After this how about we get some human food a nice dinner chocolate chocolate from Rakan - League of Legends
Ah you wanna smell it no flower for you from Rakan - League of Legends
Ain't nothing I say should be taken seriously that's why it's the truth from Rakan - League of Legends
Alright let's go this way or that way stick to the plan we have a plan we always have a plan oh really from Rakan - League of Legends
Also your look is played out from Rakan - League of Legends
Am I good to you the best from Rakan - League of Legends
Am I not magnificent from Rakan - League of Legends
Am I not magnificent from Rakan - League of Legends
Another dead poser from Rakan - League of Legends
Are you having fun over there I can't hear you over all the fun i'm having from Rakan - League of Legends
Aw ticket from Rakan - League of Legends
Baby what did I tell you try not to die close enough from Rakan - League of Legends
Be right back will you know these things you you can know these things from Rakan - League of Legends
Be safe from Rakan - League of Legends
Be silent and live from Rakan - League of Legends
Better hurry up from Rakan - League of Legends
Big girl had too much going on from Rakan - League of Legends
Bring in the funk from Rakan - League of Legends
Bring in the shell from Rakan - League of Legends
Budget from Rakan - League of Legends
Business that but the beat box out to do the from Rakan - League of Legends
Can I start it of- you wanna start it up let's start it of- from Rakan - League of Legends
Can we just get started already from Rakan - League of Legends
Can we just stay here we must keep moving from Rakan - League of Legends
Can't stop me from Rakan - League of Legends
Careful from Rakan - League of Legends
Challenge accepted from Rakan - League of Legends
Come on from Rakan - League of Legends
Come on from Rakan - League of Legends
Come on full thought he could match my style from Rakan - League of Legends
Come out from Rakan - League of Legends
Coming from Rakan - League of Legends
Coming up from Rakan - League of Legends
Consequences only matter if I don't get away from Rakan - League of Legends
Correct I totally forgot why i'm here from Rakan - League of Legends
Dance or die from Rakan - League of Legends
Danger from Rakan - League of Legends
Danger is as fun as you let it be from Rakan - League of Legends
Danger zone from Rakan - League of Legends
Darling yes pay attention to me from Rakan - League of Legends
Data let's give betty boo from Rakan - League of Legends
Dia zicha crap what was I supposed to do from Rakan - League of Legends
Did you notice the sky it's lovely not as beautiful as you from Rakan - League of Legends
Did you see the clothes those guys were wearing yeah gross from Rakan - League of Legends
Do do do do from Rakan - League of Legends
Do I make you happy work on every day of my life from Rakan - League of Legends
Do we need any of these fools not a single one from Rakan - League of Legends
Do you love me because i'm beautiful or because i'm sexy now love is so cruel from Rakan - League of Legends
Do you remember our escape route yes i'll take that as a no from Rakan - League of Legends
Do you remember the afte waterfall yeah i'd like to go there again from Rakan - League of Legends
Do you remember the plan no but let's do it from Rakan - League of Legends
Do you wanna smell it not for you from Rakan - League of Legends
Don't leave nothing bring it all from Rakan - League of Legends
Every road leads someplace from Rakan - League of Legends
For humans magic is like fire for us it is water and air from Rakan - League of Legends
Full thought he could upstage me from Rakan - League of Legends
Fun I need some fun now from Rakan - League of Legends
Girl thought she could pull out my soul but I got too much so from Rakan - League of Legends
Gotta feeling I shouldn't have done that from Rakan - League of Legends
Gotta get myself hyped OK want to want to woo alright from Rakan - League of Legends
Ha ha siri papa boo from Rakan - League of Legends
He had some style for a human from Rakan - League of Legends
Heading over from Rakan - League of Legends
Heads up from Rakan - League of Legends
Hell let's do it from Rakan - League of Legends
Hello anybody there from Rakan - League of Legends
Hello world I am single now from Rakan - League of Legends
Hello you ready for maine from Rakan - League of Legends
Help from Rakan - League of Legends
Here I come from Rakan - League of Legends
Here's what's happening from Rakan - League of Legends
Hey I got a joke for you from Rakan - League of Legends
Hey I have a plan you have a plan yeah i'll go on instinct that's the opposite of a plan from Rakan - League of Legends
Hey I need you here never mind just go that way no one can control main that's right babe from Rakan - League of Legends
Hey i'm not gonna kill you she is say hi honey hi from Rakan - League of Legends
Hey i'm right here so can you be less uptight and lame now from Rakan - League of Legends
Hey what did the five fingers say to the face from Rakan - League of Legends
Hey what you doing from Rakan - League of Legends
Honey what are you doing I can't die looking this good from Rakan - League of Legends
How can humans not hear the magic there too busy building things why because they're afraid from Rakan - League of Legends
