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Peef Rockmartin geological formation showcasing a large, moss-covered boulder against a clear sky. Unique rock textures visible.
Created by John Bowen 210

Peef Rockmartin

AB - Rise from your grave
Anime - Nani
Anime - Oni Chan
AOL - Buddy In
AOL - Buddy Out
Arnold - Absolutely
Arnold - Come on, don't BS me
Arnold - Dead people, skeletons moving
Arnold - Don't be ridiculous
Arnold - F You
Arnold - Good morning
Arnold - How are you
Arnold - Howdy stranger
Arnold - I don't play that game
Arnold - I swear I will not kill anyone
Arnold - I want to ask you questions
Arnold - It felt fantastic
Arnold - Nice night for a walk
Arnold - Nice to meet you
Arnold - No
Arnold - Stop it
Arnold - Stop Whining
Arnold - Trust me
Arnold - Wake up you drunk
Arnold - What the hell were you thinking
Arnold - What's going on
Arnold - Who are you
Arnold - Yeah
Arnold - Yes
Badum Tss
Baseball Organ
Biff - Make like a tree
Biff - What are you looking at butthead
Boing 1
Boing 2
Boing 3
Boom Shacka Lacka
Borat - Naughty naughty
Brimley - Diabetes doesn't have to take over your life
Brimley - Diabetes is not the worst thing in the world
Brimley - I had an unquenchable thirst
Brimley - I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes about diabetes
Brimley - I'm gonna give you a few things to do
Brimley - I'm not doing it without help
Brimley - I've eaten ice cream and apple pie
Brimley - I've learned to laugh at myself
Brimley - If you do these things you'll feel better
Brimley - Thanks for your time
Busta - Ya ya
C3P0 - Goodness gracious me
C3P0 - How rude
Can't Touch This
Canned Laugh
Cash Register
Casting Spell 1
Casting Spell 2
Casting Spell 3
Cat - Angry
Chappelle - Gotcha B
Cleveland - Butt Naked Next To Yo Momma
Cleveland - Can I Have A Beer
Cleveland - Cuz You're So Full Of Crap
Cleveland - Good Old Fashioned Sleepover
Cleveland - Hello Madam
Cleveland - How Much Is This
Cleveland - I Don't Love You Anymore
Cleveland - I Got A Proposition For Ya
Cleveland - I Want It Because It Feels Good
Cleveland - I'm A Pimp
Cleveland - Let's Try Some Roleplaying
Cleveland - Pretty Good I Guess
Cleveland - That's A Great Idea
Cleveland - That's Nasty
Curb Your Enthusiasm
DBZ - 9000
DMX - Bark
Doakes - Surprise MFer
Dramatic Squirrel
Duck Hunt - Fail
Dun Dun Dun
DV - Apology accepted
DV - I find your lack of faith disturbing
DV - Noooo
DV - Your powers are weak old man
Elevator Music
Empire Today
Evil Laugh
Fail Horn
Flair - Haha Woo
Glados - Less conversation, more killing
Glados - Someone is going to get badly hurt
Goldblum - One big pile of S
Goldblum - That's silly, that's ridiculous
Guitar Solo
Hello Darkness
Herbert - Cupcake and a glass of wine
Herbert - Don't mouth off to me, slap you in the penis
Herbert - Freezer full of popsicles
Herbert - Get your fat ass back here
Herbert - Nokia Ringtone
Home Alone - Keep the change you filthy animal
Jar Jar - This is bad
JEJ - 1 Million American
JEJ - Come For My Son Akeem
JEJ - Fine Line Between Love and Nausea
JEJ - I Know You Have Been Inconvenienced
JEJ - I'm King Joffe
JEJ - I'm Only Brave When I Have To Be
JEJ - Telegram
JEJ - Very Well 2 Million
JEJ - You Have Disgraced Yourself
JJ - Bee bonnet, what her problem is
JJ - Good for you
JJ - He's a bum
JJ - Hey fresh mouth
JJ - How old are you
JJ - I don't believe you because you are a liar
JJ - I don't want to hear your voice
JJ - I understand that
JJ - I will kill you
JJ - Inappropriate
JJ - It doesn't make sense
JJ - Just a second
JJ - Not a nice person, also a slob
JJ - Not interested sir
JJ - Now do you understand (question)
JJ - Outrageous
JJ - Pay attention to my mouth
JJ - Put your hand down
JJ - Right
JJ - Right (question)
JJ - Stop it
JJ - That's a lot of baloney you just said to me
JJ - That's baloney
JJ - There is something wrong with you mentally
JJ - This guy is a real idiot
JJ - This is disgusting and it better stop
JJ - What (question)
JJ - What do you want
JJ - What's wrong with you
JJ - When (question)