Main Content
1. Thin Ice
2. Pizzatron 3000
3. Ocean Voyage
4. Wave Rider
5. Catchin' Waves
6. Summer Song
7. Coconut
8. Water Kongo
9. Campy's Camp
10. Campfire Song
11. All the Fun of the Fair
12. Carnival Fun
13. Haunted Disco
14. Discoween
15. Crab Catch
16. Flat Baroque
17. Snowy Holiday
18. Candy Cane March
19. DJ Christmas
20. For Great Justice
21. Spicy Salsa
22. The Command Room Guitar Remix
23. Private Eye
24. Pep Rally
25. Air Bubble Boogie
26. Deep Reef
27. April Fools
28. 8 Bit Dance
29. Egyptian Wrap
30. The Royal Court
31. In the Tower
32. To Battle!
33. Pterodactyl Ptune
34. Mix Maestro
35. Let the Game Begin
36. Orca Straw
37. Pop Song
38. Jazzy Lounge
39. Go West
40. Ambiencophone
41. Caribbean Jam
42. Flipper Stomper
43. Algae Reef
44. Algae Reef (Bubbleless Mix)
45. Rocker Rally
46. Rave Wave
47. Electro Beatz
48. Noir Noises
49. Planet Y
50. Celebration
51. Lurking in the Shadows
52. It's Behind You!
53. Phantasmagoria
54. Mountain Dojo
55. Ninja Training
56. Twice Upon a Time
57. Santa's Mix
58. Holiday Medley
59. Icy Serenade
60. Quest for the Golden Puffle Reprise (Unused)
61. Orca Ultra (Unused)
62. Penguin Band Boogie
63. Epic Win!
64. The Generic Way
65. O'Berry Jazz
66. Puffle Party
67. Puffle Ragtime
68. Cheerful Sneak
69. Patty's Dance
70. Patrick's Jig
71. The Award Goes to
72. Into the Box Dimension
73. Sled Racing
74. Go West Dance Remix
75. Let's Bounce
76. The Quest
77. Walk Among the Roses
78. The Viking Opera
79. Jungle Jangles
80. Jungle Crab
81. Jungle Quest
82. Rocking Pizza
83. All Access Pass
84. Waddle Wave
85. Backbeat Jammin'
86. Cumulus
87. Discovery No Harp Mix
88. Cumulonimbus
89. Zero Gravity
90. Extra Anchovies
91. All the Way Home
92. Norman Swarm
93. Norman Swarm (Bugless Mix)
94. The Volcano
95. Fire Path
96. Fire Path Video
97. Deck the Halls
98. Santa's Sleigh
99. Box Dimension Version 1 (Unused)
100. Box Dimension Version 2 (Unused)
101. Box Dimension Version 3 (Unused)
102. Jungle Snake (Unused)
103. Nimbus (Unused)
104. Sled Racing Jazz (Unused)
105. Norman Swarm #1 (Unused)
106. Hamster Escape (Unused)
107. Monkey King
108. There's a Party in Here!
109. Ice Flow
110. In the Cave
111. Waterscape
112. Anchovy Jazz
113. Recyclobot 3000
114. Beware of the Dragon
115. A Hero is Born
116. Elite Penguin Force
117. Pirates and Monkeys
118. Into the Jungle
119. Cannon Fire
120. You Rock!
121. The Ringmaster
122. Circus Funk
123. Carve an Ice Sculpture!
124. Door Lock Organ
125. Organ you Play
126. Cave of Creeps and Clarinets
127. Master the Elements
128. The Way of the Sensei
129. Bean Counters
130. Water Ninja Battle
131. Cave of Creeps and Clarinets Version 1 (Unused)
132. Water Ninja (Unused)
133. Water Ninja 2 (Unused)
134. Virus Killer
135. Brown Puffle Lab
136. Ramp it Up!
137. Own the Skies
138. Blast Off!
139. Interpretations of a Dream
140. Bits and Bolts
141. Bits and Bolts Panic
142. Path of the Hydra
143. Hydra Suspense
144. A Time for Heroes
145. Herbert Boss Battle
146. Rooftop Beatz
147. Herbert Sneak
148. Puffle Launch App Trailer
149. Bumper Cars
150. Bumper Cars (No Sfx)
151. Haunted Mansion
152. Night of the Living Sled
153. Sneak Peek Theme
154. Rollerscape
155. Rollerscape Faster
156. November in Okinawa
157. November in Okinawa Indoor
158. Warm Coats
159. Gingerbread Maniac
160. Promo Theme
161. Coins for Change
162. Puffle Howitzer (Unused)
163. Puffle Bullet (Unused)
164. Boss Bullet (Unused)
165. Puffle Coaster 1 (Unused)
166. Puffle Coaster 2 (Unused)
167. EPF - Unused Song (Unused)
168. Puffle Launch App Trailer (Unused)
169. Rollerscape Main Menu (Unused)
