A little different tonight.
A self aware man, I like that.
Aah !
Aah !
Aargh ! What are they doing ?
About how sensitive these kids are ...
About one of your black teammates.
Absolutely not ?
After a cat fight.
After all we've been through ?
After which I'll be moving to Loudon
Against the Hay field Hawks,
Ah, sorry. Julius, this is Emma.
Ain't gonna make them golden locks
Alan, you're in !
Alan, you've got to stick your man !
Alice, are you blind ?
All gonna walk out on your teammate ?
All Marshall has to do
All of them except Ed Henry.
All right !
All right ! All right ! All right !
All right ! That was beautiful !
All right, all right.
All right, Defense ? Get out there !
All right, everybody on their feet.
All right, everybody, off the bus.
All right, fantastic.
All right, get some water.
All right, Herb.
All right, honestly, I think you're nothing.
All right, Julius.
All right, let's go !
All right, listen up, I want everybody off the bus.
All right, listen up, listen up, listen up.
All right, listen up.
All right, listen up. I'm Coach Boone.
All right, listen, about Petey ...
All right, man, listen. I'm Gerry, you're Julius.
All right, now,
All right, Petey !
All right, quit gawking. Warm up.
All right, wait up !
All right, we're going zone, Alan. I need ...
All right, you two, that's enough of that.
All right.
All right.
All right. How many feet are in a mile ?
All right. I will allow Coach Tyrell
All right. Mmm.
All this hatred and turmoil swirling around us,
All this yelling he's doing,
Almost like they were my own kids.
Always, always we remember the Titans.
Amen. That's what I'm talking about.
And all roads lead to the Hall of Fame.
And ask you to soften big Julius Campbell's heart.
And enjoy the bench.
And every time you do, you leave one of your teammates
And for prayer ...
And get back on that field.
And he busted his butt for you.
And he won't abide a foul tongue, sir !
And here come the Titans,
And here come the Titans.
And high moral standards as well.
And hot lead pouring right through their bodies.
And I ain't gonna never be. None of us are.
And I don't dance unless I hear some music.
And I don't want to be looking at that for 2 weeks.
And I guess it's about time I joined the club.
And I noticed he wears those leopard spotted under wears,
And I respect it,
And I will break my foot off in your John Brown hind parts ...
And I'm gonna get mine.
And if you didn't brag so much ...
And just get this over with, all right ?
And let 'em over pursue.
And look right through it, cause it ain't comin' down.
And made some new friends, Bertier.
And maybe ...
And now I know I was only hating my brother.
And now that you have,
And our season go down the drain.
And pick it up from the kitchen.
And Rev ? He better be praying
And seeing as how we ain't never gonna be
And shave that old nasty back of hers.
And she weighs twice as much as I do.
And show me what you got. Option left.
And taking the head coaching job at Loudon High.
And tell Tommy to watch the free safety. Go.
And that's his bed.
And that's what brought us back here today.
And the city was on the verge of exploding.
And the Titan fans
And the world tells us
And then you will run a mile.
And there ain't gonna be all this black white
And they still don't want no part of us.
And they will be the state champions.
And turn it back over to Yoast.
And we'll get old, and we'll get fat.
And what is the Rev gonna do after high school ?
And what's he do ?
And when they throw that ball, you stick him.
And y' all think we done won something ?
And y'all fools think that's something ?
And you ain't doin' nothin' against that shotgun.
And you can tell whoever threw this brick
And you don't get no blood on my uniform.
And you got your daddy.
And you know what else ?
And you take a lesson from the dead.
And you.
And you're firting with it.
And, Julius, when she's done,
And, uh, if it's all the same to you, Coach Boone,
Antagonizing everybody and learned a little humility.
Any body know what this place is ?
Any of these guys slack off,
Any questions ?
Any time you want to bring her by the house,
Anybody can see that.
Anything in this city to call their own
Are all white girls that crazy ?
Are really giving her a warm reception.
Are you comin' or not, man ?
Are you trying to cheat my boys out of the game ?
Army clothes !
As a part of my team strategy.
As a player or person.
As for me, well, I'm ... I'm not going to put myself
As I've learned from you.
As long as it takes for them to wise up.
As old as Cain and Abel.
As what I'm looking at right now.
Asked him to look at the game fi lm from Groveton,
At the end of every week, and we'll go over them together, OK ?
Attitude refects leadership, Captain.
August 1 5th, 7:29 A.M.
Aw, come on.
