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About a million years from now the human race will have crawled up to where the krell stood in their great moment of triumph and tragedy
Activate main batteries
Activate main view plate
Activate the disposal unit
Adjust your equipment accordingly that is all
After a million years of shining sanity they could hardly have understood what power was destroying them
Afterwards I lay unconscious for a day and a night
Aladdin's lamp in a physics laboratory
Alarm for test
All clear sir
All right
All right good
All right now turn around here
All right put it back on
All right quinn turn it on
All right so it's impossible how long will it take
All right take it away
All right we'll wait
All right we're down to 0 3896 of light speed
All right you can look now
Almost at once there followed the discovery of hyperdrive through which the speed of light was first attained and later greatly surpassed
An expert in words and languages their origins and meanings
And 400 other shafts like this one
And do forgive the ill manners of an old recluse won't you come in
And even in you the loving father there still exists the mindless primitive more enraged and more inflamed with each new frustration
And I have believe me no wish to repeat that experience
And I have come to the unalterable conclusion that man is unfit as yet to receive such knowledge such almost limitless power
And I hope I don't see him again if I live to be 400 million
And if you don't do something about it soon morbius it's going to be coming right through that door
And in this I shall be answerable exclusively to my own conscience and judgment
And just how do you account for your immunity dr morbius
And then i'll put more guards on the guards
And then when I activate the educator here it registers a little more
And there's your answer
And until further notice all hands will wear side arms
And what is it you require this time miss alta
And when in the course of eons they had abolished sickness and insanity and crime and all injustice they turned still with high benevolence outward toward space
And yet always in my mind I seem to feel the creature is lurking somewhere close at hand sly and irresistible and only waiting to be reinvoked for murder
And yet in all these 19 years you personally have never again been bothered by this planetary force
And yet you came back for a second go at it
And you can depend on it lieutenant that those privileges won't be stretched into taking your kind of advantages
And you can't explain it no
Another one of them new worlds no beer no women no pool parlors nothing
As you can see we're under no restraint whatsoever
As you recollect from your briefing lectures this is an earth type planet
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Astrogator to crew stand by to change flux
At least when our ship was approaching from space you remembered enough to warn us off
At the head of the arroyo
Attention captain to crew attention
Attention captain to crew now hear this
Attention captain to crew stand by to reverse polarity
Automatic control
Aye aye sir
Aye aye sir (7)
Aye aye sir (8)
Aye aye sir (9)
Aye aye sir yes yes sir
Aye aye skipper
Aye aye skipper (2)
Aye sir
Aye sir (2)
Aye sir (3)
Aye sir (4)
Besides why did that robot argue me into drinking all that whiskey in the first place
Better check the command mike the command mike sir
Big as a house sir
Boost it
Bosun (2)
Bosun (3)
Bosun (4)
Bosun (5)
Bosun (6)
Bosun flash the alert
But nowadays I have no time for such things
But of course you must stay for lunch gentlemen
But the krell forgot one thing
But the second that fence stats to short again you lift off and report back to earth base on conditions in this sector
But then seemingly on the threshold of some supreme accomplishment which was to have crowned their entire history this all but divine race perished in a single night
But then when you thought we were threatening your little egomaniac empire your subconscious sent its id monster out again
But there is no direct wiring that I can discover
But there is sir
But this much is negligible
But what's it all for
Check good
Check the whole system first thing in the morning
Chief we'll drop below light speed in about three minutes got your breakable gear stowed
Child's play
Coffee is ready sir
Colloquial english will do fine thank you
Combat stations blaster men activate your scopes
Commander commander
Commander if you set down on this planet I warn you that I cannot be answerable for the safety of your ship or your crew
Commander may I borrow that formidable looking side arm of yours
Common lead would have crushed the vehicle sir
Consciously it still lacked the power to operate the great machine but your subconscious had been made strong enough
Could robby be wrong no never
Could this end one get you some coffee
Creation by mere thought
Cut me in quinn
Do you understand the mechanism
Do your best to wait it out for me and the doctor
Doc an invisible being that cannot be disintegrated by atomic fission
Doc doc doc
Doc he's up to something
Doc I don't understand
Doc oh doc doc
Doc something new has been added
Doc will you talk some sense to this girl i'm in over my head
Doctor do you mean that you made this gentleman
Dr morbius
Dr morbius I require landing coordinates
Dr morbius in the absence of special instructions you leave me in a very awkward position i
Dr morbius just what were the symptoms of all those other deaths the unnatural ones I mean
Dr morbius my orders are to survey the situation on altair 4
Drunk sir me sir
Each division recording exactly 10 times as many amperes as the one preceding it
Earth i
Easy with this core our m g coils won't take us home without it
Edward morbius yeah here it is morbius e ph d lit d expedition philologist
