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A d u I stop well let me load up my guns a d u I oh shit!
A los angles police department narcotics officer was killed today serving a high risk warrant in echo park
A los angles police department narcotics officer was killed today serving a high risk warrant near lax
A loving touch you know don't worry about it
A man walks out of his house on his way to work sees this snail lying on his porch
A real slickster gave up nothing
Aaahhhh you motherfucker!
Aah! aah! help! help! help! help! aah aah shit
Aah! please!
Ah fuck!
Ah ha lick her license uh what a lick her license was she a dyke a lesbian
Ah ok ok all right all right ha ha ha!
Ah shit
Ah taxation without representation brother nothing is free in this world you lucky first day motherfucker
Ah virgin lungs
Ah you know about this place huh yeah it's the jungle right that's right
Ah you're an adult man shit nobody told you to smoke that you made the decision live with your decision
Ah! I see you
Ahh chingo didn't get shit
Ahh shit! god! aah!
Ahh you're their bitch
All right all right all right
All right all right put your hands on your head
All right all right thanks
All right all right you'll get a medal don't worry about it
All right don't worry about it you're cool just stay cool
All right fine don't
All right fork it over smart man
All right gentlemen thanks for your cooperation
All right gents
All right good good can you sit down in there
All right here's the scenario all right let me quarterback this thing
All right hold on hold the fuck hey hey! hey!
All right how they treating you huh give me a pound all right
All right i'll go back to the valley i'll cut parking tickets you know
All right i'll i'll shoot him go
All right i'll play one hand
All right jeff
All right jesus
All right let me see your hands
All right letty tell me what happened ok don't bullshit me
All right listen it's not what you know it's what you can prove ok here's the scenario
All right man let's just not talk about my wife all right
All right nice nice nice
All right now stay in here be very quiet i'll be right back all right
All right sit down now!
All right so it was a real quiet night boom!
All right spider what's happening what's happening dog alright
All right well it was a quiet night we're rolling on vanowen i'm driving
All right whatever yeah whatever whatever the fuck ever
All right when was the last time you did a felony stop
All right you ready kiss me baby one
All that jelly and no toast
Alonzito! (2)
Alonzo give it to you
Alonzo he's a hothead
Alonzo heard you had an expensive weekend in vegas
Alonzo homes I think he's a low down dirty ruthless vato eh but I like that homes I like that
Alonzo pulled off a miracle eh times are tight scared up a lot of cash
Alonzo there's 2 shots left in that other stinger
Alonzo what are those assholes thinking that i'm really going to stand still and let them horsefuck me
Alonzo's going to have y'all's ass
Alonzo's taking a shit go ahead take a seat
Alright don't shoot nobody
Alright it's like that bone it's like that
Alright there you go that's my ****ah
Alright who you working for
Always good to see you brother yeah yes sir!
Ambulance time
An informant of mine is up in chino I promised i'd take care of his family for him
An lapd spokesperson said officer alonzo harris was survived by his wife and 4 sons the highly decorated officer a 13 year lapd veteran
And finally after oh about a year the little guy crawls back on the porch
And how about the one on your ankle
And i'm belting him in our unit and debbie's tossing his car
And one day the snail up and heads back to the front of the house
And when all this is behind you there's going to be a whole other world that opens up for you
And you all stink! you got to get liquored up to do your business up in here!
And you aren't going to do a damn thing because you aren't going to shoot no cop in the back are you
And you did what you had to do right you did what you had to do that's right
And you like it or what
And you trust him damn right I trust him
Anybody else in there no you sure yeah
Anybody in the house is anybody in the house
Are you serious
Attacking her and I stopped them man!
