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A change like zanorte.
A clue, I hope, to finding yourselves or your lost friends in your hour of need.
After all, light begets darkness, and darkness is drawn to light.
And As for the source of all light, the one true Kingdom Hearts, it was swallowed by the darkness, never to be seen again. As long as it remains there, even the brightest world will have its dark c...
And if the darkness gets you, I promise I'll bail you out.
And it does not take superhuman powers to see them. Surely we remember as children the way our hearts made everything seem so shiny and perfect.
And Mark my words.
And perhaps you may even succeed Mickey.
Another stray.
As a keyblade master Xehanort had a gift like few others. But such great minds are often plagued by a single great question. What is the essence of the human heart that weakens us or empowers us? T...
As for the real key braid, it did not survive the battle.
As there are seven pure lights, there are seven sleeping keyholes. Unlocking these will both grant you new powers and free the world's from their wake lessness.
As you can see, the organization's members are complete people again. Zanorte will be no different. We cannot afford another moment's hesitation. We must consider any strategy to outwit zanorte and...
As you know, every world is walled off from the next, preventing travel between them.
As your flesh bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that of a recusant.
Axel didn't. My name is Lee. Got it memorized.
Axel. Please. The name's Lee. Got it memorized.
Back in the very place and time when the Destiny Islands were lost to darkness. Otherwise Sora and Riku would have been beyond his reach.
Best friends forever.
Bingo. You were able to go back in time to just before your home became a sleeping world, only because a past version of you already existed there. And I can see in the past you already met Mr Robo...
Both of you are self-taught Keyblade wielders, an impressive feat. However, the time has come for you to let go of preconceived notions, forget what you know about the Keyblade, and begin your trai...
Boy, those nitwits.
But I just couldn't get mine to materialize.
But in a digital world, memory does not work like that. Nothing is ever felt. You can hold 1000 a million times the information, but there is still no heart with which to parse it.
But in time, the world was overrun by legions who wanted the light all for themselves, and the first shadows were cast upon the land.
But it looks as if it's gonna pay off.
But only the ones who joined the organization here. I guess Zanorte doesn't count. But where are brake and? Aiza.
But some never returned completely. They still sleep, cut off from all outside channels.
But the light still shining in the hearts of children rebuilt the world that we know today. And the light from the broken keyblade was then divided into 7 to protect the number of pure hearts in th...
But there is no denying Riku stands the better chance, having dived into Sora's heart as long as he has.
But though the war extinguished all light from the world, the darkness could not reach the brightness inside every child's heart. With that light, the world was remade as we know it to day, with co...
But understand one can banish the heart from the body, but the body will try to replace it the first chance it gets. For as many times as it takes. And so I knew, even after we were divided into he...
Complete this task and return here safely and I will name you both.
Considering their ability, I would like to believe that they are. However, all my attempts to locate Sora and Riku end questionably.
Could he be that cunning, possess that kind of foresight?
Dark rescues my middle name.
Do it. Alias. Heaven. Lienzo. Yeah.
Don't tell me he's gone to sleep again.
Don't. If they were back, we would have found them by now.
Duh. You're strong because of the ties you have with other people, as if the Keyblade would choose a wimp like you. But no pouting. We see much bigger and better things in your future. Once you sid...
Dylan and Evan are conscious again, but still unstable. They're resting inside.
Error. Fine. See where your power gets you here. Zammis. He's all yours.
Even if you are not the prisoner.
Fine, let's jump right in.
For that to work, a version of himself would have had to exist at both source and destination. Not even say a naught can transport his whole body across vast reaches of time.
For this reason, some decided to use the Keyblade, a weapon designed to conquer the light.
Got it memorized.
Gotcha. Well, I guess I'll give the castle grounds a sweep.
Handled, not found, stray program recognized.
He has touched countless hearts, he has accepted them and he has saved them. And some of those hops have never left him. Whether they fell Into Darkness or were trapped there. Whether they sleep in...
He will trouble us yet again.
He's not here, you see. By defeating the Nightmare Imprisoning sorrow, you freed him.
Hey, Axel, you haven't forgotten?
Hey, do you remember now or wait? Did you never lose your memory?
Hey, is this how you wanted it?
Hey, let's hit these plot points in order. Sora roxus. First, you must be wondering about your revised itinerary. Why am I here, not back home?
Hey, thanks for the vote of confidence. You know, I was going to come swooping in, key blade in hand.
Hey. Are the other two still out cold?
Hmm. It's clear you cannot teach a cat to bark, but Merlin and the three good fairies are aiding him in a place that's more temporarily flexible. My hope is that he can at least learn to wield it. ...
Hmm. So do you think they were blasted off to some other world or what?
Hmm. What?
Hmm. You performed truly admirably, both of you.
How? You cannot enter the world of a dream. Where will you go?
