Main Content
A light hit.
A minor hit.
A powerful hit. The tight disadvantage has no effect.
A quick gust.
A savage hit.
A soaring sky attack?
Accordingly, the trainers are changing too.
Accuracy took a hit.
Ah, it's another daunting Pokémon.
All status changes are back to normal.
Amber Shaw.
An exchange of heavy flows. Neither Pokémon is backing down.
An exchange of heavy hits started a fight.
And basically this has been touched.
And intimidating glare.
And it's down.
And there goes the battle.
Another Pokémon chain.
Are cyclic lane.
Are like tap decided the outcome?
Are they testing each other's strengths?
Attack. Power down.
Awesome beggar.
Awesome country.
Back defeat means a Pokémon Swap.
Being unable to move hurts.
Big risk attack.
Blinding Sand attack.
Both combatants are down to their last Pokémon.
Both combatants are exhausted.
Both come back and still have plenty of gas left.
Both love it down.
Both Pokémon appear equally fit.
Both Pokémon appear weak.
Both Pokémon are exhausted.
Both Pokémon have taken heavy debt.
Both Pokémon look ready for more.
Both Pokémon went full out right from the start.
But it walk right back up.
But Pokémon are entirely different types.
Can strategy overcome the level disadvantage?
Capital Major damage.
Changing Pokémon that Pokémon must not have been the right choice.
Clutch the weak spot.
Comic Con.
Congratulations, but Champion has been decided.
Congratulations. You've cleared the Gentle Leader, Castle.
Crack that tail.
Decent hits.
Disable water off.
Double check.
Double flopping around.
Down the level, disadvantage is obvious.
Down. That didn't take much.
Dragon Ring.
Drill that weak spot.
Egg bump bark.
Falling asleep is going to make this A1 sided fight.
Find wicked girl.
Fireworks are flying in this battle.
First, stop fighting.
Flew up into the sky.
Foreign attack?
Funny flag.
Get ready for a battle between two Pokémon of different levels.
Give it a lick.
Go back.
God, it didn't stand a chance.
God, it's a one hit wonder.
Gold with rockslide.
Got it.
Ground Zero.
Happy, we're telling action.
Harsh flow.
Have been major action already.
Head missile.
Heavy damage.
Heavy paper.
Here come Thunder.
Here comes the aerial attack.
Here comes the first opponent. An easy victory should be within reach.
Here he is Lieutenant Surge, the leader of Vermilion Jim and the commander of Electric Pokémon. The Challenger. Better pick the battle Pokémon with caution.
Here we come. Razor win.
Here's a light shot.
Here's a Pokémon change.
Here's retaliation.
Here's the 2nd adversary. The challenger needs to stay calm to earn victory.
Here's the first move.
Here's the first opponent of this gym series. A decisive victory is expected.
Here's the paper.
Here's the third trainer battle. With only the gym leader left after this, what kind of battle can we expect to see?
Hey, what's it doing? Down it goes.
Hit, don't reach spot.
How will the Jim second opponent conduct battle? Will need a strong effort to win.
How will the SWAT Pokémon fight?
How will the type difference affect battle?
How will this freeze affect the outcome?
How will this snooze affect the battle?
How will this swap affect the outcome?
How's that?
Hyper V.
I always pitch Otto.
I don't care.
I'll stop blowing up your ex wives.
I'm stunned, Sport. Wow.
I've got the battle is over.
If you mimic.
If you screenshot.
If you substitute.
If you teleport.
If you transform.
If you underway.
If you're who's been straight.
In applied conversion.
Is there nothing you can do now?
It can't make a move.
It can't move again.
It changed its type to the enemies.
It created a substitute.
It didn't changed its status.
It didn't do much damage.
It didn't work.
It fell asleep again.
It finally woke up.
It flew up again.
It goes down after a goodbye.
It has to make up for lost ground.
It improved its accuracy.
It improved its defense.
