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Lid If you are looking to add some unique and intricate to your audio library, you have come to the right place. These


If you are looking to add some unique and intricate sounds to your audio library, you have come to the right place. These recordings capture a variety of lid-related sounds that are perfect for enhancing your projects. From the gentle swing of a lid on a bin to the sharp thump of hitting a metal lid, each sound offers a different texture and tone that can add depth and dimension to your work. You can play and download these sounds here to start incorporating them into your projects today.

The resonant clang of a metal lid hitting a hard surface can create a powerful and impactful sound that can be used in a variety of ways. Whether you are working on a project that requires a percussive element or simply want to add a metallic texture to your audio, this sound can be a valuable addition to your toolkit. With a little creative manipulation, you can transform this simple sound into something truly remarkable.

The soft hum of a laptop lid closing offers a subtle and understated sound that can add a sense of calm and focus to your projects. This gentle sound can evoke the feeling of a quiet workspace or a peaceful moment of reflection, making it perfect for projects that require a tranquil atmosphere. By incorporating this sound into your audio, you can create a sense of serenity and tranquility that will captivate your audience.

The sharp click of a Zippo lighter closing can create a sense of finality and closure that is both satisfying and impactful. This sound is perfect for projects that require a sense of completion or resolution, as it offers a clear and distinct ending point. By incorporating this sound into your audio, you can signal the end of a chapter or the conclusion of a story, leaving your audience with a sense of closure and satisfaction.

The gentle rattle of pills shaking in a container offers a unique and distinctive sound that can add depth and complexity to your audio projects. This sound can evoke a sense of anticipation or excitement, making it perfect for projects that require a touch of drama or tension. By incorporating this sound into your work, you can create a sense of suspense and intrigue that will keep your audience on the edge of their seats.

No matter what kind of project you are working on, these lid-related sounds offer a diverse range of textures and tones that can add depth and dimension to your audio. Whether you are looking for a percussive element, a tranquil atmosphere, a sense of closure, or a touch of drama, these sounds have you covered. You can play and download these sounds here to start incorporating them into your projects and enhancing your audio creations today.
Aerosols Various 01 #lid #sizzle #pop #spray #aerosol @aglinder
Asmr #lid #asmr #slide #tapping #crinkle @dahlJ
Asthma Pump #lid #asthma #asthma pump #deep breath #gasp @ lourii
Audio Clippable Bottle Lid Owi #lid #bottle #recording @aprilmbatha
Beer Bottle Lid #lid #idling #owi #thumb #idle @Gobby12
Bieröffnung Deckel Klirren #lid #opening #beer #opener #bottle @Prost Punk
Bottle Cap Getting Screwed On #lid #screw #drink #owi #cap @biawinter
Bottle Lid #lid #sound #floor #drink #glass @supersnd
Bottle Top #lid #screw #owi #unscrew #twisting @Gareth H
Button Sound #lid #button #pop #seal #click @TheIronGod
Can Opening Pop #lid #cap #aluminum #opening #top @gpag1
Cardboard Cup, Falls To Ground. Placing Lid On Cu.. #lid #cardboard #cup @speedygonzo
Cargo Bike Closing Lid #lid #cargo #bicycle #urban #lock @Eelke
Cargo Bike Closing Lid #lid #cargo #bicycle #urban #lock @Eelke
Cargo Bike Open And Close #lid #cargo #bicycle #opening #lock @Eelke
Cargo Bike Placing A Toolbox #lid #cargo #bicycle #opening #lock @Eelke
Cargobike Open Close #lid #urban #bicycle #cargo #foam @Eelke
Ceramic Dish And Lid 170430 1488 #lid #pot #ceramic #clang #clunk @megashroom
Ceramic Lid #lid #cup #sc**** #ceramic #foley @FishPlinko
Closed Lid #lid #garage #closing #piano @dcolvin
Closing A Jar Lid #lid #jarlid #jar @nuncaconoci
Closing A Plastic Container #lid #lid close #shut lid #plastic container @patchytherat
Closing A Toilet Lid #lid #toilet #closing @ryanharding95
Closing And Opening A Bottle Lid #lid #owi #opening #plastic #glass @katiajar28
Closing Dustbin #lid #shut #slam @edzie777
Clsoing Pot Lid #lid #pot #cooking @akennedybrewer
Coffee Cup On Table Bounce Lid Drop Rattle #lid #on #sennheiser #drop #cup @benniknop
Coffee Elite Opening #lid #coffee #opening #microphone #recording @Kostas17
Compartment Closing #lid #door #closing #compartment #open @Yoyodaman234
Compartment Opening #lid #door #opening #compartment #open @Yoyodaman234
Cooking Pot Lid #lid #pot #metal #top #kitchen @Aurelon
Cooking Pot Lid 2 #lid #pot #metal #top #kitchen @Aurelon
Copper Teapot Lid #lid #sound #effect #copper teapot @idabrandao
Crackle #lid #crack #open #can #package @stone21
Cukraus Dangtelis G2 Stoja Fainai #lid #spin #metal @ramas26
Cukraus Dangtelis Stoja2 #lid #spin #metal @ramas26
Deckel Med 1 #lid #bell #metal #kitchen @Michatroschka
Deodorant Cap Open #lid #cap #deodorant #open #plastic @sleepwalk836
Drinking From Plastic Waterbottle #lid #waterbottle #drink #plastic #water @Caitlin
Dropping Plastic Lid #lid #dropping #plastic @deleted user...
