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Funny Face (1957) Funny Face is a delightful al comedy film released in 1957, starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire.

Funny Face (1957)

Funny Face is a delightful musical comedy film released in 1957, starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. Directed by Stanley Donen, this captivating movie follows the journey of Jo Stockton (Hepburn), a shy bookstore clerk turned model, who travels to Paris with fashion photographer Dick Avery (Astaire). This romantic and fashion-filled adventure is filled with catchy songs like "Think Pink!" and "Bonjour Paris," which are available to play and download here. With its charismatic cast, stunning visuals, and memorable music, Funny Face remains an enduring classic that delights audiences to this day.
A collection will be designed for her by the greatest couturier in Paris.
A magazine must be Iike a human being.
A magazine must have...
A means to an end.
A rendezvous at the opera. Two seats.
A sinister place in Greenwich Village. Come on, girls.
A woman can be beautiful, as well as intellectual. See facing page.
About the guest of honour. Where is she? How does she Iook?
Ah! Monsieur et Madame Barker de Florida.
Ahh! Here it is.
All for a girI who does not appear.
All good Americans
All I want is $53.95.
All that is delicious is not nutritious.
All the things we can do
All we want to say is
All you do is sit there. I make my speech to the press,
Alors! Your picture will be in all the newspapers?
Alright, girls, we've got to get cracking. To work and to Paris.
Alright, here we go.
Alright, Marcel, lights!
Alright, Marion, let's go.
Alright, run!
Alright. Go!
Alright. Hit it.
Alright. More. More. More!
Alright. Now, give him a kiss.
Am I here?
Am I supposed to go over to DuvaI's now?
An empathicalist should feel me asking for unemployment insurance.
An invitation to Flostre's home is a great honour,
And $10.50 for The Egyptians Fourth to Seventh Dynasties
And acquainting them with empathicalism?
And as hard to get as an invitation to...
And bees Iove
And bury the beige.
And father of empathicalism.
And flash a smile that folks come flocking to see
And he's going to Iet us photograph the collection before the opening.
And her ineffable charm.
And how is the facing page?
And how! If you modeI, I can get you bookings.
And I couId certainIy use a reIease.
And I get a trip to Paris every year.
And I have been in every corner of Tallahassee.
And I Iove too?
And I see no functionaI advantage in a marvellous mouth.
And I'll never be abIe to pick up HaroId's Iaundry.
And if I add, your funny face appeaIs to me
And if it won't speak to me, it won't speak to anyone.
And it's no more than we would do unto ourselves.
And join the jubilee!
And now, the finale of the collection. Wedding Day.
And on this shelf, materialism, and on this, psychopiscoparalysm.
And once you know, oh how
And out the doorway
And pink's for the Iady with joie de vivre
And send it on a tour.
And she Ioves
And since you've come such a Iong way to taIk with me,
And six stitches in my ear.
And some thrills I can't define
And starting to take up
And that includes the kitchen sink
And that you not only look like, but you are, a mess of worms.
And that's what
And the Braque and Hieronymus Bosch come to $22.75.
And the man from IstanbuI will be at the presentation.
And then?
And there is not the slightest excuse for plum, or puce
And they Iove
And they Iove
And they'll ask me all sorts of questions.
And we will Iose that eviI spirit called voodoo
And whispering trees Iove
And you'll be IoveIy
And you'll be IoveIy as a carouseI, too
And you're...
Any more than every American meets the President.
Anything you don't understand, you call small talk.
Are not respected by the group, the group cannot exist.
Are there no models who think as well as they look?
Are we all gonna hang around, or get somebody else?
Are you alright?
As a matter of fact, I rather feeI Iike expressing myseIf now.
As a mere accessory of physiological processes
As charming as you.
As I Iove you?
As one Iady to another...
Ask him to pick me up at the cafÈ.
At most, a synthetic beauty.
At once, or Mr Flostre will hear about this.
Attack Flostre and you attack the things I believe in.
Attendez! We are ready for your show.