However. Through weakness of body. Weakness of will. Or weakness of trust. Most of the original members we had chosen for the organization were inadequate. Thus, naturally, they never had a chance ...
Huh. How exactly?
I agree it is strange.
I am also deeply sorry for failing to perceive the danger and throwing you headlong into a perilous test.
I did.
I have come to learn that you too can wield a key blade. I am glad you are here.
I highly doubt it.
I must warn you again, the road will not be easy.
I OK, boss.
I require.
I sensed something was amiss nearly the moment Sora and Riku departed. Zanorte must have known what we were attempting before we even began.
I will return you to the Destiny Islands, just before they were swallowed by the darkness and plunged into sleep.
I'll catch up with you in no time flat.
If we are ever to strike down zanorte, we need the individuals King Mickey spoke of in his letter. We must lead them out of sorrow and slumber and back to our world.
In actuality, they are sound asleep. Trapped within a world that is also sleeping.
In the past, you could bridge these gaps because the walls were broken or because you could open special lanes with your keyblades. But your new goals, the sleeping keyholes, are harder to reach.
In those sleeping worlds, real time does not flow. Unless one restores the world by waking it from its slumber, it will stay locked in a dream forever. Thus you may encounter familiar faces, but th...
In your mark of mastery exam, you were to unlock 7 sleeping keyholes. By doing so, you would awaken those worlds from their prison of slumber and also acquire the power to free a heart from its sleep.
Indeed. A heart is never lost for good. There may have been variances in our dispositions. But a number of US unquestionably showed signs of a burgeoning replacement.
Indeed. Those seven pure hearts form the very source of all light in the world. If they are lost, the world will again give way to shadow. Thus. Even if we deliberately avoid finding our seven ligh...
Isolating for quarantine.
It sure is. It's too perfect. Who'd ever believe it? Which is why you idiots never saw it coming.
It's about time you noticed.
Long ago, in the age of fairy tales, the world was filled with light, a gift many believed from an unseen power known as Kingdom Hearts. You see, Kingdom Hearts was protected by its counterpart, th...
Lucky, I remembered. Look what I nearly forgot.
Me. I'm already half zanorte.
Mickey. I was not able to locate Sora. But I sense Riku's presence in the realm between. Trust your heart and I know you will find him.
Mickey. There is no time to waste.
More than anything, I am grateful to have you both back from zanorte, deception on harmed. And I am grateful to Lee, whose spontaneous actions turned the tides.
Must be in the snap of the wrist or something.
My heart has always been quick to grow. Each exposure to light, to the natural world, to other people, shapes this most malleable part inside of us.
Never fear, sorrow is safe.
Nightmares which devour happy dreams. And benevolent spirits which consume the nightmares.
No doubt you fancy yourselves masters already. But it takes years of training. Only a true master can teach you the proper way.
No, as a matter of fact, I do not.
No, it cannot be.
No, look, OK, the fact is we're here. We've been re completed, right? So they should be here too, plain and simple.
No, Mickey, this affliction is not the same.
No, that wasn't stuff. It was a dream. The falling asleep part was definitely our bad. But we can't put stuff in your head. Hey, I got an idea. Ask your heart. See if it's got a clue.
Nobody's. Are not different from us in that manner.
Not even the heartless can enter. But these sleeping worlds are said to have their own manner of darkness.
Now make like those Musketeers and scram.
Now, I told you my name's whatever. Axel's fine. Now let's get out of here.
Of course. Now why is it that you are here?
Ohh what's the matter sleepyhead?
Ohh, thank you Sora's heart for pushing him right into our clutches. Aren't hearts great? Steer us wrong every time.
Ohh. Where people again.
Once born, the heart can also be nurtured. Our experiments creating heartless were attempts to control the mind and convince it to renounce its sense of self.
Once dreams take you, you must let them guide you to the sleeping worlds.
Once my master ansome. Found an old system and made a copy of its master control program. And used it to serve his own ends. This is the original data of that system. Here data can be copied. Memor...
One dream is connected to another, which means we must choose in which sleeping world you will begin.
Ooh, I see you still got that angry look down. But here is where I tag out. I got just a few more hoops I gotta jump through.
Or perhaps.
Our time is up.
Perhaps he has the power to bring back the hearts and existences of those connected to him. To recreate people we thought were lost to us forever. Our most precious treasures. Even an empty puppet....
Perhaps I wanted to atone for events of the past, even if no apology can undo the harm I have wrought. I felt. But I ought to leave at least something behind. So I digitized myself and my research ...
Pleasant dreams, kiddo.
Promises to keep I'll always be there to get my friends back. What bad timing? You had your perfect little script. But you kind of forgot to write the sequel. Now let's find out what happens.
Recall. What do you wish?
Reku. You unlocked those keyholes within Sora's dreams. Therefore, it stands to reason that you now have the power to awaken Sora's heart.
Rub a few memories together and you get a spark of emotion, a feeling.
