Main Content
1. main screen music
2. campaign music
3. battle music
4. SFX Antihero Attack Fire
5. SFX Antihero Attack Foley
6. SFX Antihero Attack Impact
7. SFX Antihero Attack Vo
8. SFX Antihero Death Body
9. SFX Antihero Death Vo
10. SFX Antihero Hit
11. SFX Antihero Skill1 Fire
12. SFX Antihero Skill1 Foley
13. SFX Antihero Skill1 Impact
14. SFX Antihero Skill1 Magic
15. SFX Antihero Skill1 Vo
16. SFX Antihero Skill2 Fire
17. SFX Antihero Skill2 Impact
18. SFX Antihero Skill2 Magic
19. SFX Antihero Skill2 Pull
20. SFX Antihero Skill2 Unsheath
21. SFX Antihero Skill2 Vo
22. SFX Antihero Victory Foley
23. SFX Antihero Victory Knuckles
24. SFX Antihero Victory Vo
25. SFX Antihero Walk 1
26. SFX Antihero Walk 2
27. SFX Antihero Walk 3
28. SFX Antihero Walk 4
29. SFX Arena Demote
30. SFX Arena Promote
31. SFX Blue Mage Attack Cast
32. SFX Blue Mage Attack Impact
33. SFX Blue Mage Death
34. SFX Blue Mage Hit Step1
35. SFX Blue Mage Hit Step2
36. SFX Blue Mage Hit Step3
37. SFX Blue Mage Hit Step4
38. SFX Blue Mage Skill1
39. SFX Blue Mage Skill2 Magic
40. SFX Blue Mage Skill2 Particles
41. SFX Blue Mage Victory
42. SFX Blue Mage Walk 1
43. SFX Blue Mage Walk 2
44. SFX Blue Mage Walk 3
45. SFX Blue Mage Walk 4
46. SFX Buy Stamina
47. SFX Campaign Fight Button
48. SFX Challenges Fight Button
49. SFX Combat Blocks 1
50. SFX Combat Blocks 2
51. SFX Combat Blocks 3
52. SFX Combat Blocks 4
53. SFX Combat Hero Skill
54. SFX Cult Acolyte Blue Attack Fire
55. SFX Cult Acolyte Blue Attack Impact
56. SFX Cult Acolyte Blue Attack Vo
57. SFX Dragon Lady Attack Vo
58. SFX Dragon Lady Attack Whoosh
59. SFX Dragon Lady Death Body
60. SFX Dragon Lady Death Drag
61. SFX Dragon Lady Death Drop
62. SFX Dragon Lady Death Vo
63. SFX Dragon Lady Hit Vo
64. SFX Dragon Lady Skill1 End Magic
65. SFX Dragon Lady Skill1 Loop Magic 1
66. SFX Dragon Lady Skill1 Loop Magic 2
67. SFX Dragon Lady Skill1 Start Magic
68. SFX Dragon Lady Skill1 Start Vo
69. SFX Dragon Lady Skill2 Magic
70. SFX Dragon Lady Skill2 Vo
71. SFX Dragon Lady Victory Foley
72. SFX Dragon Lady Victory Lean
73. SFX Dragon Lady Victory Vo
74. SFX Dragon Lady Walk 1
75. SFX Dragon Lady Walk 2
78. SFX Dumbledore Attack Cast
79. SFX Dumbledore Attack Impact
80. SFX Dumbledore Attack Vo
81. SFX Dumbledore Death Body
82. SFX Dumbledore Death Vo
83. SFX Dumbledore Hit Vo
84. SFX Dumbledore Skill1 Magic
85. SFX Dumbledore Skill1 Vo
86. SFX Dumbledore Skill2 Impact
87. SFX Dumbledore Skill2 Staff
88. SFX Dumbledore Skill2 Thunder
89. SFX Dumbledore Skill2 Vo
90. SFX Dumbledore Victory Magic
91. SFX Dumbledore Victory Vo
92. SFX Dumbledore Walk 1
93. SFX Dumbledore Walk 2
94. SFX Dumbledore Walk 3
95. SFX Dumbledore Walk 4
96. SFX Dungeoncorn Attack Fire
97. SFX Epic Stars Explode
98. SFX Epic Stars Sparklerays
99. SFX Epic Stars Strength A
100. SFX Epic Stars Strength B
101. SFX Epic Stars Strength C
102. SFX Epic Stars Vitality A
103. SFX Epic Stars Vitality B
104. SFX Epic Stars Vitality C
105. SFX Expeditions Fight Button
106. SFX Fuse To Epic
107. SFX Guild Shop Ambience
108. SFX Guild Shop Button
109. SFX Guild Shop Contribute
110. SFX Guild Shop Stock
111. SFX Hero Craft
112. SFX Hero Equip 1
113. SFX Hero Equip 2
114. SFX Hero Equip 3
115. SFX Hero Evolve
116. SFX Hero Landing