Avaricious, av...
Babs, take this to Kaiser Delmont.
Banish the black,
Be charming and answer their questions.
Because if you Ieft, you'd be picked up for vagrancy.
Because you are intellectual, always thinking.
Bells are ringing, flowers blooming, angels singing.
Birds Iove
Bon. Entrez.
Bonjour, bonjour.
Bonjour, Paris
Bonjour, Paris
Bonjour, Paris
Bonjour, Paris
Bonjour, Paris
Bring her back, girls, alive!
Burn the blue,
But before you move...
But except that you are very charming, I don't know you.
But he's also a man. He's more man than philosopher!
But I am a man. And you're a woman.
But I couIdn't care Iess
But I need you now.
But so hypnotic
But tell her if she's gotta think, think pink
But this would be a violation of all my principles.
But you can chase that hoodoo
But you ought to get to bed early. The camera picks up everything.
But you weren't Anna Karenina. The bird wasn't Prince Charming.
But, Padre, we're not here to marry.
By all means, Iet us taIk.
C'est Jo!
C'est moi, c'est vous, c'est grand, c'est tutu
C'est triste!
Can I trust how I feeI?
Can one kiss
Can you make me some enlargements?
Can't do it with make up
Can't we walk and get friendly, or better acquainted, or something?
Chosen to represent a great American fashion magazine, Quality.
Clap a your hands
Clap a your hands
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Clap your hands, slap your thighs, gimme that beat, boy...
Climb that stair a
Come along and join ourjubilee!
Come in.
Come on and show me the best
Come on, drop the books.
Come on.
Come, all you children, gather around
Consciemment ou inconsciemment,
Couldn't I stay? The professor wants to talk to me.
Cut down the steam. That's wonderfuI. That's it.
D for dreary.
D for dull and for depressing,
Dans nos meilleures sculptures... Et dans notre meilleure littÈrature.
Darling, guess who this is. You'll never guess!
Deep, Marion. Profound, Marion.
Dick Avery started working on the pictures.
Dick, I thought it wouId never happen.
Dick, that gives you a week to photograph her.
DismaI and deadIy!
Do all of this?
Do I make myseIf cIear?
Do some window shopping
Do we Iook Iike peopIe who gape all day?
Do what I tell you. Don't worry about it.
Do you know what the word "empathy" means?
Does it show?
Don't be silly. Everybody wants to be kissed, even philosophers.
Don't bother. I'll throw myseIf out.
Don't even ask. The thought of her makes me shudder. DreadfuI girI.
Don't Iisten to her. She is a chiId.
Don't Iook Iike such an amateur.
Don't say another word.
Don't you dare!
Don't you know Ben Franklin wrote about this thing at length?
Don't you remember me? Jo Stockton?
Don't! Stop!
Dovitch, I can't wait to tell you about my feature for the next issue.
Dovitch. I want to see you.
Down the Champs ElysÈes
Dr Post, who runs a shop I worked in, has contacts in severaI universities.
Drive in pink
Drop the books.
DuvaI can't show his collection without you.
DuvaI needs measurements. Where is she?
DuvaI! I can't hear myseIf think, and I'm trying to think in French.
Elle estperceptible dans tout ce qui nous touche.
Embarrassing me in front of Professor Flostre!
Empathicalists have a very firm way with hostile vibrations.
Empathy is to project your imagination
Empathy. Is it something Iike sympathy?
Er, Miss Prescott, please.
Et maintenant
Etudiez la statue un instant. Je reviens tout de suite.
Every girI in Quality has grace, eIegance and pizzazz.
Everybody come along
Everybody come along and join the jubilee!
Everything on the great horizon
Everything that you can think
Everything's rosy
Excuse me, DuvaI. Where is Jo?
Feels so gay, feels so bright
Feels so good when you stop.
Finding another worId
Flostre may be the quiz kid,
Flostre part au cafÈ et on est dÈj‑ en retard. Au revoir.
For fashion pictures for Quality magazine.
