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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Complete track) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Zelda no Densetsu: Skyward Sword

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Complete Soundtrack) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, Zelda no Densetsu: Skyward Sword TLoZ: Skyward Sword - Video Game Music

Video game music from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Complete Soundtrack) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, Zelda no Densetsu: Skyward Sword TLoZ: Skyward Sword for Wii. Published by Nintendo (2011). Uploaded by ViviVGM.
1. Channel Intro
2. Intro
3. File Select
4. Main Theme
5. Imprisoned Introduction
6. Skyloft Introduction
7. Link's Nightmare
8. Knight Academy Theme
9. Get Small Item
10. Skyloft
11. Skyloft (Variation)
12. Legendary Hero
13. Meet Zelda
14. Link's Awful Fall
15. Link's Awful Fall (Variation)
16. Missing Crimson Loftwing
17. Meet Groose
18. Groose Interrupted By Zelda
19. Groose's Theme
20. Groose's Affection
21. Treasure Chest Open
22. Get Key Item
23. Waterfall Cave, Lanayru Cave
24. Get Item
25. Get Collectible, Solution #2
26. Found Link's Crimson Loftwing
27. Link And His Loftwing
28. Falling Theme
29. Training Theme
30. Skyfield
31. Skyfield (Battle)
32. Skyfield (Variation)
33. Skyfield (Variation, Battle)
34. Groose's Theme #2
35. Groose's Theme #3
36. Wing Ceremony Start
37. Wing Ceremony
38. Wing Ceremony Victory
39. Wing Ceremony Victory (Variation)
40. The Goddess Ceremony
41. Zelda's Sailcloth
42. Danger
43. Destiny Awaits You
44. Link's Second Nightmare
45. Zelda's Missing
46. Follow Fi (Interior)
47. Follow Fi (Exterior)
48. Fi's Theme
49. Get The Goddess Sword
50. The Goddess Sword
51. The Goddess Sword (Variation)
52. Hit Goddess Symbol
53. Solution #1
54. Unlock Portal to the Surface
55. Fi's Theme #2
56. Fi's Theme #2 (Variation)
57. Water Spring
58. Goddess Shrine
59. Hint Stone Menu
60. Hint Movie
61. Bazaar
62. Bazaar (Fortune Teller)
63. Fortune Telling
64. Bazaar (Potion Shop)
65. Bazaar (Gear Shop)
66. Bazaar (Item Check)
67. Bazaar (Scrap Shop)
68. Inside House
69. Sleep Till Morning
70. Sleep Till Night
71. Falling to the Surface
72. Sealed Grounds
73. Battle (Idle)
74. Battle (Fight)
75. Link's Third Nightmare
76. The Imprisoned Pedestal
77. Sealed Temple
78. Faron Woods
79. Bokoblin Assault
80. Battle (Under Attack)
81. Meet A Kikwi
82. The Scared Kikwi
83. Kikwi's Theme
84. Bucha's Theme
85. Lopsa's Theme
86. Hit Goddess Cube
87. Entering Temple
88. Skyview Temple Entrance
89. Skyview Temple Entrance (Variation 1)
90. Skyview Temple Entrance (Variation 2)
91. Skyview Temple
92. Skyview Temple (Variation 1)
93. Skyview Temple (Variation 2)
94. Stalfos Battle, Moldarach Rematch (Hiding)
95. Ghirahim's Theme
96. First Ghirahim Battle Intro
97. Ghirahim Battle (Phase 1)
98. First Ghirahim Battle (Phase 2)
99. First Ghirahim Battle (Phase 2, Floating Orbs)
100. Boss Clear
101. Complete Heart Piece
102. Unlock Spirit
103. Active Spring
104. Goddess Mission
105. Island in the Sky
106. Lumpy Pumpkin
107. Bamboo Isle
108. Bamboo Cutting Mini Game
109. Evil Batreaux
110. Good Batreaux
111. Beedle's Shop
112. Eldin Volcano
113. Mogma's Theme
114. Eldin Volcano Cave
115. Story Unfolding
116. Mogma's Theme #2
117. Earth Temple Entrance
118. Earth Temple
119. Lizalfos, Magmanos, Moldorn Battle (Idle)
120. Lizalfos, Magmanos Battle
121. Lizalfos Battle End
122. The Dragon Head
123. Rolling Boulder Theme
124. Ghirahim's Second Encounter
125. Scaldera Intro
126. Scaldera, Tentalus Battle
127. Scaldera, Tentalus Battle (Critical)
128. Zelda at the Eldin Spring
129. Memories of Zelda
130. Meet Tubert
131. Thrill Digger Room
132. Thrill Digger
133. Thrill Digger (Variation)
134. Get Rupoor
135. Mini Game Finish
136. Lanayru Mine, Lanayru Desert, Lanayru Gorge