117. SFX Hero Level Up
118. SFX Hero Level Up Add1
119. SFX Hero Level Up Add2
120. SFX Hero Level Up Add3
121. SFX Hero Level Up Add4
122. SFX Hero Promote
123. SFX Hero Promote Sequence
124. SFX House Attack Impact
125. SFX House Attack Vo
126. SFX House Attack Whoosh
127. SFX House Death Ax
128. SFX House Death Fall
129. SFX House Death Vo
130. SFX House Hit Vo
131. SFX House Skill1 Impact
132. SFX House Skill1 Vo
133. SFX House Skill1 Whoosh
134. SFX House Skill2 Magic
135. SFX House Skill2 Vo
136. SFX House Victory
137. SFX House Walk 1
138. SFX House Walk 2
139. SFX House Walk 3
140. SFX House Walk 4
141. SFX Loot Chest Open
142. SFX Loot Chest Shake 1
143. SFX Loot Chest Shake 2
144. SFX Loot Coins Appear 1
145. SFX Loot Coins Appear 2
146. SFX Loot Coins Appear 3
147. SFX Loot Coins Appear 4
148. SFX Loot Coins Fly
149. SFX Loot Item Fly
150. SFX Loss Music
151. SFX Magic Shrek Attack Slash
152. SFX Magic Shrek Attack Vo
153. SFX Magic Shrek Attack Whoosh
154. SFX Magic Shrek Death Body
155. SFX Magic Shrek Death Vo
156. SFX Magic Shrek Hit Vo
157. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Slash1
158. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Slash2
159. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Slash3
160. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Slash4
161. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Slash5
162. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Slash6
163. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Slash7
164. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Vo1
165. SFX Magic Shrek Skill1 Vo2
166. SFX Magic Shrek Skill2 Chest 1
167. SFX Magic Shrek Skill2 Chest 2
168. SFX Magic Shrek Skill2 Chest 3
169. SFX Magic Shrek Skill2 Chest 4
170. SFX Magic Shrek Skill2 Chest 5
171. SFX Magic Shrek Skill2 Magic
172. SFX Magic Shrek Skill2 Vo
173. SFX Magic Shrek Victory
174. SFX Magic Shrek Walk 1
175. SFX Magic Shrek Walk 2
176. SFX Magic Shrek Walk 3
177. SFX Magic Shrek Walk 4
178. SFX Map Character Spawn
179. SFX Map Spawn Removed
180. SFX Mass Destruction Attack Impact
181. SFX Mass Destruction Attack Whoosh
182. SFX Mass Destruction Death
183. SFX Mass Destruction Hit
184. SFX Mass Destruction Skill1 Impact
185. SFX Mass Destruction Skill1 Whoosh
186. SFX Mass Destruction Skill2 Fire
187. SFX Mass Destruction Skill2 Pound 1
188. SFX Mass Destruction Skill2 Pound 2
189. SFX Mass Destruction Skill2 Pound 3
190. SFX Mass Destruction Victory
191. SFX Mass Destruction Walk 1
192. SFX Mass Destruction Walk 2
193. SFX Mass Destruction Walk 3
194. SFX Mass Destruction Walk 4
195. SFX Mother Nature Attack Action
196. SFX Mother Nature Attack Action 1
197. SFX Mother Nature Attack Action 2
198. SFX Mother Nature Attack Action 3
199. SFX Mother Nature Attack Impact
200. SFX Mother Nature Attack Vo
201. SFX Mother Nature Death Action
202. SFX Mother Nature Death Vo
203. SFX Mother Nature Hit
204. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 1
205. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 2
206. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 3
207. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 4
208. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 5
209. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 6
210. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 7
211. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 8
212. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop 9
213. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Loop Burst
214. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Start Magic
215. SFX Mother Nature Skill1 Start Vo
216. SFX Mother Nature Skill2 Impact
217. SFX Mother Nature Skill2 Magic
218. SFX Mother Nature Skill2 Vo
219. SFX Mother Nature Victory Action
220. SFX Mother Nature Victory Vo
221. SFX Mother Nature Walk 1
222. SFX Mother Nature Walk 2
223. SFX Mother Nature Walk 3
224. SFX Mother Nature Walk 4
225. SFX Mountain Fight Button
226. SFX Necromancer Attack Cast
227. SFX Necromancer Attack Impact
228. SFX Necromancer Attack Swish
229. SFX Necromancer Attack Vo
230. SFX Necromancer Death Gong
231. SFX Necromancer Death Vo
232. SFX Necromancer Hit Vo
233. SFX Necromancer Skill1 Loop Impact 1
234. SFX Necromancer Skill1 Loop Impact 2
235. SFX Necromancer Skill1 Loop Impact 3
236. SFX Necromancer Skill1 Start Magic
237. SFX Necromancer Skill1 Start Vo
238. SFX Necromancer Skill2 Impact
239. SFX Necromancer Skill2 Magic
240. SFX Necromancer Skill2 Shield
241. SFX Necromancer Skill2 Vo
242. SFX Necromancer Victory Cast
243. SFX Necromancer Victory Vo
246. SFX Necromancer Walk 3
247. SFX Necromancer Walk 4
248. SFX New Hero A
249. SFX New Hero B
250. SFX New Hero C
251. SFX New Hero D
252. SFX Paladin Attack Sword
253. SFX Paladin Attack Vo
254. SFX Paladin Death Body
255. SFX Paladin Death Stumble
256. SFX Paladin Death Vo
257. SFX Paladin Hit Vo
258. SFX Paladin Skill1 Fall
259. SFX Paladin Skill1 Impact
260. SFX Paladin Skill1 Swish
261. SFX Paladin Skill1 Vo
262. SFX Paladin Skill1 Whirl
263. SFX Paladin Skill2 Impact
264. SFX Paladin Skill2 Vo
265. SFX Paladin Skill2 Whoosh
266. SFX Paladin Victory Magic
267. SFX Paladin Victory Vo
268. SFX Paladin Walk 1
269. SFX Paladin Walk 2
271. SFX Paladin Walk 4
272. SFX Perblue
273. SFX Purchase Diamonds
274. SFX Quest Collect
275. SFX Raid Result
276. SFX Rebel Attack Foley
277. SFX Rebel Attack Impact 1
278. SFX Rebel Attack Impact 2
279. SFX Rebel Attack Impact 3
280. SFX Rebel Attack Swishes
281. SFX Rebel Attack Vo
282. SFX Rebel Death Fall
283. SFX Rebel Death Stumble
284. SFX Rebel Death Vo
285. SFX Rebel Hit Vo
286. SFX Rebel Skill1 End Foley
287. SFX Rebel Skill1 Impact 1
288. SFX Rebel Skill1 Impact 2
289. SFX Rebel Skill1 Loop Fire 1
290. SFX Rebel Skill1 Loop Fire 2
291. SFX Rebel Skill1 Start Foley
292. SFX Rebel Skill1 Start Vo
293. SFX Rebel Skill2 Impact 1
294. SFX Rebel Skill2 Impact 2
295. SFX Rebel Skill2 Throw1
296. SFX Rebel Skill2 Throw2
297. SFX Rebel Skill2 Vo
298. SFX Rebel Victory Swishes
299. SFX Rebel Victory Vo
302. SFX Rebel Walk 3
304. SFX Red Progression Choose Subclass
305. SFX Red Progression Essence Abandon
306. SFX Red Progression Essence Promote
307. SFX Red Progression Essence Remove
308. SFX Red Progression Honor Essence Add
309. SFX Rise To Craft
310. SFX Shadow Minion1 Attack Slash1
311. SFX Shadow Minion1 Attack Slash2
312. SFX Shadow Minion1 Attack Vo
313. SFX Shadow Minion1 Attack Whooshes
314. SFX Shadow Minion1 Death Body
315. SFX Shadow Minion1 Death Twirl
316. SFX Shadow Minion1 Death Vo