Fasten your seat belts gentlemen
Father (2)
Father he's dead
Father oh father
Feel sorry for your daughter morbius
Felt something go right through my head
Fifteen seconds
Fine technician a good shipmate
For the past two hours i've been expecting you to make exactly that asinine statement
For your convenience I am monitored to respond to the name robby
Forgive me I didn't mean to alarm you gentlemen
Four hundred and eighty pints as you requested total 60 gallons
Four pints of 120 proof bourbon without a trace of hangover now that ain't natural sir
Funny to see two moons in the sky isn't it funny how quick a guy gets used to it yeah
Gentlemen let me show you another bit of parlor magic
Gentlemen would you care to see some more of the krell wonders
Genuine kansas city bourbon! it's smooth too
Grey strong set up a crossfire on those rocks
Guilty guilty
Half a minute skipper
Half flux half flux
Half of this gear we can replace out of stores the rest we can patch up one way or another except this special klystron frequency modulator
Handle it gently it has to get us home
Hasn't come out
Hasn't he got a built in rule against wringing our little necks for us
Have you tested it yet bosun
He did tell me not to go near the ship after all this isn't very near
He's as tame as a kitten outside of the range of my daughter's influence it's still a deadly wild beast
Hold the tractor
Honey let's do this thing right now here
How could he have slipped past two sentries
How could we have foreseen the extinction of so many coworkers and friends
How do I make an image do I just pull this switch here
How do these continents check with the old charts
How do you do
How do you know that
How else would you have led it here where alta must see you torn to pieces
I am monitored to admit no one at this hour
I began to learn
I begged you not to land on this planet
I call it their plastic educator
I can see that was probably very clever but I don't seem to understand it
I could hear the roar and bellow
I dare say neither of us slept any last night
I don't know I don't know really it it was awful
I don't know I guess there's something about me personally you don't like
I don't know it was just some kind of big outline in the disintegrator beams
I don't know there must be something seriously the matter with me because honestly I haven't noticed the least bit of stimulation
I don't know what you're lying about but you better get back before the skipper checks in or we'll both be skinned
I just had a terrible dream there was blood and fire and thunder and something awful was moving in the middle of it
I mean well I thought it might brighten the boys' mess a little bit you know if I could find a few wild radishes or something
I of course appreciate your concern but absolutely no assistance of any sort is required
I often feel it myself
I often play with it myself for relaxation
I rarely use it myself sir it promotes rust
I remember how when the vote was taken to return to earth she and I were utterly heartbroken
I see that explains the tiger and the deer
I should say fairly soon too
I still have some work to do in my study
I suggest you consider it in comparison to one of our functionally designed human doorways
I wasn't
I will place him in the tractor sir
I will run the dress up for you in time for breakfast
I won't hear you
I wouldn't mind being robby in certain ways that's only in certain ways of course
I'd be only too happy to show you
I'd say it sounded like an ultimatum
I'll bet any quantum mechanic in the service would give his life for a chance to fool around with this gadget
I'll bring the tractor in a hurry
I'll have less dreaming aboard this ship
I'm i'm sorry alta I i had to do that
I'm so glad you don't have any fire in your eyes lieutenant
I'm sorry if i've leaned on you you've got to understand
I'm sorry sir if we're not welcome but we do have our orders
I'm sure you never said a word about not coming in for coffee
I'm very sorry
I've always so terribly wanted to meet a young man and now three at once
I've come here every day now for two decades painfully picking up a few of the least difficult fragments of their knowledge
I've explained to them that you have my permission to visit earth whenever you choose
If you do not speak english I am at your disposal with 187 other languages along with their various dialects and sub tongues
In my case sir the question is totally without meaning
In the final decade of the 21st century men and women in rocket ships landed on the moon
In times long past this planet was the home of a mighty and noble race of beings which called themselves the krell
Indeed yes
Is he still in there
Is that all there is to it
Is that it
Is that what you made out of that footprint
Is there any other way out of there
It came packed in liquid boron in a suspended gravity
It's all right he's my friend
It's all right sir a commanding officer doesn't need brains just a good loud voice huh
It's coming on again
It's listening
It's no use he knows it's your other self
It's nothing really personal it's just a kiss
It's right back there in the desert
It's started again
It's still coming
It's strange how that fence just shorted out yeah
It's true it will remind us that we are after all not god
Just sit down there and i'll
Just to construct a bunker to house a core would take about 10 days
Kill the power on the fence
Knock that off quinn
Know I seem to visualize it I if you wish call it a premonition
Krell metal
Last night our klystron monitor was sabotaged
Later he can reproduce identical molecules in any shape or quantity
Let him be buried with the other victims of human greed and folly
Let me go
Let me repeat i'm in no sort of difficulty here