It increased its attack power.
It just shrugged off that hit.
It made itself more invasive.
It might.
It popped up its special rating.
It rages unleashed.
It restored its status.
It rockets you slowly damage the opponent.
It shook off its confusion.
It still won't attack.
It still won't awaken.
It suffered a burn.
It took the abuse easily.
It use recover.
It woke up.
It won't work.
It you.
It's a frozen statue.
It's a head on collision power versus power.
It's a light hit.
It's a revolving door of Pokémon.
It's a scratch.
It's a scratch.
It's a sleep on the job.
It's a swift attack.
It's been poisoned.
It's blood is boiling.
It's building energy for the next attack.
It's burrowed underground again.
It's burrowed underground.
It's catching some rest.
It's concentrating on its status.
It's confused.
It's defensive down.
It's done enough fighting.
It's doubly affected.
It's fast asleep.
It's fighting. It's time.
It's finally on Pokémon Tournament Pokey Cup Great ball. The battles get underway to the cheers of an enthusiastic crowd.
It's finally taken down.
It's finally underway. Pokémon Tournament. Brian caught Pokeball, Who Will Win it all in this wide open, unlimited level.
It's finally underway. Pokémon Tournaments Prime Cup Ultra Ball. Here's hoping that we see brilliant Pokemons, strategies and tactics.
It's frozen rock salt.
It's getting pumped up.
It's going to buy.
It's got a nasty burn. Can it tough it out?
It's in no condition to fight.
It's managing the opponent.
It's more resistant to physical blows.
It's not very effective.
It's on the battle against Erica, the Celadon Gym Leader and the grass Pokémon artist. Smart strategy is the key to victory.
It's on top.
It's one Pokémon against two now.
It's paralyzed on the spot.
It's payday.
It's poison powder.
It's restoring HP.
It's ringing.
It's speeded up.
It's still biting its tongue.
It's still can't attack.
It's still confused.
It's still improving its state.
It's still weakening the opponent status.
It's stronger against special attacks.
It's taking a quick rest.
It's the gym's third opponent. The Gym Leader is waiting right after this.
It's thrashing about.
It's trying to absorb.
It's trying to minimize its size.
It's two Pokémon against three now.
It's underway Pokémon Tournament Pika Cup. This is a tournament for passionate young, up and coming Pokémon.
It's underway. Pokémon Tournament Pokey Cups Master Ball. Who will be the master trainer to win it all?
Its speed is down.
Karate chop.
Last of Us.
Left back.
Let's fit underway with Pokémon Tournament Critique the tournament for unevolved Pokémon. Let's see how much fight the cutest Pokémon can put up.
Let's get paid.
Let's get ready to roll. This is the Event Battle Stage.
Let's get started. This battle is for you who wanted to get into a battle right away.
Like attack.
Major damage.
Making Spore attack.
Mega Pump.
Mighty blow from the word go.
Mirable reflection.
Missed the target.
Name the weak spot.
Neither one is conceding an inch.
Next up, Agatha, another daunting foe. What strategy will work against this Wiley lady?
Nick Power.
Nino Pokémon is backing down.
No, Sir.
No, this Pokémon looks wrong.
No, wait, him lizard.
Noxious small.
Oh, it's Alakazam.
Oh, it's better.
Oh, it's cold Rio.
Oh, it's Lapras!
Oh, it's Scyther!
Oh, it's Venusaur!
Oh, it's Zapdos!
Ohh an abrupt Pokémon change.
Ohh fire pump.
Ohh horrible low.
Ohh horrible screech.
Ohh Ice Pond.
Ohh is it down and out?
Ohh it sounds slash.
Ohh it's Articuno.
Ohh it's Blastoise.
Ohh it's cadabra.
Ohh it's chancy.
Ohh it's Charizard.
Ohh it's Charmander.
Ohh it's dumb trio.
Ohh it's electric box.
Ohh it's Garuda.
