All done, done. Nice work. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Booth don't panic, pit, but there's a clubber skull nearby. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Considering this is the Reaper fortress, there really aren't very many Reapers. There must be a huge soul harvest going on somewhere. What do you mean? Reapers are sole carriers. When a being dies,... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Cool. A hidden area. Head inside. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Down there is your only option. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Down there, I'm getting you out. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Even though I almost died, I've really enjoyed her time together. Ah, you poor guy. You really need to make some friends. Now let's go find Endora. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Fair or not, just stay away from it. Try breaking nearby rocks to find a way out. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Here we go. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Here we go. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I don't think I can get through this way for now. Why don't you just go back? from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I think I found the Great Reapers weak points. They're its head and little toes. Ohh yeah, stubbing those guys hurts like crazy, but it's more effective to target the head. The head is a weak spot ... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Is that a windstorm up ahead? Hang on. Ohh don't be such a baby. It's only wind. I mean at least it's not poison or acid wind. Then you'd be in real trouble. Ohh lucky me. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
It's trapped for now, so I suggest leaving it alone. It's one dangerous enemy. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Nice. Another grind drill. This one works a bit differently. As you're writing it, shoot the targets on the walls. This will extend the rail to your destination. That sounds easy enough, just keep ... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
No way. It's gigantic. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Not this guy, an eggplant wizard. But I don't want to be an eggplant again. Way back when you had to visit a nurse to get fixed up. Remember, I was there so much they named the place after me hospi... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Now finish it. But how the light coming from its head. Strike there. Gotcha. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Oh, I guess I can get through here now. That's because you raise the intensity level. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Ohh, there's an ornn around your pet. Are you talking about the floating skull? Yes, the slightest touch from one of those will annihilate you, but sounds painful, not to mention totally unfair. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
OK, are you alright? Never better than let's get moving. The force obscuring Pandora is deep within this fortress. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Reapers may look all evil and crazy, but there's a good reason for that. They are evil and crazy, but here's a little tip they won't bother you if you stay out of their sight. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
So what's our mission this time? You remember Reapers, don't you? From the underworld? Not those guys. They're always freaking out and calling in their little repeats. Nah, I'm getting worked up ju... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
That silence means we have to go there, doesn't it? Will you at least tell me why you want to go to a place crawling with Reapers? I'm trying to find another one of Medusa's commanders, Pandora, th... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
The clever skulls loose. Get out of there. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
The underworld forces really stepped up their game. I doubt those underlings managed it on their own. It's a sure sign that Medusa is back in power. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There are many enemies ahead. I'll take care of them. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There are reapers creeping around in there. They'll summon rabbits if they see you, so be careful. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There's something strange about this hot spring, huh? The steam seems a little evil. Ah, it's probably not a good sign. I'll just keep moving. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
This looks like a dead end. There must be a way out. Hmm. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
This ravine should take you to the Reaper fortress, but it's tight, so be careful. If you get stuck, I won't have time to get you out. And things are really heating up. Time to bust through here. F... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Those aren't just flirty looks coming from the great Reaper's eyes. Let me guess, they're death rays in a nutshell. Plus, if you get hit, it'll summon rebuts. That great Reaper has quite the evil e... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Those blades look like they could really put a hurt on someone. Be careful not to fall. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
We need to find you a safe route. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Well, well, it appears that this place is equipped with some Hot Springs. I could use a little RR right about now. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
What are those red lights? Are they? Reaper eyes. This is really bad. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
What is that thing? That great Reaper must be the one who's hidden Pandora's labyrinth of deceit. This area split into 2 levels, so just switch levels depending on how it attacks. You say that like... from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Whoa, that's hot, hot, hot here. There's no chance of getting in from above. You'll have to break through the front. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Whoa, whoa. Nice. That's a grind rail. It beats walking, huh? You can ride it right into the courtyard. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You know what, Lady Palatina? What's that pen? from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You're almost there, 321 contact. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You're closing in on the force that's obscuring Pandora's location. Yeah, I figured the evil lighting wasn't just for show. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You're heading into a cave now. Be careful. from Chapter 04 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)