Main Content
1. Limbo Ambient
2. Loop Dark1
3. Pirates
4. Player Enters Limbo In Round
5. Start Round
6. Treasure On Altar
7. war drums
8. SFX ArmorBreak3
9. SFX armourLightRun01
10. SFX armourLightRun02
11. SFX armourLightRun03
12. SFX armourLightRun04
13. SFX armourLightRun05
14. SFX armourLightRun06
15. SFX armourLightRun07
16. SFX armourLightRun08
17. SFX armourLightRun09
18. SFX armourLightRun10
19. SFX armourLightRun11
20. SFX armourLightStep01
21. SFX armourLightStep02
22. SFX armourLightStep03
23. SFX armourLightStep04
24. SFX armourLightStep05
25. SFX armourLightStep06
26. SFX armourLightStep07
27. SFX arrow body 1
28. SFX arrow body 2
29. SFX arrow body 3
30. SFX arrow wood stone 1
31. SFX arrow wood stone 2
32. SFX axe body 1
34. SFX axe body 3
35. SFX axe body 4
36. SFX axe body 5
37. SFX axe stone 1
38. SFX axe stone 2
39. SFX axe stone 3
40. SFX axe stone 4
41. SFX axe stone 5
42. SFX bagDrop
43. SFX ballista bolt load
44. SFX ballista shot
45. SFX ballista strain
46. SFX ballista trigger set
47. SFX bandaging1
48. SFX blunderbuss shot
49. SFX blunderbuss shot with barrel
50. SFX boat trigger
51. SFX boat wake
52. SFX bombjump inwater
53. SFX bow shoot 1
54. SFX bow shoot 2
55. SFX bowstring new
56. SFX build wood 1
57. SFX build wood 2
58. SFX build wood 3
59. SFX build wood 4
60. SFX BuildShip
61. SFX bullet impact dirt 04
62. SFX bullet impact dirt 05
63. SFX bullet impact dirt 06
64. SFX bullet impact dirt 07
65. SFX bullet impact dirt 08
66. SFX bullet impact metal heavy 01
67. SFX bullet impact metal heavy 02
68. SFX bullet impact metal heavy 03
69. SFX bullet impact metal heavy 06
70. SFX bullet impact wood heavy 02
71. SFX bullet impact wood heavy 08
72. SFX bullet stone 01
73. SFX bullet stone 02
74. SFX buttonClick
75. SFX cannon closedoor
76. SFX cannon fire
77. SFX Cannon Fire Audio
78. SFX cannon opendoor
79. SFX cannonbal hit ship
81. SFX cave ambience loopable 2
82. SFX classic gun shot
83. SFX classic gun shot with barrel
84. SFX Countdown
85. SFX Countdown3
88. SFX crossbow reload
89. SFX crossbow shot
90. SFX DodatekDoBroni1
91. SFX DodatekDoBroni2
92. SFX DrinkRumBarrel
93. SFX DrinkRumBottle
94. SFX dropItem
95. SFX eating 1
96. SFX equip 1
97. SFX equip 2
98. SFX equip 3
99. SFX Experience
100. SFX Explosion 2
101. SFX ExplosionFire3
102. SFX flintlock reload
103. SFX furnaceBlow new
104. SFX furnaceFireLoop new
105. SFX furnaceWood
106. SFX glider crashLand
107. SFX glider crashWater
108. SFX glider disassemble
109. SFX glider fly dynamiclp
110. SFX glider fly staticlp
111. SFX glider land
112. SFX glider launch
113. SFX grabItem
114. SFX grenade throw
115. SFX handcannon shot 002
116. SFX handcannon shot 002 with barrel
117. SFX handcannon shot 003
118. SFX heavy wood crate crash
119. SFX Hiss
120. SFX InFire2
124. SFX inventoryClose
125. SFX inventoryEquip
126. SFX inventoryOpen
127. SFX InWave2
128. SFX jump generic 1
129. SFX jump generic 2
130. SFX jump generic 3
131. SFX jump generic 4
132. SFX jump generic 5
133. SFX jump inwater
134. SFX land generic 1
135. SFX land generic 2
136. SFX land generic 3
137. SFX land generic 4
