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Smash These are a symphony of destruction, each one a unique expression of power and force. The sharp "smack" of a hit, the

Smash SFX

These sounds are a symphony of destruction, each one a unique expression of power and force. The sharp "smack" of a hit, the satisfying "smash" of a body meeting an object, the resounding "crash" of glass shattering - they all come together to create a cacophony of chaos. From the delicate "crunch" of a glass breaking to the hearty "squish" of a rotten pumpkin splattering, each sound tells a story of impact and destruction. You can play and download these sounds here.

The heavy glass break is a sound that resonates with a deep sense of finality. The loud "smash" followed by the sharp "crash" of glass shattering creates a sense of irreparable damage. It's a sound that evokes images of broken windows, shattered bottles, and ruined vases. The sheer force needed to produce such a sound is awe-inspiring, a testament to the strength of the impact.'s recording captures the raw power of this sound.

The sound of a snack bag being crushed is surprisingly satisfying. The gentle "crushing" and "squashing" of the plastic material creates a rhythmic melody of destruction. It's a sound that brings to mind the simple act of disposing of trash, of compacting waste into a more manageable form.'s recording captures the mundane yet strangely therapeutic sound of crushing a snack bag.

The act of smashing a can is a familiar sound for many. The sharp "smash" followed by the metallic "owi" of aluminum being crushed is a sound that is instantly recognizable. It's a sound that is often associated with disposing of garbage or recycling materials.'s recording captures the simplicity and efficiency of smashing a can to reduce its size.

The sound of beans being smashed is a unique combination of textures and tones. The soft "smash" of the beans meeting a surface, the subtle "cooking" sounds in the background - it's a sound that is both satisfying and oddly rhythmic.'s recording captures the delicate balance between chaos and order in the act of smashing beans.

Breaking a glass bottle is a sound that is both sharp and harsh. The loud "smash" followed by the sharp "shatter" creates a cacophony of noise that is both startling and final. It's a sound that instantly evokes images of broken glass, spilled liquids, and potential danger.'s recording captures the intensity and urgency of breaking a glass bottle.

The sound of walnuts being broken with a hammer is surprisingly satisfying. The sharp "smash" followed by the satisfying "shatter" of the nuts breaking open creates a sense of accomplishment. It's a sound that is both physical and visceral, evoking images of cracking open tough shells to reveal the hidden treasure inside.'s recording captures the satisfying crunch of breaking walnuts with a hammer.

Breaking a wine glass is a sound that is delicate yet powerful. The sharp "smash" followed by the delicate "shatter" creates a sense of fragility and elegance. It's a sound that is often associated with celebrations, fine dining, and special occasions.'s recording captures the bittersweet beauty of breaking a wine glass.

