All over. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Alright here, and we're ready to kick ass. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Alright, going in. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Alright, watch and learn. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Alright, where are they from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Amateurs. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
And stay down, dirtbag. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Ass kicking time. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Asskicking Time from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Back from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Back the fuck up. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Big mistake. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Bring em on. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Bringing the pain. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines Sound from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Bulldozer coming through from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Bulldozer going in! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Bulldozer time from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Bulldozer time! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Can't stop me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Career criminals my ass. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Clobbering time from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Closer in the house bringing some hurt. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Come on out wherever you are. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Come on out wherever you are. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Come out and play. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Coming soon. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Coming through. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Crush from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Death penalty in 321. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Do anything to me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Do not enter this. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Do you even know how fucked you are? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Do you think that's gonna stop me? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Do your worst. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Don't kill yourself or anything, that honors mine! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Don't mess with me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Don't you think you should leave now? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Dozer Laugh from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Drop on the shitheads like a fucking piano. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Enjoy hell. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Eyes on tango. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Find somewhere good to hide. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
For some payback. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Fuck you up. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Fuck. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Fuck. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Fucking hell. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Gateway Burger bulldozer. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Get out of the way the sons of bitches are going down. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Get ready. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Gimme some room from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Give up, maybe I won't stop a mud hole in your ass. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Give up. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Go in. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Going to work. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Gonna be hot where you're going. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Gonna break some shit. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Gonna send you to hell. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Gonna wish he stayed home. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Got you asshole? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Got you shitbag. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Ha ha ha. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Haha, Suckers! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
He got what he deserved. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
He had it coming. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
He wasn't so tough after all. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
He's dead. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
He's done. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
He's gonna pay. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Here comes some fucking hurt. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Here comes the pain. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Hide while you can. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Holy shit. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Hope you gotta plug picked out. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Hope you like the heat you're gonna pay. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
How do you think this is gonna hand? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I bring the pain. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I can't wait to get my hands on you. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I give this guy 5 seconds. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I got 'em! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I got this. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I got this. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I got this. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I hear you you are so fucked. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I know you're there. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I put you down with or without my visor. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I said this would happen. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I said you'd die! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I told you you die. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I told you. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I want to play some man. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I will break you. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'll deal with this one. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'll end you. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'll pick these suckers apart. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'll take care of this one myself. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'll take this one. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'm a kick your ass. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'm gonna drop a building on him. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'm screwed! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'm their problem now. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
I'm unstoppable. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Ill rush you with or without visor from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Impressive, but futile. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
It always ends the same. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Just a matter of time. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Just got real. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Just like I said. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Just wait till I find you. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Justice served. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Kick your ass. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Let's finish this. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Let's finish this. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Let's see what you got. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Like I said. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Like that would stop me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Losers here and ready for action. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Make way for the DOOOZEER from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Make way for the dozer marriage. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Make way. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Move aside, I got this. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Move aside. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Next Bullet's got your name on it. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
No payday for you! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
No, you got my attention. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Oh I'm ready. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Oh shit. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Oh, I see him now. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
OK, I'm here who wants to die. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
OK, I'm here who wants to die. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
One down kiss your ass goodbye. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Please stay alive, a bit longer so i can kill you myself! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Say your prayers! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Shit. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Shoot 'em up! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Show me what you got. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Show me where they are. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Show you the light at the end of the tunnel. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Sorry asshole. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Stand back. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Stay alive so I can kill you myself. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Take this one it all on my own. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Target down. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
That it. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
That's all you got. Only four of them. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
There still alive. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
There's only four of them. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
This guy's no match. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
This one belongs to me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
This ones mine. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
This won't take long. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Time for some payback. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Too bad. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Too little too late buddy from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Total annihilation in 321. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Trying to send you to hell. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Wanna bang heads? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Watch me crush this guy. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
What is this amateur hour? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
What stop me? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Where are they? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Where are you! from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Who wants a piece of me? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Who wants a piece of the elite? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Who wants to die? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Who's there in the house? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
World of hurt coming up. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
Yes, don't end well for you. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You can still give up match. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You can't stop me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You didn't listen. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You done. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You fucked up big time. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You got no chance. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You made a bad call. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You made a very bad mistake. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You should have given up back there. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You should've listened. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You stepped in it. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You think you're bad? from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You won't stop me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You're dead. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You're done. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You're in deep shit now. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You're no match for me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You're nothing to me. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You're nothing. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines
You're up against the wall, and I am the fucking wall. from Bulldozer - PayDay 2 Voice Lines