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Created by
John Bowen
Peef Rockmartin
AB - Rise from your grave
AB - Rise from your grave from Peef Rockmartin
Anime - Nani
Anime - Nani from Peef Rockmartin
Anime - Oni Chan
Anime - Oni Chan from Peef Rockmartin
AOL - Buddy In
AOL - Buddy In from Peef Rockmartin
AOL - Buddy Out
AOL - Buddy Out from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Absolutely
Arnold - Absolutely from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Come on, don't BS me
Arnold - Come on, don't BS me from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Dead people, skeletons moving
Arnold - Dead people, skeletons moving from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Don't be ridiculous
Arnold - Don't be ridiculous from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - F You
Arnold - F You from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Good morning
Arnold - Good morning from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - How are you
Arnold - How are you from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Howdy stranger
Arnold - Howdy stranger from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - I don't play that game
Arnold - I don't play that game from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - I swear I will not kill anyone
Arnold - I swear I will not kill anyone from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - I want to ask you questions
Arnold - I want to ask you questions from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - It felt fantastic
Arnold - It felt fantastic from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Nice night for a walk
Arnold - Nice night for a walk from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Nice to meet you
Arnold - Nice to meet you from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - No
Arnold - No from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Stop it
Arnold - Stop it from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Stop Whining
Arnold - Stop Whining from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Trust me
Arnold - Trust me from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Wake up you drunk
Arnold - Wake up you drunk from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - What the hell were you thinking
Arnold - What the hell were you thinking from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - What's going on
Arnold - What's going on from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Who are you
Arnold - Who are you from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Yeah
Arnold - Yeah from Peef Rockmartin
Arnold - Yes
Arnold - Yes from Peef Rockmartin
Badum Tss
Badum Tss from Peef Rockmartin
Baseball Organ
Baseball Organ from Peef Rockmartin
Biff - Make like a tree
Biff - Make like a tree from Peef Rockmartin
Biff - What are you looking at butthead
Biff - What are you looking at butthead from Peef Rockmartin
Boing 1
Boing 1 from Peef Rockmartin
Boing 2
Boing 2 from Peef Rockmartin
Boing 3
Boing 3 from Peef Rockmartin
Boo from Peef Rockmartin
Boom Shacka Lacka
Boom Shacka Lacka from Peef Rockmartin
Borat - Naughty naughty
Borat - Naughty naughty from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - Diabetes doesn't have to take over your life
Brimley - Diabetes doesn't have to take over your life from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - Diabetes is not the worst thing in the world
Brimley - Diabetes is not the worst thing in the world from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - I had an unquenchable thirst
Brimley - I had an unquenchable thirst from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes about diabetes
Brimley - I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes about diabetes from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - I'm gonna give you a few things to do
Brimley - I'm gonna give you a few things to do from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - I'm not doing it without help
Brimley - I'm not doing it without help from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - I've eaten ice cream and apple pie
Brimley - I've eaten ice cream and apple pie from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - I've learned to laugh at myself
Brimley - I've learned to laugh at myself from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - If you do these things you'll feel better
Brimley - If you do these things you'll feel better from Peef Rockmartin
Brimley - Thanks for your time
Brimley - Thanks for your time from Peef Rockmartin
Busta - Ya ya
Busta - Ya ya from Peef Rockmartin
Buzzer from Peef Rockmartin
C3P0 - Goodness gracious me
C3P0 - Goodness gracious me from Peef Rockmartin
C3P0 - How rude
C3P0 - How rude from Peef Rockmartin
Can't Touch This
Can't Touch This from Peef Rockmartin
Canned Laugh
Canned Laugh from Peef Rockmartin
Cash Register
Cash Register from Peef Rockmartin
Casting Spell 1
Casting Spell 1 from Peef Rockmartin
Casting Spell 2
Casting Spell 2 from Peef Rockmartin
Casting Spell 3
Casting Spell 3 from Peef Rockmartin
Cat - Angry
Cat - Angry from Peef Rockmartin
Chappelle - Gotcha B
Chappelle - Gotcha B from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - Butt Naked Next To Yo Momma
Cleveland - Butt Naked Next To Yo Momma from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - Can I Have A Beer
Cleveland - Can I Have A Beer from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - Cuz You're So Full Of Crap
Cleveland - Cuz You're So Full Of Crap from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - Good Old Fashioned Sleepover
Cleveland - Good Old Fashioned Sleepover from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - Hello Madam
Cleveland - Hello Madam from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - How Much Is This
Cleveland - How Much Is This from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - I Don't Love You Anymore
Cleveland - I Don't Love You Anymore from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - I Got A Proposition For Ya
Cleveland - I Got A Proposition For Ya from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - I Want It Because It Feels Good
Cleveland - I Want It Because It Feels Good from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - I'm A Pimp
Cleveland - I'm A Pimp from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - Let's Try Some Roleplaying
Cleveland - Let's Try Some Roleplaying from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - Pretty Good I Guess
Cleveland - Pretty Good I Guess from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - That's A Great Idea
Cleveland - That's A Great Idea from Peef Rockmartin
Cleveland - That's Nasty
Cleveland - That's Nasty from Peef Rockmartin