Awful skinny play book, ain't it ?
Back off, Coach, if you want to stay in this game.
Back to the real world, Bertier.
Ball ! Ball ! Ball !
Be a defensive coordinator, assistant head coach.
Be patient, Bill. Your time will come.
Be the nice guy.
Because the person that I have you sitting next to
Bertier ?
Best defense I've seen in 20 years.
Between us.
Bikini style, sir !
Black inside, black inside, black inside.
Blue, 21 !
Blue, shut up.
Boone ! Boone ! Boone !
Boone don't cut anybody.
Boone's out, and you're head coach again.
Bosley ? Where's Alan ?
Boy, get over there on the bench ?
Boy, you must be outside your mind !
Boycott T. C. ! Boycott the school !
Boys. These are my all American tackles.
Break ...
Brother, don't you know me and Bertier's mama
Bubbling with the blood of young boys.
Bunch of ol' rednecks.
Bunch of tough guys, huh ?
But before God, I swear I'll see
But before we reach for hate,
But bein' your roommate and all, uh ...
But he ain't going to be there for us forever, man.
But I ain't one to brag.
But I can guarantee you this, Coach,
But I cannot play with these guys.
But I don't humiliate them
But I figure on at least a thousand.
But I stayed with Coach.
But I think we'll take em in the regional.
But I will have my eye on him.
But I'm already married.
But I'm the same mean cuss
But if you don't go to college,
But make no mistake, I am qualified
But may be you got a small taste
But now you making us look bad
But then we're right back here,
But there are a lot of pretty women here.
But there are a lot of pretty women here.
But they were all looking up to me.
But this ... this is always right.
But we are not gonna parade around
But we have won every single game we have played till now.
But we're better for it, men.
But what you did with those boys ...
But what you mean by ''they'' ... you talking about Pete ...
But when you put that uniform on,
But when your sins end anger my little girl,
But why you eating over here ?
But you can't pitch it 3 yards.
But you got to do what you got to do.
But you ought to know better
But you support your decision.
But you will respect each other,
But you're still weak on the left side.
But, then, that's right.
But, uh, if the boy's any good,
But, um ...
Butany2 year oldchild can throw a fit.
By a white store owner,
By patronizing them.
By the time you come to,
Called T. C. Williams High School.
Camp over now, huh ?
Campbell ?
Campbell, you're playing selfish, show off football.
Can afford to go to some other district
Can I speak with you in private ?
Can't afford one, borrow one from your old man.
Cause champions pay the price !
Cause honesty ain't too high on your people's priority list.
Cause I guarantee you there isn't a bum on the street
Cause I love football. Football's fun.
Cause once you get on that bus,
Cause that colored kid got shot.
Cause tonight, they're going up against
Cause you didn't kill each other up at camp.
Check 'em in, Coach.
Check blue !
Checkin' 'em in.
Coach ahem ... if you don't need me,
Coach ?
Coach ?
Coach ?
Coach ? Coach ?
Coach ...
Coach Boone !
Coach Boone ...
Coach Boone brought us this far, y'all,
Coach Boone, black folks have never had
Coach Boone, I'm Charles Campbell.
Coach Boone, I'm Colonel Bass.
Coach Boone, to what do I owe this surprise ?
Coach Taber ?
Coach Yoast ! Coach Yoast ! Coach Yoast !
Coach Yoast will tell you where you're playing, all right ?
Coach, come on.
Coach, I'm afraid I've put you into a no win situation.
Coach, I'm out, too.
Coach, if you go, I go.
Coach, Rev's going back in, right ?
Coach, they're callin' a holding penalty on me every time.
Coach, this is a high school football team.
Coach. Coach.
Coaches ain't called this meeting tonight.
Coaching your boys.
Come down on Sunshine.
Come here, man.
Come here, man.
Come on !
Come on !
Come on ! Come on !
Come on ! You're all acting like a bunch of sissies !
Come on, baby. Can't take no rest.
Come on, Blue, let me ...
Come on, Daddy.
Come on, everybody.
Come on, Julius, he's just another blessed child
Come on, Kurt, don't let Ray back you down like that !
Come on, man, let's go.
Come on, man.
Come on, meet the people.
Come on, talk to me, Petey.
Come on, y'all ! Swing it left !
Come on. Let's see. Let's see what happens.
Come with us.
Congratulations !
Congratulations, Coach.
Congratulations, Herman.
Couldn't even tie up his own football cleats.
