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Wheel You can play and download these here: The first that comes to mind is the sharp of a knife stabbing a bike tire.

Wheel SFX

You can play and download these sounds here:
The first sound that comes to mind is the sharp sound of a knife stabbing a bike tire. The sudden puncture and release of air create a distinct wheel-related noise that is both alarming and impactful. The metallic clang of the knife against the rubber tire is a unique and jarring sound that can send shivers down your spine.

Next, the subtle sound of an office chair rolling across the floor can be heard. The smooth and steady movement of the chair's wheels creates a calming and rhythmic noise that is synonymous with the everyday activities in an office setting. The gentle hum of the wheels as they turn and glide along the floor is a familiar sound that brings a sense of comfort and routine.

In the distance, the sound of a train passing by can be heard. The rhythmic chugging of the wheels against the tracks creates a steady and hypnotic noise that is both soothing and nostalgic. The clatter of the train as it rolls along the railroad echoes through the air, evoking images of travel and adventure.

The gentle splashing of a water wheel turning in a stream can be heard. The soothing sound of the water rushing over the wheel's blades creates a calming and serene noise that is associated with nature and tranquility. The steady hum of the wheel as it rotates in the water is a reminder of the power and beauty of the natural world.

The click-clack of a bike chain can be heard as someone pedals along a quiet road. The rhythmic sound of the chain moving over the gears creates a steady and rhythmic noise that is synonymous with the act of cycling. The mechanical whirring of the chain as it shifts and turns with each pedal stroke is a familiar sound that is both hypnotic and energizing.

A finger tapping on a steering wheel can be heard, creating a rhythmic and percussive noise that is both playful and engaging. The gentle tap-tap-tap of the finger against the wheel's surface creates a steady and repeating sound that is both soothing and dynamic. The tactile nature of the tapping creates a sense of connection and movement.

The metallic clang of a belt buckle against a spinning bicycle wheel can be heard. The sharp and resonant sound of the buckle hitting the wheel creates a jarring and impactful noise that is both unexpected and attention-grabbing. The clash of metal against metal creates a harsh and discordant sound that is unlike anything else.

In an indoor setting, the sound of a bike riding simulation can be heard. The steady whir of the pedals and the chain create a rhythmic and energetic noise that is associated with the act of cycling. The mechanical hum of the bike as it rolls along a simulated road is a reminder of the freedom and exhilaration that comes with riding a bike.