138. SFX land generic 5
139. SFX land inwater
140. SFX land wood 01
141. SFX land wood 02
142. SFX land wood 03
143. SFX land wood 04
144. SFX large wood crash impact 2
145. SFX long musket shot 001
146. SFX long musket shot 001 with barrel
147. SFX LoopFire1
148. SFX LoopFire4
149. SFX LoopFire8
150. SFX MetalCageDoor
151. SFX nextTab
152. SFX nightquartet gun shot
153. SFX nightquartet gun shot with barrel
154. SFX ObjectiveBomb burning
155. SFX ocean sound 001
158. SFX revolver rifle shot 001
159. SFX revolver rifle shot 001 with barrel
160. SFX revolver rifle shot 004
161. SFX run
162. SFX run grass 01
163. SFX run grass 02
164. SFX run grass 03
165. SFX run grass 04
166. SFX run grass 05
167. SFX run grass 06
168. SFX run grass 07
169. SFX run grass 08
170. SFX run grass 09
171. SFX run grass 10
172. SFX run grass 11
173. SFX run grass 12
174. SFX run grass 13
175. SFX run gravel 01
176. SFX run gravel 02
177. SFX run gravel 03
178. SFX run gravel 04
179. SFX run gravel 05
180. SFX run gravel 06
181. SFX run gravel 07
182. SFX run gravel 08
183. SFX run gravel 09
184. SFX run gravel 10
185. SFX run gravel 11
186. SFX run gravel 12
187. SFX run gravel 13
188. SFX run gravel 14
189. SFX run gravel 15
190. SFX run rock 01
191. SFX run rock 02
192. SFX run rock 03
193. SFX run rock 04
194. SFX run rock 05
195. SFX run rock 06
196. SFX run rock 07
197. SFX run rock 08
198. SFX run rock 09
199. SFX run rock 10
200. SFX run rock 11
201. SFX run rock 12
202. SFX run rock 13
203. SFX run rock 14
204. SFX run rock 15
205. SFX run rock 16
206. SFX run rock 17
207. SFX run rock 18
208. SFX run rock 19
209. SFX run rock 20
210. SFX run sand 01
211. SFX run sand 02
212. SFX run sand 03
213. SFX run sand 04
214. SFX run sand 05
215. SFX run sand 06
216. SFX run sand 07
217. SFX run sand 08
218. SFX run sand 09
219. SFX run sand 10
220. SFX run sand 11
221. SFX run sand 12
222. SFX run sand 13
223. SFX run sand 14
224. SFX run sand 15
225. SFX run wood 01
226. SFX run wood 02
227. SFX run wood 03
228. SFX run wood 04
229. SFX run wood 05
230. SFX run wood 06
231. SFX run wood 07
232. SFX run wood 08
233. SFX run wood 09
234. SFX run wood 10
235. SFX run wood 11
236. SFX sharp wood crash
237. SFX ship wood creaking
238. SFX SmokePipeX1
239. SFX spear body 1
240. SFX spear body 2
241. SFX spear body 3
242. SFX spear body 4
243. SFX spear body 5
244. SFX spear stone 1
245. SFX spear stone 2
246. SFX spear stone 3
247. SFX spear stone 4
248. SFX spear stone 5
249. SFX spear wood 1
250. SFX spear wood 2
251. SFX spear wood 3
252. SFX spear wood 4
253. SFX spear wood 5
254. SFX step grass 01
255. SFX step grass 02
256. SFX step grass 03
257. SFX step grass 04
258. SFX step grass 05
259. SFX step grass 06
260. SFX step grass 07
261. SFX step grass 08
262. SFX step grass 09
263. SFX step grass 10
264. SFX step gravel 01
265. SFX step gravel 02
266. SFX step gravel 03
267. SFX step gravel 04
268. SFX step gravel 05
269. SFX step gravel 06
270. SFX step gravel 07
271. SFX step gravel 08
272. SFX step gravel 09
273. SFX step inwater 01
274. SFX step inwater 02
275. SFX step inwater 03