Aw it's on now jake
Aw you lied to me you lied to me
Babies are supposed to be sleeping
Back to the world dog back to the world
Bad news dog
Bailiffs won't come near him
Believe it or not I do try to do some good in the community
Better learn how to count fucking math whiz
Big boys have you grab your ankles man
Big time homes
Blast his ass homes
Boom (2)
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom shoo get yourself a baseball steak or something
Boom! (2)
Boom! come on man sit your ass up
Boot shot him
Breathe dog
Brother get your ass in here
But his name's still on their list huh
But I am holding no hands you understand I am not baby sitting you got today and today only to show me who and what you're made of
But I don't believe you you tapped that ass didn't you tell the truth you know you tapped that ass you put her in the backseat bam! code x
But if this kind of shit shakes you up maybe you ought to go back to your division you know
But if you're cool if you're cool you're a hero
But if you're in my unit you got to be in it all the way or not at all you understand me
But see here's where the problem comes into play I seen this one I want to see yours
But the snail doesn't die and then after a while it can crawl again
But you do have a decision to make jake because in about 10 seconds this place is going to be overrun with blue suits
But you got to just you know take your time
Buy your wife a minivan with that put the kids through college
Calm down calm down all right are you ok
Calm the fuck down ok just stay in the car
Can we not talk about my family all right
Captain lou jacobs
Captain's riding my ass the entire time
Chasing them monkey strung crackhead motherfuckers anyway!
Check her for weapons
Check that out it's a shitty dime see the small hairs undeveloped seeds all the stems in it see how immature it is
Civil rights violating motherfuckers!
Close your eyes close your eyes
Come on
Come on breathe breathe there you go
Come on come on come on! get your kid and stay down
Come on esse I am going to shoot nobody que no
Come on get your shit together now
Come on homes let me check it out eh
Come on hurry up
Come on in
Come on jake I need the money give me the money jake give me the money please jake give me that money!
Come on kid do me a favor come on
Come on let's wrap this up
Come on man give me a break all right shit!
Come on man we can't do that
Come on man what is it like a 380 stainless
Come on man you know I am no snitch man
Come on my friend huh yeah tell me why because he knows my first name
Come on now who want to get paid who want to get paid
Come on out dog!
Come on raid his ass!
Come on sit down eh play a card game with us
Come on tell the story
Come on wolf! come on dog
Como esta mijo te portas bien si si
Congratulations son you made it you passed the test you're a narc you're in
Congratulations son you're going to get a medal of valor for this
Control your suspect
Cops talk to you today um no no
Could put you out of your misery
Count that shit in the bedroom huh
Crack yeah smell like bacon in this motherfucker
Crime fighter
Cry to the watch commander to give you a nice job lighting flares or measuring car wrecks
Damn i'm thirsty! I want a beer what about you you want a beer
Damn you guys fucked him up eh
Damn! ain't nobody here!
Deal again huh sniper
Detective doug rosselli right here
Didn't find a damn thing i'm very sorry and uh thanks for your cooperation let's go
Didn't know you liked to get wet though
Didn't you say 'suck my dick bitch' don't lie to me that's what you said you keep telling me i'm a liar
Dimitri close your eyes
Dimitri how you doing over there huh you cool you cool come on
Dimitri yeah put your hands up son put them up! put them up!
Do it
Do it eh
Do it eh close the door it's going to be loud
Do you know what you're doing son
Do you want me to call my mom no I don't
Do yourself a favor hit him
Don't be rude esse you're the invited guest
Don't do it
Don't do it don't do it
Don't move
Don't move! spread them out! don't move!
Don't speak unless you're spoken to
Don't sweat it judo we aren't playing for money
Don't touch a thing evidence
Done paul call them up
Drag his ass in the tub
Dreamer get the fuck out of here!
Dreamer get your ass in here!
Driver right side passenger hands on the windshield put them on the windshield!
Drop what's in your hands before zero 5 4 3 2
Esta creciendo papasito creciendo
Everybody just put your guns down
Exactly uh huh
Excuse me come on buddy stop i'm a police officer police officer! stop!
For what
Freeze up! down on the floor! get down motherfucker!
Fuck fuck fuck
Fuck man you know I don't work for nobody i'm on disability man shit!
Fuck me man! shit!
Fuck that man
Fuck their feelings
Fuck this man! give me that beer
Fuck vato up with this huh que no
Fuck yourself alonzo
Fuck! (2)
Fuck! gun!
Fucking ass prick!
Fucking vampires want my pension
Get in it's unlocked
Get me an ambulance!
Get my own division someday
Get the car all right all right
Get the fuck out of my car go back to the valley rookie pooping ass
Get the girls next door
Get your big ass down! right down! down! get down!
Get your ink or go give him a hand
Give me a break ok
Give me a reason
Give me give me give me give me give me hey!