The roar of a car passing by can be heard, the screech of the tires and the revving of the engine creating a dynamic and powerful noise that is synonymous with speed and motion. The rumble of the exhaust and the sharp hiss of the brakes create a cacophony of sound that is both thrilling and intense.
Aerostatic Bike #wheel #pedal #bike #chain #artificial @jaeger2801
Air Compressor #wheel #idling #noise #tire #vibration @tosha73
Air Or Wheel Pump #wheel #soft #bicycle #variations #car @Jeanet Henning
Ambience - Inside The Bike Frame, Car Interior #wheel #bicycle #cycling #driving #pedaling @GeorgeHopkins
Ambience - Inside The Bike Frame, Car Interior 2 #wheel #bicycle #cycling #driving #pedaling @GeorgeHopkins
Audi A4 Allroad 20Tfsi Exterior Passby 70Kmph Fol.. #wheel #asphalt #motor #pass #speed @Soundholder
Belt Buckle On A Spinning Bicycle Wheel #wheel #bicycle #ringing #buckle #clang @Mr Alden
Bicycle #wheel #pedaling #chain #ride #bike @specrad1
Bicycle #wheel #pedaling #chain #ride #owi @Mighael
Bicycle Air Horn 001 (3) #wheel #cycling #pedaling #ride #bike @ristooooo1
Bicycle Cycling #wheel #bicycle #pedaling #spinning #bike @CharleneZ
Bicycle Forward Movement #wheel #acceleration #stereo #bicycle #chain @dawidwmika
Bicycle Freewheeling #wheel #sound #ball bearing #bicycle #sfx @jacko4526
Bicycle Ride And Coast #wheel #pedal #bike #spokes #chain @AngryAdam
Bicycle Spokes #wheel #bicycle #spoke #bike #spokes @AntumDeluge
Bicycle Spokes Spinning #wheel #terrestrial #bicycle #ride #owi @ross sinc
Bicycle Stand Sound #wheel #bike #bicycle #stand @PanosA
Bicycle Tires On Dirt Road Or Gravel #wheel #bicycle #tire #dirt #ride @Garuda1982
Bicycle Wheel #wheel #bicycle #clicking #inside #fast and slow @C J
Bicycle Wheel #wheel #sound #noise #bicycle #sfx @KirstenBrook...
Bicycle Wheel Spinning #wheel #spinning #bicycle @HarrisonG024
Bicycles #wheel #pedaling #bike #bicycle @loullipop
Bicyclewheel #wheel #bicycle #hub @Jagielka
Bike #wheel #bike #bicycle #cycle @BeeProductive
Bike #wheel #bike #fast @Macsat Rd
Bike Chain - 1 #wheel #pedaling #chain #ride #mecanic @SamuelGremaud
Bike Chain - 2 #wheel #pedaling #chain #ride #mecanic @SamuelGremaud
Bike Click #wheel #bicycle #chain #bike #bike @fredelisle
Bike Gear Changes #wheel #bicycle #gear #chain #ride @SamuelGremaud
Bike Pump #wheel #bicycle #bike pump #ride #pump @SamuelGremaud
Bike Rear Wheel Spin #wheel #bicycle #cartridge #clicking #bike @kramsttop
Bike Rear Wheel Spinning #wheel #spinning #speed #mechanical @laspaziale
Bike Ride Brussels #wheel #city #bicycle #frenc #chain @gecop
Bike Riding Indoor Simulation #wheel #foley #pedaling #chain #bike @Mar.Sounds
Bike Riding Sounds #2 #wheel #pedaling #bike #bicycle #click @deleted user...
Bike Sounds #wheel #pedaling #bike #bicycle @galora
Bike Sounds Click Tick #wheel #bicycle #bike #freewheel #pedal @rsellick
Bike Wheel #wheel #upside down #bike @claires12355
Bike Wheel 1 #wheel #foley #bicycle #chain #ride @mboscolo
Bike Wheel Spinning #wheel #foley #bicycle #spinning #bike @Mar.Sounds
Bike04 #wheel #terrestrial #bicycle #chain #rider @heptor
Bikecarclaxon #wheel #claxon #bicycle #car #ride @jsvegam
Bikes #wheel #bike #pedaling #vaucluse #chain @SamuelGremaud
Brittany Hernandezperea 003Thru005 Wheel #wheel #sound #sample @brittanyhern...