276. SFX step inwater 04
277. SFX step inwater 05
278. SFX step inwater 06
279. SFX step inwater 07
280. SFX step inwater 08
281. SFX step inwater 09
282. SFX step inwater 10
283. SFX step rock 01
284. SFX step rock 02
285. SFX step rock 03
286. SFX step rock 04
287. SFX step rock 05
288. SFX step rock 06
289. SFX step rock 07
290. SFX step rock 08
291. SFX step rock 10
292. SFX step rock 11
293. SFX step rock 12
294. SFX step sand 01
295. SFX step sand 02
296. SFX step sand 03
297. SFX step sand 04
298. SFX step sand 05
299. SFX step sand 06
300. SFX step sand 07
301. SFX step sand 08
302. SFX step sand 09
303. SFX step wood 01
304. SFX step wood 02
305. SFX step wood 03
306. SFX step wood 04
307. SFX step wood 05
308. SFX step wood 06
309. SFX step wood 07
310. SFX step wood 08
311. SFX step wood 09
312. SFX step wood 10
314. SFX stone body 2
315. SFX stone hit wood 1
316. SFX stone hit wood 2
317. SFX swim 1
318. SFX swim 10
319. SFX swim 11
320. SFX swim 2
321. SFX swim 3
322. SFX swim 4
323. SFX swim 5
324. SFX swim 6
325. SFX swim 7
326. SFX swim 8
327. SFX swim 9
328. SFX swordBlood01
329. SFX swordBlood02
330. SFX swordBlood03
331. SFX swordBlood04
332. SFX swordMetal01
333. SFX swordMetal02
334. SFX swordMetal03
335. SFX swordMetal04
336. SFX swordStone01
337. SFX swordStone02
338. SFX swordStone03
339. SFX swordStone04
340. SFX swordWood01
341. SFX swordWood02
342. SFX swordWood03
343. SFX swordWood04
344. SFX tiger walk 1
345. SFX TopScreenNotification
346. SFX trebuchet counterweight load
347. SFX trebuchet counterweight unload
348. SFX trebuchet fire
349. SFX trebuchet rotate
350. SFX trebuchet sling load
351. SFX trebuchet sling unload
352. SFX trebuchet stretch
353. SFX treeLarge
354. SFX treeLargeImpact
355. SFX treeMedium
356. SFX treeMediumImpact
357. SFX treeSmall
358. SFX treeSmallImpact
359. SFX UnderwaterExplosion
360. SFX walk wood 1
361. SFX walk wood 2
362. SFX walk wood 3
363. SFX walk wood 4
364. SFX walk wood 5
365. SFX walk wood 6
366. SFX weapon zoom
367. SFX weaponSetChangeClean
368. SFX whoosh generic 01
369. SFX whoosh generic 02
371. SFX whoosh generic 04
372. SFX whoosh generic 05
373. SFX whoosh spear 01
374. SFX whoosh spear 02
375. SFX whoosh spear 03
376. SFX whoosh spear 04
377. SFX whoosh spear 05
378. SFX wind general
379. SFX wood destruction 1
381. SFX wood hit 01
382. SFX wood hit 02
383. SFX wood hit 03
384. SFX wood hit 04
385. SFX wood hit 05
386. SFX wooden door close
387. SFX wooden door open
388. Voices Arrr1 1
389. Voices Arrr2 1
390. Voices Arrr3 1
391. Voices Arrr4 1
392. Voices Attack1 1
393. Voices Attack2 1
394. Voices Attack3 1
395. Voices Attack4 1
396. Voices Barbosa Arrr1 1
397. Voices Barbosa Arrr1 2
398. Voices Barbosa Arrr2 1
399. Voices Barbosa Arrr2 2
400. Voices Barbosa Attack1 1
401. Voices Barbosa Attack1 2
402. Voices Barbosa Attack2 1
403. Voices Barbosa Attack2 2
404. Voices Barbosa EnemyInSight1 1
405. Voices Barbosa EnemyInSight1 2
406. Voices Barbosa EnemyInSight2 1
407. Voices Barbosa EnemyInSight2 2
408. Voices Barbosa EnemyInSight2 3
409. Voices Barbosa FireLeftCannons1 1
