All crew stay frosty keep your eyes peeled for our target from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Always from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
And I won't be talked down to by anybody from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Anytime you're ready from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Apparently there is frustrated with the confederate as we are from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Are you into this from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Are you kill me now darling from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Are you out of your mind from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Damn it from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Damn you Arcturus from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Does that mean they're going to send some back up for us from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Doesn't look like I have much choice from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Don't i from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Don't let it get to you man from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Done with you from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
First you sell out every person on this world to the cirque then you ask us to go up against the protoss and you're gonna send kerrigan down there with no back up from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
For phoenix and all the others who got caught between you and your mad quest for power from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Funny from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
General i'm impressed from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Get your refugees tucked in nice and tight from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Go ahead commander from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
God from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Good honey from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Great from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Great from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Headquarters just begun analysis of the disks from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Hello commander do you mind from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Hello let's just get on with this OK from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Here from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Hey from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Hey man from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Hey man from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
How many more noble souls do you need to consume before you're satisfied from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
How many more people need to die before you realize what you become from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Howdy boys from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
However I do believe that she's serious about taking out the U E D from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I can't believe you actually left her down there from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I can't believe you're really going to trust this snake from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I don't know from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I hope whatever 's on those disks is worth it from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I know about your past from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I know that nothing I do can bring those things back from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I know their reputation from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I know what you mean phoenix from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I know you were part of those experiments with deserve that next came and saved you from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I mean i've heard the rumors from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I never figured you for the frontal assault type from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I never thought of you as anyone's martyr from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I stand corrected from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I think our tourist wanted to speak with you from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I think we can handle it from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I want a piece of the mall right from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'd like to help if I can from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'd like to repay the debt from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'll be seeing you from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'll give you an angle you slimy confederate peace from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'll see you dead for this from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'm a long way from home surrounded by hostile aliens from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'm gone and you better come with me from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'm in from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'm jim raynor marshall these parts from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'm positive I didn't hear that right from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I'm pulling your ass out of the fire art tourists from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
I've got to do something from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
If I wanted your damn opinion I would have beaten it outta here from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
If we had burned at dan factory this entire colonies have been overrun from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
If we wait for confederate reinforcements that stations dust from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
It sounds like you've already got a plan from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
It's risky from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
It's the only way to make sure that the zerg won't send more reinforcements to shakuras from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Kerrigan are you reading this from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Let's get moving from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Let's get this over with from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Looks like we're on our own from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Make no mistake about it we've got us a serious scored a sound from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Maybe from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
My crew and I will remain here on iron shut the gate down on this side from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
My hearts breaking for your kerrigan from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
No from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Not even a protoss from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Not only are we up against desert here but our old pal general duke may be creeping around two from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Now exactly why was it that you asked phoenix and I to bring makes to you from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Oh from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Oh yeah from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Or angle from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Our objective is to locate in disabled aside instructors primary power generator from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Our tourist his voice strongly from the prison from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Prepare your ships for dimensional from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Provide you can sidestep anymore surprises from our confederate friends and we can keep away from those critters they should have an easy time from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Raynor here from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Really you from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Remember from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Ride on from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Right from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Search from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Serves him right from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Show from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Show me good from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Shut up and sit tight from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Shut up arcturus from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
So the server here for you darling from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Sounds fun from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds Sound from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds Sound from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Tasador laid it on the line for me and my crew on char from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Thanks from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
The hell with him from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
The name is jim raynor pal from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
The Zerg have taken everything from me from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
There's no telling who are curious will screw over next from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
They expect to have him decode it shortly from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
This from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
This is bullshit from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
This is jimmy from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
This is reiner from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
This morning from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Time from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Transports waiting when we come out from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Trusting from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Use it in some militia and will save those folks from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
We got plans man from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
We're gone from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Well I guess all I have left is to see this through from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Well i'm a man of action from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
What from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
What are you saying from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
What are you thinking from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
What can I say from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
What the hell is that from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
What's up man from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
What's your problem man from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Wish is luck from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Wow from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Yeah from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Yeah from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Yes you wouldn't be a considered if you wanna complete pain in the ass from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
You mean like you sacrificed kerrigan from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
You sound like a tired old man phoenix from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
You'll have to postpone those plans gentlemen from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
You're not just gonna leave him from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds
Zerg from Starcraft Jim Raynor Sounds