Car Passing By #wheel #time attack #brakes #exhaust #nascar @atks
Car Rim Falling 01 #wheel #car #metal #rim #resonance @roman cgr
Car Rim Falling 02 #wheel #auto #car #rim #automobile @roman cgr
Casino Ambiance #wheel #poker #noise #owi #clicking @221097
Cassette Rallon #wheel #pedaling #chain #ride #downhill @valdudu
Casters Of A Container #wheel #rolling #caster #wheels #roller @xkeril
Chains Clinging Against Each Other #wheel #impact #owi #chain #chains @Juane170058
Chair Sc**** Mp3 #wheel #squeaky #office #metal #sc**** @maxman727
Coal Train 05082020 #wheel #rail road #rail #train #freight train @mahrteach
Computer Mouse Clicks And Scroll Wheel Play #wheel #right #laptop #modern #middle @khenshom
Computer Mouse Scrolling #wheel #computer #mouse #scroll @blwuens
Cyclist Pass By Right To Left #wheel #bicycle #chain #ride #fast
Deflating Tyre #wheel #cycling #inner tube #air #pump @SamuelGremaud
Dial Spin #wheel #input #dial #code @MasterSuite
Disposable Camera Wind Up #wheel #foley #toy #spring #plastic @bmacphail
Easy Rolling #wheel #loop #drive #piano #ride @lovescotch
Electric Bike Engine - אופניים חשמליים #wheel #ebike #bicycle #electric #ectlv @woundwise
Fx Safe Cracking #wheel #bicycle #fx #safe #bike @PeteBarry
Fx Safe Cracking02 #wheel #bicycle #fx #safe #bike @PeteBarry
Gate Mechanical Closing #wheel #exterior #gate #mechanical #outdoor @JandreLombaard
Gutierrez Mpaulina Altafidelidad Movimiento Bicic.. #wheel #bike #bicycle #downhill #rider @paulinamaria...
Impact Drill #wheel #foley #tire #auto #tool @tim.kahn
Industry City - Gate #wheel #metal #clang #metallic #creak @rj13
John Holda 004 Skatewheel #wheel #skate #roll @johnholda18
Latarueda #wheel #metal #rolls @SaraBerrio
Lettuce Centrifuge Slow Speed Slow #wheel #slow #turning #driving #lettuce @Eelke
Lettuce Centrifuge Slow Speed Slow #wheel #slow #turning #driving #lettuce @Eelke
Liquour Cart #wheel #cristal #cart #bottle #rolling @David Jacob
Little Pigeon River Waterfall And Gristmill Water.. #wheel #noise #field recording #gristmill #river @rodincoil
Longboard Wheel #wheel #spinning #longboard @dylanperitz
Manual Coffee Grinder #wheel #coffee #grinder #crushing #stone @apintofmild
Matchbox Car #wheel #toy #squeaky #creaky #car @alexyquest42
Mechanical Wheel Whir Whirr #wheel #toy #whir #whirring #mechanical @pawsound
Mechanical Wheel Whir Whirr Pulse #wheel #toy #pulse #pulsing #rhythm @pawsound
Metal Phishing Real Spinning Lr #wheel #mechanism #clicking #rotating #turning @Viking
Metal Stick Hit, Long Sustain #wheel #impact #hit #metal #long @cynical2207
Moirai (Squeaky Ambient) #wheel #fortune #atmospheric #destiny #fate @younoise
Mouse Click And Mouse Wheel #wheel #clicking #computer #mouse #click @NWSP
Mouse Clicks And Scroll Wheel #wheel #clicking #scroll #computer #mouse @tgfcoder
Mouse Sounds Pack #wheel #sounds #mouse #click #pack @haratman
Mouse Wheel #wheel #aasp #mouse @MathiasR
Ninebot Z10 Electric Wheel Startup Jrf Contact Rx.. #wheel #recording #electric #science #drive @Archos
Ninebot Z10 Updating Firmware #wheel #recording #electric #science #drive @Archos
Office Chair #wheel #tiles #floor #tile #rolling @BiancaBothaPure
Office Chair 3 #wheel #rolls #office #roll #rolling @Aiwha
Office Chair Rolling #wheel #pull #owi #office #floor @Mr Alden