170. Rollerscape Faster (Unused)
171. Underwater Maze
172. Bubbling Brook
173. Superstar
174. On the High Seas
175. Beware of Shipwreck Island
176. Dubstep Puffle
177. Puffle Trouble
178. Become a Hero
179. City of Heroic Things
180. Attack on the City of Heroic Things
181. The Party Starts Now
182. The Party Starts Now (Instrumental)
183. Wand ID
184. Made to Rock
185. Rockhopper and the Squid
186. Anchors Aweigh
187. Anchors Aweigh (Instrumental)
188. Fruit Frenzy
189. Smoothie Smash
190. All the Fun of the Fair Dance Remix
191. Ghosts Just Wanna Dance
192. Ghosts Just Wanna Dance (Instrumental)
193. Dare to Enter the Mansion TVC Remix
194. Dare to Enter the Mansion
195. Turn Back Now
196. Quiet Morning
197. Rhode Play
198. Awakening
199. A Little Jazz
200. Operation Blackout
201. Operation Blackout Guitar
202. Gear Up
203. Herbert Style
204. Through the Darkness
205. Cool in the Cold
206. Cool in the Cold (Instrumental)
207. The Palace of Ice Crystals
208. Superstar Extended Version (Unused)
209. Quiet Solitude (Unused)
210. What's Your Story (Unused)
211. Awakening Reprise (Unused)
212. The Moose and Polo Show (Unused)
213. Prehistoric TVC Remix
214. Pre Historic
215. Ooga Booga
216. Welcome to Hollywood
217. Welcome to Hollywood TVC Remix
218. Gotta Have a Wingman
219. Gotta Have a Wingman (Instrumental)
220. The Award Goes to Timpani Roll in
221. Puffle Dance
222. Puffle Dance Jazz Mix
223. Puffle Dance Rock Mix
224. Collide and Conquer
225. Into the Mind
226. Sushi Drop
227. Tusk TVC Remix
228. Through Mountain Passes
229. Snow Journeys
230. Tusk
231. University Rally TVC Remix
232. University Rally
233. We're All Okay!
234. Pump Up the Rock
235. Steer the Funk
236. Get Pink
237. Rainbow Rock
238. The Party Starts Now Skaraoke
239. The Party Starts Now Skaraoke (Instrumental)
240. All Together Now
241. Waddle On Theme
242. Pookies
243. Horror Suspense
244. Star Wars Remix
245. Eerie Theremin
246. Rockin' the Beach
247. Forever Summer
248. Ride the Wave
249. Party in My Iggy
250. Party in My Iggy (Instrumental)
251. Tundrafluff
252. Sky Soaring
253. Jetpack Boost Turbo Mode
254. Horror Organ
255. Glory Success
256. Tundrafluff Orchestra
257. Medieval Times
258. Wizard Waltz
259. Find Your Voice
260. Our Voices Have Been Found
261. Our Voices Have Been Found (Instrumental)
262. Puffle Chicken
263. Waddle On Medieval
264. Harp Success
265. What Lurks in the Night
266. It's Your Birthday
267. It's Your Birthday (Instrumental)
268. Waddle On Halloween
269. Horror Suspense Build 1
270. Science Electro
271. Cities in Motion
272. Puffle Posh
273. Sad Piano
274. We are the Elite
275. Stand and Defend
276. Dramatic Sci Fi
277. Spoiler Alert
278. Epic Orchestral
279. Pet Games
280. Iggy Life
281. Welcome to Club Penguin
282. The Happy Song
283. Eraser
284. Holiday Lights
285. All Aboard for the Holidays
286. All Aboard for the Holidays Train Mix
287. Penguin Carols
288. Penguin Carols (Instrumental)
289. Tis the Season
290. Someone to Like Me
291. Someone to Like Me (Instrumental)
292. CP Music Mashup 2013
293. Puffle Shake (Unused)
294. Journey to the Prehistroic
295. Stone Age Party
296. Journey to a Distant Past
297. Meg's Bongo Jam
298. Safety Sound
299. Desert Roads
300. Marooned Lagoon
301. Bull's Eye
302. Into Orbit
303. Martian Landing
304. Oscar Blues TVC Remix
305. Spooky Surf
306. Suspense Build Reveal
307. Horror Suspense Build 2
308. Deep Choral Drone
309. The Command Room Revisited
310. English Anthem
311. Kalinka
312. French Avenue
313. Mariachi Medley
314. Festive India
315. Bretzel Bash
316. Samba Sensation
317. Spanish Matador
318. Show Time