410. Voices Barbosa FireLeftCannons2 1
411. Voices Barbosa FireLeftCannons2 2
412. Voices Barbosa FireRightCannons1 1
413. Voices Barbosa FireRightCannons2 1
414. Voices Barbosa FireRightCannons2 2
415. Voices Barbosa FixTheShip1 1
416. Voices Barbosa FixTheShip1 2
417. Voices Barbosa FixTheShip2 1
418. Voices Barbosa FixTheShip2 2
419. Voices Barbosa IveGotSthHere1 1
420. Voices Barbosa IveGotSthHere1 2
421. Voices Barbosa IveGotSthHere1 3
422. Voices Barbosa IveGotSthHere2 1
423. Voices Barbosa IveGotSthHere2 2
424. Voices Barbosa IveMarkedTheShip1 1
425. Voices Barbosa IveMarkedTheShip1 2
426. Voices Barbosa IveMarkedTheShip2 1
427. Voices Barbosa IveMarkedTheShip2 2
428. Voices Barbosa LetsFindTheTreasure1 1
429. Voices Barbosa LetsFindTheTreasure1 2
430. Voices Barbosa LetsFindTheTreasure2 1
431. Voices Barbosa LetsFindTheTreasure2 2
432. Voices Barbosa LetsLootThere1 1
433. Voices Barbosa LetsLootThere1 2
434. Voices Barbosa LetsLootThere1 3
435. Voices Barbosa LetsLootThere2 1
436. Voices Barbosa LetsLootThere2 2
437. Voices Barbosa NewTarget1 1
438. Voices Barbosa NewTarget1 2
439. Voices Barbosa NewTarget1 3
440. Voices Barbosa NewTarget1 4
441. Voices Barbosa NewTarget2 1
442. Voices Barbosa NewTarget2 2
443. Voices Barbosa NothingToLootThere1 1
444. Voices Barbosa NothingToLootThere1 2
445. Voices Barbosa NothingToLootThere1 3
446. Voices Barbosa NothingToLootThere1 4
447. Voices Barbosa NothingToLootThere2 1
448. Voices Barbosa NothingToLootThere2 2
449. Voices Barbosa NoWay1 1
450. Voices Barbosa NoWay1 2
451. Voices Barbosa NoWay1 3
452. Voices Barbosa NoWay2 1
453. Voices Barbosa NoWay2 2
454. Voices EnemyInSight1 1
455. Voices EnemyInSight2 1
456. Voices EnemyInSight3 1
457. Voices EnemyInSight4 1
458. Voices female attack shout 002
459. Voices female attack shout 003
460. Voices female attack shout 004
461. Voices female death
462. Voices female heavy breath
463. Voices female pain shout 001
464. Voices female pain shout 002
465. Voices female pain shout 003
466. Voices female pain shout 004
467. Voices FireLeftCannons1 1
468. Voices FireLeftCannons2 1
469. Voices FireLeftCannons3 1
470. Voices FireLeftCannons4 1
471. Voices FireRightCannons1 1
472. Voices FireRightCannons2 1
473. Voices FireRightCannons3 1
474. Voices FireRightCannons4 1
475. Voices FixTheShip1 1
476. Voices FixTheShip1 2
477. Voices FixTheShip2 1
478. Voices FixTheShip2 2
479. Voices FixTheShip3 1
480. Voices FixTheShip4 1
481. Voices Gibbs Arrr1 1
482. Voices Gibbs Arrr1 2
483. Voices Gibbs Arrr2 1
484. Voices Gibbs Arrr2 2
485. Voices Gibbs Attack1 1
486. Voices Gibbs Attack1 2
487. Voices Gibbs Attack2 1
488. Voices Gibbs Attack2 2
489. Voices Gibbs EnemyInSight1 1
490. Voices Gibbs EnemyInSight1 2
491. Voices Gibbs EnemyInSight2 1
492. Voices Gibbs FireLeftCannons1 1
493. Voices Gibbs FireLeftCannons1 2
494. Voices Gibbs FireLeftCannons2 1
495. Voices Gibbs FireRightCannons1 1
496. Voices Gibbs FireRightCannons1 2
497. Voices Gibbs FireRightCannons2 1
498. Voices Gibbs FireRightCannons2 2
499. Voices Gibbs FixTheShip1 1
500. Voices Gibbs FixTheShip1 2
501. Voices Gibbs FixTheShip2 1