Look doc in case we make it into that lab i'll take the first go at the iq booster
Look doc you stay right there where you are and keep your eye on that door
Look never mind the sir mister but i'm a stranger on this so called planet
Look out there commander the belerephon party
Looks after us like a mother
Looks like we're being met
May I draw your attention to these gauges all around here gentlemen
Maybe if we reasoned with him
Maybe it leaves us with the same one
Morbius morbius
Morbius operated by the electromagnetic impulses of individual krell brains
Morbius that thing out there it's you
Morbius the big machine 8000 cubic miles of klystron relays
Morbius what is the id
Morbius you wanted me to make a choice now you've chosen for me
More deaths morbius more murder
Move a little forward that's it there now
Moving this way sir slowly
My beams are focused on your blasters gentlemen
My darling i'm completely helpless as long as he remains here so willfully
My evil self is at that door and I have no power to stop it
Never to be disturbed while that door is closed
No doctor not even though I were the mad scientist of the tape thrillers
No I don't
No it just went away for some reason it'll be back
No lights showing
No me too sir will stand 20 extra watches
No no no no watch
No problem
No record of their physical nature has survived except perhaps in the form of this characteristic arch
No survival suits will be required upon landing
No trouble at all
Not me not us
Not quite realizing it of course except maybe in your dreams
Not so far sir
Nothing important skipper
Nothing less
Nothing shows through does it
Nothing to do but throw rocks at cans and we gotta bring our own tin cans
Now alta listen you mustn't
Now be sure and look only in the mirror man does not behold the face of the gorgon and live
Now doctor you can read it here
Now then for the primary function actually to operate
Now with every facility of the ship I think I might be able to rebuild it but frankly the book says no
Now you can see that this headset was designed for something much bulkier than my human cranium
Of course a transmitter of that sort isn't exactly standard equipment
Of course that's that's mostly on the theoretical side well so far
Of course that's what doc meant
Of course the two end ones are unbelievable
Of course you must make allowances for my daughter gentlemen she's never known any human being except her father
Oh but i
Oh darling darling please go
Oh dear what does he do
Oh i'm i'm very sorry about the way I spoke to you yesterday alta I i was sort of bothered
Oh me too sir
Oh murder
Oh no
Oh no no robby it must be the loveliest softest thing you've ever made for me and fit in all the right places with lots and lots of star sapphires
Oh not at all
Oh sure sure
Oh that's gonna complicate things a bit yeah
Oh the red carpet treatment huh
Oh yeah good idea
One by one in spite of every safeguard my coworkers were torn literally limb from limb by what by some devilish thing that never showed itself
One which they actually seemed to hope might somehow free them once and for all from any dependence on physical instrumentalities
Only in nightmares of those times
Only my wife and I were immune
Operated by remote control
Operating right now sir
Order canceled
Others but there are no others commander
Otherwise my researches here would've come to nothing poor as they have been
Our belerephon skipper tried it and it was instantly fatal to him
Please please if you love me go
Plus absolute selfless obedience
Point it at the commander aim right between the eyes
Precisely doctor
Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical scientific values gentlemen
Primarily a ground animal too
Psst come here over here
Put your arm in there
Quiet please I am analyzing
Quinn murdered
Quinn this is farman
Right away sir
Right skipper
Right the busier the better
Robby emergency cancellation archimedes
Robby I ain't never gonna forget this
Robby I must have a new dress right away again oh but this one must be different absolutely nothing must show below above or through radiation proof no just eye proof will do
Robby let them in
Robby point this thing at that althaea frutex out there on the terrace
Say it's a lie let it hear you out there tell it you don't love this man
Section 86a evacuate all civilians from disaster area
Sir (2)
Sir the burial detail is ready
Sir we're being radar scanned
Skipper the blasted thing's invisible
Skipper the chief's been murdered
Skipper there is no record of any wife in the belerephon rolls
Sleep well miss
So for pete's sake go home and put on something that'll anything
So now we just pick up the girl and her father whether they like it or not
So you took the brain boost huh
Some dark terrible incomprehensible force
Son turn that disc
Sorry miss I was giving myself an oil job
Stop looking at me that way I don't think I like it
Stop no further I deny you I give you up
Straight across
Strong and grey last night during your watch this ship was entered and valuable government property was sabotaged
Such portions of the krell science as I may from time to time deem suitable and safe I shall dispense to earth other portions I shall withhold
Suppose we start with the good doctor
Sure no interference there
Talk doc
Tell me just what is involved in your making contact with earth base
Thank you (4)
That is all
That is correct sir
That is true sir
That machine is going to supply your monster with whatever amount of power it requires to reach us
That recording was made by krell musicians a half a million years ago
That's a pretty close guess
That's a very good question
That's altair 4 the bright speck below the star
That's altaira
The heights they had reached
The id what's that
The krell furnaces chain reaction they cannot be reversed