How do you like me today more than yesterday less than tomorrow from Rakan - League of Legends
How long do we fight until we are free until magic is free is that after lunch from Rakan - League of Legends
How long since we last dance too long from Rakan - League of Legends
How many fights we gotta win all of them from Rakan - League of Legends
How sad face from Rakan - League of Legends
How will we know if the plan works will still be alive from Rakan - League of Legends
Humans claim it is there's they fence us away and cover it and refuse from Rakan - League of Legends
Humans made promises more than I can remember they kept none from Rakan - League of Legends
Humans talk about their treaties we talk about their lies from Rakan - League of Legends
Humans think that to believe in something you have to be serious about it that's their problem from Rakan - League of Legends
I am a chronic line stepper from Rakan - League of Legends
I am definitely more confident in dangerous situations from Rakan - League of Legends
I am not blind to any possibility from Rakan - League of Legends
I am only as wild as magic from Rakan - League of Legends
I am rockham what's with the accent trying something new you like it no no I do not from Rakan - League of Legends
I bet she's gonna be angry about that later from Rakan - League of Legends
I can be very distracting from Rakan - League of Legends
I can't die looking this good from Rakan - League of Legends
I can't die looking this good from Rakan - League of Legends
I can't wait to get in there I don't know what i'm going to do but I am gonna get in there from Rakan - League of Legends
I can't wait to see what i'm gonna do from Rakan - League of Legends
I dance because i'm free from Rakan - League of Legends
I dance because i'm free from Rakan - League of Legends
I dance so fine I kill from Rakan - League of Legends
I dig seeing stuff from Rakan - League of Legends
I do not wish to kill the mortals I want them to hear the music from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't do safe from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't do safe from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't like this from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't need anything but the right now from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't need to understand the plan I trust my love from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't want a war but I want to be free from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't want a world that safe from Rakan - League of Legends
I don't want to like killing but this time I did from Rakan - League of Legends
I feel alright from Rakan - League of Legends
I feel like my allies aren't recognizing how amazing my cloak is I mean seriously rude from Rakan - League of Legends
I find this parallel universe stuff very upsetting from Rakan - League of Legends
I got freedom I got a lady I gotta cause I die for that's who I am from Rakan - League of Legends
I got my look right I got my moves right time to show it from Rakan - League of Legends
I got one more thing for you from Rakan - League of Legends
I got some moves for you from Rakan - League of Legends
I got some news for you from Rakan - League of Legends
I got that deadly fresh style from Rakan - League of Legends
I got three rules you're breaking two of them with that outfit from Rakan - League of Legends
I hate everyone today even may not you baby from Rakan - League of Legends
I hate everyone today I know it'll make you feel better murdering everyone from Rakan - League of Legends
I have a cunning plan really what is it i'm not gonna tell you that's the really cutting bit from Rakan - League of Legends
I have got to stop talking to myself damn it saila where are you from Rakan - League of Legends
I have killed her I will kill for her again from Rakan - League of Legends
I have your back from Rakan - League of Legends
I know people are watching how could they not be from Rakan - League of Legends
I know your bestie about your tribe lacks style from Rakan - League of Legends
I like parties with a little violence from Rakan - League of Legends
I live in the moment from Rakan - League of Legends
I look around these forests and I see freedom I hear the music from Rakan - League of Legends
I look good I feel good let's kick some ass from Rakan - League of Legends
I love you I know from Rakan - League of Legends
I miss her already oh well from Rakan - League of Legends
I miss I A from Rakan - League of Legends
I need my love to hurt I need the world to be scary I don't apologize for it I feel good from Rakan - League of Legends
I need to get it from Rakan - League of Legends
I need to know when the actions coming from Rakan - League of Legends
I need to see if people can see how awesome I am from Rakan - League of Legends
I need you to be more careful it's gonna be me I can't see you die also black is a terrible color on me from Rakan - League of Legends
I remembered your trespass from Rakan - League of Legends
I should totally get paid for this from Rakan - League of Legends
I showed you the dance you should've moved from Rakan - League of Legends
I swear you will be the death of me i'm fine with that me too from Rakan - League of Legends