Clock from Peef Rockmartin
Crickets from Peef Rockmartin
Crow1 from Peef Rockmartin
Crow2 from Peef Rockmartin
Crow3 from Peef Rockmartin
CSI from Peef Rockmartin
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Curb Your Enthusiasm from Peef Rockmartin
DBZ - 9000
DBZ - 9000 from Peef Rockmartin
DMX - Bark
DMX - Bark from Peef Rockmartin
Doakes - Surprise MFer
Doakes - Surprise MFer from Peef Rockmartin
Dramatic Squirrel
Dramatic Squirrel from Peef Rockmartin
Duck Hunt - Fail
Duck Hunt - Fail from Peef Rockmartin
Dun Dun Dun
Dun Dun Dun from Peef Rockmartin
DV - Apology accepted
DV - Apology accepted from Peef Rockmartin
DV - I find your lack of faith disturbing
DV - I find your lack of faith disturbing from Peef Rockmartin
DV - Noooo
DV - Noooo from Peef Rockmartin
DV - Your powers are weak old man
DV - Your powers are weak old man from Peef Rockmartin
Elevator Music
Elevator Music from Peef Rockmartin
Empire Today
Empire Today from Peef Rockmartin
Evil Laugh
Evil Laugh from Peef Rockmartin
Fail Horn
Fail Horn from Peef Rockmartin
Flair - Haha Woo
Flair - Haha Woo from Peef Rockmartin
Foghorn from Peef Rockmartin
Fortnite from Peef Rockmartin
Glados - Less conversation, more killing
Glados - Less conversation, more killing from Peef Rockmartin
Glados - Someone is going to get badly hurt
Glados - Someone is going to get badly hurt from Peef Rockmartin
Goblin from Peef Rockmartin
Goldblum - One big pile of S
Goldblum - One big pile of S from Peef Rockmartin
Goldblum - That's silly, that's ridiculous
Goldblum - That's silly, that's ridiculous from Peef Rockmartin
Goofy from Peef Rockmartin
Growing from Peef Rockmartin
Guitar Solo
Guitar Solo from Peef Rockmartin
Hallelujah from Peef Rockmartin
Hello Darkness
Hello Darkness from Peef Rockmartin
Hello(Lionel) from Peef Rockmartin
Herbert - Cupcake and a glass of wine
Herbert - Cupcake and a glass of wine from Peef Rockmartin
Herbert - Don't mouth off to me, slap you in the penis
Herbert - Don't mouth off to me, slap you in the penis from Peef Rockmartin
Herbert - Freezer full of popsicles
Herbert - Freezer full of popsicles from Peef Rockmartin
Herbert - Get your fat ass back here
Herbert - Get your fat ass back here from Peef Rockmartin
Herbert - Nokia Ringtone
Herbert - Nokia Ringtone from Peef Rockmartin
Home Alone - Keep the change you filthy animal
Home Alone - Keep the change you filthy animal from Peef Rockmartin
Italian1 from Peef Rockmartin
Italian2 from Peef Rockmartin
Italian3 from Peef Rockmartin
Italian4 from Peef Rockmartin
Italian5 from Peef Rockmartin
Jar Jar - This is bad
Jar Jar - This is bad from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - 1 Million American
JEJ - 1 Million American from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - AHA! from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - Come For My Son Akeem
JEJ - Come For My Son Akeem from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - Fine Line Between Love and Nausea
JEJ - Fine Line Between Love and Nausea from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - I Know You Have Been Inconvenienced
JEJ - I Know You Have Been Inconvenienced from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - I'm King Joffe
JEJ - I'm King Joffe from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - I'm Only Brave When I Have To Be
JEJ - I'm Only Brave When I Have To Be from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - Telegram
JEJ - Telegram from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - Very Well 2 Million
JEJ - Very Well 2 Million from Peef Rockmartin
JEJ - You Have Disgraced Yourself
JEJ - You Have Disgraced Yourself from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Bee bonnet, what her problem is
JJ - Bee bonnet, what her problem is from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Good for you
JJ - Good for you from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - He's a bum
JJ - He's a bum from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Hey fresh mouth
JJ - Hey fresh mouth from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - How old are you
JJ - How old are you from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - I don't believe you because you are a liar
JJ - I don't believe you because you are a liar from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - I don't want to hear your voice
JJ - I don't want to hear your voice from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - I understand that
JJ - I understand that from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - I will kill you
JJ - I will kill you from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Inappropriate
JJ - Inappropriate from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - It doesn't make sense
JJ - It doesn't make sense from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Just a second
JJ - Just a second from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Not a nice person, also a slob
JJ - Not a nice person, also a slob from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Not interested sir
JJ - Not interested sir from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Now do you understand (question)
JJ - Now do you understand (question) from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Outrageous
JJ - Outrageous from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Pay attention to my mouth
JJ - Pay attention to my mouth from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Put your hand down
JJ - Put your hand down from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Right
JJ - Right from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Right (question)
JJ - Right (question) from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - Stop it
JJ - Stop it from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - That's a lot of baloney you just said to me
JJ - That's a lot of baloney you just said to me from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - That's baloney
JJ - That's baloney from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - There is something wrong with you mentally
JJ - There is something wrong with you mentally from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - This guy is a real idiot
JJ - This guy is a real idiot from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - This is disgusting and it better stop
JJ - This is disgusting and it better stop from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - What (question)
JJ - What (question) from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - What do you want
JJ - What do you want from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - What's wrong with you
JJ - What's wrong with you from Peef Rockmartin
JJ - When (question)
JJ - When (question) from Peef Rockmartin