The krell had completed their project
The last krell died 2000 centuries ago but today as we all know there is still at large on this planet a living monster
The lord sure makes some beautiful worlds
The m a alert is completed
The molecules are many times more densely interlocked than in earthly steel
The number 10 raised almost literally to the power of infinity
The rest of us were all outside on guard duty i
The robot lied
Then it must be true yes I must be guilty
Then my little girl never feels lonely or confined
Then the time has come for clarification sit down
Then we'll take him by force I can't agree to that either
Then why don't you kiss me like everybody else does
Then you must leave now
There it comes
There now gentlemen
There you are sir
There's altair right on the nose skipper
There's nothing out there
These gentlemen have expressed a very kindly concern over the amount of liberty you have
This is one of their ventilator shafts you can feel the warm air rising
This is the only door
This spot should be molten it's not even warm huh
To build one we'd have to cannibalize about two thirds of the ship's electronic gear and then unship the main drive to juice it
To tell the truth I sometimes still miss the conversation of such gentlemen as yourself doctor
To what purpose
Track this if I blink red
Tractor's ready sir
Tremendously strong of course he could quite easily topple this house off its foundation
Try your blaster there commander
Uh I didn't come by him doctor I tinkered him together during my first months up here
Uh sometimes the gauges register a little when the buck deer fight in autumn or when the birds fly over in the spring
Uh this is commander adams dr ostrow and lieutenant farman
Uh yes perhaps you better call them my dear
United planets cruiser c 57d j j adams commanding
United planets cruiser c 57d now more than a year out from earth base on a special mission to the planetary system of the great main sequence star altair
Vaporized as the three remaining survivors tried to take her off
Very good
Very well but I wash my hands of all responsibility
Wanna bounce through this one
We were just trying to get a little healthy stimulation from hugging and kissing that's all
Well anyway we fought it and we lost I figure it'll be back
Well ask dr ostrow sir
Well certainly sir
Well did you or did you
Well don't worry you're not gonna have to look at me anymore from now on
Well don't you understand alta no
Well fundamentally it's a question of crude power
Well gentlemen if I can be of any help to you in your preparations for the homeward voyage
Well gentlemen this has been very pleasant
Well he says i'm terribly ignorant but I have had poetry mathematics logic physics geology and bi ology
Well it so happens that i'm in command of 18 competitively selected super perfect physical specimens with an average age of 24 6 who have been locked up in hyperspace for 378 days
Well look at yourself you see you can't run around like that in front of men particularly not a space wolf like farman
Well men whatever it was our main battery stopped it
Well naturally not you're from earth
Well notice this structure here characteristic of a four footed animal
Well thank you for your courtesy and concern sir
Well thank you very much lieutenant
Well that is I am anyway
Well that sounded final
Well there's something wrong here I have an iq of 161 yet I don't register a third what you did
Well you you've sort of got to stick with it
What (2)
What about
What about the commander
What about the magnetic puller
What already
What an astrogator
What chief
What do I do
What do you make of that skipper
What do you mean
What do you mean (2)
What do you mean ha ha
What's a bathing suit
What's that what's happening there
What's the matter
What's the matter with him why did he leave
What's this
What's up
What's up somebody coming this way
Which by krell standards classifies me as a low grade moron
Why are you here
Why did you both act so funny
Why did you jumble that combination
Why haven't I seen this all along
Why I don't know I have you and robby and all my friends
Why it's a housewife's dream
Why it's fantastic
Why the total potential here must be nothing less than astronomical
Why you low living contraption I ought to take a can opener to you
Yes relatively simple alcohol molecules with traces of fusel oil
Yes sir
Yes sir (2)
Yes sir (3)
Yes sir and I borrowed some solenoids from your gyrostabilizers too
Yes sir the moment we've interviewed the other members of the belerephon party
Yes sir they're in hand but they're trigger happy
Yes sir yes sir thank you
Yes very much
Yes what
Yes yes I can see it now there just then when he looked at me why his eyes almost had fire in them
Yet this robot of yours is beyond the combined resources of all earth's physical science
You believe that
You can assemble a tractor
You have standard charts
You hear me I hear you
You just wait right there it'll only take me a second to get dry
You left out two very important words where feasible
You may be disappointed commander
You may come in at 83 17 4 north 148 21 west
You men will continue watching on your own immediate fronts that is all
You ought to see my new mind up there in lights bigger than his now
You see he's helpless locked in a sub electronic dilemma between my direct orders and his basic inhibitions against harming rational beings
You were with the robot last night yes sir him and me we kind of got to toasting each other's good health just for cordial interplanetary relations you understand
(laser blaster sound) (2)
(man screaming)
(quinn whistling over radio)
(robby robot beeping)
(robot burps)
(spaceship landing noise)
(spaceship noise)
(spaceship sound)
(spaceship sound) (2)
(tiger growling)
(whirring and high pitched beeping)