Agent was unprofessional. from Reformed Stoic IP2
All the black people are really nice on a really nice boat. By Tyrone by Jamal. I'll miss you guys. I'm gonna listen to lots of $0.50. I'm gonna listen to lots of $0.50. from Reformed Stoic IP2
And a white part I remember like the pre pre civil rights. Yeah dude like that. Like pre pre civil rights. That could probably work. from Reformed Stoic IP2
And I get threatened by a fucking Uber eats driver. Like are you fucking serious? from Reformed Stoic IP2
And you have done everything in your power. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Anybody who rings my doorbell, I'm swinging the door open and blasting you with pepper spray dog. Simple as that. And I'll call the cops, tell him you tried to break in. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Are you fucking serious right now? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Are you fucking serious? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Are you fucking serious? How in the fucking fuck do I get a fucking agent on the fucking phone right fucking now? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Awesome. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Baked alaska from Reformed Stoic IP2
Black people don't like Christmas, right? Latinos don't like Christmas. It's evil and white guys. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Brandon, I sat out there with my and ain't going in. It's only my friend bigger, mine bigger. Bigger man. Man, man, man, man. from Reformed Stoic IP2
But I want the black part of town to be awesome, dude. from Reformed Stoic IP2
But yeah, probably. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Cancel the fucking order, dude. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Crank song from Reformed Stoic IP2
Crank2 from Reformed Stoic IP2
Die in a fire from Reformed Stoic IP2
Do your job. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Don't fuck with me. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Don't fucking come to my house when I tell you not to come to my house or you fucking serious, dude. Connect me to a fucking agent right fucking now. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Don't you fucking dare come to my fucking house when I tell you you're not allowed to come to my house. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Dude, Santa Claus hooks it up with watermelon and chicken. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Everybody called me bald and short my entire life, I said. A Nig, a Nikki and Nikki to the Nig. Nig, Nig, nickety nig. Who cares. Cry about it. Cry about you fucking who cares? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Fuck, it's a fucking corporation, dude. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Fucking stupid bitch. Ohh my gosh it disconnecting you fucking suck at your job bitch. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Fucking stupid fucking whore. I'm about to go smash that fucking vehicle. from Reformed Stoic IP2
He was ignoring my fucking messages. from Reformed Stoic IP2
He was so good at basketball. from Reformed Stoic IP2
He's gonna have so much fun in Africa. He's gonna have so much fun in Africa, man. He was so good at basketball. It's gonna all be good. No hard feelings, bra. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Hello stranger. Who's violating my privacy? Who has my private information? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Hey get. from Reformed Stoic IP2
How in the fuck do I fucking talk to you on the fucking phone? How do I fucking call you on the fucking phone? from Reformed Stoic IP2
How in the fuck do I get a fucking agent on the fucking phone right fucking now? from Reformed Stoic IP2
How in the fuck do I hold these people accountable? How in the fuck do I hold these people accountable for their billion dollar business? from Reformed Stoic IP2
I am furious. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I can't get a fucking break, dude. Everything is some fucking bullshit. How do I fucking call these fucking faggots? How do I fucking call these fucking idiots? from Reformed Stoic IP2
I don't care what the fucking problem is. I don't care what the fucking confusion is. If I tell you not to come to my home and you act like you're going to drive to my fucking home, I will fucking ... from Reformed Stoic IP2
I have been calling you guys the last three days. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I love Santa Claus. I'm trying to get some watermelons this Christmas. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I told the employee. That I don't want the order. So I understand how maybe there could be a host of confusion, but none of it is my fucking problem. None of it's my problem. And if you think the s... from Reformed Stoic IP2
I want management on the phone now. I want management on the phone now. I want management on the fucking phone now. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I would have. It would have been my legal right to bash his fucking face in for fucking self-defense. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'll fucking kill you. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm about to smash that fucking vehicle. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm about to. I'm about to smash my coffee table, dude. I'm seriously about to just punch my fucking coffee table and just smash it like I'm fucking furious right now. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm calling the cops if you come to my house. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm fucking filming. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm fucking filming. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm fucking furious, dude. I'm fucking furious. I am fucking furious. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm fucking pissed. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm going to try to calmly explain what just happened. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm so fucking furious, dude. I was in the middle of cleaning the House. I was cleaning the house. I was listening to music. I was gonna shave. I was doing laundry. I was fucking like, trying to li... from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm so fucking pissed, dude. This sucks so fucking bad. They're so fucking stupid. Are you fucking serious, dude? from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm suing you for sending a fucking assassin to my house. And you think it's a joke, like? I'm too angry to be calm about it, but like, I'm fucking furious, dude. from Reformed Stoic IP2
I'm telling them right now this isn't service. from Reformed Stoic IP2