For her appearance, her grace, her poise...
For I have to have the answer
For I need you, and you need me
For me
For miles and miles and miles
For worlds I'd not replace
For you, my dear, I promise never to grow oId.
Forget her. This is the other girI I'm taIking about.
Forget it and relax. We've been working too hard.
Frankly, dear, your modesty reveals to me
Friends, you saw enter here a waif, a gamin, a IowIy caterpillar.
From now on, girls...
From the Arch of Triumph
Gather around, you children!
Gentlemen, may I tell you that you look like a mess of worms?
Get her up here. Order books.
Get them quiet, DuvaI. I'll be back.
Get to work. I'll take care of Dick. Leave it to me!
Gimme some, gimme some Dixieland beat!
Girls, back to work. Gentlemen, that will do.
Girls, girls, girls, girls. Take this to all the designers.
Girls, I want these books rearranged.
Go out dancing but just remember one thing
Good morning, Miss Prescott.
Good morning, Miss Prescott.
Good. A IittIe smiIe.
Good. Alright. Now, la steam!
Good. Now give her some flowers. Flowers. Arms full.
Good. Now, where is Jo?
Good. One more, please.
Good. We'll put you to work.
Good. You're not only a model, you're an actress.
Great. That's great.
Had no plan for a man
Hallelujah! Hallelu... Hallelu...
Hang five in pink
Has Ieft me in the Iurch
Haven't poor people like us a right to make a living?
He Ioves
He is a marvellous photographer.
He would be barred from all the other fashion magazines.
He'll never hound you, step on the ground you...
He's more excited about it than any of us.
He's the only...
He's your Prince Charming, isn't he? Well, get happy!
Head up a IittIe. You're so happy.
Hello there.
Hello. MonsieurAvery? He just Ieft.
Here is our theme. Here is our answer. Pink.
Here it comes
Here it is. Clothes for the woman who isn't interested in clothes.
Here she is.
Here. I think we ought to use her in the shot. Miss, come here, pIease.
Hey, diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle.
His interest in me is anything but intellectuaI?
Hold it, boys. Beethoven isn't working. Try Brahms.
Hold it!
Hold it. Ready?
Hold it. Ready?
Hold it. Ready.
Holy Moses! You look fabulous!
HoteI Savoyard? M. DickAvery, s'il vous pla@t?
How can you possibly make a model out of that?
How could you be so rude?
How dare you Ieave me in the street Iike this! Taxi!
How do you do, boys?
How do you do? I'm Dick Avery.
How do you think I feeI when you don't show up?
How Iong has this been going on?
How Iong has this been going on?
How Iong has this been going on?
How Iong have you been in Paris?
Hundreds of people.
Hurry. Over here.
I aIways knew someday
I am jeopardising my position with Harper's Bazaar and Vogue,
I am, but it's caught on something.
I asked you to Ieave. That is my right.
I assume you mean me, too.
I came from New York just to see you.
I can see that. Do you ask men to dance with you?
I can still see them when I cIose mine.
I can't beIieve it. I thought you'd be oId.
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
I can't tell. Do they Iook pIeased?
I can't, Babs, I got my hands full.
I cannot keep them waiting. I must make an announcement.
I certainIy envy you that.
I couId cry saIty tears
I didn't come here to enroI in a miIitary schooI.
I didn't reaIise we made such a mess.
I do what I do for a Iiving. It has to do with suppIy and demand.
I don't bIame him. I hurt him too much.
I don't know what you mean.
I don't know. I just asked.
I don't think jokes about FIostre are funny.
I don't want my eyebrows up or down. I want them where they are.
I don't want to sound Iike the personneI department,
I don't want to stop. I Iike it. Take the picture.
I don't want you spending your Iife retouching my pictures.
I feeI a hostiIe vibration.
I find myseIf at an awkward disadvantage.
I had no idea they were coming, or what got into Dick.
I had no idea. Nobody toId me.
I hate to admit it, but she's right.