I think scars are sexy OK i'll get more from Rakan - League of Legends
I think they underestimate my charm how is that even possible from Rakan - League of Legends
I think xayah told me to improvise at least that's the only part of the plan I remember from Rakan - League of Legends
I think you intimidate human females yeah so it's kinda hot from Rakan - League of Legends
I totally forgot why i'm here from Rakan - League of Legends
I want to feel everything that's the only way to live from Rakan - League of Legends
I want to show I adore your enerji from Rakan - League of Legends
I will make them dance I will make them here from Rakan - League of Legends
I will walk in I will dance they will party from Rakan - League of Legends
I'll just put that there that's a good place I hope yeah from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm a humble entertainer really darling yeah i'm the best from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm coming i'm coming from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm G to the D gold and diamonds boy woo from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm getting impatient from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm going rogue there's a surprise from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm going to show people some of the strange from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm going to slap over here from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm going to take all they got then laugh as I throw it away from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm going to tear this place up from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm gonna burn this place down then help them build it back up so I can burn it again from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm gonna hit him from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm gonna kill you she is nice to unmeet you from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm gonna live forever from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm gonna slap oh you from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm handling it dear are you I was at I will from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm here i'm gone I am so god from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm here to party from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm here we can get it started from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm incorrigible from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm just trying to live the moment from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm lucky to have you know i'm the lucky one from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm not about killing but i'll put in the work from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm offended by how little attention I was given from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm pretty sure i'm supposed to scout around pretty pretty sure from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm right here from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm so fine I gotta kiss myself from Rakan - League of Legends
I'm so tired you gotta rest honey everyone is depending on me everyone can wait from Rakan - League of Legends
I've been kicked around since I was born it's alright it's OK i'm staying alive from Rakan - League of Legends
Iambus tire I am born of magic this is my destiny from Rakan - League of Legends
If I vanished what would you do I would never be whole again from Rakan - League of Legends
If it don't get out of control it ain't A party from Rakan - League of Legends
If things go wrong they always go wrong they don't always go wrong mostly they mostly go wrong that's why i'm here from Rakan - League of Legends
If we get separated i'll find you we won't get separated you're already wandering off no i'm not only a little from Rakan - League of Legends
If you aren't a little frightened you ain't alive from Rakan - League of Legends
If you don't want to do this so I want to you're only here because of me freedom fighting is a good look for me from Rakan - League of Legends
If you look at things the right way it's awesome from Rakan - League of Legends
If you need me whistle you know how to whistle don't you it's not whistling from Rakan - League of Legends
Insulted yet from Rakan - League of Legends
Is my clock right yes it is I was worried there for a second from Rakan - League of Legends
Is totally bogus your thing from Rakan - League of Legends
Isaiah hey damn where is she I hate it when she leaves from Rakan - League of Legends
Isaiah says someone has to die they die and they deserved it from Rakan - League of Legends
Isaiah yeah you sexy from Rakan - League of Legends
It ain't a party without a fight from Rakan - League of Legends
It don't take a lot of words to tell the truth from Rakan - League of Legends
It gonna slow me down from Rakan - League of Legends
It is from our blood your gifts came and my hand that took it back from Rakan - League of Legends
It's a revolution and it's good times from Rakan - League of Legends
It's all filthy and dangerous and that's why I love it from Rakan - League of Legends