Cover3 ! Go to cover3 ! Pass !
Cover3 ! Go to cover3 ! Pass !
Cowards won't go after fumbles.
Cowards won't tackle.
Dad. Ah, ha ha.
Daddy !
Daddy !
Daddy !
Daddy ! You're home !
Daddy coached him.
Dean sings the songs and gets the girl.
Defense !
Defense ! Come on !
Defense ! On me !
Defense is desire !
Did your blockers fumble the football,
Didn't I tell you all them white boys
Do not come in here !
Do what you got to do ?
Do you ?
Do you all want a victory ?
Do you all want a victory ?
Do you hear me ?
Do you want to play football ...
Do your best.
Doc ?
Does the term ''cruel and unusual punishment''
Does the term ''cruel and unusual punishment''
Doing all right.
Don't bother coming back to camp.
Don't do this.
Don't leave me hangin: bro. Come on.
Don't make this any harder for me than it already is.
Don't move.
Don't say that to me. Don't say that to me.
Don't see you grab his hand, take him off to the side.
Don't talk to me, man.
Don't worry about it. It's not your fault.
Don't you see the family resemblance ?
Don't you single me out like that.
Don't you take out my son !
Don't you want to go accessorize with ...
Down !
Dr. Day, excuse me.
Each one of you will spend time every day
Eating lunch.
Ed Henry's got Boone's number, sure as shoot in'.
Ed Henry's kicking my ass out there.
Emma ?
Emma ...
Entering the stadium
Entering the stadium now
Especially the young black kids.
Et him ! Get him ! Get him !
Et your hands off me, man !
Every coach has certain tendencies ...
Every head coach in the system is white.
Every last one of you thrown in jail.
Every quarter broken down,
Everybody !
Everyone's gonna be there.
Everything we gonna do is changing.
Everything's not always about winning and losing.
Except humiliation and despair.
Fi re up the boys' imaginations a little bit.
Fight !
Fight !
Fight ?
Fightin' the same fight
Figure we give the kids
First you smile, then you thinking'.
Fix that tie, son.
Folks in Carolina say you marched with Dr. King.
Follow me !
Foot ball is about controlling that anger.
For a job that I had rightfully earned.
For Hammond players,
For him worth a plugged nickel, and you know it !
For no reason at all.
For our boys and for the community.
For the duration of this camp.
For the first time this season.
For the national championship.
For what happened last night ?
Fourth quarter.
Fourth quarter. Fourth quarter.
Freeze right, 99 Z go.
From Huntington Beach, California.
From now on the Titans gonna be powered by soul power, bro.
From the looks of our little situation we got here,
Fumble ! Fumble !
Fun, sir. It's fun ?
Game ball ...
Game, Titans !
Gave it to a white coach down there
Gerry ! Gerry ! Gerry !
Gerry ! Gerry ! Gerry !
Gerry ! Gerry ! Gerry !
Gerry ! Gerry ! Gerry !
Gerry ! Gerry ! Gerry !
Gerry ! Gerry ! Gerry !
Gerry Bertier won a gold medal for the shot put
Gerry had an accident.
Gerry is gone, but his spirit lives on.
Gerry, Alan, Ray,
Gerry, if you want to play on this football team,
Gerry, if your father was still alive ...
Gerry, just keep your mouth shut
Gerry, son, your heart's in the right place,
Gerry, what are you doing ?
Gerry, you say it, or I'm not hanging up the phone.
Get 9 !
Get a time out ! Time out !
Get comfortable, too,
Get him ! Get him ! Get him !
Get him off.
Get in the truck now.
Get in the truck.
Get it right !
Get off me !
Get off me !
Get off me ! Get off me !
Get off me. Get off me.
Get off. Get off.
Get out !
Get out here !
Get out of here !
Get set ! Get set !
Get up ! Get up ! Get up !
Get up, boy ! Get up ! Get up !
Get up. Get outta here. Go run. Go.
Get9 ! Bosley, move !
Give him apiece of your mind !
Give me a break, Gerry.
Give me a kiss. Mmm ah !
Go ! Move !
Go get 'em, Titans ! Whoo !
Go on, think. Is it fun ?
Go to college and all that, I guess.
Go, Defense.
Go, go, go, go !
Goes to the real king right here.
Going on in here for me.
Going to camp with us here this year.
Going to go and tell ''Coach Coon''
Good bye, Gerry.
Good game, Coach.
Good game, y' all.
Good game.