I have asked you here to meet the woman seIected to represent
I have no desire to be kissed by you, or anyone eIse.
I have no doubt that in Iess than ten years,
I have no illusions about my Iooks. I think my face is funny.
I haven't seen a woman in two weeks in anything but pink.
I Iove Paris.
I Iove these cIothes and the IittIe church. And I Iove you.
I Iove your funny face
I Iove your funny face
I Iove your funny face
I Iove your funny face
I just feeI so dishonest in this wedding dress.
I knew you wouId not Iet us down!
I know how you feeI, even if you think I don't.
I know what they're here for and it is not guidance.
I know you can show how
I know you don't mean any harm, but you are in everyone's way.
I know. I said things I shouIdn't have. She got upset.
I make a deIivery and find myseIf being pillaged and pIundered.
I must phiIosophise with all the guys
I never want to go home. I Iove Paris!
I put myseIf in your pIace and I feIt that you wanted to be kissed.
I said I'd be there, and I will.
I said you'd be there at 10:30am.
I shouIdn't design a collection for you.
I simpIy cannot reIease this issue the way it is.
I stayed to heIp you put these back.
I suppose we'll be going home soon?
I think her face is perfectIy funny.
I think I can change your mind.
I think perhaps you had better stay here with me, huh?
I thought I was!
I want a IittIe rouge here. She needs a marvellous mouth.
I want marvellous pictures. Give me a Iot of pizzazz.
I want shoes and stockings in this coIour.
I want the whoIe issue pink. I want the whoIe country pink!
I want to apoIogise. She wasn't worth fighting about.
I want to see the den of thinking men
I want to step out
I want to wander
I was full of seIf defences
I was taught that I ought not expose my inner senses
I went through all this nonsense to meet this man.
I went to the cafÈ. She isn't there.
I work here, and I'm in charge in her absence.
I worship everything he stands for. The way he thinks.
I wouIdn't Iike to swear in court, but I have an idea.
I wouIdn't take you to Paris if I didn't think you'd work out.
I'd be in Paris now if I couId afford it.
I'd go far before I'd find a sweeter pan
I'd swim the ocean wide
I'll bet you've been here all these years
I'll check the Iights, then I make my speech.
I'll do that.
I'll give you a guarantee
I'll go to FIostre's tonight and bring her back.
I'll have her here tomorrow morning at ten without faiI.
I'll Iet you out.
I'm afraid I've disappointed you.
I'm afraid it's all my fauIt. I thought you'd make a good modeI.
I'm enchanted,... Miss Stockton.
I'm going to seIect a girI to be the Quality Woman.
I'm hurt, and disappointed, and...
I'm Ieaving now, and if anyone makes a move to stop me
I'm in such a IoveIy state
I'm Jo Stockton. Can you heIp me?
I'm not interested in your peopIe.
I'm ready. What are you gonna do?
I'm responsibIe for you.
I'm so excited about meeting you, I forgot to introduce myseIf.
I'm so sorry. It was too Iate.
I'm so tired it's an effort for me to say I'm tired.
I'm sorry about the troubIe. I didn't reaIise.
I'm sorry if I spoiIed a print.
I'm sorry, I'm nervous. I've never done anything Iike this.
I'm sorry, Mr Avery, we don't stock what you're Iooking for.
I'm sorry. I didn't see you up there. Are you aIright?
I'm sorry. I don't know what's the matter with me.
I'm sorry. Perhaps we shouId've asked your permission first.
I'm sure he got it. He didn't want to taIk to me.
I'm sure that in all America there's no empathicaIist
I'm thinking this is taking a Iong time,
I'm throwing a shindig to christen the Quality Woman.
I'm trying, but I've never fished before.
I've been at the cafÈ all day. I'm terribIy sorry.
I've never been so humiIiated in all my Iife!
I've never seen these peopIe in Tallahassee,
I've written editoriaIs on it for years.
Ieaving to the passionate music of Tristan undIsolde.
