Armoured Personnel Carrier, exterior, approaches, engine idles, departs from BANG! Soundboard
Armoured Personnel Carrier, exterior, passes right to left in mud from BANG! Soundboard
Bag of bottles break from BANG! Soundboard
Beer bottle breaks, with fizz from BANG! Soundboard
Burglar Alarm, bell from BANG! Soundboard
Burglar Alarm, electronic spin from BANG! Soundboard
Car alarm from BANG! Soundboard
Chieftain Tank, firing armour piercing round (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Chieftain Tank, firing armour piercing round (Recorded close to recieving end) from BANG! Soundboard
Chieftain Tank, firing four High Explosive Squash Head (HESH) rounds (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Chieftain Tank, firing machine guns & shells while moving (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Chieftain Tank, firing three High Explosive Squash Head (HESH) rounds (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Chieftain Tank, firing two rounds of 105mm shells from BANG! Soundboard
Chieftain Tank, firing two rounds of 105mm shells (Middle distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Electronic Alarm, gun shots from BANG! Soundboard
Electronic Alarm, rapid pips from BANG! Soundboard
Electronic Alarm, wail with wobble on top from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Catherine Wheel with indistinct speech from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Chinese Fire Cracker from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Chrysanthemum Fountain from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Crackerjack Fountain from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Ground Mine from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Mine of Serpents from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Retrojet Fountain from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Rocket from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Roman Candle from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Screamer from BANG! Soundboard
Fireworks, Thunderflash from BANG! Soundboard
Gelignite, three 8oz sticks explode at 20 feet from BANG! Soundboard
Gelignite, two 8oz sticks explode at 20 feet from BANG! Soundboard
General purpose machine gun firing from behind & above from BANG! Soundboard
General purpose machine gun firing from in front & close left from BANG! Soundboard
General purpose machine gun pimple & turret mounted firing in turn from BANG! Soundboard
General purpose machine gun surface fire (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
General purpose machine gun, distant from BANG! Soundboard
General purpose machine gun, surface fire from close left from BANG! Soundboard
Land Rover, exterior, approach & stop from BANG! Soundboard
Land Rover, exterior, passes right to left from BANG! Soundboard
Land Rover, exterior, switch on & depart from BANG! Soundboard
Machine guns firing from all sides (Close perpective) from BANG! Soundboard
Quarrying, single explosion in hardstone quarry from BANG! Soundboard
Quarrying, three siren blasts (Short World War II siren) from BANG! Soundboard
RAF Hawker Siddeley Harrier, three fly overhead (some tank engine noise in foreground) from BANG! Soundboard
RAF Hawker Siddeley Harrier, three fly overhead firing cannon (some tank engine noise in foreground) from BANG! Soundboard
RAF Hawker Siddeley Harrier, three fly overhead firing rockets (some tank engine noise in foreground) from BANG! Soundboard
Rapid fire in air defence from BANG! Soundboard
Rapid gunfire (Distant perpective) from BANG! Soundboard
Scimitar Armoured Vehicle, firing on automatic (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Scimitar Armoured Vehicle, firing on automatic (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Scimitar Armoured Vehicle, three shots fired (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Scimitar Armoured Vehicle, three shots fired (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Scorpion Armored Vehicle, firing High Explosive Squash Head (HESH) round from BANG! Soundboard
Scorpion Armored Vehicle, firing three High Explosive Squash Head (HESH) rounds (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
Sniper, single shot fired from position 10 feet away from BANG! Soundboard
USAF Fairchild A 10 Thunderbolt, four fly overhead (some tank engine noise in foreground) from BANG! Soundboard
USAF Fairchild A 10 Thunderbolt, two fly overhead firing cannon (some tank engine noise in foreground) from BANG! Soundboard
Wine bottle breaks from BANG! Soundboard
56mm gas operated rifle, a section firing single shots (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
56mm gas operated rifle, a section firing single shots (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
56mm gas operated rifle, platoon fires 200 rounds on automatic (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
56mm gas operated rifle, platoon fires 200 rounds on automatic radio (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
56mm gas operated rifle, six single shots on targets (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
56mm gas operated rifle, six single shots on targets (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
56mm light support weapon firing (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
56mm light support weapon firing (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
66mm light anti tank weapon fired (Middle distant perpective) from BANG! Soundboard
81mm medium mortar, firing multiple high explosive & smoke charges, explosions after 0m21s (Distant perspective) from BANG! Soundboard
81mm medium mortar, firing multiple high explosive & smoke charges, explosions after 0m22s (Recorded close to firing end) from BANG! Soundboard
81mm medium mortar, firing multiple high explosive charges, explosions after 0m19s (Recorded close to firing end) from BANG! Soundboard
84mm medium anti tank weapon fired (Distant perpective) from BANG! Soundboard
84mm medium anti tank weapon, two rounds of high explosive fired (Close perspective) from BANG! Soundboard