Give me my money back motherfuckers! you ain't no police! you ain't no police!
Give me that bag
Give me that pipe you got down there on the floor too quickly!
Give me that thing i'll smoke it man give it to me you want me to smoke it i'll smoke it
Give me the bitch
Give me the bitch (2)
Give me the money and let me go home come on jake that's right come on jake
Give me them cigarettes too
Glad to hear that just put it in the glove box
Go ahead cowboy you got mad squabbles boy!
Go home right now!
Go on fetch dog
God damn boy! that's what i'm talking about jake my ****ah are you all watching this that's it
God damn it man that was not cool all right that was not cool at all
God it it can't be like this
God! damn!
Going to be in the office all day but who knows maybe we'll do some business
Going up
Good good
Good good bring it cuffs too
Good man
Good morning sir
Good thing he got his blood money because there's a crew on standby
Good to see you gents
Good you need practice
Got a backup gun something pocket sized
Got nothing but shit between your ears
Got room for you at the booty house you ever been to the booty house
Got to get his cherry popped sometime
Grab the keys and throw them out the window grab the keys and throw them out the window
Grab your bag and go home right now
Guy drives on like i'm invisible for 10 blocks before he pulls over all right
Ha ha ha ha you know i'm surgical with this bitch jake
Ha ha! you never know that's the point go
Had lunch with the wise men today they said you got to render unto caesar
Handles high dollar theft cases for the french poodle crowd
He gets to pedal a little reefer make a little cash for the family
He gives me the head's up when big things are happening big transactions
He gives us shit boom we're giving him lead
He in the county man! who this ****ah named sandman
He isn't even here
He jacked roger blasted the fool huh
He sees this snail again so he looks at it and he says
He's a good man
He's in the bedroom all right all right
He's on his way to smoke his ex partner before trial
Heh you better call me
Hell if I am
Hell no
Hell yeah homes
Hell yeah we can we the police we can do the fuck we want to do
Hello hoyt uh yes sir
Hello why yes don't worry I will
Here get that medicine up in you
Here it is dog it's all good and legit signed by the judge ok
Here put this on come on let's go
Here put this on your head you'll mess up my floor
Here use this
Here we go here we go here we go watch this
Here you go
Here you go (2)
Here you go go ahead dog you didn't even get it get it good
Hey close the blinds
Hey don't ever come up here without me you hear me i'm serious for your safety
Hey first damu puts one in his head I make you a rich man
Hey grab that hammer right there knock this lock off
Hey grab that menu off that window for me all right
Hey here's a joke boy
Hey hey hey hey! you want to go to jail or you want to go home
Hey hey hey!
Hey hey wait wait wait wait wait
Hey hey! you figure that joke out you'll figure the streets out
Hey hold on alonzo hold on hold on
Hey I like the way you moved out there you were trained very well
Hey I noticed you applied that uh that choke hold though huh I thought that was a no no procedure boy
Hey is your dad home in the bedroom
Hey jackers what y'all sitting over there looking pretty for blast them fools!
Hey jake here hey come sit down sit down right here
Hey letty yeah we're going to talk more about this later ok all right
Hey listen to me put the guns down! that's an order put them down!
Hey listen you got your gang book
Hey man
Hey man dude's over here tripping in blood
Hey man I already told you i'm not going to take that i'm not going to take that
Hey man you want to run and gun man stay in patrol ok this is investigations alright
Hey mark where are you transferring to s I s s I s detective
Hey new guy watch him if he moves cap his ass!
Hey no matter what I say you did the right thing
Hey open your eyes man you'll feel a lot better
Hey paul
Hey pig you ever had your shit pushed in your shit pushed in simple question nah no
Hey smiley back up esse out of let me get his money first ok hold off esse
Hey smiley just uh doing homework
Hey smiley you going to trip out homes is that your little cousin or what eh
Hey so um why don't you tell us something homes
Hey thanks for getting my cousin's back huh
Hey that's nice eh let me see your cohete there
Hey that's nice homes let me get the cd player eh
Hey there cowgirl
Hey there morning how are you today
Hey this is my new guy jake
Hey this man was the biggest major violator in los angles
Hey wait up esse out of I can't even see homes
Hey we got some things for the family
Hey what are you doing up
Hey what's up girl look at you go ahead
Hey what's up letty what you doing
Hey white boy
Hey yeah it's me listen we got the green light right that's right
Hey you want a beer homes something to drink have a cold one eh no thanks i'm good
Hey you're fucking stupid esse why don't you take your medication or something homes seriously eh
Hey! hey jake! hey! jake! jake! jake! come back here! jake!