If he has found you, chiIdren
If I Iet this go through, I will have faiIed the American woman.
If I send paper to the American woman, I will have Iet her down.
If I went to Paris, it wouId be to go to EmiIe FIostre's Iectures.
If it comes into the home it must contribute.
If it is, you'll be in Paris. You can see your Professor Whosis.
If onIy to weave a spell
If onIy you knew how anxious I am to taIk to you.
If she's here, she Iooks invisibIe.
If the rights of the individuaI
If this is some sort ofjoke...
If we don't get this fixed, you may never see HaroId again. Let's go.
If we'd be happy
If we'd be happy
If we'd come a few minutes Iater, you'd have found out for yourseIf.
If you can't Iick 'em, join 'em and if you can't join 'em, Iick 'em!
If you girIs onIy knew how important posture is.
If you got a IittIe pink
If you Iay one finger on me, I will call your embassy.
If you see her, hang on to her.
If you weren't so serious, this wouId be terribIy funny.
Il n'y a plus rien
Il n'y a qu'un seul remΓ‹de
Ily a un autre couple qui s'appelle Barker de Florida.
Imported all the way from Napa Valley, CaIifornia.
ImpossibIe! You're in the fashion worId.
In cities Iike Omaha and Detroit and...
In desperation, one does not examine one's avenue of escape.
In fact, I feeI wonderfuI.
In the 60 years of Quality magazine, this hits rock bottom.
In the meantime, be my guests.
In the Rue de Ia Paix
In your swing
Inspired by the Quality Woman,
Is it fun?
Is it reaI?
Is this my Achilles heeI?
Isn't it time you reaIised
It all suggests age. I mean, maturity.
It doesn't speak.
It feeIs wonderfuI, but it's not me.
It is your opportunity. It will be your evening.
It just can't Iie around.
It staggers me nobody's thought of it before.
It wouId be hypocrisy for me to Iend myseIf to this.
It'll be better when we get through with it.
It's a great gimmick. Any of these modeIs wouId be aIright.
It's all in the know how
It's based on empathy.
It's chi chi and an unreaIistic approach to seIf impressions.
It's hard to expIain, but it's all part of empathicaIism.
It's in the pubIic domain.
It's most immoraI for us to quarreI
It's movingIy dismaI. We couIdn't have done better if we'd designed it.
It's my newest project. When you hear it, you will drop.
It's no joke. If we do her over and fix her up, she'd be great.
It's not the happiest day of my Iife. No one's waiting for me anywhere.
It's thrilling! It makes me cry for the CaroIines.
It's time you woke up to your responsibiIities.
It's too Iate.
It's too ridicuIous even to think about.
It's up there a
Itsabuchi, hmm?
Jazz up the Latin quarter
Je suis complΓ‹tement dÈrangÈe
Je suis... terribly sorry.
Je vous dÈteste!
Jo, give me the works. Heartbreak, Ionging, tragedy.
Jo! Jo, where are you?
Jubilee today
Just fine, thank you. How are you?
Just hand them to me.
Just Iisten and repeat after me.
Just pretend that Marion can read.
Keep away from me, you!
Keep in mind that you're a woman who thinks.
Keep in mind that you're a woman who thinks.
Ladies and gentlemen of the press, my friends.
Ladies, feast your eyes on our Quality Woman.
Laura, everything goes pink!
Leave it to Dick to find a delicatessen in Paris.
Let me in.
Let us Iead the way
Let's all Iet our hair down
Let's forget it and get this over with.
Let's give 'em the old pizzazz.
Let's hurry. We might have to pick up Harold's laundry on the way.
Let's kiss and make up
Let's kiss and make up
Let's kiss and make up
Let's turn into a couple of friendly vibrations.
Lettie, remember that creature in the book shop?
Lettie, take an editoriaI. "To the women of America..."
Lettie, what is the name of Dick Avery's hoteI?
Lettie! Have you seen Jo?
Light up the Louvre museum
Like Jean PauI Sartre
Living is easy
Look at her. She's reading.
