Main Content
1. Calm
2. Dark
3. Industrial
4. Mystery
5. Mystery 2
6. Tension
7. Special Tension
8. Objective Added
9. Objective Completed
10. Hint Invoking
11. Hint Recharged
12. Voices Ambulatory Bed Comm
13. Voices Ambulatory Bed Comm 2
14. Voices Ambulatory Fszoom Robert With Girl Girl Comm
15. Voices Ambulatory Fszoom Robert With Girl Girl Comm 2
16. Voices Ambulatory Fszoom Robert With Girl Girl Comm 3
17. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 1 Text 1
18. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 1 Text 2
19. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 1 Text 3
20. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 1 Text 4
21. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 1 Text 5
22. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 1 Text 6
23. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 1
24. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 10
25. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 11
26. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 12
27. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 13
28. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 2
29. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 3
30. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 4
31. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 5
32. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 6
33. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 7
34. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 8
35. Voices Ambulatory Speech Infected 2 Text 9
36. Voices Balcony After Lights Comm
37. Voices Cave And Wreck Zoom Window After Cutscene Comm
38. Voices Cockpit After Fall Comm
39. Voices Cockpit Corpse Text 1
40. Voices Cockpit Legat Comm
41. Voices Cold Store First Entry Comm
42. Voices Cs Cockpit Fall Text 1
43. Voices Cs Elevator Corpse Text 1
44. Voices Cs Lair Entry Text 1
45. Voices Cs Lair Entry Text 2
46. Voices Cs Slope Legate Text 1
47. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 1
48. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 2
49. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 3
50. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 4
51. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 5
52. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 6
53. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 7
54. Voices Cs Finale 1 Text 8
55. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 01
56. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 02
57. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 03
58. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 04
59. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 05
60. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 06
61. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 07
62. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 08
63. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 09
64. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 10
65. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 11
66. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 12
67. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 13
68. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 14
69. Voices Cs Finale 2 Text 15
70. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 01
71. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 03
72. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 04
73. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 05
74. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 06
75. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 07
76. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 09
77. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 11
78. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 12
79. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 13
80. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 14
81. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 16
82. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 17
83. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 18
84. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 20
85. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 22
86. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 23
87. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 24
88. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 25
89. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 26
90. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 27
91. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 28
92. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 29
93. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 31
94. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 32
95. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 33
96. Voices Cs Intr Ce Text 35
97. Voices Cs Intro Text 1
98. Voices Cs Intro Text 2
99. Voices Cs Intro Text 3
100. Voices Cs Intro Text 4
101. Voices Cs Intro Text 5
102. Voices Cs Intro Text 6
103. Voices Cs Intro Text 7