Ebike Lock #lid #urban #bicycle #motor #driving @Eelke
Electric Razor Under A Lid #lid #razor #noise #owi #electric @jchiledred
Finger Hit Metal Lid #lid #tap #metal #percussion #finger @Metaphysical...
Fizzy Water Bottle #lid #pouring #drink #mineral #liquid @Berwitz
Garbage Can Lid #lid #garbage can #field recording @ProdMultimed...
Glass Aftershave Bottle #lid #aftershave #liquid #metal #glass @221055
Glass Bottle Lid #lid #glass #bottle @sofiaromero.n
Glass Jar Opening #lid #cap #owi #opening #drink @Mighael
Glass Jar Opening And Closing #lid #shut #cap #owi #closed @Mighael
Glass Lid On #lid #foley #top #cap #jar @BillyOftenWi...
Hiting Metal Lid Againts Table #lid #vibrations #metal #crunch #aluminum @BerduSmith
Hitting A Metal Lid #lid #hit #metal #thump @fleurescence
Hitting A Metal Lid #lid #hit #metal #thump @fleurescence
Hitting A Metal Lid #lid #hit #metal #thump @fleurescence
Hitting Pan Top #lid #hit #top #hitting #saucepan @Sami Kullström
Inserting Paper In Scanner #lid #printer #scanner #office #machine @cribbler
Jar #lid #closing #owi #glass jar #opening @Molefimanaka
Jar Lid #lid #jar #owi @TarynMichele101
Jar Lid #lid #owi #opening #jar #glass @170274
Jar Lid Falling #lid #jar #owi #metal #blow @Leroy.Khoza
Jar Lid Falling #lid #tools #owi @jacobus0987
Jar Opening #lid #owi #opening #jar #turn @rubenvvuuren
Knocking On Plastic Lid #lid #knock #tap #bump #owi @Rikus246
Laptop Power On #lid #laptop #computer @WaveAdventurer
Laptopopen #lid #laptop #computer #macbook #opening @Keegan Miner
Latched Box Opening #lid #boy #toy #owi #tupperware @rubenvvuuren
Lid 03 #lid #blow #jam #cup @bajko
Lid Close #lid #box #closing #jar @lucario7631
Lid Ironpan #lid #ughetto #stove #cooking #metal @vicoughetto
Lid Popping Sfx #lid #deodorant #owi #cap #pop @KamilNaidoo23
Lifting Lid Of Pottery 1 #lid #pottery #open #lifting #opening @JiggleSticks
Lip Ice Eos Open\Close #lid #twist #taking off #twist cap #owi @lizanejordaan
Metal Lid Closed And Opened #lid #door #field recording #opening #squeaky @draftcraft
Metal Lid Metalic #lid #metalic #metal @deleted user...