Look at it as if you understand it. As if it understands you. See?
Look at me, I'm all at sea
Look up the airstay.
Look what you've done! Bursting in here Iike a hoodIum.
Look, Marion, I'd Iike to try it again.
Look, stop.
Lousy, rotten good for nothing!
Ma tÍte Èclate
Maggie, is there any news?
Maggie, she's new.
Maggie, where's Dick?
Maggie, where's Jo? Have you seen her?
Mais entrez donc.
Mais quandje I'ai vu
Make it a totaI of $52.75, and there's $1.20 for the taxi.
Make sorrow incidentaI
Make you sigh, or to die
Makes your day, makes your night
Marion Iooks smarter aIready.
Marion might Iook better in a different background.
Marion, dear, what are you reading?
MatÈrialise les plus nobles aspects de la nature humaine.
May I heIp you?
May I present the Quality Woman!
Maybe at the top of the EiffeI Tower, or the bottom of the Seine.
Maybe she's in a traffic jam. How should I know?
Maybe you should give them a chance...
Melons from Florida.
Messieurs et mesdames.
Might do what?
Minute Men From Mars.
Miss Prescott's secretary will deaI with you.
Modelling may not be as bad as you think.
Monsieur, Gigi would like to dance.
MonsieurAvery? MonsieurRichardAvery?
Mort, froid, et massacrÈ
Most people think they're beautiful dresses on beautiful women.
Mr Avery will be by in five minutes.
Must you go? I was just beginning to know you.
My dear, Iet me do the apoIogising. I behaved abominabIy.
My dear, you mustn't assume guilt for something that was unavoidable.
My philosophic search
My work is pleasant, the pay is excellent,
My, my, my...!
Neither do you, which brings us to why I'm here.
Never mind what I'm going to do. Just say "go".
Nice of you to say so, but it was me...
No more jokes. But let's be friendly. We have to work together.
No use to break up
No wedding? Quel dommage!
No, I... Oh, Dick, she was just great!
No, I'll have to have the beginner's course on that one.
No, I'm not mad, I...
No, not too much steam.
No, thanks, I'm busy. Didn't Gigi tell you?
No, thanks. I've got to go to bed.
No, that's not the way we Iook when we're thinking of Itsabuchi.
No, why does a chicken cross the road?
No, you mustn't mix them up.
No. There's no reason why someone brilliant shouldn't be young.
No. Why?
None of you seems to realise you're trespassing on private property.
Nonsense. If the project comes off, we'll all be heroes.
Nonsense. Marion can be very deep.
Not everyone interested in empathicalism meets him,
Not showing my collection. I'm ruined.
Not too much. I don't want a cycIone.
Not yet. I haven't toId you what a phoney you are.
Nothing serious
Nous sommes icipourphotographie, pour la magazine de la fashion.
Nous sommes voyager ici pour la meditation.
Now for you and me
Now I feeI that I really shouId face the consequences
Now she's gonna get even.
Now that the poor thing is dead...
Now the hostile vibrations have gone...
Now what's this all about?
Now, just a moment...
Now, let's see.
Now, mademoiselle.
Now, tell Marion about the books so that we can get out of here.
Now, turn around. Fabulous!
Now, wait a minute. Just a minute.
Now, wait, we're spirituaI singers on a tour and...
Now, we won't be a moment.
Oh oh, the reaI Barkers.
Oh, 's wonderfuI
Oh, 's wonderfuI
Oh, chÈri.
Oh, how could I be a model?
Oh, I feeI that I couId meIt
Oh, it goes beyond sympathy.
Oh, it's you.
Oh, it's you. Well, come on in.
Oh, mais quelle mariÈe charmante!
Oh, Marion's...
Oh, no!
Oh, no.
Oh! Oh, no!
Oh? What's empathicalism?
OK, that's it. That ought to do.
On how to be charming
On how to be IoveIy
On how to be IoveIy
On me demande
On ne m'avaitpas dit qu'ily aurait un mariage aujourd'hui.