Each sound tells a unique story of impact and destruction. From the sharp "smash" of hitting an object to the resounding "crunch" of glass breaking, each sound captures a moment of chaos and transformation. Whether it's the gentle "squish" of a snowball or the harsh "shatter" of breaking glass, these sounds are a reminder of the power of sound to evoke emotion and create imagery. You can play and download these sounds here.
Banging On Wood Collection #smash #hit #bang #wood #strike @metrostock99
Bass Boom #smash #drum #sub #cinema #fx @LordHannes
Big Smash #smash #explosion #violence #punch #break @taavi55
Big Smash No 2 #smash #printer #crash #drop #break @drewkelly
Bottle Break #smash #shatter #shards #break #glass @DeezSoundzTho
Boxing Bag Hit Owi #smash #hit #boxing #punch #fight @Zane Mancer
Breacking Glass #smash #shatter #glass #owi @MioMeg
Break Mirror004 #smash #44 1 #breaking #break #glass @Tetrisrocker
Break03 #smash #plate #breaking #shatter #break @Johnny97
Breaking A Glass Bottle #smash #breaking #smashing #break #glass @dasebr
Breaking Glass #2 #smash #agaxly #porcelain #ceramic #shatter @abstraktgene...
Breaking Glass #3 #smash #agaxly #breaking #shatter #break @abstraktgene...
Breaking Glass #smash #breaking #processed #glass @Unopiate
Breaking Glass #smash #crash #shatter #shards #break @Mystikuum
Breaking Glass #smash #shatter #breaking #smashing #shattering @jsbarrett
Breaking Glass #smash #smashing #breaking #shatter #shards @the epic1357
Breaking Glass 1 #smash #crash #broken #shatter #breaking @Za Games
Breaking Glass 2 #smash #crash #breaking #break #glass @Bricklover
Breaking Glass 2 #smash #crash #broken #shatter #breaking @Za Games
Breaking Glass 3 #smash #crash #breaking #break #glass @Bricklover
Breaking Glass 20 #smash #breaking #shatter #shards #break @RSilveira
Breaking Glass Mirror Oktava Mk 012 #smash #crash #breaking #glass #mirror @gladkiy
Breaking Walnuts With A Hammer #smash #almond #nuts #breaking #shatter @klau78
Breaking Wine Glass #smash #wine glass #owi #shatter #break @ramiro1007
Broken Car Window #smash #glass #breaking #shatter #shards @thecommondanger
Bruit De Canettes 02 Conclusion #smash #tin #crush #beer #can @MarleneAyni
Can Crush #smash #container #monster #coke #metal @Gareth H
Can Crush #smash #crash #dispose #crush #tin @anochrist
Cansmash2 Crunchy Bip #smash #aluminum #garbage #crunch #coke @passAirmangrace
Car Crash #smash #crash #movie #breaking #shatter @mnbbrws6.-+
Carboard Boxes And Glass Smash #smash #drop #glass #boxes #fall @laft2k
Clay Jar Break #smash #hit #shatter #pot #drop @Clearwavsound
Clay Jar Break #smash #hit #shatter #pot #drop @Clearwavsound
Corrugated Iron Crash #smash #crash #break #owi #corrugated iron @ReyDros
Crash #smash #glass #shards #shatter #crash @blindgoofball
Crash! #smash #crash #glas #glass #glass break @reddagger
Crash! #smash #crash #loud #glass #glass break @reddagger
Crash2 #smash #glass #shatter #crash #break @blindgoofball
Crushing Can #smash #owi #garbage #coke #dispose @Luzanne0
Crushing Snack Bag 2 #smash #trash #crushing #squash #plastic @walllable
Cup Breaks #smash #stereo #hit #coffee cup #cup @avakas
Cymbal Hits #smash #drum #cymbal #percussion #sample @HUMANOISEMAKER
Dish Crash #smash #cutlery #plate #destruction @soundtracvkr...
Dropping Glass On Floor #smash #owi #broken #breaking #glass @200154michaela
Dumping Glass In Trash Can 2 #smash #crash #dump #garbage #glass @FunWithSound
Egg Cracking #smash #shell #crash #eggs #drop @FngerSounds
Filingcrashpt2C7 Stereo #smash #industrial #crash #metal #metallic @ahill86
Fire Poker Crash.1 #smash #crash #field recording #rattle #metal @kforetek
Fridge Door Close #smash #shut #door #fridge #shutting @qubodup
Fx Bangs And Clangs 01 #smash #noise #crash #fx #clang @PeteBarry
Fx Beatdowns! 02 #smash #hit #punch #smack #bang @PeteBarry
Glas Debris Movement Interior 03 #smash #breaking #crash #slices #glas @TheSoundcatcher
Glas Multiple Slices Drop On Floor Debris 01 #smash #breaking #crash #slices #glas @TheSoundcatcher
Glas Window Drop Slices On Floor 01.Clip #smash #breaking #crash #slices #glas @TheSoundcatcher
Glass Beer Bottle Breaking With Rock #smash #owi #broken #smashing #breaking @160033
Glass Bottle Breaking #smash #breaking #shatter #shards #break @IENBA
Glass Bottle Breaking #smash #tiles #owi #breaking #shatter @Jolindi
Glass Bottle Shatter 10 #smash #shards #broken #smashing #glass @Sanderboah
Glass Brake #smash #accident #plate #breaking #glass @max2587
Glass Break #smash #broken #smashing #breaking #shatter @natemarler
Glass Break #smash #crash #breaking #shatter #shards @BOAAY
Glass Break 2 #smash #crash #light #light bulb #breaking @Natty23
Glass Breaking #smash #breaking #hammer #broken #shatter @starxid
Glass Breaking #smash #cup #breaking #shatter #break @AlterKartoff...
Glass Breaking #smash #owi #breaking #shatter #break @jittels
Glass Breaking #smash #owi #shatter #break #glass @190101 keelan
Glass Breaking Northern87 #smash #breaking #shatter #break #glass @northern87