Office Chair Rolling #wheel #tiles #owi #office #tiled floor @Sai AnnNadesan
Old Bearing Spinning Shortly #wheel #bearing #rotate #spinning #skate @13GPanska La...
Old Metal Wheelbarrow #wheel #old #metal #moving #wheelbarrow @andersmmg
Old Phone #wheel #phone #old #call #telephone @kassimaja
Person Pushing Cart Down Hallway #wheel #hallway #sound #pushing #cart
Pounding Side Tire #wheel #bicycle #rhythm #fingers #hand @carlychriste...
Prize Wheel #wheel #prize #spokes @tony bear
Pulling Up Rollerboard Handle #wheel #stubborn #rollerboard #owi #briefcase @ksesoko
Puncture #wheel #cycling #inner tube #air #bike @SamuelGremaud
Ratchet #wheel #toy #owi #turning #working @LuannWepener
Rear Bicycle Wheel Spinning #wheel #bicycle #48khz #owi #spinning @PapaJelly
Recording2017 11 05 11 37 08 #wheel #car #screech @poderarcano
Recording2017 11 05 11 37 08 Glued #wheel #car #screech @poderarcano
Repair Reveal Bike Wheel #wheel #squeak #bike #metal #field recording @Sacha.Julien
Rickety Fixie Bicycle Ride #wheel #bicycle #chain #concrete #rattle @kalhan
Riding A Bike Around The Block #wheel #motor bike #bike #rider #bike firing @rsn267
Riding Skateboard On Road #wheel #track #ride #skateboard #skate @FartBiscuit1700
Road Bike, Wheel, Spin, Lfe, Lo Speed #wheel #lfe #bike #vehicle #spin @LampEight
Rollerboard Luggage Rolling #wheel #rollerboard #owi #briefcase #luggage @ksesoko
Rolling A Suitcase On Tiles #wheel #tiles #owi #roll #suitcase @Jolindi
Rolling Desk Chair #wheel #desk chair #rolling chair #weeh #owi @Marissrar
Roue De Vélo Qui Grince 4 #wheel #bicycle #bike #brake @joesgarage
Rumble Rolling Plastic Box #wheel #box #garbage #effect #plastic @Garuda1982
Rusty Old Wheel (Loop) #wheel #silent #metal #hinge #rumble @Oneirophile
Scroll Up Scroll Down #wheel #mouse wheel #mouse #scroll #twist @xitricite
Scrolling Mouse Wheel #wheel #using #computer #mouse @lartti
Scrolling With Computer Mouse Scroll Wheel #wheel #scrolling #computer #mus152 #mouse @felipe31moreno
Sfx Car Drive By #wheel #foley #stereo #sfx #48khz @bbjvr04
Sfx Mouse 1 #wheel #button #computer mouse #mouse #click @davilca
Skateboard Wheel #wheel #spinning #sfx @drummerman
Skateboard Wheel 1 (3) #wheel #spinning #skateboard @Sheyvan
Sound 19 - Mouse Wheel #wheel #pc #computer #campus upf #mouse @musicboy9000
Spin Sound #wheel #roulette #rolling #spin #roll @takecoins
Spin Tick #wheel #spin #tick #fortune @door15studio
Spinning Ashtray #wheel #rotate #owi #ashtray #tray @Juane170058
Spinning Bicycle Rear Wheel #wheel #bicycle #chain #clicking #speed @Mr Alden
Spinning Fidget Spinner #wheel #spinner #toy #fidget spinner #rotating @chestnutjam
Spinning Metal Spindle #wheel #rotating #rotate #thread #cranked @kalhan
Spinning Top On Tall Glass 2021 #wheel #toy #top #grinding #glass @tonycarlisle
Spinning Wheel (Kolovrat) #wheel #pedal #spinning #old @stransky
Squeak Speed Up Slow Down #wheel #slow #metal #up #down @martian
Squeaky Toy Wheels 1 #wheel #toy #squeaky #monster #car @Shredster7
Squeaky Toy Wheels 2 #wheel #toy #squeaky #monster #car @Shredster7
Squeaky Wheels #wheel #squeaky #bike #truck #squeak @Shamewap
Squeeky Wheel Door Sliding #wheel #door #closet #home #plastic @jptalty
Stabbing Bike Tire #wheel #bicycle #bike #knife #owi @MioMeg
Stamp #wheel #atmosphere #drawer #office #clock @manuelaurreaf