On the proposition that in union there is strength
On the road
On the sands of time
On you it Iooks cute, sugar.
One never talks to Maggie Prescott. One only listens.
Or a means to a beginning, according to how it works out.
Or chartreuse
Or we can show you the south
Oui, madame.
Oui? Qui est vous?
Our cares will fly away
Pardon, monsieur.
Peace through understanding is the only real...
People there think, and do things. Useful things.
Photographing silly dresses on silly women.
Pink is now the colour to which you gotta switch
Pink toothpaste too
Pink's for all the famiIy
Pink's for all the famiIy
Play in pink, all day in pink
Please tell me what this is about.
Please, let's get this show on.
Poor Anna Karenina.
Pretend you caught a fish. Pull it out.
Professor Flostre is the greatest living philosopher,
Professor, I Iove every broken bone in your body!
Professor, they want to make a fooI of you.
Pulling my clothes and cutting my hair.
Put them back. Please talk to her. It'll take me hours.
Quels noms?
Razzle, dazzle and spread the news
React to it. Just... say it.
Remember trouble must be treated just like a rebel
Right. Now, ready?
Ring a dem bells
Ring a dem bells
Ring a dem bells out
Ring a dem...
Ring a dem...
Ring a them, ring a them Ring a them, ring a them
Roses are red, the violets are blue,
Run as fast as I can and don't Iet the balloons go.
Run as fast as you can and don't Iet the balloons go.
Runs around here Iike he owns the magazine.
Salaud! DÈgueulasse!
Say, Iisten!
Self appraisal often makes us sad
Send it to the deviI
Shall I throw myseIf under the train?
She did this to me, with a statue that cost 200,000 francs.
She doesn't approve of fashion magazines.
She is a rare creature... chosen from hundreds
She put herself in your place, so put yourself in her place.
She stabbed her Iover because she hated him.
She was here, but she's disappeared.
She was magnificent! You should've seen her!
She'd devour us all.
She'll show up. The girI has integrity.
She's a fashion editor. Get 'em out!
She's agreed to go to Paris. She can hardly wait.
She's at her hotel, but she won't take messages.
She's filled with virtues. Only she's not wasting them on us.
She's fresh.
Should come here to die
Show up where?
Sir, I owe you a drink.
Slap your thighs
Slap your thighs
Small talk? I suppose you think the neckline of a dress
So I bribed the desk cIerk into Ietting me copy her phone messages.
So ring a dem bells
So that you actually feeI what the other person is feeIing.
So where is she?
So why can't... you Iove
So won't you Iove me
Somehow we gotta
Something is wrong.
Something missing, I know
Song and meditation tonight at my salon."
Sounds great, but what is it?
Stand here, please. There's a good place. Fine.
Steve, tip that back Iight down a bit, will you? OK.
Straighten up, shoulders back.
Suivez moi. Il me semble qu'ily a une erreur.
Suppose we Ieave my bones aIone and give me my $53.95?
Swim in perfume, and a new Iove affair every hour on the hour.
Sympathy is to understand what someone feels.
Take her, and whatever you do, don't Iet her out of your sight.
Thank heavens. I thought you'd stand us up again.
Thank you.
That dancing is nothing more than a form of expression or release?
That he is speaking at the cafÈ and that they are Iate.
That is a piece of sculpture by ltsabuchi.
That is a piece of sculpture by ltsabuchi.
That just can't go wrong
That thing from the book shop?
That way it won't be a totaI Ioss.
That way.
That would be novel in a fashion magazine.
That you should care
That you should care
That'll be me. Sorry.
That's a killer.
That's all you have to know. You're happy. Now, run!
That's alright. What's all the desperation about?
That's for me
That's for me
That's for me
That's for me
That's great.
That's great. Just Iike the movie.
That's it! Maggie, you ought to be president.
That's not what I came to taIk about.
That's not what I heard.
That's quite obvious. You might just as well be flying a kite.
That's sinister enough.
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