Ah, there's my Batty BFF. Ohh smiles as usual. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
All aboard. Stop. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
And please don't ring the doorbell when you arrive. Solar City. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
And stay down. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Bailout back Brain bailout. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Be honest, Betsy. Does this bomb make my butt look big? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Buckle up that breath. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Buckle up, bad boys. This ones gonna hurt. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Choo Choo. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Choo Choo. Training day is over, Batman. Time to get back on track and get it. Train track. Geez, tough crowd. Now don't keep me in Mr. Boom Boom waiting. It's way past our bedtime. All aboard. Stop. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Choo Choo. Training day is over, Batman. Time to get back on track and get it. Train track. Geez, tough crowd. Now don't keep me in Mr. Boom Boom waiting. It's way past our bedtime. All aboard. Stop. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Doubt. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Drive. Drive fast as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the joker, man. Uh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Good show backbone. That's the old college try. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
He. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Heaven's bad, so we must have just missed you. Why? Poor old Jimbo. He is so upset he's about to boss. Stop. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Heaven's bad, so we must have just missed you. Why? Poor old Jimbo. He is so upset he's about to boss. Stop. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Heaven's bad, so we must have just missed you. Why? Poor old Jimbo. He is so upset he's about to boss. Stop. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey I was using that. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey there, chuckles. Me and old Jimbo just found ourselves a swell clubhouse. No bats allowed. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey, no fair. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey, Patsy, what do you say we go again? Unless you're chicken. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey, Patsy, what do you say we go again? Unless you're chicken. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey, that hurt. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey, that hurt. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hey, that's cheating. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Hope that hunka junk still under warranty. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you weren't trying to find me at all. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Jumpers. Some guys just don't know when they're beat. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Just a friendly reminder that Gotham City is about to go. All exploded. Stop. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Knock it off, your big bully. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Lol. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Look at those guns. Batty. Ohh what fun. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Lucky shot back brain. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
My ohh my Is that thing supposed to smoke? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
No fair, No fair. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
No, poor Mr. Boom Boom. You were sorry young. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
No. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
No. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
No. Poor Mr. Boom Boom you were showing young. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Now cut that out. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Now don't keep me in Mr. Boom Boom waiting. It's way past our bedtime. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Now remember hands at 10:00 and 2:00. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh down goes Batman. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh God, blow up more of my henchman. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh goodie, the BAT Man's here just in time to see Gotham City Girl completely. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh no texting. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh right in the kisser. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh, come on, this hardly seems like a fair fight. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh, I just can't miss. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh, missed it by that much. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh, that was my favorite henchman. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh, you broke me with no brain. You broke me without Dwayne. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh, you still here? Hadn't noticed? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh, you're not looking so hot there, bats. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohoopee man, Seems I've misplaced some of my favorite time bombs. Be a chum and round up the poor little angels before they get all cranky pants, won't you? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ohoopee man, Seems I've misplaced some of my favorite time bombs. Be a chum and round up the poor little angels before they get all cranky pants, won't you? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
OK, no more Mr. Nice Clown. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Peekaboo. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Poor bats in just minding his own beeswax when Paramo, some clown ruins all the fun with the little two ton atomic surprise. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Power. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Quick impression of me calling you to dinner. Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner. Batman. Get it? You're no fun. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Ready for Gotham City to go Cup Louis. What's that now, Mr. Boom? Boom. Well, you should have done that before we left. I specifically told you. Ohh boy, one radioactive temper tantrum coming up. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Riddle me this Batman. Ohh wait that's that other guys line. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Say hello to my little car crashing friends, Batman. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Shame, shame. Batman running all those red lights. Ohh. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
So Jok laugh01 h from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Stay still, William. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Stop doing that. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Thank you. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
The Joker. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
This is really getting old, chuckles. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
TikTok bat boy. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Time out? Don't they pick my tongue? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Training day is over, Batman. Time to get back on track. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Welcome back, bat Brain. What took you so long? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Well, that's the end of this suit. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Well, what do you know? That boy is back for more. I like it. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Well, will you look at that? The Batmobile lost its wheel. Who does thunk it? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
What's my favorite part of a joke? The punchline. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Why I oughta? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Why you? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Yeah. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
Yeah. Ah. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You can stop fighting back now. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You just don't know when to quit, do you? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You know, Batman, with all the wackos out there, you really should keep this number unlisted. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You know, bats, you really should take better care of that thing. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You see, This is why I can't have nice things with you around. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You still trying to get little me, Batman? Ohh. I never knew you cared. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You're getting warmer, warmer. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You're just a big old meanie. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You're making this way too easy, bat boy. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
You're not nice. from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
ああ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
ああ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
ああ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
ああ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
ああはあ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
ああはは。 ああ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
あっ、はい。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
あはあ。 はい。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
うわー。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
さあ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
は、ははは。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
はあ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
はは? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
はは? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
はは? from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)
ほほほ。 from Joker - Batman - Villains (Arcade)