It's gonna be OK we can do this I know that from Rakan - League of Legends
It's magic that's wild i'm just here for the party from Rakan - League of Legends
Keep them distracted that shouldn't be a problem from Rakan - League of Legends
Kinda feel bad for the guy his feathers were weak from Rakan - League of Legends
Kiss me honey why now give them a pretty last image from Rakan - League of Legends
LA from Rakan - League of Legends
Ladies and gentlemen I am here to entertain myself mostly by you too from Rakan - League of Legends
Learn to dance from Rakan - League of Legends
Let me add brick on is very enthusiastic from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's dance from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's dance from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's get interesting from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's get it from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's get it started from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's go baby baby baby bye bye from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's see what these animals can do from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's see what's happening now from Rakan - League of Legends
Let's show him what we got happily from Rakan - League of Legends
Long ago our kind dance to pon the mountains like flames now only the embers remain from Rakan - League of Legends
Look at me now from Rakan - League of Legends
Look i'm a distraction from Rakan - League of Legends
Look sharp baby what don't i from Rakan - League of Legends
Look up from Rakan - League of Legends
Magic is a wilderness from Rakan - League of Legends
Magic is in the heart magic is in the rhythm from Rakan - League of Legends
Magic is supposed to be scary love is supposed to hurt ecstasy needs a little fear from Rakan - League of Legends
Magic isn't supposed to be safe from Rakan - League of Legends
Make them remember they'll never forget from Rakan - League of Legends
Man are you digging this air from Rakan - League of Legends
Man have you seen that forest over there from Rakan - League of Legends
Man that's insulting from Rakan - League of Legends
Mankind is blind I want them to see from Rakan - League of Legends
Mess with my girl what did you think I was gonna do from Rakan - League of Legends
Mind if I cut it in work on be my guest from Rakan - League of Legends
My fellow travelers you are all about to witness my majestic epic nis unless I get killed but probably not from Rakan - League of Legends
My palm sends his regards from Rakan - League of Legends
Mysterious mystery from Rakan - League of Legends
Name one genius that ain't crazy from Rakan - League of Legends
No I need to get in there from Rakan - League of Legends
Nobody 's here from Rakan - League of Legends
Not good from Rakan - League of Legends
Not like this from Rakan - League of Legends
Nothing important should be taken seriously from Rakan - League of Legends
Nothing is fun without risk from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh can't touch this from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh crap I hate having to have a plan from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh crap oh crap from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh hell no from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh no no from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh sorry about that from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh yeah from Rakan - League of Legends
Oh you're bumming me out from Rakan - League of Legends
OK everybody i'm here i'm here the party starts now from Rakan - League of Legends
OK last time it was totally my fault what was good answer from Rakan - League of Legends
OK rick on get him watching you then you burn him up from Rakan - League of Legends
On my way from Rakan - League of Legends
On the way from Rakan - League of Legends
One animal at a time week from Rakan - League of Legends
Open casket from Rakan - League of Legends
Our kind will see the truth soon enough from Rakan - League of Legends
Our magic is a fury it is a song you cannot resist from Rakan - League of Legends
Our people are bleeding my ladies gonna heal them from Rakan - League of Legends
Party foul from Rakan - League of Legends
Pay attention from Rakan - League of Legends
Peekaboo from Rakan - League of Legends
Perfect predator I got an instinct about how stupid that thing was from Rakan - League of Legends
Plants a baby I don't do safe from Rakan - League of Legends
Power was not meant to be contained now it is free from Rakan - League of Legends
Problem with that guy no talent from Rakan - League of Legends
Punk ass cape from Rakan - League of Legends
Punk was trying too hard from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rakan - League of Legends Sound from Rakan - League of Legends
Rick on out from Rakan - League of Legends
Rickard has arrived I saw you everyone can see you yeah that's what I like from Rakan - League of Legends
Running over from Rakan - League of Legends
Sam this is exciting from Rakan - League of Legends
Say yeah from Rakan - League of Legends
Seriously seriously lame from Rakan - League of Legends
Should I be running yeah I should probably be running from Rakan - League of Legends
