And he becomes a mighty man of war.
And the United States of America is healed and, well, thank you again.
COVID 19 Choir
From your place of assorted destroyer, you come down and you crawl on your belly.
I call you done gone.
I call you done.
I execute judgement on you COVID-19.
I execute judgement on you, Satan.
I hollered at the top of my voice in the name of Jesus you get back up there where you belong
I messed us up
I'm telling you it gets hot down there
I've been man judgement on you I didn't hold. I said man, I demand.
In the garden of Eden.
In the name of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
It is finished
It is over.
It's right there on the coast it gets muggy, and that's what it takes to kill this thing
Like God commanded you when he put his foot on your head in the garden of Eden.
Of the Prophet of God.
One oppressive me nasty people attack his pee.
Phmm man
Standing in the office.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
The Prince of Peace takes his place.
The Prince of war.
Vaccination that come immediately, yes.
When mean oppressive nasty diseases attack his people
Will exercise judgment right now.
You come down.
You destroyer you killer, you get out, you bleed brake power, you get off this nation.
You will destroy through COVID-19, no more, no more.