Ohh it's gloom.
Ohh it's gold doc.
Ohh it's holy lag.
Ohh it's Hunter.
Ohh it's kill bone.
Ohh it's MasterCard.
Ohh it's moltres.
Ohh it's my champ.
Ohh it's Pikachu.
Ohh it's private.
Ohh it's radicate.
Ohh it's slow bro.
Ohh it's so bad.
Ohh it's struggling.
Ohh it's tangela.
Ohh massive explosion.
Ohh meaningless flash.
Ohh neat way.
Ohh no. Which fell asleep.
Ohh smart.
Ohh the attack nest.
Ohh this ones ready to drop.
Ohh Thunder pump.
Ohh toxic.
Ohh wait couple tops.
Ohh wait snowfall.
Ohh which clip able.
Ohh which Goldie?
Ohh which killed?
Ohh with Cedra.
Ohh with grow up.
Ohh with my shop.
Ohh with Pedro.
Ohh wow.
Ohh, another failure.
Ohh, another intimidating Pokémon.
Ohh, it's a letter and mail.
Ohh, it's a little female.
Ohh, it's Abra.
Ohh, it's aerodactyl.
Ohh, it's almost done.
Ohh, it's another miss.
Ohh, it's Baldwin.
Ohh, it's Baltimore.
Ohh, it's better not.
Ohh, it's big forum.
Ohh, it's Bonita.
Ohh, it's bounced right.
Ohh, it's bound.
Ohh, it's bubbler.
Ohh, it's buttercream.
Ohh, it's Canopy.
Ohh, it's chameleon.
Ohh, it's cloister.
Ohh, it's coming too.
Ohh, it's confused.
Ohh, it's coughing.
Ohh, it's crappy.
Ohh, it's dangler.
Ohh, it's definitely.
Ohh, it's Dragonite.
Ohh, it's drowsy.
Ohh, it's easy.
Ohh, it's Egan.
Ohh, it's electric.
Ohh, it's executed.
Ohh, it's executive.
Ohh, it's far fetched.
Ohh, it's Ferro.
Ohh, it's filling.
Ohh, it's flaring up.
Ohh, it's frozen solid.
Ohh, it's full of us all.
Ohh, it's funny.
Ohh, it's Gangar.
Ohh, it's ghetto.
Ohh, it's giggling.
Ohh, it's golbat.
Ohh, it's Grimer.
Ohh, it's Hitman Chan.
Ohh, it's Hitmonlee.
Ohh, it's horsey.
Ohh, it's Hypno.
Ohh, it's ivysaur.
Ohh, it's Jakes.
Ohh, it's Jigglypuff.
Ohh, it's jolty young.
Ohh, it's Kokona.
Ohh, it's magma.
Ohh, it's magnemite.
Ohh, it's magnetic.
Ohh, it's Maryland.
Ohh, it's me out.
Ohh, it's me too.
Ohh, it's megaton.
Ohh, it's menopause.
Ohh, it's monkey.
Ohh, it's Mr. Mike.
Ohh, it's muck.
Ohh, it's my choke.
Ohh, it's my tails.
Ohh, it's Needham King.
Ohh, it's Needle queen.
Ohh, it's never Rina.
Ohh, it's Nidorino.
Ohh, it's no duo.
Ohh, it's oddish.
Ohh, it's our body.
Ohh, it's overnight.
Ohh, it's Parasect.
Ohh, it's pardon.
Ohh, it's Paris.
Ohh, it's Persian.
Ohh, it's Pharaoh.
Ohh, it's picky.
Ohh, it's pigeons.
Ohh, it's poison. Will it be OK?
Ohh, it's Polly rap.
Ohh, it's Poly world.
Ohh, it's Rachel.
Ohh, it's rapidash.
Ohh, it's Renata.
Ohh, it's right Horn.
Ohh, it's right on.
Ohh, it's Santa Cruz.