Metal Lid Open Close #lid #heavy #door #opening #squeaky @andersmmg
Metal Lid Sc**** #lid #metal #sc**** @toddcircle
Metal Trashcan Opening #lid #rotate #hit #metal #trashcan @PhilllChabbb
Metall Deckel Muelleimer #lid #litter #metal @TheSoundcatcher
Metallic Lid #lid #high #hit #opening #metal @Kodack
Metallic Lid Of Pan Rolling #lid #lid rolling #kitchen #metallic #kitchen sounds @kooust
Mở Nắp #lid #plastic #open #kitchen @SieuAmThanh
Mở Nắp 2 #lid #jar #open #kitchen @SieuAmThanh
Nắp #lid #cook #kitchen #metal #aluminum @SieuAmThanh
Objcont Whiskeybottle01 Inmotionaudio Freesamples.. #lid #foodgware #bottle @InMotionAudio
Open And Close Plastic Bottle With Large Lid Soun.. #lid #opening #plastic #large #bottle @Garuda1982
Open And Close Porcelain Bowl With Lid Sound Effect #lid #sound #sennheiser #f4 #cup @Garuda1982
Open And Close Pot Lid Sound Effect #lid #sound #eating #opening #d100 @Garuda1982
Open Close Jar #lid #owi #opening #food #jam jar @WingsOfIrony
Open Close Metal Pot #lid #close #pot #open #metal @toddcircle
Open Close Metal Pot 3 #lid #close #pot #open #metal @toddcircle
Open Plastic Lid #lid #opening #plastic @rpew1
Open Plastic Lid Quiet #lid #opening #plastic @rpew1
Open Small Lid #lid #bubble #coke #drink #sparkling @Mrthenoronha
Open&Closelaptop(Wakesup)T17 #lid #wakeup #laptop #open @n audioman
Opening A Cat Food Can #lid #peel #cover #remove #can @nuncaconoci
Opening A Fizzy Drinkwav #lid #owi #fizzy drink #drink #gas @ruthdt98
Opening A Shampoo Bottle #lid #owi #sfx #shampoo #sound effects @YeshniGounden
Opening A Soda Bottle #lid #compression #coke #unscrew #bottle cap @ShawnyBoy
Opening A Water Bottle Lid #lid #owi #typo #sfx #unscrew @YeshniGounden
Opening And Closing Lid Of Plastic Crate #lid #owi #opening #crate #plastic crate @RobinBarnard
Opening And Closing Wooden Piano Lid #lid #heavy #owi #impact #wooden @RobinBarnard
Opening And Squeezing Out A Bottle Of Hair Gel #lid #plastic #bottle #close #squeeze @jvdicke
Opening Bottle Lid 01 #lid #screw #sip #container #water bottle @Leandri140029
Opening Glass Jar #lid #screw #owi #opening #steel lid @Reenen007
Opening The Sarcophagus #lid #stone #sarcophagus #egypt #casket @Breviceps
Openingandclosingbottle #lid #close #cap #open #bottle @BiancaDrey
Openning A Water Canteen #lid #screw #off #metal #water @ryanlouis
Oven Door #lid #shut #door #drum #metal @TiesWijnen
Pen Lid #lid #rhythmic #short #off #fineliner @angeliqueper...
Piano Lid Slamming #lid #piano #shut #slam @NEDDYBLOWER
Piano Lid Tap (Open) #lid #heavy #tap #bass drum #organ @Werra
Pills - Popping Lid (Sfx) #lid #owi #opening #pop #bottle @HermanDV
Pills Handling Open Shake #lid #rattle #hospitail #shake #medicine @CapsLok
Pills Thrown Out Of And Into Plastic Medicine Con.. #lid #plastic #thrown into #medication #container @140178sound
Plastic Bottle Dropped And Lid Noises #lid #screw #hit #bottle #coke @oddmonoliths...
Plastic Bottle Lid Closing And Opening #lid #sound #giant #container #rubbish @ksesoko
Plastic Coke Bottle Opening #lid #fizz #owi #coca #coke @Wingcommander1
Plastic Lid Open And Close #lid #container #opening #plastic #twist @Kodack
Plastic Lid Paper Packagin Friction Rotation Elas.. #lid #elastique #friction #plastic #paper packaging @LamaMakesMusic
Plastic Lid Snap 3 #lid #snap #click #pop #plastic @SDLx
Plastic Lid Tub Container Open And Close #lid #container #tupperware #sfx #wavjunction
Plastic Spoon Hitting Plastic Lid #lid #spoon #hit #plastic @Timmeh515
Plastic Tub Open & Close #lid #opening #plastic #sweets #close @Caitlin
Pop Tupper #lid #container #tupper #bottle #vacuum @Godowan
Popping Open Hand Cream Bottle Lid #lid #beauty #opening #pop #bottle @F.M.Audio
Pot Down #lid #pot #plastic @gibranst
Pot Lid #lid #clank #pot #kettle #metal @bowlingballout
Pot Lid #lid #crockery #rattle #pot #object @schoman3
Pot Lid #lid #pot #metal #bang #kitchen @theshaggyfreak
Pot Lid Hit #lid #dish #pot #cover #hit @cupido 1
Pot Lid Rocking #lid #pans #pots #pot #metal @RogerBoucher
Putting Lid Back On Jar #lid #closing #jar @whi1ter1ce
Radio Lid #lid #close lid #stereo #radio #open lid @DottyYumYum
Removing And Placing A Plastic Lid On A Plastic C.. #lid #foley #container #cup #removing @2100385 Josh...