104. Voices Cs Intro Text 8
105. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 01
106. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 02
107. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 03
108. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 04
109. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 05
110. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 06
111. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 07
112. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 08
113. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 09
114. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 10
115. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 11
116. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 12
117. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 13
118. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 14
119. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 16
120. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 17
121. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 18
122. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 19
123. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 20
124. Voices Cs Outro Ce Text 21
125. Voices Cs Ritual Text 1
126. Voices Cs Ritual Text 2
127. Voices Cs Ritual Text 3
128. Voices Cs Ritual Text 4
129. Voices Cs Ritual Text 5
130. Voices Cs Ritual Text 6
131. Voices Cs Ritual Text 7
132. Voices Cs Ritual Text 8
133. Voices Cs Ritual Text 9
134. Voices Cutscene Baseentry
135. Voices Cutscene Ceoutro
136. Voices Cutscene Cockpitrobert
137. Voices Cutscene Diary
138. Voices Cutscene Elevatorcorpse
139. Voices Cutscene Elevatorlegate
140. Voices Cutscene Endofdemo
141. Voices Cutscene Fallingwreck
142. Voices Cutscene Fallwakeup
143. Voices Cutscene Finale1
144. Voices Cutscene Finale2
145. Voices Cutscene Fountaindestroy
146. Voices Cutscene Gateexplosion
147. Voices Cutscene Intro
148. Voices Cutscene Introce
149. Voices Cutscene Legatefury
150. Voices Cutscene Livingquaterslogain
151. Voices Cutscene Marketgirl 1
152. Voices Cutscene Marketgirl 2
153. Voices Cutscene Octopusattack
154. Voices Cutscene Octopushide
155. Voices Cutscene Octopussudden
156. Voices Cutscene Photographergirl
157. Voices Cutscene Preintro
158. Voices Cutscene Ritual
159. Voices Cutscene Robertasleep
160. Voices Cutscene Robertmad
161. Voices Cutscene Slopelegate
162. Voices Elevator After Cutscene Comm
163. Voices Elevator After Mirror Comm
164. Voices Elevator Beware Comm
165. Voices Elevator Cs Legat Text 1
166. Voices Elevator Cs Legat Text 2
167. Voices Elevator Shaft Lights Out Comm
168. Voices Elevator Shaft Zoom Unconsious Legate Take Off Hood Comm
169. Voices Excavation Site First Entry Comm
170. Voices Excavation Site Lights On Comm
171. Voices Excavation Site Zoom Sarcophagus Get Arrow Comm
172. Voices Fountain After Destroy Comm
173. Voices Home Cs Ruined Room Text 1
174. Voices Home Cs Ruined Room Text 2
175. Voices Home Cs Ruined Room Text 3
176. Voices Home Cs Ruined Room Text 4
177. Voices Home Cs Ruined Room Text 5
178. Voices Home Cs Secret Diary Text 1
179. Voices Home Cs Secret Diary Text 2
180. Voices Home Cs Secret Diary Text 3
181. Voices Home Cs Secret Diary Text 4
182. Voices Home The Vent Text 1
183. Voices Home Zoom Dresser Key Comm
184. Voices Home Zoom Vent First Show Comm
185. Voices Hub First Enter Comm
186. Voices Laboratory After Mg Comm
187. Voices Laboratory After Possession Comm
188. Voices Laboratory Fan First Play Comm
189. Voices Laboratory Pneumatic Collect Comm
190. Voices Laboratory Speech Girls Apology Text 1
191. Voices Laboratory Speech Girls Apology Text 2
192. Voices Laboratory Speech Girls Apology Text 3
193. Voices Laboratory Speech Girls Apology Text 4
194. Voices Laboratory Speech Girls Apology Text 5
195. Voices Laboratory Speech Girls Apology Text 6
196. Voices Laboratory Speech Girls Apology Text 7
197. Voices Laboratory Speech Possession Text 1
198. Voices Laboratory Speech Possession Text 2
199. Voices Lair Blood Comm
200. Voices Lair Fszoom Vines Entagled Comm
201. Voices Lair Robert Comm
202. Voices Lair Transformation Comm
203. Voices Lair Unconsious Robert Text 1
204. Voices Lair Zoom Dead End First Show Comm
205. Voices Library First Enter Comm
206. Voices Living Quarters Daemon Face Comm
207. Voices Living Quarters Explosion Comm
208. Voices Lock Cs Entry Text 1
209. Voices Map First Show Comm
210. Voices Market 1 Corpse Dissappear Comm
211. Voices Market 1 Shadow Girl Comm 2
212. Voices Market 2 Fszoom Flooded Corridor Corpse Comm
213. Voices Market 2 Fszoom Flooded Corridor Corpse Text 1
214. Voices Market 2 Shadow Girl Comm
215. Voices Maze Exit Reached Comm
216. Voices Maze Wonder With No Map Comm 1
217. Voices Maze Wonder With No Map Comm 2
218. Voices Maze Wonder With No Map Comm 3
219. Voices Maze Wrong Turn With Map Comm
220. Voices Medical Lab After Mg Comm
221. Voices Medical Lab Cs Laura Text 1
222. Voices Medical Lab Cs Laura Text 2
223. Voices Mg Map Get Map Text 1
224. Voices Mg Map Get Map Text 2
225. Voices Mg Behind The Board Ingredients Completed Comm