Ohh, it's sealed.
Ohh, it's seeking.
Ohh, it's sent true.
Ohh, it's shelter.
Ohh, it's slippery.
Ohh, it's Snorlax.
Ohh, it's Spencer.
Ohh, it's spider.
Ohh, it's Squirrel.
Ohh, it's star me.
Ohh, it's star you.
Ohh, it's still can't move.
Ohh, it's still gone.
Ohh, it's strategic.
Ohh, it's technical.
Ohh, it's Thomas gone.
Ohh, it's toss.
Ohh, it's Vulpix.
Ohh, it's war turtle.
Ohh, it's waving.
Ohh, it's whipping down.
Ohh, it's wiggle.
Ohh, it's wiggly talk.
Ohh, it's you.
Ohh, nothing but air.
Ohh, that's strong.
Ohh, there's going to be a change of Pokémon.
Ohh, this failed too.
Ohh, this one looks formidable.
Ohh, we're Carcana.
Ohh, what a lovely kiss.
Ohh, what's victory battle?
Ohh. It was casually cast aside.
On Nightmare Dreamy.
One still raring to go, but the opponent appears beat.
Oops, it's paralyzed.
Oops, that's a mess.
Our physical attack won't do.
Perfect game.
Please don't leave worry.
Poison gas attack.
Poison stain.
Powerful Strike.
Product man.
Right from the start, the power difference is obvious.
Right, that's Sir.
Savage attack.
Security attack.
Severe hit.
Smack the weak spot.
Smoke screen white up.
Soft boy over easy.
Sonic boom.
Sparks Flying in this Heated Battle
Spell morale.
Steve Victor.
Still comes up a rage.
Submission going down.
Super effective.
Take down.
Taken down on the word go.
Terrifying roll.
Thank you self destruct.
Thank you.
Thank you. Bye.
That attack is totally ineffective.
That had no effect.
That one hurt.
That power move appears to be a waste.
That was brutal.
That was quick down already.
That was weak.
That's a good hit.
That's it. Stage clear.
The action has been heavy from the start.
The air strike continues.
The attack is still continuing.
The attack wasn't effective.
The attacks still going on.
The battle has become one sided.
The battle is coming right down to the One.
The challenger faces Sabrina, the saffron gym leader and the mistress of psychic Pokémon, trying not to get scrambled by psychic attacks.
The challenger now faces the Elite 4. The first opponent is Lorelai.
The Champions of tomorrow have begun their super hot battles.
The combatants are making sparks fly.
The combatants faced each other.
The commands are issued.
The crowd excitement is building. This is Round 4.
The crowds excitement is building over this hot battle.
The disabled worked.
The field is thinning out. We're into Round 6.
The free battle is on.
The heated battle rages on.
The ice melted.
The intense battle continues.
The move failed to click.
The move failed.
The move is disabled.
The move works perfectly.
The next adversary is Bruno. He is 1 Rugged Opponent.
The next battle is against Pewter Gym leader Brock. How will the challenger battle Brocks Rock Hard Team?
The next battle is versus Koga, the Fuchsia Gym Leader and the master of Poison Pokémon. Can the challenger do anything about the effects of Poison?
The next Pokémon is being prepped.
The opponent can't move on.
The opponent status must be shot.
The other trainer also changes Pokémon.
The poison will slowly SAP the strength.
The Pokémon returns to its Pokeball.
The Pokemons feeling it.
The previous turn took a lot out of both Pokémon.
The remaining Pokémon count is 3 to 2.
The remaining Pokémon County is 3 to 1.
The remaining Pokémon stock is 2 to one.
The special stat is done.
The status change worked.
The substitute absorbs the heat.
The substitute disappeared.
The substitute took the hit.
The substitute was used up.
The tense battle continues.
The trainer hasn't issued an order.
The trainers also change.
The trainers changing Pokémon.
The underground attack continues.