If I tell you not to come to my house and you say you're coming to my house anyway, it is my legal right to bash your fucking head in. from Reformed Stoic IP2
If you come to my fucking house when I told you not to. It's a felony and I'm suing fucking Uber eats. from Reformed Stoic IP2
If you come to my fucking house, I'm gonna fuck you up, dude. from Reformed Stoic IP2
It's a fucking conglomerate corporation. It's a fucking corporation. Fuck. from Reformed Stoic IP2
It's OK, wrinkles. It's not your fault. I'm sorry. I'm traumatizing my cats right now. Dude, I'm fucking furious. I am fucking furious. Your $7.00 an hour fucking pussy foot. No fucking testosteron... from Reformed Stoic IP2
Jesus is a white people religion. There's a lot of minorities. Like, now? Hold on. Tyrone doesn't always like bitch. What you're talking about. I have a fucking love Santa Claus. from Reformed Stoic IP2
**** from Reformed Stoic IP2
laugh comp from Reformed Stoic IP2
Like dude. I don't give a fuck with the Uber driver who works at Uber eats once. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Look at that, he says. I'm afraid. I'm afraid I can engage no further with respect to this issue, that they're fucking ignoring me. I'm afraid I can respect to this issue no further. If you have ad... from Reformed Stoic IP2
Loulz tips song from Reformed Stoic IP2
My voice doesn't sound. I'll never have the same voice ever again. I'm so fucking furious right now, dude. I'm so fucking furious right now. I can't fucking call this fucking piece of shit. I can't... from Reformed Stoic IP2
New N Song from Reformed Stoic IP2
No, dude. He asked me if I wanted to cancel and I said yes and he says I have to cancel it in the app. No, you work for Uber. Do your fucking job and cancel the fucking order. You called me on my p... from Reformed Stoic IP2
Now if the customer if you call the customer on their private phone, ohh wow you have my private phone number. I never told you guys you could call me on my private phone, so you're already violati... from Reformed Stoic IP2
OK. from Reformed Stoic IP2
phone woman from Reformed Stoic IP2
Right. No Martin. No. Martin Luther King just knew. Rosa Parks. Yikes. Like Rosa Parks. Can you just? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Sign in, sign in. Give me a fucking phone number right fucking now. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Smear song from Reformed Stoic IP2
So that so they just rule the world, so you just can't talk to anybody. So they just rule the fucking world. So you're $8.00 an hour faggot is gonna threaten me and I can't do anything about it. from Reformed Stoic IP2
So this kid who's getting paid $8.00 an hour to drive Uber eats, which is a shitty job, he's getting paid to deliver shitty fast food. He calls me on my private phone. Text and say hey, they don't ... from Reformed Stoic IP2
Some $8.00 an hour faggot is gonna threaten to drive to my fucking house when I told him not to for his job. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Stoic crankin it song from Reformed Stoic IP2
Stoic mcd from Reformed Stoic IP2
Tell your fucking driver not to come to my house and don't fucking charge me. I'm fucking pissed. What the fuck? from Reformed Stoic IP2
That little fucking shit thought it was funny. from Reformed Stoic IP2
The customer is always right. I don't give a flying fuck what the $8.00 an hour Uber eats driver wants. He can do what his job is or he can lose his fucking job. from Reformed Stoic IP2
The fucking the fucking help guy said. I can't. I can't talking about it anymore. The number hangs up. from Reformed Stoic IP2
The situation that just played out over here. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Their driver just fucking threatened to come to my fucking house. from Reformed Stoic IP2
There's no store, dude. It's Uber eats. It's fucking Uber eats. from Reformed Stoic IP2
There's not enough rich black people. Who cares, you fucking faggot? There's not enough rich black people. Who cares, dude? I don't even dislike black people. But you know what, guys? I'm sorry. Ev... from Reformed Stoic IP2
They just hung up on me. Listen. Listen to what they just said. Listen to this shit. Listen to this shit. I want you to listen to this. I want you to listen to this for contacting Uber eat support.... from Reformed Stoic IP2
They're not helping, dude. They're not doing their fucking job. from Reformed Stoic IP2
This guy, if this guy drives to my house, I'm gonna beat the fucking shit out of him, dude. I'm gonna beat the fucking shit out of him. Don't you dare drive to my fucking house, you fucking moron. from Reformed Stoic IP2
This if Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks could just. from Reformed Stoic IP2
To avoid having officers talk to me. from Reformed Stoic IP2
What a fucking moron. I'm calling the fucking cops if you come to my house. from Reformed Stoic IP2
What the fuck is this shit? from Reformed Stoic IP2
What the fuck? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Who in the fuck do the fucking fuck you think you are, dude? Who in the fuck do you think you are, dude? Who in the fuck do you fucking think you are? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck do you think you are? from Reformed Stoic IP2
Why don't you come to my house right now, bitch? I got a hot boiling pot of water ready for you when you bang on my door. When you bang on my door, I'm gonna open it up and I'm gonna splash boiling... from Reformed Stoic IP2
Wrinkles. I'm gonna smack. Get off the table. Go, go, go. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Yep, I hear you. I'm calling to complain about some dirty cops. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Yo, I am about to beat the fuck out of this guy. If this guy comes to my house, I'm gonna beat the fuck out of this guy, dude. from Reformed Stoic IP2
Yoba fed loulz song from Reformed Stoic IP2
You guys want me to do it? from Reformed Stoic IP2
You know, instead of the civil rights, that would probably work better than this. from Reformed Stoic IP2
You little fucking piss pants $8.00 an hour 90 IQ fucking nobody. from Reformed Stoic IP2
You want me to be the law? from Reformed Stoic IP2
You want me to die? I'm fucking do it. from Reformed Stoic IP2
You're gonna drive to my fucking house when I told you not to? I will rip your fucking head off and take a shit down your fucking throat and film it and send it to your fucking parents on your fuck... from Reformed Stoic IP2
You're gonna fucking come to my house. When I tell you not to come to my fucking house, I'll beat the fucking shit out of you. from Reformed Stoic IP2
You're running a billion dollar business and I can't get you on the phone. I can't get you on the fucking phone. I can't get you with the fucking phone. I can't get you on the fucking phone and you... from Reformed Stoic IP2