Ain't gonna be no money involved. from Unforgivable Sounds
Ain't got no money. from Unforgivable Sounds
And I know I'm not 'cause I didn't use a condom. from Unforgivable Sounds
And you don't give me the money you got. from Unforgivable Sounds
Anyway. from Unforgivable Sounds
Arkansas Kir. from Unforgivable Sounds
Beach. from Unforgivable Sounds
Beaches, You crazy. from Unforgivable Sounds
Beth, don't make me ask you again. from Unforgivable Sounds
Better than her pussy got her pregnant. from Unforgivable Sounds
Bitch for all these people I heard. from Unforgivable Sounds
Bitch No. from Unforgivable Sounds
Bitch, I killed you and your little brothers. from Unforgivable Sounds
Bitch, that's a mistake. from Unforgivable Sounds
Bitch, turn that off right now. from Unforgivable Sounds
Bitch. from Unforgivable Sounds
Bitch. No one else. from Unforgivable Sounds
Camera from Unforgivable Sounds
Card. from Unforgivable Sounds
Caspian the night tonight and for two weeks straight. from Unforgivable Sounds
Crotte. from Unforgivable Sounds
Dick from Unforgivable Sounds
Doctor Zhivago A brief encounter and the bridge on the River Clyde a Lane night. from Unforgivable Sounds
Excuse me? from Unforgivable Sounds
Excuse me? from Unforgivable Sounds
Fix me a sandwich or some. from Unforgivable Sounds
Get that ball off the TV. from Unforgivable Sounds
Go ahead, Alcott. from Unforgivable Sounds
Ha. from Unforgivable Sounds
He was on the floor dime, making the scene. from Unforgivable Sounds
Here's a gun. Open your leg. from Unforgivable Sounds
Hey bitch, what's your name and how big is your cunt? from Unforgivable Sounds
Hey. from Unforgivable Sounds
I don't care. from Unforgivable Sounds
I got the pussy from her. from Unforgivable Sounds
I got there around 7:00, pissing me off. from Unforgivable Sounds
I got what I wanted, got my nut. from Unforgivable Sounds
I guess bitch. from Unforgivable Sounds
I hate that ass all night. Did nothing on her belly. from Unforgivable Sounds
I have seen the cock shoved up a girl's ass. from Unforgivable Sounds
I heard in these woods. from Unforgivable Sounds
I said go back to sleep if you know what's good for you with those dog real quick. from Unforgivable Sounds
I said, bitch, get it out again. I stick to throw from your ear. from Unforgivable Sounds
I slapped her in her damn mouth and knocked out her freaking teeth. from Unforgivable Sounds
I slapped that bitch so fast I try to hear that. from Unforgivable Sounds
I split. from Unforgivable Sounds
I took out my or pieces Dick for him. from Unforgivable Sounds
I'll kill your ass. from Unforgivable Sounds
I'm a football player. from Unforgivable Sounds
I'm about to call Bovis. We must run, you bitch. from Unforgivable Sounds
I'm gonna bust a cap in your mouth. from Unforgivable Sounds
I'm looking for some pussy and some cutting some butt hole. from Unforgivable Sounds
I'm pissed off a little bit. from Unforgivable Sounds
I'm turning on my own ****les. from Unforgivable Sounds
I've got a blade, passed it off and stuck it up her piss hole. from Unforgivable Sounds
I've seen a nut busted in a girls eye. from Unforgivable Sounds
If you sass me one more time, bitch, I'll kill you and your little brothers. from Unforgivable Sounds
It was about that time to hit the sack and get some pussy. from Unforgivable Sounds
It's kind of nervous sound. It made me pissed off. from Unforgivable Sounds
Left the next day without saying a word to anyone. from Unforgivable Sounds
Left without paying. from Unforgivable Sounds
Let's go smoke some weed. from Unforgivable Sounds
Listen, bitches, your time to lose that V card. Hand it over. from Unforgivable Sounds
Listen. Today ain't your day. from Unforgivable Sounds
Look, come on. I know she is. from Unforgivable Sounds
Loved her. Hated her. Blew her brains out. from Unforgivable Sounds
M. from Unforgivable Sounds
Made my sandwich with mayonnaise on. from Unforgivable Sounds
Man, I spent a night out here with some of my man, you know, it was Boison involved. from Unforgivable Sounds
My arson. from Unforgivable Sounds
My hand Your face or my gun? Your mouth? from Unforgivable Sounds
My name is Monique. What? from Unforgivable Sounds
Neymar Orpheus ran train on that bitch. from Unforgivable Sounds
No one. from Unforgivable Sounds
Now this date. from Unforgivable Sounds
Of course he abided. from Unforgivable Sounds
Of course not, bitch. Ain't your man. from Unforgivable Sounds
OK, let's get it going. from Unforgivable Sounds
Pansy. from Unforgivable Sounds
Pissing me off. from Unforgivable Sounds
Pull out a gun. Loaded it, put it to her Dome and blew her brains out. from Unforgivable Sounds
Pussy. from Unforgivable Sounds
Raise your skirt up. from Unforgivable Sounds
Saw another cut I want to spit to. from Unforgivable Sounds
Saw some credit cards and some pictures of some other. I was like, who are these? from Unforgivable Sounds
She had a skirt on I wanted to get inside of. from Unforgivable Sounds
She was already laid there, butt naked, like I told her she should have been. from Unforgivable Sounds
She was flabbergasted. from Unforgivable Sounds
Snap your neck like a. from Unforgivable Sounds
Some pace in the mall. from Unforgivable Sounds
Some vacation bull. from Unforgivable Sounds
Tell that I want a chicken sandwich and some waffle frost for free. from Unforgivable Sounds
They never seen a bitch turn away a Dick. from Unforgivable Sounds
To take a new level started jacking me off while she was sucking my thing. from Unforgivable Sounds
To try to make up for sucking my Dick a little bit. from Unforgivable Sounds
Took a crap in her face. from Unforgivable Sounds
Took her body, took her to management and reported a problem. from Unforgivable Sounds
Took him by his wrist, cut him, cut his wrist vertically. from Unforgivable Sounds
Took my gunner and busted her head open with the butt of it. from Unforgivable Sounds
Took the cell phone, got her hand, Slapped that bitch in her mouth. Knocked her braces out of her mouth. from Unforgivable Sounds
Unforgivable. from Unforgivable Sounds
Unforgivable. from Unforgivable Sounds
Unforgivable. from Unforgivable Sounds
Walked out without paying a cent. from Unforgivable Sounds
We ain't your average Joe's. from Unforgivable Sounds
We want to run train. from Unforgivable Sounds
We were slanging rock and drinking photos like a wooden number. from Unforgivable Sounds
Went on the porch, smoked a bag of meth. Then I smoked a little crack after that. from Unforgivable Sounds
Went to Home Depot. from Unforgivable Sounds
What's the deal she bought, man? from Unforgivable Sounds
What's the deal, bitch? You looking to suck a cock? from Unforgivable Sounds
What's the deal? from Unforgivable Sounds
You ain't no nerd, I could have sworn. from Unforgivable Sounds
You better wait for my request. from Unforgivable Sounds
You know, saying. from Unforgivable Sounds
You want to get me, huh? from Unforgivable Sounds
4. from Unforgivable Sounds
です。 from Unforgivable Sounds
はい。 from Unforgivable Sounds
人気。 from Unforgivable Sounds
巡く。 from Unforgivable Sounds
愚痴。 from Unforgivable Sounds