Hi nice to meet you come in welcome to my house
Hit him!
Hit me right there
Holy shit
Holy shit!
House is code 4 i'm going to start the search
How are you good good good
How come you got the golden pass because I treat them fair
How did you ever screw up so bad
How do you know that
How long have you been married about a year yeah yeah
How long you been a pig i'm my bad my bad I meant I meant I meant a police officer that's what I meant
How many felons have you collared huh
How you doing fine
How you want it dog huh closed casket
How's your comfort level i'm very comfortable
How's your espanol um mas o menos learn that shit brother learn that shit that shit will get you killed
Hoyt blasted him
Hoyt hoyt hoyt hoyt
Hoyt uh yes sir
Huh you think you can do this shit
I ace this assignment department's wide open
I am not dead yet fucking prick excuse me
I became a cop to put away drug dealers the poisoners the criminals not to be one
I been a pig for 19 months
I bring them some food you know stuff like that got to help out the family
I can't call it what's up with you
I can't do a thing for you it's your mess you clean it up don't be calling me
I can't do that
I didn't even see the motherfucker coming
I didn't shoot him a roomful of cops said you did but I didn't you did
I didn't wake you up did I no baby you know I never sleep that's right
I do not want you to dick this up I do not want to see you on the front page like those other assholes
I don't believe you got it in you jake
I don't believe you shoot me ****ah
I don't care who gave it to you she could pick it up in jail what else you got
I don't know man i
I don't know where they are you let them go oh I let them go yeah you let them go they're
I don't know why i'm meeting you I don't talk to dead men
I don't think I know any stories
I feel like it's the first day off football tryouts I mean I wish it was tomorrow already so i'd know whether I made his squad
I find 500 grams of meth in the dash
I follow all the good players
I found it! where I found it in macarthur park! where macarthur park
I got 38 cases pending trials 63 in active investigation another 250 on the log I can't clear
I got a punching bag at home
I got to get back to the office
I got to get ready
I got to give you one more though
I got your back bro I promised you you'd never have to ho back to prison
I had my shit pushed in yeah man I had my shit pushed in bro big time!
I have a little girl!
I have cable you watch whatever you want ok all right thanks
I have to go yeah all right
I haven't got nothing on me I gave it up dog
I haven't got shit
I heard different
I heard you had a beef in vegas there's a green light on your ass
I just playing with you dog
I just want to tell you man I appreciate what you did for my nephew that's some real shit for sure for sure
I know how lucky I am
I know I know I know just sit tight all right it's going to be all right
I know i'm number one
I know it's going to work out you do mm hmm
I know sir that's why I signed up and you know I just want to say thank you for giving me this
I know you are no snitch give me a name
I light it up hit the wailer
I like my badge
I like that shit
I mean he came out of nowhere and they almost killed him though but he kicked their asses like that
I mean he just slapped me around and everything but nothing happened ok because this cop came
I mean I thought you were man enough to handle this shit I guess I was wrong
I mean jesus what more you want I want justice
I mean what if that guy complains to who
I mean what the hell were you doing back there
I need one more
I need some time off but
I never done it you have now I haven't but you have
I remember what it was like to have a pretty young bride
I respect that
I said kevin at the honor ranch he isn't even over here
I said take the money and put it in that bag take your weapons and place them inside that pillowcase
I said you protect the sheep by killing the motherfucking wolves
I saw these 2 fucking drug addicts
I should have been a fireman
I sprung his mom from I n s detention
I supervise 5 officers that's 5 different personalities 5 sets of problems you could be number 6 if you act right
I sure wouldn't mind not roasting in a hot black and white all summer
I swear to god!
I swear to god! I stopped them!
