All right
Are you gotta mexican
Be like bitch
Because and I got hit by a cook like about I don't know
Come on here deliver smoking weed or anything
Did you have a nice dress
Do you bring your heart
Dragon later
Family for some reason I think you smoke pot
Fucking bad
Get me on. There is some time really be friends of the ship.
Have you ever tried any drugs
Hear me
Hear me
High Kid Sounds Sound
How do you think that
I don't care about that here
I guess your name jeremy
I'm not a cop
Is this alright i'm telling you I haven't I want you
It's not.
Jeremy never man
Jeremy please call me
Let me look at my eyes. I think there's a lot of red.
Let me see your ass
London to las vegas before you wanna say the MGM grand
Party night
Put me on speaker
Remember I called there
Sorry alright alright
That one day
There are probably less this email is
Yeah I don't think I want you doing that
Yeah man here