The upcoming battles look promising. We're into round three.
There is a distinct difference in the number of remaining Pokémon.
There is nothing left in reserve.
There is only one Pokémon against three.
There it goes.
There it is, Counter Strike.
There, it's a hit.
There, quick attack.
There's a big difference in HP.
There's a difference in the number of reserve Pokémon.
There's a little damage.
There's almost no time left.
There's just one Pokémon aside now.
There's no fighting back while you're frozen.
There's nothing you can do now.
There's only one Pokémon left in reserve.
There's the attack.
They go into battle poses.
They strike fighting poses.
They're both being cautious here.
They're just trading warning blows now.
They're staring each other down.
This battle is raging back and forth.
This battle is still up in the air.
This battle will be played according to Hockey Cup rules.
This battle will be played according to Petite Cup rules.
This battle will be played according to Pika Cup rules.
This battle will be played according to Prime Cup rules.
This has turned into a lopsided contest.
This is a battle between obviously mismatched Pokémon.
This is a fight between two different types of Pokémon.
This is a wild one from the word go.
This is it. The battle against Misty, the Cerulean Gym Leader and the Maiden of Water Pokémon. Let's see what the challenger has in store for her.
This is it. The final battle. Who will bask in the glory of the championship?
This is it. The final gym leader, Jibani. The dawn of brown Pokémon. The challenger has to work hard for the win.
This is it. The semifinals. No one wants to lose, having come this far.
This is it. The showdown against blame. The leader of Cinnabar, Jim is a fire Pokémon Technician. Treat him like Leanne, You'll get burned.
This is truly at the final battle against the rival. This is the final act in a long and arduous quest in the Gym Leader castle.
This matchup has become one sided.
This one's already taken serious damage. It's worrisome.
Thunder shock.
Touch up and Fusion.
Turn it down to 5.
Wait. Attack.
Warning. Fire speed.
Wash up confused.
We bring you this battle live from Jim Leader Castle. How will our intrepid challenger fare against the best of the best?
We might be in for A1 sided affair.
We're coming down to the end. Here's Lance, the last remaining master of the Elite 4.
We're down to 1, Pokémon aside.
We're down to the last Pokémon.
We're evenly matched at 2 Pokémon on the side.
We're finally underway with Pokémon Tournament Prime Cups Master Ball. Which trainer will go home with the Champions Trophy this time?
We're finally underway with Pokémon Tournament Punky Cup Pokey Ball. We have a large contingent of Pokémon with a bewildering mix of moves.
We're finally underway. Pump came on tournament, prime cut, great ball. The first Battle of the Champions title is set to start.
We're in the last half of the tournament. Things will get white hot begin Round 5.
We're ready to roll Pokémon Tournament Poker Cup Ultra Ball. The excitement continues to build here at Pokémon Stadium. Let the battles commence.
We're waiting for the next Pokémon.
What a furious battle.
What a power.
What a wild turn of events.
What flag?
What is Genesis?
What kind of battle can we expect to see begin round two?
What let me with.
What now?
What Pokémon will be fighting next?
What will it do?
What will the next Pokémon be?
What will the other side do?
What will the trainer do now?
What's next?
What's the matter? Trainer?
What's the point of splashing?
What's this?
Which Pokémon is coming out?
Whoa, that was overpowering.
Whoa, that's tough.
Whoa, this one this too?
Whoa, wait. Attacked itself?
Whoa, whip that attack.
Whoa, whoa, Andrea.
Why it exploded?
Will it erase the humiliation of its fallen comrade?
Will it live up to its expectations?
Will this Pokémon swap change the flow of battle?
Will this, I said her melt.
WOW Taken down in one hit!
Wow, going down.
Wow, it transformed.
Wow, Mega 3.
Wow, that's an effective hit.
Wow. They're down. They're both down.
Yeah, it's a heck.
Yeah, look like a bad Pokémon choice.
Yes, it's working.
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