502. Voices Gibbs FixTheShip2 2
503. Voices Gibbs IveGotSthHere1 1
504. Voices Gibbs IveGotSthHere1 2
505. Voices Gibbs IveGotSthHere2 1
506. Voices Gibbs IveGotSthHere2 2
507. Voices Gibbs IveMarkedTheShip1 1
508. Voices Gibbs IveMarkedTheShip1 2
509. Voices Gibbs IveMarkedTheShip2 1
510. Voices Gibbs IveMarkedTheShip2 2
511. Voices Gibbs LetsFindTheTreasure1 1
512. Voices Gibbs LetsFindTheTreasure1 2
513. Voices Gibbs LetsFindTheTreasure2 1
514. Voices Gibbs LetsFindTheTreasure2 2
515. Voices Gibbs LetsLootThere1 1
516. Voices Gibbs LetsLootThere1 2
517. Voices Gibbs LetsLootThere2 1
518. Voices Gibbs LetsLootThere2 2
519. Voices Gibbs LetsLootThere2 3
520. Voices Gibbs NewTarget1 1
521. Voices Gibbs NewTarget1 2
522. Voices Gibbs NewTarget2 1
523. Voices Gibbs NothingToLootThere1 1
524. Voices Gibbs NothingToLootThere1 2
525. Voices Gibbs NothingToLootThere2 1
526. Voices Gibbs NothingToLootThere2 2
527. Voices Gibbs NoWay1 1
528. Voices Gibbs NoWay1 2
529. Voices Gibbs NoWay2 1
530. Voices Gibbs NoWay2 2
531. Voices IveGotSthHere1 1
532. Voices IveGotSthHere1 2
533. Voices IveGotSthHere2 1
534. Voices IveGotSthHere3 1
535. Voices IveGotSthHere4 1
536. Voices IveMarkedTheShip1 1
537. Voices IveMarkedTheShip1 2
538. Voices IveMarkedTheShip2 1
539. Voices IveMarkedTheShip2 2
540. Voices IveMarkedTheShip3 1
541. Voices IveMarkedTheShip3 2
542. Voices IveMarkedTheShip4 1
543. Voices IveMarkedTheShip4 2
544. Voices Jamaican Arrr1 1
545. Voices Jamaican Arrr1 2
546. Voices Jamaican Arrr2 1
547. Voices Jamaican Attack1 1
548. Voices Jamaican Attack1 2
549. Voices Jamaican Attack2 1
550. Voices Jamaican Attack2 2
551. Voices Jamaican EnemyInSight1 2
552. Voices Jamaican EnemyInSight2 1
553. Voices Jamaican EnemyInSight2 2
554. Voices Jamaican FireLeftCannons1 1
555. Voices Jamaican FireLeftCannons1 2
556. Voices Jamaican FireLeftCannons2 1
557. Voices Jamaican FireRightCannons1 1
558. Voices Jamaican FireRightCannons1 2
559. Voices Jamaican FireRightCannons2 1
560. Voices Jamaican FixTheShip1 1
561. Voices Jamaican FixTheShip1 2
562. Voices Jamaican FixTheShip2 1
563. Voices Jamaican FixTheShip2 2
564. Voices Jamaican IveGotSthHere1 1
565. Voices Jamaican IveGotSthHere1 2
566. Voices Jamaican IveGotSthHere2 1
567. Voices Jamaican IveGotSthHere2 2
568. Voices Jamaican IveGotSthHere2 3
569. Voices Jamaican IveMarkedTheShip1 1
570. Voices Jamaican IveMarkedTheShip1 2
571. Voices Jamaican IveMarkedTheShip2 1
572. Voices Jamaican LetsFindTheTreasure1 1
573. Voices Jamaican LetsFindTheTreasure1 2
574. Voices Jamaican LetsFindTheTreasure2 1
575. Voices Jamaican LetsFindTheTreasure2 2
576. Voices Jamaican LetsFindTheTreasure2 3
577. Voices Jamaican LetsLootThere1 1
578. Voices Jamaican LetsLootThere1 2
579. Voices Jamaican LetsLootThere2 1
580. Voices Jamaican NewTarget1 2
581. Voices Jamaican NewTarget2 1
582. Voices Jamaican NewTarget2 2
583. Voices Jamaican NewTarget2 3
584. Voices Jamaican NewTarget2 4
585. Voices Jamaican NothingToLootThere1 1
586. Voices Jamaican NothingToLootThere1 2
587. Voices Jamaican NothingToLootThere2 1
588. Voices Jamaican NothingToLootThere2 2