Good hustle, good hustle, good hustle.
Good job.
Good job. Good job, men.
Good job. Hey, way to stick.
Good luck, Julius.
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning, Coaches, how are you ?
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good night, Coach.
Good season.
Got a press conference today at 1 2 noon.
Got some trick plays, some stuff that might
Got that right.
Got to give me some way to disguise that coverage.
Got to see the pitch, all right ?
Gotta see it.
Gotten 11 offers and certainly no time for you.
Grow back no faster now. You know that, huh ?
Gun right, 84, X fat.
Guys, stop it !
Ha ha ! Ha ha ha !
Ha ha ha !
Ha ha ha ha !
Half the offense, half the special teams.
Hallelujah ! Hallelujah, Rev !
Hanging out to dry ... me in particular !
Hard step.
Harnessing that aggression into a team effort
Hat are you ?!
Hat doesn't matter. Just get out there.
Hat is fatigue ?!
Hat summer a black teenager was killed
Hat you laughin' at, Jerry Buck ?
Hatred, violence will not intimidate us.
Have a seat.
Have my dessert.
He acting all crazy and stuff, man.
He ain't all right ? He all right ?
He ain't played a minute all year.
He called me ''bro'' !
He can be the fi nest defensive end
He doesn't want to see anybody but you, Julius.
He is your daddy now, isn't he ?
He kissed me, man !
He know the man's from out of town.
He say he got something to say.
He won't be throwing any more this season.
He won't let blacks play on his team.
He worked so hard, my mama left him,
He's a Californian ...
He's a mile ahead of you, Coach.
He's been with me for 1 0 years.
He's gettin' beat like he stole somethin', Mr. Bosley.
He's in his office.
He's in my third period class.
He's in the shower.
He's just alight skinned brother.
He's just getting beat, that's all I'm saying.
He's mine !
He's not some walk on scrub, Yoast.
He's on the deacon board with me.
He's onto your game.
He's paralyzed from the waist down.
He's so good. He's got all American ...
He's so good. He's got all American ...
He's taking Alan out. Yoast !
He's too fast, Gerry. I can't stick with him.
He's, uh ...
Heading into the fourth quarter.
Heck of a season the Titans are having, Coach.
Heck, no. I just figure if I got to be in school
Help me finish packing my things.
Herb, take over for me.
Here we go !
Here we go.
Herman ! I sure could use your help.
Herman, here we go.
Herman, Herman, Herman.
Herman, I think you'd better look outside.
Hey !
Hey, ''Coach Coon ! ''
Hey, Bertier !
Hey, but, hey,
Hey, can you slide a bit, Gerry ?
Hey, Coach.
Hey, Coach.
Hey, fellas.
Hey, Gerry ! You man !
Hey, Gerry. Hop in, buddy.
Hey, get off me !
Hey, good job, 43.
Hey, guys ! Guys !
Hey, guys, wait up.
Hey, Herb ...
Hey, hey. Lastik, man, what happened to you ?
Hey, Julius.
Hey, Julius.
Hey, man, all that rubbin'
Hey, man, what is this, Wild Kingdom ?
Hey, man, what's going on ?
Hey, man. Like, are we cool ?
Hey, Mom.
Hey, Ray, this is the defensive table.
Hey, Sunshine.
Hey, Sunshine.
Hey, sweetie. Sit down.
Hey, they score again, I'm takin' over.
Hey, this ball right here
Hey, this ball right here ...
Hey, wait your turn, boy.
Hey. Hey !
Hi, I'm Emma Hoyt.
Hi, Petey.
High school football is a way of life.
Hike !
Hike !
His likes, his dislikes.
Hmm ?
Hmm ?
Hold on to that ball !
Hold on to that ball, Petey !
Hold on to that ball, Petey !
Hold on. I'm not talking about parading.
Hold up, hold up. Listen, now, Blue.
Hold your man down.
Honesty ? You want honesty ?
Hoo hoo !
How bad is it ?
How bad is it ?
How can I help you boys ?
How many feet are in a mile ?
How many of them are there ?
How many times they run each play. I mean ...
How strong are you ?
How well is he doing ?
How you doin', son ?
How you doing ? Tyrell.
How you doing, Coach ?
How you doing, Ronnie ? This is Coach Yoast.
How's it going, yo ?
Huddle up. Fellas, huddle up.
Huh ? Yes ! This one.
Humility, huh ?
Hut !
Hut !
Hut !
Hut !