I think alonzo played you for a fool esse
I told you I don't work for nobody man
I told you that's my evidence you want to go to jail or you want to go home
I walk a higher path son I can give you the keys to all the doors
I want the brady bunch grabbing glass i'm going to take the front you take the back
I want to go home jake come on give me the money and let me go home
I want to make detective
I want to see that warrant my what
I want to see that warrant! what I want to see that god damn warrant
I want to see the warrant you you're supposed to give me a copy
I want to um serve my community by ridding it of dangerous drugs
I want you to fax a copy of the warrant to the clerk get her to get the judge to sign it and I want you and paul to bring it to me at location one you got that
I want you to put that money in that bag take your weapons and place them inside that pillowcase right there
I was checking for narcotics activity you know drugs guns baggies you know yeah cash!
I was getting my ass kicked
I was just going to a ditch party
I watched that cocksucker operate with impunity for over 10 years and now I got him
I will do anything you want me to do
I'll be right back
I'll crack your head open you fucking pig! come on!
I'll see you buddy
I'll tell you a secret when you kill someone on duty they have to be your slave in the afterlife
I'll tell you what I want I want you to find a good hiding spot do you have a favorite one a favorite place to hide
I'll tell you what i'm going to find this guy on the street and i'm going to do him
I'm a cop man watch out
I'm a dentist open your mouth
I'm going alonzo
I'm going to fuck you too cop!
I'm going to get that gun and then i'm going to get that money
I'm going to get that gun and then i'm going to get that money (2)
I'm going to get to the bottom of your bullshit
I'm going to go get it right now
I'm going to go to the head ok i'm going to be 2 seconds we rolling
I'm going to leave you three to it man
I'm going to let the homeboys up the hill run a train on your girlfriend you know what a train is don't you huh yes sir yes sir
I'm here for alonzo
I'm just taxing him that's all ok
I'm less than a year away from my dream
I'm married I got my queen too
I'm not lying!
I'm sick of this shit man!
I'm sorry orders is orders dog
I'm the man up in this place!
I'm the police! I run shit here! you just live here!
I'm the zigzag man who the fuck are you
I'm too hungry for my own good yes
I'm trying to read my paper please shut up
I'm winning anyway i'm winning i'm winning any motherfucking way I can't lose
I've been hearing a lot of shit out here on these streets man you all right
I've been planning it all week son
If he don't turn up downtown with the cash by midnight and not a minute after your vato he's dead
If I was a dealer you'd be dead by now motherfucker
If i'm not around who's going to keep him off the radar you
If you're lying to me i'm going to blow your fucking balls off
If you're religious go ahead and get in your last prayer
In this business you got to have a little dirt on you for anybody to trust you
Is that daddy
Is that not justice that's street justice
Is that right
Is that right that's right
Isn't like I put a gun to your head
It behooves you not to dick around on this one
It is this way man i'm sorry I exposed you to it but it is it's ugly but it's necessary
It was like right there right just right there
It'd be my pleasure to put a hydra shock in that melon
It's a neat little trick
It's all good baby all right
It's all good I talked to the 3 wise men everything is lovely
It's all good it's all good
It's all there sure if you don't believe me you can count it yourself
It's bob good afternoon bob
It's just a little nosebleed just put a little ice on it you're going to be fine
It's like that
It's me what's up
It's nice here
It's no fun when the rabbit has the gun is it
It's not a problem look the guy's a high security risk anyway
It's not a review board and it isn't cocaine take a hit no man
It's not going to happen
It's not what you know it's what you can prove
It's time
It's your deal
Jake go ahead and bounce homey get up out of here we got your back
Jake hoyt it's my first day in the unit i'm from valley patrol
Jake you're not making them feel like you're part of the team
Jake! I need my money! jake!
Jeff's the first one through
Jeff's the first one through (2)
Jesus alonzo he's high as a motherfucker what the hell you give him oh mexico's finest yeah
Jesus christ
Jesus he's an he's an informer
Job number one preserve life
Judge is female
Judges have handed out over 15000 man years of incarceration time based on my investigations ok
Jungle damu headquarters
Just had a little freak out that's all we all been there
Just let it go
Just let the animals wipe themselves out god willing! fuck them and everybody who looks like them
Just sit down ok we're the good guys you got nothing to worry about
Just throw that in the glove box
Justifiable homicide in the line of duty ok
Keep your hands where I can see them keep your hands where I can see them
Kevin isn't here he at the honor ranch
Kevin isn't here he up at the honor ranch
Kevin miller aka sandman got it
Kick back and party eh
Kill me jake kill me hit me hit me you can't do it
King kong has not got shit on me!