137. Lanayru Mine, Lanayru Desert, Lanayru Gorge (Timeshift Stone)
138. Lanayru Mining Facility
139. Lanayru Mining Facility (Timeshift Stone)
140. Battle (Sentrode Bombs)
141. Moldarach
142. Moldarach (Hidden In the Sand)
143. Zelda At The Temple of Time
144. Ghirahim Attacks Impa
145. Zelda Escapes
146. Groose's Nasty Fall
147. Groose on the Surface
148. Groose Got Scared
149. String Sound
150. We Call It Grooseland
151. Foolish Groose Fanfare
152. Practicing Hymn of the Goddess
153. Impa's Singing
154. Hymn of the Goddess
155. Hymn of the Goddess (With Harp)
156. The Goddess Harp
157. The Goddess Harp (Variation)
158. Imprisoned Is Free
159. Imprisoned Battle
160. Imprisoned Battle (Invincible)
161. Imprisoned Battle (Hurry)
162. Imprisoned Defeated
163. Imprisoned Sealed Again
164. Memories of Zelda's Harp Playing
165. Groose Feels Useless
166. Link's Destiny
167. Scrapper's Theme
168. Unlock Thunderhead
169. Unlock Thunderhead (With Harp And Fi)
170. Farore's Courage (Goddess)
171. Get Farore's Courage
172. Fix Fun Fun Island
173. Skydive Mini Game
174. Bug Heaven
175. Minigame Theme
176. Harp Performance With Kina
177. Farore's Courage
178. Farore's Courage (With Harp)
179. Farore's Courage (With Harp And Fi)
180. Enter Silent Realm
181. Faron Wood Silent Realm
182. Collect Tear Vessel
183. Collect Tear
184. Silent Realm (Time Running Out)
185. Silent Realm Guardians
186. Collect All Tears
187. Finish Silent Realm Trial
188. Exit Silent Realm
189. Inside the Great Tree
190. The Kikwi Hermit
191. Lake Floria
192. Lake Floria (Underwater)
193. Ghirahim's Enemy Fish
194. Faron's Shrine (Underwater)
195. Faron's Shrine
196. Water Dragon Revived
197. Dragon Theme
198. Waterfall Removed
199. Ancient Cistern
200. Stalmaster Battle, Moldarach Rematch, Dreadfuse Battle
201. Ancient Cistern (Underground)
202. Ropeclimbing Chase
203. Koloktos Battle (Phase 1)
204. Koloktos Battle (Phase 1, Variation)
205. Koloktos Battle (Phase 2)
206. Goddess Flame
207. Upgraded Sword
208. Obtained Part of Triforce
209. Nayru's Wisdom (Goddess)
210. Get Nayru's Wisdom
211. Nayru's Wisdom
212. Nayru's Wisdom (With Harp)
213. Nayru's Wisdom (With Harp And Fi)
214. Lanayru Desert Silent Realm
215. Lanayru Harbor, Skipper's Retreat, Shipyard
216. Lanayru Harbor, Skipper's Retreat, Shipyard (Timeshift Stone)
217. Lanayru Sand Sea
218. Lanayru Sand Sea (Sailing)
219. Lanayru Sand Sea (Sailing, Enemies)
220. Skipper's Retreat Shack
221. Skipper's Retreat Shack (Variation)
222. Minecart Ride
223. Pirates Stronghold (Exterior)
224. Pirates Stronghold (Interior)
225. Pirates Stronghold (Interior, Timeshift Stone)
226. Pirates Stronghold (Exterior, Timeshift Stone)
227. Sandship (Entrance)
228. Sandship (Interior)
229. Scervo Battle
230. Sandship (Exterior)
231. Sandship (Timeshift Stone, Exterior)
232. Sandship (Timeshift Stone, Interior)
233. Under Attack
234. Tentalus Intro
235. Din's Power (Goddess)
236. Get Din's Power
237. Din's Power
238. Din's Power (With Harp)
239. Din's Power (With Harp And Fi)
240. Eldin Volcano Silent Realm
241. Volcano Summit
242. Battle (Volcano Summit)
243. Battle (Volcano Summit, Low Health)
244. Volcano Summit (Near Sanctuary)
245. Fire Sanctuary
246. Fire Sanctuary (Variation)
247. Guld's Theme
248. Mogma's in the Fire Sanctuary
249. Chase Mogma Brother
250. Ghirahim Shows His True Power
251. Second Ghirahim Battle (Phase 1, Floating Orbs)
252. Second Ghirahim Battle (Phase 2)
253. Second Ghirahim Battle (Phase 2, Floating Orbs)
254. Imprisoned Battle (Groosenator)
255. Imprisoned Battle (Invincible, Groosenator)
256. Imprisoned Battle (Hurry, Groosenator)
257. Open Time Portal
258. Open Time Portal (SFX)
259. Going Through The Time Portal
260. Enter Time Portal
261. Exit Time Portal
262. Temple of Hylia
263. Meet Zelda in the Past
264. Zelda's Theme
265. Link's Triforce Symbol
266. Get The Master Sword
267. Levias Battle
268. Bilocyte Battle
269. Bilocyte Battle (Critical)