Seven lights. 13 darknesses. Master Zanorte has been busy.
Since then, in many a guise, he has clashed with protectors of the light keyblade wielders like yourselves.
Sora and Riku. You both deserve the honour. However, one of you braved the realm of sleep again to unlock the final keyhole and save a friend. Rico, I name you our new true keyblade master.
Sora has a heart like that, uncorrupted, willing to see the good before the bad. When he sees the heart in something, it then becomes real. When a connection seems broken, he may have the power to ...
Sora is awake. You can go home now.
Sora was the only one able to return to his human form without destroying his nobody. That is a statement to the love in his heart for other people and the bonds that tie them together.
Sora, see. That's why it has to be you.
State your handle program.
Test runs. Done.
That forget it.
That Raven is maleficence.
That you'd always be there. To bring us back.
That's me.
The answer is simple. We brought you to this place, hijacked your little slumber party before it started, and ever since we've been both your companions and your constant guides.
The bits and bytes that have made-up your life so far, can you say for sure they are not just copies of someone else's?
The boss is gonna be mad.
The Dream Eaters will guide you just as the Heartless ones guided you to the keyhole you seek at the heart of each world.
The Keyblade wars of your plunge to the true Kingdom Hearts Into Darkness. And the keyblade was shattered.
The memory and heart are tightly linked.
The rest is in there.
The timing is too perfect, too calculated. Maleficent must sense a change in the forces of darkness.
The two elements that created it, one of darkness and one of light, shattered into 20 pieces. Seven of Light, 13 of darkness.
Then you came here and you were questioned by three young people. That was the final key to awaken him.
There are so many hearts that are connected to yours. You're me. So you can feel what I felt.
These warriors crafted Keyblades in the image of the original Keyblade and waged a Great War over Kingdom Hearts. We call this the Keyblade War.
They are called dream eaters and there are two kinds.
They can be saved. All sorrow needs to do is be himself and follow wherever it is that his heart takes him. It is the best and the only way.
They on Hart is a devious tactician. There is nothing we can do that he will not to some extent be able to predict.
This experience has revealed many hidden truths, and we must gird ourselves for the great clash with darkness that lies before us. I believe we need a new keyblade master, one with a new kind of po...
Those are just words you've lost.
Thought we'd go down. Easy peasy, Amy Adam.
To defend the light instead. These were the first heroes of the Keyblade.
To do so, seven sleeping keyholes must be found and unlocked, and a great power retrieved.
To protect the seven pure hearts, we will need 7 lights strong enough to stand against the 13 darknesses.
Translation. They were going to turn all the members into zanorte.
True masters.
Verifying handle sora.
Very well then, Sora and Riku. Let your examination begin.
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We have learned of the hearts folly and we have achieved our other goals. This last excursion has proven to be a worthy closing assignment for the organization.
We jumped through a lot of hoops to get you here.
We must be ready.
We'll be lightening your load by 1 Princess.
We'll flatten them like crepes.
Well, if we are running on the assumption they are not knew what we were planning, then he still would need to have been there.
Well, you see.
What a drag. Could they not have been re completed at all?
What happened to me?
What if the challenges of our past were in fact a map to the light and darkness that battles within us all?
What indeed?
What is it that you're so afraid of?
What is the one thing you care about more than anything else?
What's more, whilst someone may no longer dwell in the real version of a world. Dreams may paint a fuller picture. And restore what seems to be missing.
When someone who's lost their heart is re completed, they should return to the place where it happened. And if that world is unavailable for whatever reason, a refuge is made for them in the realm ...
Where are they? I've turned this castle upside down.
Which is why you, Sora, and Riku are to be tested for the mark of a true keyblade master.
Whoopsie. Daisy wasn't easy putting you into a second sleep and he almost woke you up.
Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs?
Why is the Bucks sounds mouse quit messing around. The boss is losing his patience.
Yeah, what now, you old coot?
Yeah. I mean, I came here to learn how to wield 1.
You had better check. Make certain the boxes contents match what's on the label. Since you have been chosen.
You know what? I'll bring him back myself.
You made us a promise.
You must understand this examination is in no way how the mark of mastery is usually found. However, in light of what they must do next, it was a necessity. If Sora and Riku complete their test by ...
You thought you were off doing some kind of test, right? We'll test this. How come you're wearing the same clothes if you're already back home, you are not gonna wake up, OK, look, there's no real ...
You were not the visitor I expected.
You will recall in your first journey that you brought many worlds back from the darkness.
You're not supposed to be here.
Young men. I do not believe you ever told me your name.
Your heart's memories, your data, and your dreams.
Zamenis and Zanorte formed the organization for a specific reason. Round up a bunch of empty husks, hook them up to Kingdom Hearts, then fill them all with the exact same heart and mind.
Zanorte had to know, so he renounced his duties as master and chose the Seekers life.
Zanorte. You wanna fill me in?
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