Kitchen's clear
Kitchen's this way
Lapd spokesperson said the officer is survived by his wife and infant child
Last week in vegas some russian starts talking shit and alonzo he just snapped beat his ass to death
Left that out of your service jacket didn't you
Let me see that
Let the garbage men handle the garbage we're professional anglers ok we go after the big fish
Let's do this right so we can all go home and do the wife or the girlfriend thing all right
Let's go
Let's go downtown to the station
Let's go ****a let's go
Let's go safe your iron son
Let's go we got a meeting in 15 minutes
Let's suit up ladies time to punch in
Lieutenant's got our back
Life's a trip que no
Lift up your tongue
Listen all right it's good we were on mid watch
Listen everybody just take a deep breath and just diffuse this thing you hear me jake
Listen everyone is telling you how lucky you are don't screw this up
Listen it's not tomorrow it's today
Listen there's a coffee shop at seventh and whitman see you there at 10 00 be in civvies comfortable shoes
Listen to me man listen to me
Listen we're trying to get shit done all right just stand over there and don't get me killed all right new guy
Listen you're in a privileged position to learn a thing or two keep your mouth shut and your eyes open
Look at it sexy isn't it that's right
Look at me you wanted me to suck your dick that's what you said right that what you said hmm
Look man I got a wife
Look man stay the fuck out of my way all right it's just for the big dogs feel me
Lucky I don't make you eat that dog
Ma'am do me a favor and just be quiet until we're through with our investigation
Ma'am please stay seated!
Man I don't sell that shit no more you know that
Man i'm going to get piss tested and i'm going to get fired
Man i'm sick of this shit man I can't stand that motherfucker
Man she's screaming about money all right
Man that isn't mine man that motherfucker planted that shit on me man
Man the fuck up finish that shit aha!
Man up now man up ****ah
Mark and paul you kicked the door
Mark paul you kicked the door in
May I read my paper i'm sorry sir I thank you
Miss palms on the glass
My guys are pretty good but they're not leaders they're clowns you're a leader
My mom gave me this pipe
My nephew dimitri he's in the bedroom he's 10 years old
My ****ah
My ****ah (2)
My ****ah (3)
My ****ah!
My record speaks for itself
Nah I don't believe you got it in you jake
Nah it's just we got to roll in a second
Nah it's nothing like that
Nah it's unclaimed shit from property hand it out to my c I s witnesses victims
Nah no problem it's all good
Never ever do a day in prison
Never wear that wedding ring to work i'm serious about that
New guy jake
Nice suit mark beautiful suit
No but i'm going to be cool
No he is no fed he's just a choir boy with a heart that got the drop on all you fools
No homes you fucked up
No I didn't now what you calling me a fucking cheater esse or what
No I said a wolf not a rooster! a wolf
No I say he's cool and I say nobody is going to hurt him
No i'm not ok look at my nose man!
No man i'm
No man i'm not losing my job
No man listen I became a cop to stop people from using
No no it's your story you tell it
No no no no choir boy first
No please please!
No right right ok first time you're not comfortable i'll hold it for you ok
No rocks no rocks man but I found this
No shit no shit
No that's all right man
No that's why I never shake his hand homes he don't respect nada
No we are killing nobody this is a good man right here he's got the magic eye I can feel it
No you aren't cop
No you didn't hear me you listening but you didn't hear me
No you know I mean the only checks I cash say uh 'lapd ' on them right
No! alonzito! alonzito!
Nobody thought he could get cash that big
North hollywood
Nothing I can do about it you know
Nothing it's nothing forget it
Nothing man!
Now alonzo he's into the russians for a million
Now drop the fucking gun now!
Now get a hold of jeff tell him to pick up some tools picks and shovels make sure he signs them out from maintenance
Now he's now he's looking the judge right in the eyes and licks his fingers clean
Now listen intel says that she lives here alone
Now listen up safety is first
Now no one will ever ask you again to pull the trigger if you don't want to all right
Now this is all el salvadorian food thank you it looks great
Now we use this brain power these ****ahs are too strong out here anyway
Now what are you doing down here you know this is a gang neighborhood don't you
Now what happened what happened was murder and armed robbery oh wait we had badges so it's different
Now what is that motherfucking crack ****a that's right jimmy crack corn
Now why the fuck is he in on this
Now you know with your record you can get 10 years per bullet do you know that man!