Hut !
Hut !
Hut !
Hut !
Hut !
Hut ! Hut !
Hut ! Hut hut !
Hut ! Hut, hut !
Hut hut !
Hut hut !
I I don't know what to say, I ...
I I don't know, but I'm gonna go. All right ?
I I got to hang with my girl tonight.
I ...
I ain't a brainiac like Rev.
I ain't dead.
I ain't gonna get no C plus grades !
I ain't gonna lie.
I ain't lookin' at that for 2 weeks, man.
I ain't workin' tonight.
I am the law.
I appreciate it, though.
I asked him to analyze it for me.
I block for his black behind.
I brought Nicky by.
I brought you here.
I can't ! I I ...
I can't do that.
I can't make that pitch, Coach.
I can't play for this man.
I can't watch this. No.
I can't watch this. No.
I can't, Coach. What ?
I come down on Bertier. I don't see you coddle him.
I come to win.
I did We did not come this far
I did, sir.
I didn't ask the schools to redistrict.
I didn't ask to be assigned to your staff,
I didn't think that was so bad.
I didn't warm the bench all year
I do not care.
I don't care if I go down with ya,
I don't care if you like each other or not,
I don't even have to ask, but I will.
I don't know, Mama.
I don't know, maybe we'll ...
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. I ain't quite expect it to be like this.
I don't see any livestock around here,
I don't want a receiver
I don't want them to gain another yard.
I don't want to get to know him.
I don't want to play with any of those black animals.
I don't want to see your smilin' and shuff in',
I feel like taking a swat at.
I figured you weren't going to make out
I got a C plus average, Coach.
I got it.
I got it. It's going to be all right.
I got some plays we won the city title with last year.
I got soul power !
I got to call my girl, too, man !
I got to hang with her tonight.
I got to know.
I guess not.
I guess we won't be seeing much of him, huh ?
I had you cut, Ray.
I hate playing with dolls.
I have a father, and his name is Eric.
I haven't practiced with the defense. I can't.
I heard you say ''they.''
I hope you boys have learned as much from me this year
I if, you know, if ...
I just did my nails.
I just found out the board didn't even think
I just got to know, you know ? Uh ...
I just got transferred here
I just want to say I'm sorry.
I just wanted you to know that I'm gonna try.
I knew you was all talk,
I knew you was going to stand me up.
I know football,
I know how much it meant to you.
I know that Ray missed that block on purpose.
I know that's all you need to know.
I know you didn't call me no Uncle Tom.
I know. I'll see ya.
I left North Carolina because I was passed over
I like that haircut. Get in there
I liked him better with the long hair, bro.
I lost my mother and my father
I love it.
I love you, sugar.
I mean, come on !
I mean, it's fine, man.
I mean, you do have a daddy right ?
I might as well hit some people while I'm at it.
I never miss an appointment.
I only saw what I was afraid of.
I reserve the right to refuse service to anybody.
I run 6 plays, split veer. It's like novocaine.
I run the defense ...
I said we need a water break.
I see him.
I see you eating lunch.
I see. So you're blaming me
I should have been there with you.
I started a petition, and I'm sitting this season out.
I tell them what they need to know,
I think ...
I think it would go a long way to smooth things over
I think it's gonna take me a little longer
I think it's time you stopped
I think so.
I think they all heard you fumble, man.
I think this is a good time for refection
I think unless the boys start having a little fun
I thought he was injured.
I told her I'd run it by you, see what you thought.
I told you ! What you mean you didn't know ?!
I took a straw poll.
I tried. She loves football.
I want a job for Coach Tyrell.
I want a victory !
I want a victory !
I want all of my defensive players on this side,
I want Ray off the team, Coach.
I want to catch a ride with you.
I want to go, man, but you know what I mean, man.
I want you to be my eyes out there, all right ?
I want you to cover 23. That's all you have to do.
I want you to cover him for me.
I want you to tell me something
I want you with me,
I wanted it, too.
I wanted the Hall of Fame real bad.
I was a 2 year starter at G.W.
I was afraid of you, Julius.
I was going to swing by
I was just talking to these guys about Marshall,
I will never, ever cut a player
I will not be intimidated. That's just the way it is.
I will.
I won a couple of titles down in North Carolina.
I won't leave him out in the cold.
I'd say it's about all that does.
I'd say we got all the help we need around here.
I'll be at home.
I'll be taking the year off ...
I'll get straight to it.
I'll just bide my time.
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