Should I show them the dance show them the dance from Rakan - League of Legends
Should I tell you I love you yes but say it anyway I love you from Rakan - League of Legends
Should we give them a fighting chance only if we want to have fun from Rakan - League of Legends
Shut it down one two they did from Rakan - League of Legends
Shut up from Rakan - League of Legends
Six AM from Rakan - League of Legends
Six legs still couldn't dance from Rakan - League of Legends
Slap from Rakan - League of Legends
Smile and nod honey can we leave now from Rakan - League of Legends
So just tiger stuff buddy you gotta mix it up from Rakan - League of Legends
So this mission are we are you pretending to be dumb well I don't have to remember the plan if you do from Rakan - League of Legends
So when you got dressed this morning was this the look you were going for from Rakan - League of Legends
So you just run around in the jungle huh I mean i'm not judging if that's what you're into nerd from Rakan - League of Legends
Somebody from Rakan - League of Legends
Something here from Rakan - League of Legends
SOS from Rakan - League of Legends
Speaking to love this from Rakan - League of Legends
Spooky from Rakan - League of Legends
Step up again i'll slap you down again from Rakan - League of Legends
Stop from Rakan - League of Legends
Stop damn from Rakan - League of Legends
Sure from Rakan - League of Legends
Sure from Rakan - League of Legends
Takaka you use the secret call is everything alright we have a secret call I just like that sound coco from Rakan - League of Legends
Take the party 's over here from Rakan - League of Legends
Thank god from Rakan - League of Legends
Thanks for what not saying I told you so from Rakan - League of Legends
That was beautiful baby from Rakan - League of Legends
The dance is deadly from Rakan - League of Legends
The fights here by main it's the same fight from Rakan - League of Legends
The humans call it battle it's just a dance from Rakan - League of Legends
The humans will never understand our kind until they hear the song from Rakan - League of Legends
The only way to understand magic is to plunge into it move with it dance and dance from Rakan - League of Legends
The sleeper must awaken from Rakan - League of Legends
The universe loves me from Rakan - League of Legends
The world 's a big place don't want to miss any of it from Rakan - League of Legends
The world isn't about collecting stuff it's about seeing stuff from Rakan - League of Legends
Their effect from Rakan - League of Legends
There's this thing called grooming you try it from Rakan - League of Legends
There's wildness in the bees in the flowers it's just a fury humans don't see from Rakan - League of Legends
These guys look silly bunch of weirdos from Rakan - League of Legends
They ain't here from Rakan - League of Legends
They ain't ready for what i'm bringing from Rakan - League of Legends
They miss it from Rakan - League of Legends
They seem moves like mine from Rakan - League of Legends
They think they can catch me from Rakan - League of Legends
They want us in cages we refuse from Rakan - League of Legends
They will remember my name from Rakan - League of Legends
They will see maine they will see my dance from Rakan - League of Legends
They will see my dance then they will know magics joy and it's fury from Rakan - League of Legends
They're going to try and test maine from Rakan - League of Legends
They're scared of darkness there scared of magic they are scared of where i'm from from Rakan - League of Legends
They've never seen moves like mine from Rakan - League of Legends
This is all so intense from Rakan - League of Legends
This is bad from Rakan - League of Legends
This is the message from Rakan - League of Legends
This is the plan right it is now from Rakan - League of Legends
This is you getting slapped from Rakan - League of Legends
This looks like another dangerous situation thankfully I can improvise from Rakan - League of Legends
This reminds me of our first dates good times from Rakan - League of Legends
Time to get it started from Rakan - League of Legends
Time to get started from Rakan - League of Legends
Time to go to work from Rakan - League of Legends
To wear from Rakan - League of Legends
Tried it be full from Rakan - League of Legends
Turn in turn on drop out from Rakan - League of Legends
Use your words can't punch it from Rakan - League of Legends
Very good from Rakan - League of Legends
Very ready they ain't ready from Rakan - League of Legends
Vision is the first step towards understanding from Rakan - League of Legends
Volume cash buses or my bae from Rakan - League of Legends
Wanna catch a ride from Rakan - League of Legends
Wanna see some sweet moose from Rakan - League of Legends
War is in the dance from Rakan - League of Legends
Was that a land shark I mean why why is that a thing from Rakan - League of Legends
Watch maine from Rakan - League of Legends
We are seeing dancing and thought insane by those who can't hear the music from Rakan - League of Legends
We don't want your harmony we want our freedom from Rakan - League of Legends
We will not fade away from Rakan - League of Legends
Well I always was the pretty one from Rakan - League of Legends