Now you say your cousins from where from hillside trece! you fucking remember that too!
Now you're going to give me a name now
Nuh uh
Number one
Officer hoyt
Oh fuck! I found it!
Oh garbage
Oh get some chow in you before we go to the office my dollar
Oh god
Oh hey
Oh is she any good
Oh look man i'm not smoking crack all right
Oh man shit
Oh no no I want to talk to you
Oh no you didn't wait a minute no you di
Oh no you don't
Oh please man! I got a little kid
Oh shit
Oh shit (2)
Oh shit oh shit
Oh shit shit
Oh shit!
Oh son open your eyes can't you see huh
Oh that bitch is talking shit! she's screaming about trying to get us killed
Oh where oh where has my little jake gone oh where oh where can he be
Oh yeah yeah whose one of my old ones my first one
Oh you motherfuckers ha ha ha! ok all right i'm putting cases on all you bitches
Oh you think it's so funny you tell it
Oh you you going to jack me now you going to take my own money from me huh
Oh you're federally fucked now you got crack and a gun
Ohh god!
Ohh ok ok hand me the pillowcase baby baby! hand me the pillowcase
Ohhh! son of a bitch! you shot me in the ass!
Ok don't just burn it barbecue it fish fry it I don't give a fuck but the boys will feel better about it
Ok hold on i'll check it out for you
Ok just open the door we don't want to have to kick it in now
Ok just stay right there right there right there don't move don't you move
Ok ok all right i'm going to clear the house
Ok ok I know you're angry
Ok ok ok
Ok ok ok everything is fine we made a mistake
Ok ok you motherfucker
Ok pretty good debbie mid watch go
Ok stand up stand up
Ok that's good to know
Ok wait a minute hold it hold it!
Ok wait wait wait wait wait wait ok ok ok all right listen
Ok whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ok
Ok your dick lines up straight like that right to the right of it and to the left of it are pockets right in those pockets are money look in either one of them pay the bill
One time what's up bone
One way in one way out
Open the door ma'am we don't want to have to knock the door down
Open your mouth
Our new guy hoyt he's in second drops roger with some fine shotgun work
Ow ow! yeah yeah!
Papi ah mami
Patrol fairies go to roll call we don't go to roll call
Philippine islands here I come and I am never coming back!
Pick him up
Pick his legs up man pick his legs up
Plates run clean so I field test and arrest
Player to player pimp to pimp
Please put the gun down before you give my girl a heart attack here put the gun down
Pleased to meet you
Pleased to meet you sir
Police officer ma'am calm down
Police officer! get away from the girl! get away from her!
Police officers let's see your hands
Police put your hands up! put them up! put them up!
Police we got a search warrant lapd open up
Policia policia senorita
Porca won
Proceedings closed yeah closed
Pujo baby! whoo! 2 pair! 2 pair!
Pull over pull over on the highway yeah pull over shit!
Punk ass bitch ass crooked ass cop
Pussy ass bitch! when I see you again i'm going to fuck your shit up bitch!
Put it in park! stick shift
Put me in the front seat with him and I bet I whup his ass!
Put the $60 in there too that will come in handy later on we'll use it like like a credit card or something
Put the drink down man this motherfucker is out of his mind
Put the shit on the counter
Put your face right up against the glass right there
Put your hands on your chest put your hands on your chest!
Que no otra vez
Reminds me of when I was out there chasing down bad guys rocking their world
Right here
Right ok thanks a lot no problem
Right right but why do you want to be a narc
Right then the man walks out of his house on his way to work
Right we got a search warrant unlock the door please ma'am
Roger opens fire bang bang hits jeff twice
Roger opens fire hits jeff twice right
Roger sold dope to kids the world is a better place without him
Roger what's up boy
Roll over man roll the fuck over!
Roll your window down start there see you got to hear the street you got to smell it you know you got to taste that shit feel it
Sandman sandman!
Saving the god damn world! yeah yeah!
See how easy that was
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