Apology accepted
But you are not a jedi yet
Clumsy as he is stupid
Darth Vader Soundboard 2 Sound
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed
Don't fail me again
Don't make me destroy you
Don't underestimate the force
Give yourself to the dark side
Got anita
He will join us or die master
He's all yours bounty hunter
I am altering the deal pray I don't operate any further
I am your father
I find your lack of faith disturbing
I have you now
I must obey my master
I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you
I'm going to put you back on schedule
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you all diva
If you only knew the power of the dark side
If your men D activate the hyperdrive on the millennium falcon
It is pointless to resist my son
It is useless to easiest
Join me and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son
Obi wan
Obi wan is here
Perhaps you see you're being fairly
The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force
The emperor is not his or giving as I am
The force is with you young skywalker
The force is with you young skywalker
The poor is with him
What is the bidding my master
Where are those transmissions used accepted
Yes my master
You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor
You don't know the power of the dark side
You have failed me for the last time
You may dispense with the pleasantries commander
You should not have come back
You underestimate the power of the dark side
Your skills are complete