Screw On Lid, Hard Sound, Recorded On Rode Shotgu.. #lid #a #lid #owi #opening @BucketManDave
Shaking Pills #lid #owi #drugs #medical #pop @Rikus246
Shorty Open Close Lid #lid #urban #bicycle #cargo #foam @Eelke
Slam #lid #impact #remix #industrial #hit @djfroyd
Soda Can #lid #opened #aluminum #ahh #drink @uniuniversal
Spray Lid Close #lid #container #metal #pop #plastic @jrhodesza
Spray Lid Open #lid #container #metal #pop #plastic @jrhodesza
Swinging Lid #lid #bin #swinging #beat #can @VoxHumanaMus...
Taking Lid Off #lid #carbonated #twisting #opening #sparkling ice @Firecat the ...
Tapa Na Cara #lid #corporal #4maudio17 #violence #face @EdinaldoApSa...
Tapa Nas Costas #lid #corporal #4maudio17 #back #uam @EdinaldoApSa...
Tea Pot Lid; Opening #lid #coffee #opening #tea #pot @Shamewap
Teapot Lid Large 170428 1477 #lid #clink #ceramic #teapot @megashroom
Teapot Lid Small 170428 1476 #lid #clink #ceramic #teapot @megashroom
Thisisasgoodasitgets #lid #laptop lid #top #close #closing @WaveAdventurer
Tin Container #lid #screw #container #opening #tin @Didi0508
Tin Lid Opening Then Falling On Table #lid #then #opening #tin #table @mrrap4food
Tobacco Roller Lid #lid #owi #tobacco #close #sqweek @EugeneEverett
Toilet Flush 05 08 12 #lid #toilet #bathroom #house #water @richardemoore
Toilet Lid Close #lid #toilet #close @jimbo555
Toilet Lid Closed 01 #lid #toilet #shut #bathroom #closed @smokevhstapes
Toilette Lid #lid #clapping #toilette @hinzebeat
Trash Can Hit 01 Rim #lid #industrial #whacked #hard #metal @Ev Dawg
Trash Can Hit 02 Top #lid #industrial #whacked #top #hard @Ev Dawg
Trash Can Lid; Openclose #lid #trash #trash can @cfedorek16
Twisting Plastic Lid #lid #owi #plastic @Nontu Lwazi00
Unscrewing & Screwing A Wine Bottle Lid #lid #drink #screwing #unscrewing #glass @Caitlin
Unscrewing And Popping Off Metal Lid On Glass Jar.. #lid #screw #owi #sfx #unscrew @Jo vanvuuren
Unscrewing Lid #lid #unscrew #owi #owi #jar @jamieorpen
Vacuum Cleaner #lid #cleaner #extend #handling #cord @Metzik
Ventilation Shaft Kicked Open #lid #shaft #kicked #falling on the ground #cover @PITCHEDsenses
Ventilation Shaft Kicked Open 2 #lid #shaft #kicked #falling on the ground #metal @PITCHEDsenses
Vibrating A Spray Can's Lid #lid #razor #owi #rattle #rattling @mars
Webber Braai Lid #lid #owi #opening #braai #webber @Slooshie
Williskitchen2 #lid #hum #cooking #steam #stirring @will8715
Wooden Chest Lid Close #lid #stereo #wooden #zoom h1n #chest @The Frisbee ...
Zippo Lighter 1 - Closing #lid #flick #flik #clip #fire @zmobie
Zippo Lighter, Open, Light, Close #lid #spark #ignition #lighter #zippo @Kinoton
Zippo Open 8Shots #lid #lighter #metal #open #zippo @vibe crc
Zippo01 #lid #sound #closed #open #smoke @newagesoup
Zoom 0034 Bottle Lid #lid #owi #student #beat #water @190156
Đầy Nắp #lid #close #kitchen @SieuAmThanh
Đầy Nắp 2 #lid #close #open #food #kitchen @SieuAmThanh
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