226. Voices Mg Behind The Board Missing Book Obtained Comm
227. Voices Mg Sarcophagus Cover Finished Comm
228. Voices Mg Sewer First Entry Comm
229. Voices Minigame Finishing
230. Voices Mining Facility First Entry Comm
231. Voices Mining Facility Fszoom Shrine Door After Look Comm
232. Voices Orangery Fszoom Fridge After Use Ice Pick Comm
233. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 1
234. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 2
235. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 3
236. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 4
237. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 5
238. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 6
239. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 6b
240. Voices Photographers House Cs Shadow Girl Text 7
241. Voices Roof Cs Guard Text 1
242. Voices Roof Cs Guard Text 2
243. Voices Roof Cs Guard Text 3
244. Voices Roof Cs Guard Text 4
245. Voices Roof Cs Guard Text 5
246. Voices Roof Cs Guard Text 6
247. Voices Shrine First Enter Comm
248. Voices Shrine Robert Random Comm 1
249. Voices Shrine Robert Random Comm 2
250. Voices Shrine Robert Random Comm 3
251. Voices Slope After Legate Comm
252. Voices Speech Alternative Text 1
253. Voices Speech Alternative Text 10
254. Voices Speech Alternative Text 2
255. Voices Speech Alternative Text 3
256. Voices Speech Alternative Text 4
257. Voices Speech Alternative Text 5
258. Voices Speech Alternative Text 6
259. Voices Speech Alternative Text 7
260. Voices Speech Alternative Text 8
261. Voices Speech Alternative Text 9
262. Voices Speech Fever Text 1
263. Voices Speech Fever Text 2
264. Voices Speech Fever Text 3
265. Voices Speech Fever Text 4
266. Voices Speech Fever Text 5
267. Voices Speech Fever Text 6
268. Voices Speech Maze Girl Text 2
269. Voices Speech Maze Girl Text 3
270. Voices Speech Maze Girl Text 4
271. Voices Speech Maze Girl Text 5
272. Voices Speech Maze Girl Text 6
273. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 1
274. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 10
275. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 11
276. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 12
277. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 13
278. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 2
279. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 3
280. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 4
281. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 5
282. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 6
283. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 7
284. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 8
285. Voices Speech Robert Dialogue 1 Text 9
286. Voices Staff Entry Fszoom Sewer Entry Use Lantern Comm
287. Voices Study Legate Appear Comm
288. Voices Study Mg Behind The Board Board Opens Comm
289. Voices Supervision Room Cs Wife Text 1
290. Voices Supervision Room Cs Wife Text 2
291. Voices Supervision Room Cs Wife Text 3
292. Voices Vault Broken Radio Comm
293. Voices Vault Speech Kids Free Text 1
294. Voices Vault Speech Kids Free Text 2
295. Voices Vault Speech Kids Free Text 3
296. Voices Vault Speech Kids Free Text 4
297. Voices Vault Speech Kids Tied Text 1
298. Voices Vault Speech Kids Tied Text 2
299. Voices Vault Speech Kids Tied Text 3
300. Voices Vault Speech Kids Tied Text 4
301. Voices Vault Speech Kids Tied Text 5
302. Voices Vault Speech Kids Tied Text 6
303. Voices Warehouse Speech Bad News Text 1
304. Voices Warehouse Speech Bad News Text 2
305. Voices Warehouse Speech Bad News Text 3
306. Voices Warehouse Speech Bad News Text 4
307. Voices Warehouse Speech Bad News Text 5
308. Voices Warehouse Speech Bad News Text 6
309. Voices Warehouse Speech Bad News Text 7
310. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 1
311. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 10
312. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 4
313. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 5
314. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 6
315. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 7
316. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 8
317. Voices Warehouse Speech Deal Text 9
318. Voices Warehouse Speech Evac Text 1
319. Voices Warehouse Speech Evac Text 2
320. Voices Warehouse Speech Evac Text 3
321. Voices Warehouse Speech Evac Text 4
322. Voices Warehouse Speech Evac Text 5
323. Voices Warehouse Speech Evac Text 6
324. Voices Warehouse Speech Evac Text 7
325. Voices Warehouse Speech Girl Worried Text 1
326. Voices Warehouse Speech Girl Worried Text 2
327. Voices Warehouse Speech Girl Worried Text 3
328. Voices Warehouse Speech Girl Worried Text 4
329. Voices Wreck Cockpit First Enter Comm
330. Voices Wreck Cockpit Zoom Monitor Cs Robert Text 1
331. Voices Wreck Cockpit Zoom Monitor Cs Robert Text 2
332. Voices Wreck Cockpit Zoom Monitor Cs Robert Text 3
333. Voices Wreck Cockpit Zoom Monitor Cs Robert Text 4
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