270. Flooded Faron Woods
271. Water Dragon Collects Tadtones
272. Tadtones Spread Over Faron Woods
273. Finding Tadtones
274. Tadtones Song
275. Song of the Hero Part 1
276. Volcano Eruption
277. Sneak Theme
278. Sneak Theme (Variation)
279. Sneak Theme (Enemies Near)
280. Sneak Theme (Enemies Near, Variation)
281. Song of the Hero Part 2
282. Song of the Hero Part 3
283. Song of the Hero Part 4
284. Completed Song of Heroes.....
285. Three Gods Appear (SFX)
286. Learn Song of the Hero
287. Song of the Hero
288. Song of the Hero (With Harp)
289. Song of the Hero (With Harp And Fi)
290. Skyloft Silent Realm
291. Oolo's Theme
292. Sky Keep Appears
293. Entering Sky Keep
294. Sky Keep
295. Sky Keep (No Intro)
296. Sky Keep (Fire Sanctuary, Variation)
297. Leaving Silent Realm Triforce Room
298. Link Obtains The Triforce
299. The Triforce Wish
300. Goddess Shrine Returns To The Surface
301. Demise Is No More
302. Under Attack (Variation #1)
303. Under Attack (Variation #2)
304. Ghirahim Third Battle (Phase 1)
305. Ghirahim Third Battle (Phase 1, Variation #1)
306. Ghirahim Third Battle (Phase 1, Variation #2)
307. Ghirahim Third Battle (Phase 2)
308. Ghirahim Third Battle (Phase 2, Variation #1)
309. Ghirahim Third Battle (Phase 2, Variation #2)
310. The Imprisoned Sucks Zelda's Life Force
311. Demise's Revival
312. Demise's Revival (SFX)
313. Demise At The Sealed Grounds
314. Demise At The Sealed Grounds (SFX)
315. Demise Claims Ghirahim (JP, EU Version)
316. Demise Claims Ghirahim (JP, EU Version, SFX)
317. Demise Claims Ghirahim (US Version)
318. Demise Claims Ghirahim (US Version, SFX)
319. Groose Saves Zelda (Groose Variation)
320. Groose Saves Zelda (Link Variation)
321. Demise Battle Intro
322. Demise Battle Intro (Variation)
323. Demise Battle (Phase 1)
324. Demise Battle (Phase 1, Variation)
325. Demise Battle (Phase 1, US Version, Variation)
326. Demise Battle (Phase 2)
327. Demise Defeated
328. Demise Defeated (SFX)
329. Emotional Theme
330. Fi's Farewell
331. Putting the Master Sword Back In The Pedestal
332. Fi's Theme (Piano Lament)
333. Happy Overture Theme
334. The End
335. Staff Roll
336. Link Plays The Harp
337. Hero's Accomplishment Theme
338. Batreaux's First Transformation
339. Batreaux's Final Transformation
340. Game Over
341. Savegame Update Channel Intro
342. Motion Plus Video Menu
343. Connecting Motion Plus (English)
344. Disconnecting Motion Plus (English)
345. Connecting the Nunchuk (English)
346. Recalibrating Motion Plus (English)
347. Connecting Motion Plus (German)
348. Disconnecting Motion Plus (German)
349. Connecting the Nunchuk (German)
350. Recalibrating Motion Plus (German)
351. Connecting Motion Plus (French)
352. Disconnecting Motion Plus (French)
353. Connecting the Nunchuk (French)
354. Recalibrating the Motion Plus (French)
355. Connecting Motion Plus (Spanish)
356. Disconnecting Motion Plus (Spanish)
357. Connecting the Nunchuk (Spanish)
358. Recalibrating the Motion Plus (Spanish)
359. Connecting Motion Plus (Italian)
360. Disconnecting Motion Plus (Italian)
361. Connecting the Nunchuk (Italian)
362. Recalibrating the Motion Plus (Italian)
363. Connecting Motion Plus (Dutch)
364. Disconnecting Motion Plus (Dutch)
365. Connecting the Nunchuk (Dutch)
366. Recalibrating the Motion Plus (Dutch)
367. The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Medley
368. Kakariko Village Twilight Princess Theme
369. The Wind Waker Symphonic Movement
370. Gerudo Valley
371. Great Fairy's Fountain Theme
372. Twilight Princess Symphonic Movement
373. The Legend of Zelda Main Theme Medley
374. Ballad of the Goddess from Skyward Sword
375. Kina Singing (Streamed)
376. Ancient Cistern (Underground, Normal Speed)
378. BGM BIG BOSS FLYING (Alternate)
379. Romance Theme
380. Cymbal
381. Fanfare
382. Fanfare 2
383. Fanfare 3
384. Drums
385. Drumloop
386. Cymbal
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