317. SFX Shadow Minion1 Hit Vo
318. SFX Shadow Minion1 Victory Vo
319. SFX Shadow Minion1 Walk 1
320. SFX Shadow Minion1 Walk 2
321. SFX Shadow Minion1 Walk 3
322. SFX Shadow Minion1 Walk 4
323. SFX Shadow Minion3 Attack Fire
324. SFX Shadow Minion3 Attack Impact
325. SFX Shadow Minion3 Attack Vo
326. SFX Shadow Minion3 Death Body
327. SFX Shadow Minion3 Death Bow
328. SFX Shadow Minion3 Death Vo
329. SFX Shadow Minion3 Hit Vo
330. SFX Shadow Minion3 Victory Vo
331. SFX Shadow Minion3 Walk 1
332. SFX Shadow Minion3 Walk 2
333. SFX Shadow Minion3 Walk 3
334. SFX Shadow Minion3 Walk 4
335. SFX Shield Minion 1 Attack Vo
336. SFX Shield Minion 1 Hit
337. SFX Shield Minion 1 Victory
338. SFX Shield Minion 2 Attack Vo
339. SFX Shield Minion 2 Hit
340. SFX Shield Minion 2 Victory
341. SFX Shield Minion 3 Attack Vo
342. SFX Shield Minion 3 Hit
343. SFX Shield Minion 3 Victory
344. SFX Shield Minion Attack Stab 1
345. SFX Shield Minion Attack Stab 2
346. SFX Shield Minion Attack Stab 3
347. SFX Shield Minion Attack Whoosh 1
348. SFX Shield Minion Attack Whoosh 2
349. SFX Shield Minion Attack Whoosh 3
350. SFX Shield Minion Block 1
351. SFX Shield Minion Block 2
352. SFX Shield Minion Block 3
353. SFX Shield Minion Death
354. SFX Shield Minion Walk 1
355. SFX Shield Minion Walk 2
356. SFX Shield Minion Walk 3
357. SFX Shield Minion Walk 4
358. SFX Sign In Reward
359. SFX Skills Level Up
360. SFX Team Level Up
361. SFX Tutorial Dark Capture Swirl
362. SFX Tutorial Dark Captured1
363. SFX Tutorial Dark Captured2
364. SFX Tutorial Dark Captured3
365. SFX Ui Campaign Button
366. SFX Ui Campaign Node Button
367. SFX Ui Chat Close
368. SFX Ui Chat Open
369. SFX Ui Chest Item 1
370. SFX Ui Chest Item 2
371. SFX Ui Chest Item 3
372. SFX Ui Chest Open Single
373. SFX Ui Close Button
374. SFX Ui Default Window Close
375. SFX Ui Default Window Open
376. SFX Ui Defeated
377. SFX Ui Expedition Button
378. SFX Ui Expeditions Node Button
379. SFX Ui Filter Menu Close
380. SFX Ui Filter Menu Open
381. SFX Ui Hero Selector 1
382. SFX Ui Hero Selector 2
383. SFX Ui Hero Selector Button
384. SFX Ui Heroes Button
385. SFX Ui Illuminate
386. SFX Ui Items Button
387. SFX Ui Locations Button
388. SFX Ui Mail Button
389. SFX Ui Map Menu Button
390. SFX Ui Map Menu Close
391. SFX Ui Map Menu Open
392. SFX Ui Mountain Button
393. SFX Ui Nearby Close
394. SFX Ui Nearby Open
395. SFX Ui No Background Button
396. SFX Ui Pill Button
397. SFX Ui Plus Button
398. SFX Ui Quests Button
399. SFX Ui Reward Menu Close
400. SFX Ui Reward Menu Open
401. SFX Ui Screen Close
402. SFX Ui Sell
403. SFX Ui Tab Button
405. SFX Ui Trans To Main Screen Wind 1
406. SFX Ui Trans To Main Screen Wind 2
407. SFX Ui Trans To Main Screen Wind 3
408. SFX Ui War Button
409. SFX Ui You Won Seq
410. SFX Victory Fanfare
411. SFX Vip Level Up
412. SFX Yoda Attack Impact
413. SFX Yoda Attack Launch
414. SFX Yoda Attack Vo
415. SFX Yoda Death Body
416. SFX Yoda Death Vo
417. SFX Yoda Hit Vo
418. SFX Yoda Skill1 Burst
419. SFX Yoda Skill1 Launch
420. SFX Yoda Skill1 Vo
421. SFX Yoda Skill2 Magic
422. SFX Yoda Skill2 Vo
423. SFX Yoda Victory Tinkles
424. SFX Yoda Victory Vo
425. SFX Yoda Walk 1
426. SFX Yoda Walk 2
427. SFX Yoda Walk 3
428. SFX Yoda Walk 4
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