319. Oscar Blues Vocal Version
320. Orchestral Madness Drum Solo
321. Come Out to Play
322. Me and My Puffle
323. Electric Ballet
324. Adopt a Puffle
325. Adopt a Puffle (Instrumental)
326. Going Mobile
327. Going Mobile (Instrumental)
328. Welcome to the Future
329. Strange Galaxy
330. Zero Gravity Disco
331. Zero Gravity Disco (Instrumental)
332. Extra Planetary Force
333. Extra Planetary Force (Instrumental)
334. Space Battle Meteors
335. Space Battle Robots
336. Space Battle (Instrumental)
337. Ultimate Battle
338. Space Squid Invasion
339. Tundrafluff TVC Remix
340. Penguin Cup TVC Remix
341. Penguin Cup Anthem
342. Shark Beatz
343. Shark Beatz (Instrumental)
344. Squids Score
345. Squids Score (Instrumental)
346. This is CPSN
347. Hot Sauce Rock
348. Hot Sauce Rock (Instrumental)
349. Hello Yellow
350. Hello Yellow (Instrumental)
351. Best Day Ever
352. Best Day Ever (Instrumental)
353. Rock the Boat
354. Rock the Boat Keytar
355. Rock the Boat Keytar (Instrumental)
356. Rock the Boat Quartet
357. Gotta Have a Wingman Cole Plante Remix
358. Racetrack Rock
359. Slush Rush Main Menu
360. Slush Rush Bluegrass
361. Frozen Wonder
362. Sk8 Skool
363. Starting Fresh
364. Starting Fresh Elevator Mix
365. Starting Fresh 8 Bit Mix
366. I'm a Mod
367. I'm a Mod (Instrumental)
368. Spooky Jazz
369. Spooky Jazz No Reverb
370. Nothing as it Seems
371. Spooky Jazz Decay
372. Spooky Jazz Piano
373. Spooky Jazz Piano No Reverb
374. Wilderness Survivor
375. Puffle Wild Reprise
376. Puffle Wild
377. The Woods Reprise
378. The Woods
379. Cream Soda Shanty
380. Fair Winds
381. Treasure and Glory
382. Treetop Treasures
383. Coral Waters
384. Pirates of Club Penguin
385. Awesome to be Rare
386. Awesome to be Rare (Instrumental)
387. Catching Snowflakes
388. Ring in the Cheer
389. Cool in the Lounge
390. A Very Merry Walrus
391. A Very Merry Walrus (Instrumental)
392. Puffle Shuffle
393. Puffle Shuffle (Instrumental)
394. Roofhawse's Theme
395. Jangrah's Theme
396. Lorna's Theme
397. Rockhopper's Theme
398. Herbert's Theme
399. Merry Walrus' Theme
400. CP Music Mashup 2014
401. Oscar Blues (Unused)
402. Oscar Blues Minor (Unused)
403. Oscar Jazz (Unused)
404. You Got This Toby Hulse Remix
405. You Got This
406. You Got This (Instrumental)
407. Music Jamming
408. Find the Flow
409. Orchestral Awards
410. Made of Stars
411. Sugar Shake
412. Dub Style Step
413. Glitter and Glow
414. You Got TVC Remix
415. Cabin Trails
416. Adventure Seekers
417. Go Time
418. Go Time Remix
419. Forest Adventure Part 1
420. Epic Race
421. Puffle Adventure
422. Forest Adventure Part 2
423. Forest Adventure Part 3
424. Slush Rush
425. Slush Rush Overdrive
426. Slush Rush Elevator
427. Underground Adventure
428. Arendelle
429. Sunshine Days
430. Trader's Trove
431. Underground Adventure Finale
432. The Rhythm Takes Ye
433. Castle Chaos
434. Distant Clouds
435. Distant Clouds Serenity
436. Helping Hands
437. The Snow Parade
438. Epic Reggae
439. Meet Gary
440. Glam Jam
441. Rock the Boat Quartet Remix
442. The Best Beach Party
443. The Best Beach Party (Instrumental)
444. Meet Dot the Design Gal
445. Where's the Funk
446. Where's the Funk (Instrumental)
447. Gonna Be Epic
448. Gonna Be Epic (Instrumental)
449. Penguin Panic
450. Penguin Panic (Instrumental)
451. Gotta Get the Gotcha
452. Gotta Get the Gotcha (Instrumental)
453. Future Odyssey
454. Alien Lounge
455. Jungle Jam
456. CP Music Mashup 2015
457. Jazzy Pizza
458. Banjo Bonanza
459. Epic Island
460. Slush Rush Electro
461. Sunshine Cruisin'
462. Designer Look
463. CP Music Mashup 2016
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