Glass Cracking And Breaking #smash #shatter #breaking #smashing #shards @SavReese
Glass Cracking And Breaking #smash #shatter #breaking #smashing #shards @SavReese
Glass Crunch #smash #phone screen #crunch #plastic #crush @OranTalbot
Glass Hit #smash #hit #glass #bottle #speed @VitaWrap
Glass Shattering And Falling #smash #crash #broken #breaking #shatter @221Beimesche
Glass Smash #smash #broken #smashing #breaking #shatter @chewiesmissus
Glass Smash #smash #crash #smashing #shatter #shards @Brokenphono
Glass Smash 12 #smash #hit #broken #smashing #crunch @MysteryPancake
Glass Sweep- Sweeping Shattered Glass (Sfx) #smash #owi #sfx #shattered #sweeping @mickfire
Golpefuertemesa #smash #smack #table @Trancox
Golpesuelo #smash #smack #floor @Trancox
Halloween Jukebox Crashsmash #smash #sounds #halloween @rocknrollboone
Heavy Glass Break 1 #smash #crash #glass shatter #breaking #shatter @LPHypeR
Hit #smash #hit #body expression #smack #slap @Opticreep
Hit Ouch #smash #smack #male #hit #ouch @zeteny zpx
Hit Someting #smash #hit #tabel #gun #bang @TROLlox
Hits And Smashes #smash #hits #hit #smashes #smack @alirabiei
Hmmmmbotellazos #smash #hit #broken @lauracarolina09
Ice Pour In Glass #smash #broken #smashing #tinkling #shards @isaacburkevideo
Insect Bug Smash & Crush #smash #death #locust #crush #insect @EminYILDIRIM
Knock On Wood 1 #smash #bang #wood #collision @Nebulo9
Knock Wood #smash #crash #knock #wall #wood @Alex Fullam
Lightning (Thunderbolt) #smash #noise #thunderbolt #thunder #lightning @DominikBraun
Metal Creek Crash Smash #smash #container #metal #creek @TheSoundcatcher
Monster Kick #smash #enormous #monster #rubbed #huge @djfroyd
Mortar And Pestle #smash #mush #owi #crunch #mortar @Anikadl
Mug Smash #smash #coffee #crash #spill #cup @MordinSolus
Neon Bulb Breaking On The Ground #smash #light bulb #breaking #neon #break @Nakhas
Paper (Digestion) #smash #paper #papel @violetaospina
Pick Up Shattered Picture Frame, Glass Shards #smash #crash #sweeten #shatter #shards @SpliceSound
Plane Crash - Black Box #smash #siren #male voice #disaster #emergency @carmsie
Plastic Squishing #smash #handling #squish #crackle #plastic @jvitorml
Pot Smash #smash #hit #shatter #pot #drop @Clearwavsound
Pumpkinsmash #smash #squish #drop #rotten #splat @relwin
Rockfall1B #smash #stone #field recording #rubble #rocks @AlanCat
Rocks Rubbed Together #smash #owi #rocky #rubbed #knock @Sphi woah
Rocktumble1 #smash #rock debris #rock tumble #quarry #rockfall @AGC66
Shattering Glass Recycling #smash #owi #shatter #break #glass @SebastianVDB
Shuffling Glass 1 #smash #breaking #shuffle #broken #shuffling @FunWithSound
Shuffling Glass Around #smash #breaking #shuffle #broken #shuffling @FunWithSound
Skull Crack On Porcelain Tub #smash #head #skull #porcelain #crack @swimignorant...
Small Shot Glass Breaking #smash #breaking #shatter #break #glass @joshs
Smash #smash #shatter #bottle #glass @Yin Yang Jak...
Smash Light Bulb #smash #crunch #light #shatter #tinkle @iainmccurdy
Smashceramic #smash #ceramic #field recording @rabban625
Smashed Bug #smash #bug #mosquito @Gcastanera
Smashing A Bottle #smash #owi #shatter #shards #break @mars
Smashing Beans #smash #cooking #beans #sony ic recorder @swordofkings128
Smashing Beans 2 #smash #cooking #beans #sony ic recorder @swordofkings128
Smashing Door Security Chain Against Door Frame 1.. #smash #door #chain #rattle #metal @F.M.Audio
Smashing Door Security Chain Against Door Frame 2.. #smash #door #chain #rattle #metal @F.M.Audio
Smashing Door Security Chain Against Door Frame 3.. #smash #door #chain #rattle #metal @F.M.Audio
Snowball Smash 1 #smash #snowball #snow #nature @Bricklover
Snowball Smash 2 #smash #snowball #snow #nature @Bricklover
Soda Can Crumple #smash #aluminum #coke #crinkle #pop
Sound1 #smash #glass #shatter #broken @Alexander93O
Squishing #smash #squish #splash #blood #crack @editor adp
Strike #smash #ball #owi #arcade #pin @Elsje
Sword Swings #smash #swords #clash #sword #swing @SamsterBirdies
Sz Squish 13 #smash #crash #squish #car #zombie @PaulMorek
Tiles Smashing #smash #tiles #crash #ceramic #roof @ToaTom
Train In Station #smash #noise #crash #metal #echo @dbspin
Trencadissa #smash #crash #pot #breaking #break @lluiset7
Violin Destruction #smash #crash #floor #strings #broken @TraceyRegina
Wham N Shatter #smash #rush #iceberg #wall #shatter @eben frostey
Window Break #smash #crash #breaking #shatter #break @5plus5equals...
Wooden Door Smash Open #smash #door #burst #wooden #wood @Eneasz
Zxaudiocraft - Glass - Coconut Shaker 011 #smash #broken #smashing #breaking #shatter @zxaudiocraft
028 Vidrio Quebrandose 2 #smash #quebrar #breaking #shatter #break @holisoysilvi
028 Vidrio Quebrandose 2 Mdelay3 01 #smash #quebrar #breaking #shatter #vidrio @holisoysilvi
31 Vidrio Roto1 #smash #crash #break #glass #hit @Atrius1
32 Vidrio Roto2 #smash #crash #break #glass #hit @Atrius1
190155 Glassbreaking #smash #owi #breaking #shatter #glass @GaelanW
Botellazos #smash #hit #broken @lauracarolina09
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