Well I don't want to miss the start of the party from Rakan - League of Legends
What are those things humans wear on their feet shoes I need shoes red ones I need them so bad from Rakan - League of Legends
What do you wanna do later I could think of something from Rakan - League of Legends
What humans call magic we call life from Rakan - League of Legends
What the hell were you thinking yes I wasn't I never think thinking from Rakan - League of Legends
What was with that girls dumb purse from Rakan - League of Legends
What would you do if I died I would burn this world of the ground and build a castle from the ashes where I would live alone forever oh that's sweet from Rakan - League of Legends
What you looking at from Rakan - League of Legends
What you looking at from Rakan - League of Legends
What's after this another road another horizon good from Rakan - League of Legends
What's going on from Rakan - League of Legends
What's happening from Rakan - League of Legends
When are we going to do this soon baby slow down from Rakan - League of Legends
When I get sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead true story from Rakan - League of Legends
When you open your eyes you see everything is limitless from Rakan - League of Legends
Where are they from Rakan - League of Legends
Where are we going you forgot the plan no yeah hey have you seen his cape from Rakan - League of Legends
Where do we go wherever our hearts desire from Rakan - League of Legends
Where they go from Rakan - League of Legends
Where you going where you going from Rakan - League of Legends
Who do I hit one of them from Rakan - League of Legends
Who is that gorgeous thing over there it's always the time from Rakan - League of Legends
Who won today's from Rakan - League of Legends
Whoops now you are dead from Rakan - League of Legends
Why are you so boring from Rakan - League of Legends
Why do you never say yes 'cause then I wouldn't get to hear you ask from Rakan - League of Legends
Why is it taking so long to get back to the action from Rakan - League of Legends
Without wild magic we have no children we have no future from Rakan - League of Legends
Woo I am so into this what is this from Rakan - League of Legends
Woo I feel good from Rakan - League of Legends
Woo shake those tail feathers baby I am not a piece of meat from Rakan - League of Legends
Wow you animals are dumb from Rakan - League of Legends
Wreck on doing his job from Rakan - League of Legends
Yeah from Rakan - League of Legends
Yeah from Rakan - League of Legends
Yeah from Rakan - League of Legends
Yeah from Rakan - League of Legends
Yeah I think we got a problem thank or no I know we gotta problem from Rakan - League of Legends
Yeah I think we're supposed to laugh now at what from Rakan - League of Legends
Yep i'm amazing from Rakan - League of Legends
Yep if i'm going to see the human world I need to start from Rakan - League of Legends
Yes from Rakan - League of Legends
You are stunning and beautiful thank you darling yes I was definitely talking about you honey from Rakan - League of Legends
You came to visit us did you think we would forget from Rakan - League of Legends
You can't tell me you weren't impressed with watt just generally i'm amazing from Rakan - League of Legends
You gonna feel this one from Rakan - League of Legends
You gonna marry me today ask me again tomorrow but I always do from Rakan - League of Legends
You gonna take that from me from Rakan - League of Legends
You got something to say from Rakan - League of Legends
You gotta keep up baby from Rakan - League of Legends
You hungry can we talk about this later food from Rakan - League of Legends
You know I don't really about making fun of people but you make that difficult from Rakan - League of Legends
You know I love you what we have is greater than some human word from Rakan - League of Legends
You like that from Rakan - League of Legends
You love it when I slap fools yeah no I do from Rakan - League of Legends
You OK i'm fine you're pushing yourself too hard it has to be done from Rakan - League of Legends
You OK this is also intense from Rakan - League of Legends
You put us in a cage I put you in the ground from Rakan - League of Legends
You see that I couldn't miss it from Rakan - League of Legends
You see this cape I said god damn i'm sexy from Rakan - League of Legends
You sure about this it has to be done be safe like you can talk from Rakan - League of Legends
You thinking about maine that's very upsetting from Rakan - League of Legends
You thought you got away from Rakan - League of Legends
You were a shadow without a flame from Rakan - League of Legends
You were given but stallion blood yet chose to be blind from Rakan - League of Legends
You will see my dance from Rakan - League of Legends
You will see the dance of death from Rakan - League of Legends
You're cute today eyes on the prize baby from Rakan - League of Legends
You're doing this from Rakan - League of Legends
You're gonna get hurt from Rakan - League of Legends
You're gonna love this from Rakan - League of Legends
You're kind started this war we will end it from Rakan - League of Legends
You're only given a little spark of madness you mustn't lose it from Rakan - League of Legends
You're welcome from Rakan - League of Legends