Suitcase Handling And Wheeling 01 #wheel #handle #floor #marble #indoor @khenshom
Suitcase Handling And Wheeling 02 #wheel #handle #floor #marble #indoor @khenshom
Suitcase, Metal Mover, A #wheel #wheel #airport #metal #suitcase @InspectorJ
Tapping Steering Wheel With Finger #wheel #tap #tapping #steering @DrDufus
Ticker Sound #wheel #rotate #colors #spinning #freewheel @Snowblast
Toy Car #wheel #play #toy #owi #car @Marissrar
Toy Car #wheel #toy #owi #car #moving @221227
Toy Ratchet #wheel #toy #system #up #plastic @monotraum
Toy Spinning Top On Ceramic Bowl April 2021 #wheel #dig #toy #digging #spin @tonycarlisle
Train Dock Bruxelles Midi 01 #wheel #wagon #friction #platform #train @keng wai cha...
Train Dock Bruxelles Midi 02 #wheel #pchhiiittttt #train #platform #station @keng wai cha...
Train Short 01 #wheel #sound #rail road #train #railroad @mshahen
Tricycle Wheel Squeek #wheel #squeak #squeaky @TRP
Turning A Knob Slowly Amplifier Scale Baby Activi.. #wheel #funny #play #toy #sfx @Eelke
Volvo Wheel Loader #wheel #h4n #pro #zoom #volvo @straget
Water Wheel - 1 #wheel #roue #liquid #stream #eau @SamuelGremaud
Water Wheel - 2 #wheel #roue #liquid #stream #eau @SamuelGremaud
Water Wheel #wheel #field recording #stream #lake #water @FillSoko
Water Wheel #wheel #flour #corn #grinding #water @morturn
Water Wheel #wheel #water #mill @blackatompro...
Waterwheel #wheel #squeaky #field recording #stream #water @vertex wave
Wheel Bag Rolling Over Tiles #wheel #tiles #full #tile #luggage @MoniqueKruger
Wheel Bicycle #wheel #bike #bicycle @mou lou
Wheel Of Fortune Baby Activity Board #wheel #funny #play #toy #sfx @Eelke
Wheel Spin Click Slow Down #wheel #decelerate #slow #slowing #down @pooky1
Wheel Spin Click Slow Down Fast #wheel #decelerate #slow #fast #down @pooky1
Wheel Spin Roll Longboard #wheel #skateboard #longboard #spin #roll @Jamitch2
Wheel Spin Sound #wheel #gambling #casino #wheel spin #live recording @roulettevision
Wheelbarrow Walk Past 2 4416 #wheel #stereo #doppler #farm #construction @crattray1997
Wheelbarrow Walk Past 4416 #wheel #stereo #doppler #farm #construction @crattray1997
Wheeled Chair Rolling #wheel #sitting #wooden floor #standing up #office @jrhodesza
Wheeled Office Chair #wheel #owi #office #floor #move @21100267
Wind Up #wheel #wind up #plastic #turn #toy @RICHERlandTV
Wind Up Car #wheel #wind up #owi #fast food #floor @simone ds
Wind Up Sound #wheel #wind up #handle #windup #up @Breviceps
Wind Up Toy Motorbike Sfx #wheel #boy #play #toy #owi @TaXMaNFoReVeR
Wooden Spinning Wheel #wheel #wooden #spinning #mechanical #adpp @kessir
Zippo #wheel #ignition #lighter #zippo @Kawgrim
4 Bikes Downwards #wheel #fieldrecording #bike #downhill @Thomas Bruderer
4 Bikes Downwards Ms #wheel #fieldrecording #bike #downhill @Thomas Bruderer
30 Tick 170514 1528 #wheel #tick #bike @Gaulish27
32 170514 1534 01 #wheel #tick #bike @Gaulish27
48) #wheel #engine #paddle #water #steamer @neilraouf
"Inside The Wheel You Will Help Us" (1968 Doctor .. #wheel #1968 #cybermen #space #tv @chungus43A
[ Mpooman ] Air Injector Sounds (Se459) (High Qua.. #wheel #bicycle #tire #ride #air @MPooman
[ Mpooman ] Wheel Chair In Office Sounds (Se465) .. #wheel #squeaky #floor #wooden #creaky @MPooman
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