Main Content
1. 0:25
1. Battles Endor Fight Theme Loop
2. 0:23
2. Battles Endor Level Intr
3. 0:34
3. Battles Hoth Fight Theme Loop
4. 0:32
4. Battles Hoth Level Intro
5. 0:23
5. Battles Shared Imperial Lose A Loop
6. 1:53
6. Battles Shared Imperial Lose B Loop
7. 1:53
7. Battles Shared Imperial Win A Loop
8. 1:20
8. Battles Shared Imperial Win B Loop
9. 1:22
9. Battles Shared Rebel Lose A Loop
10. 0:40
10. Battles Shared Rebel Lose B Loop
11. 0:30
11. Battles Shared Rebel Win A Loop
12. 0:45
12. Battles Shared Rebel Win B Loop
13. 0:32
13. Battles Sullust Fight Theme Loop
14. 0:18
14. Battles Sullust Level Intro
15. 0:31
15. Battles Tatooine Fight Theme Loop
16. 0:17
16. Battles Tatooine Level Intro
17. 0:28
17. Endor Battles First Encounter
18. 0:26
18. Endor Battles Level Intro
19. 0:28
19. Endor Trials Extraction ATAT Kill
20. 0:16
20. Endor Trials Extraction Battle 01
21. 0:07
21. Endor Trials Extraction Battle 02
22. 0:25
22. Endor Trials Extraction Battle 03
23. 0:20
23. Endor Trials Extraction Defeat
24. 0:21
24. Endor Trials Extraction Exploration 01
25. 0:45
25. Endor Trials Extraction Exploration 02 Calm
26. 0:45
26. Endor Trials Extraction Exploration 02 Stinger
27. 0:18
27. Endor Trials Extraction Exploration 02 Tension
28. 0:24
28. FrontEnd Credits 01
29. 0:06
29. FrontEnd Credits 02
30. 0:08
30. FrontEnd Credits 03
31. 2:47
31. FrontEnd Medley
32. 0:56
32. Gamemodes Draw
33. 0:29
33. Gamemodes EOR Imperial Lose
34. 0:25
34. Gamemodes EOR Imperial Win
35. 0:06
35. Gamemodes EOR Rebel Lose
36. 0:07
36. Gamemodes EOR Rebel Win
37. 0:56
37. Gamemodes EOR Tension Loop
38. 0:37
38. Gamemodes HvV Imperial Loss
39. 0:48
39. Gamemodes HvV Imperial Win
40. 1:01
40. Gamemodes HvV Rebel Loss
41. 1:09
41. Gamemodes HvV Rebel Win
42. 0:25
42. Gamemodes Progress Short Imperial Ahead 01
43. 0:16
43. Gamemodes Progress Short Imperial Ahead 02
44. 0:29
44. Gamemodes Progress Short Imperial Ahead 03
45. 0:04
45. Gamemodes Progress Short Imperial Behind 01
46. 1:03
46. Gamemodes Progress Short Imperial Behind 02
47. 0:20
47. Gamemodes Progress Short Imperial Behind 03
48. 0:21
48. Gamemodes Progress Short Imperial Behind 04
49. 0:26
49. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Ahead 01
50. 0:30
50. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Ahead 02
51. 0:27
51. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Ahead 03
52. 0:20
52. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Ahead 04
53. 0:24
53. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Ahead 05
54. 0:20
54. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Behind 01
55. 0:06
55. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Behind 02
56. 0:36
56. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Behind 03
57. 0:29
57. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Behind 04
58. 0:55
58. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Behind 05
59. 0:49
59. Gamemodes Progress Short Rebel Behind 06
60. 0:26
60. Hero Boba Fett Intro
61. 0:27
61. Hero Boba Fett Outro
62. 0:17
62. Hero Darth Vader Intro
63. 0:37
63. Hero Darth Vader Outro
64. 0:07
64. Hero Emperor Intro
65. 2:55
65. Hero Emperor Outro
66. 2:33
66. Hero Han Solo Intro
67. 1:27
67. Hero Han Solo Intro Short
68. 0:38
68. Hero Han Solo Outro
69. 0:34
69. Hero Leia Intro
70. 0:32
70. Hero Leia Intro Short
71. 0:06
71. Hero Leia Outro
72. 0:49
72. Hero Luke Intro
73. 0:51
73. Hero Luke Intro Short
74. 1:01
74. Hero Luke Outro
75. 0:38
75. Hero Vehicle Imperial 02
76. 0:19
76. Hero Vehicle Rebel 02
77. 0:36
77. Horde Defeat Endor
78. 0:06
78. Horde Exploration Theme A Endor
79. 1:24
79. Horde Fight Stinger End Endor
80. 2:23
80. Horde Fight Stinger Endor
81. 0:24
81. Horde Fight Theme A Endor Loop
82. 0:21
82. Horde Fight Theme B Endor Loop
83. 0:19
83. Horde Fight Theme C Endor Loop
84. 0:34
84. Horde Fight Theme D Endor Loop
85. 0:35
85. Horde Menu Endor
86. 0:21
86. Horde Prepare Wave Endor 01
87. 0:19
87. Horde Prepare Wave Endor 02
88. 0:27
88. Horde Prepare Wave Endor 03
89. 1:33
89. Horde Prepare Wave Endor 04
90. 1:33
90. Horde Victory Endor
91. 0:19
91. Hoth Battles First Encounter
92. 0:16
92. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 01a
93. 0:17
93. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 01b
94. 0:26
94. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 02a
95. 0:28
95. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 02b
96. 0:41
96. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 03a
97. 0:17
97. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 03b
98. 0:24
98. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 04a
99. 1:27
99. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 04b
100. 1:30
100. Hoth Battles Imperial Lose 05 Loop
101. 0:25
101. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 01a
102. 0:25
102. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 01b
103. 0:30
103. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 02a
104. 0:05
104. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 02b
105. 0:06
105. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 03a
106. 0:29
106. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 03b
107. 0:28
107. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 04a
108. 0:54
108. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 04b
109. 0:08
109. Hoth Battles Imperial Win 05 Loop
110. 0:22
110. Hoth Battles Level Intro
111. 0:26
111. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 01a
112. 0:26
112. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 01b
113. 0:36
113. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 02a
114. 0:26
114. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 02b
115. 0:32
115. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 03a
116. 0:31
116. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 03b
117. 0:37
117. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 04a
118. 0:25
118. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 04b
119. 0:06
119. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 05
120. 0:23
120. Hoth Battles Rebel Lose 05 Loop
121. 0:18
121. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 01a
122. 0:39
122. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 01b
123. 0:19
123. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 02a
124. 0:16
124. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 02b
125. 0:28
125. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 03a
126. 0:07
126. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 03b
127. 0:23
127. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 04a
128. 2:04
128. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 04b
129. 0:52
129. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 05
130. 0:23
130. Hoth Battles Rebel Win 05 Loop
131. 0:24
132. 0:21
133. 0:25
133. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Level Intro
134. 0:23
134. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Pod Incoming 01
135. 0:22
135. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Pod Incoming 02
136. 0:17
136. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Pod Incoming 03
137. 0:38
137. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Pod Incoming 04
138. 0:41
138. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Pod Incoming 05
139. 0:29
139. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Reveal Warning 01
140. 0:30
140. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Reveal Warning 02
141. 0:20
141. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Reveal Warning 03
142. 2:32
142. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Tension Bed
143. 1:08
143. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Tension Sweetener 01
144. 1:46
144. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Tension Sweetener 02
145. 1:46
145. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Tension Sweetener 03
146. 0:22
146. Hoth Trials Probe Droid Win
147. 0:25
147. Hoth Trials Vader Fight 01 Loop
148. 0:20
148. Hoth Trials Vader Fight 02 Loop
149. 0:17
149. Hoth Trials Vader Intermission
150. 0:25
150. Hoth Trials Vader Level Intro 01
151. 0:34
151. Hoth Trials Vader March Loop 01
152. 0:32
152. In World Tatooine Jabba Sail Barge
153. 0:23
153. Loading Endor Loop 01 VAR 01
154. 0:21
154. Loading Endor Loop 01 VAR 02
155. 0:26
155. Loading Endor Loop 01 VAR 03
156. 0:29
156. Loading Endor Loop 01 VAR 04
157. 0:27
157. Loading Endor Loop 01 VAR 05
158. 1:08
158. Loading Hoth Loop 01 VAR 01
159. 0:52
159. Loading Hoth Loop 01 VAR 02
160. 3:03
160. Loading Hoth Loop 01 VAR 03
161. 1:05
161. Loading Hoth Loop 01 VAR 04
162. 0:53
162. Loading Hoth Loop 01 VAR 05
163. 2:13
163. Loading Lobby
164. 0:20
164. Loading Sullust
165. 0:29
165. Loading Sullust Loop 01 VAR 01
166. 0:23
166. Loading Sullust Loop 01 VAR 02
167. 1:56
167. Loading Sullust Loop 01 VAR 03
168. 1:48
168. Loading Sullust Loop 01 VAR 04
169. 1:40
169. Loading Tatooine Loop 01 VAR 01
170. 1:20
170. Loading Tatooine Loop 01 VAR 02
171. 0:25
171. Loading Tatooine Loop 01 VAR 03
172. 0:34
172. Loading Tatooine Loop 01 VAR 04
173. 0:20
173. Loading Tatooine Loop 01 VAR 05
174. 0:24
174. Missions Tatooine Trials XWing Fight Theme A Loop 01
175. 0:24
175. Missions Tatooine Trials XWing Fight Theme A Loop 02
176. 0:19
176. Missions Tatooine Trials XWing Fight Theme C
177. 0:31
177. Missions Tatooine Trials XWing Level Intro
178. 0:29
178. Missions Tatooine Trials XWing Victory
179. 0:26
179. Sullust Trials Scorched Earth Battle Aerial 01
180. 0:15
180. Sullust Trials Scorched Earth Battle Aerial 02
181. 0:17
181. Sullust Trials Scorched Earth Battle Ground 01
182. 0:34
182. Sullust Trials Scorched Earth Battle Ground 02
183. 0:32
183. Sullust Trials Scorched Earth Defeat
184. 0:30
184. Sullust Trials Scorched Earth Win
185. Survival Fight Theme A Tatooine Loop
186. Survival Fight Theme C Tatooine Loop
187. Tatooine Battles First Encounter
188. Tatooine Battles Level Intro
189. Trials Hoth Bright Hope Tension Loop 01
190. Trials Hoth Bright Hope Tension Loop 02
191. Trials Hoth Bright Hope Tension Loop 03
192. Trials Hoth Bright Hope Transport Out 01
193. Trials Hoth Bright Hope Transport Out 02
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