1. [Main Menu] Imperial March from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
2. [Galaxy Map Empire] Anh Imperial Attack 2 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
3. [Galaxy Map Empire] Anh The Tractor Beam from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
4. [Galaxy Map Empire] Esb The Imperial Probe from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
5. [Galaxy Map Empire] Rotj Approaching The Death Star from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
6. [Galaxy Map Empire] Rotj Emperors Throne Room from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
7. [Galaxy Map Rebels] Anh Millenium Falcon from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
8. [Galaxy Map Rebels] Anh Tales Of A Jedi Knight from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
9. [Galaxy Map Rebels] Aotc Ambush On Coruscant from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
10. [Galaxy Map Rebels] Rotj Alliance Assembly from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
11. [Galaxy Map Rebels] Rotj Shuttle Tydirium Appraches Endor from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
12. [Loading Screen] Battle Pending 1 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
13. [Space Ambient] Beginning The Approach from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
14. [Space Ambient] Boarding The Federation Battleship from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
15. [Space Ambient] Death Star Stormtroopers from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
16. [Space Ambient] Empire At War from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
17. [Space Ambient] Imperial Attack 1 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
18. [Space Ambient] Vaders Presence from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
19. [Space Combat] Attacking The Blockade from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
20. [Space Combat] Escape From Naboo from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
21. [Space Combat] Fighting The Destroyer Droids from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
22. [Space Combat] Imperial Cruiser Pursuit from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
23. [Space Combat] Rebellion Advantage from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
24. [Space Combat] Space Pursuit from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
25. [Space Combat] The Asteroid Field from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
26. [Space Combat] Tie Fighter Attack from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
27. [City Ambient] E The Senate from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
28. [City Ambient] R Anakin And Group To Coruscant from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
29. [City Combat] Advance On The City from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
30. [City Combat] E The Chase Through Coruscant 2 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
31. [City Combat] R The Chase Through Coruscant 1 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
32. [Desert Ambient] E Attack Of The Sandpeople from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
33. [Desert Ambient] R The Dune Sea Of Tatooine from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
34. [Desert Combat] E Den Of The Rancor from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
35. [Desert Combat] R Sail Barge Assault from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
36. [Forest Ambient] E The Droid Invasion from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
37. [Forest Ambient] E Wookiee Prisoner from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
38. [Forest Ambient] R Forest Ambush from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
39. [Forest Ambient] R Queen Amidala Warns Federation from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
40. [Forest Combat] E Scout Walker Scramble 1 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
41. [Forest Combat] E The Gungans Retreat from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
42. [Forest Combat] R Scout Walker Scramble 2 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
43. [Forest Combat] R The Battle Rages On from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
44. [Snow Ambient] E Wampas Lair from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
45. [Snow Ambient] R The Ice Planet Hoth from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
46. [Snow Combat] E The Battle Of Hoth 2 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
47. [Snow Combat] R The Battle Of Hoth from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
48. [Swamp Ambient] E Binary Sunset Alternate from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
49. [Swamp Ambient] R Jar Jar Leads Group from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
50. [Swamp Combat] E Battle In The Swamps from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
51. [Swamp Combat] R Anakin Defeats Sebulba from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
52. [Volcanic Ambient] E The Trash Compactor from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
53. [Volcanic Ambient] R Dianoga from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
54. [Volcanic Combat] E Volcanic Assault from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
55. [Volcanic Combat] R Sail Barge Assault Alternate from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
56. [Outcome Screen Empire] Imperial March Edit from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
57. [Outcome Screen Empire] Empire Lose 1 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
58. [Outcome Screen Rebels] Rebel Victory from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
59. [Outcome Screen Rebels] Rebel Lose 1 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
60. [Death Star] Complete Death Star from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
61. [Death Star] Ds Into The Trap from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
62. [Death Star] Ds The Battle Of Yavin from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
63. [Death Star] Destruction Of Alderaan from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
64. [Campaign Empire] Empire Intro 3 Mix from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
65. [Campaign Rebels] Rebel Intro 1 Mix from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
66. [Miscellaneous] Cantina 1 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
67. [Miscellaneous] Cantina 2 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
68. [Miscellaneous] Hutt Palace Jedi Rocks from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
69. [Miscellaneous] Hutt Palace Lapti Nek from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
70. [Miscellaneous] R The Ewok Battle from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
71. [Miscellaneous] Test Loop Song from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
72. [Miscellaneous] Test Loop Song 2 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
73. [Credits] Credits 2a from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music
74. [Credits] Credits Ep3 from Star Wars - Empire at War - Video Game Music