589. Voices Jamaican NothingToLootThere2 3
590. Voices Jamaican NoWay1 1
591. Voices Jamaican NoWay1 2
592. Voices Jamaican NoWay2 1
593. Voices Jamaican NoWay2 2
594. Voices LetsFindTheTreasure1 1
595. Voices LetsFindTheTreasure2 1
596. Voices LetsFindTheTreasure3 1
597. Voices LetsFindTheTreasure4 1
598. Voices LetsFindTheTreasure4 2
599. Voices LetsLootThere1 1
600. Voices LetsLootThere1 2
601. Voices LetsLootThere2 1
602. Voices LetsLootThere3 1
603. Voices LetsLootThere4 1
604. Voices LetsLootThere4 2
605. Voices male chaarge attack low vol
606. Voices male death grunt 001
607. Voices male death grunt 002
608. Voices male death grunt 003
609. Voices male death grunt 004
610. Voices male death grunt 005
611. Voices male death grunt 006
612. Voices male death grunt 007
613. Voices male death grunt 008
614. Voices male death grunt 009
615. Voices male death grunt 010
616. Voices male heavy breath
617. Voices male pain shout 002
618. Voices male pain shout 003
619. Voices male pain shout 004
620. Voices man fight shout 001
621. Voices man fight shout 002
622. Voices man fight shout 004
623. Voices NewTarget1 1
624. Voices NewTarget1 2
625. Voices NewTarget2 1
626. Voices NewTarget3 1
627. Voices NewTarget4 1
628. Voices NothingToLootThere1 1
629. Voices NothingToLootThere2 1
630. Voices NothingToLootThere3 1
631. Voices NothingToLootThere4 1
632. Voices NoWay1 1
633. Voices NoWay2 1
634. Voices NoWay2 2
635. Voices NoWay3 1
636. Voices NoWay4 1
637. Voices Pintel Arrr1 1
638. Voices Pintel Arrr1 2
639. Voices Pintel Attack1 1
640. Voices Pintel Attack1 2
641. Voices Pintel EnemyInSight1 1
642. Voices Pintel EnemyInSight1 2
643. Voices Pintel FireLeftCannons1 1
644. Voices Pintel FireLeftCannons1 2
645. Voices Pintel FireRightCannons1 1
646. Voices Pintel FireRightCannons1 2
647. Voices Pintel FixTheShip1 1
648. Voices Pintel FixTheShip1 2
649. Voices Pintel IveGotSthHere1 1
650. Voices Pintel IveGotSthHere1 2
651. Voices Pintel IveMarkedTheShip1 1
652. Voices Pintel IveMarkedTheShip1 2
653. Voices Pintel LetsFindTheTreasure1 1
654. Voices Pintel LetsFindTheTreasure1 2
655. Voices Pintel LetsLootThere1 1
656. Voices Pintel LetsLootThere1 2
657. Voices Pintel LetsLootThere1 3
658. Voices Pintel NewTarget1 1
659. Voices Pintel NewTarget1 2
660. Voices Pintel NewTarget1 3
661. Voices Pintel NothingToLootThere1 1
662. Voices Pintel NothingToLootThere1 2
663. Voices Pintel NoWay1 1
664. Voices Pintel NoWay1 2
665. Voices ritual female cut
666. Voices ritual male cut
667. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 1
668. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 10
669. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 2
670. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 3
671. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 4
672. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 5
673. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 6
674. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 7
675. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 8
676. Voices Zombie Hit Groans 9
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