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Chimes From the delicate tinkling of chimes to the deep resonance of tubular bells, the world of is rich and diverse.

Chimes SFX

From the delicate tinkling of chimes to the deep resonance of tubular bells, the world of sound is rich and diverse. Wind chimes swaying in the breeze create a soothing melody, blending with the sounds of nature in perfect harmony. The gentle sweep of bar chimes adds a magical touch to any orchestral or concert performance, filling the air with a sense of wonder and enchantment. Whether it's the sparkle of a bell or the metallic jingle of windchimes, each sound has the power to transport us to a different realm. You can play and download these mesmerizing sounds here.

As the wind howls and gusts, wind chimes create a symphony of natural sounds that echo through the landscape. The ethereal tones of windchimes on a very windy day capture the raw power of nature, weaving a tapestry of sound that is both invigorating and calming. The metallic shimmer of windchimes in Nebraska winter storm adds a unique layer of complexity to the ambient soundscape, transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary.

The soleri windbell rings out with a deep, resonant tone that lingers in the air long after the sound has faded. The chimes of a church clock striking eight mark the passing of time with solemn grace, casting a spell of nostalgia over the listener. From the gentle jingle of bells to the sustained chimes of deep tones, each sound has a story to tell, a memory to evoke.

The melodic chimes of koshi windbells dance on the wind, creating a symphony of sound that is both haunting and beautiful. The bamboo wind chimes sway in the breeze, their percussive tones adding a rhythmic quality to the natural soundscape. The zyl finger cymbals ring out with a bright, clear sound, adding a touch of whimsy to any musical composition.

The electronic chimes of a clock evoke a sense of timelessness, their Westminster melody echoing through the air with precision and clarity. The harmonic ambience of windchimepadc1 creates a sense of calm and tranquility, inviting the listener to lose themselves in the soothing tones. Whether it's the gentle rustle of leaves or the distant call of birds, each sound adds a layer of depth to the atmospheric soundscape.

From the first note of a beginning band to the intricate samples of an orchestra, the world of chimes is a vast and wondrous place. Each sound has its own unique character, its own story to tell. The magical bells, the enchanting windchimes, the deep resonance of copper bells - each sound is a piece of a larger puzzle, a mosaic of sound and melody waiting to be explored. You can play and download these captivating sounds here.
Strange Chimes #chimes #loopable #gamelan #loop #electronic @Arcana23
A Manifold Array Of Bells #chimes #found sound #bell #chime #ring @tvilgiat
Ambience, Wind Chimes, A #chimes #rainbows #unicorns #ambiance #sparkle @InspectorJ
Ambience, Wind Chimes, B #chimes #bright #wind chimes #sparkle #chimes @InspectorJ
Ambient Relaxing Space Chimes #chimes #background #soundscape #atmosphere #ambience @DJScreeching...
Ambiente Plaza Y Campanario (9 Campanadas) #chimes #square #ambience #people @Benja Piper ...
Backyard Sounds (Birds, Windchimes, Melting Snow).. #chimes #ambiance #dripping #pleasant #background sound @patchytherat
Bamboo Wind Chimes #chimes #wooden #windchimes #percussion #percussive @laffik
Bar Chimes 02 #chimes #orchestra #bar @ubik83
Bar Chimes Sweep Down #chimes #concert #bell #orchestral #percussion @pjcohen
Beginning Band 1St Note #chimes #school #reeds #percussion #woodwinds @incogitatus
Bell Chime 9 #chimes #bells #church #ringing #bell @tbirch55
Bell Chimes. Chillingham Castle 6 Chimes. 13Th N.. #chimes #18th sentury #hour #clock #6 @carthny
Bells - Zaphir Chimes #chimes #bell #windchimes #magical #dreamy @ellenmentor
Bells #chimes #bells #music #playing #child @Vortichez
Bells #chimes #ringing #bells @thuns18
Bells Bong #chimes #ringing #bell #clock #dong @freemaster2
Big Chimes Lr #chimes #wind #backyard @EELLC
Big Wind Chime #chimes #relaxing #windcatcher #tinkle #nature @SterckxS
Big2 #chimes #metal #metallic #percussion #metal bar @Omega9
Bigbenatmidnightt #chimes #stereo #field recording #clock #midnight @SometimesJas...
Bone Chimes Processed 1 #chimes #processed #bone @hassegurstad
Bottle Clink #chimes #glass bottle #glass #bottle #chime @seth m
Carillon Scales - Transformation Of The Root Lock.. #chimes #magic #fairy #wand #spell @gertraut hecher
Cave Chime #chimes #cave #field recording #clock @NeilSeggar
Celesta D6 #chimes #bell #celesta #keyboard @pjcohen
Center Congregational Church Manchester Ct 120422.. #chimes #field recording #usa #manchester ct #church bells @Fungussmunguss
Chimaliscious #chimes #sustain #deep @BrianBahouth
Chime 01 Half Hour #chimes #clock @tiredoldwhit...
Chime 01 Hour 12 Mellowed #chimes #clock @tiredoldwhit...
Chime Bell #chimes #metal #wind #bell @imbecilinplus
Chime Short Strike04 #chimes #sci fi #space #bell #generated @gamebalance
Chime Song Mellow Chill Short2 #chimes #magic #bell #spell #sparkly @bainmack
Chimes - 1 #chimes #windchimes #magical #wind chimes #wind @SamuelGremaud
Chimes - 2 #chimes #windchimes #magical #wind chimes #wind @SamuelGremaud
Chimes - High Res & Sharp #chimes #res #windchimes #chime #zoom @RokZRooM
Chimes #chimes #chiming #bell #sparkle @JazzyBay
Chimes #chimes #magic #random #airy #sparkle @steffcaffrey
Chimes #chimes #metal #percussion @Atkom
Chimes #chimes #metalic #downwards #magic #sparkly @digit al
Chimes #chimes #pss 140 #yamaha #keyboard @mtestan3
Chimes #chimes #remix #transformation @PhonosUPF
Chimes #chimes #room #living @doorknocker
Chimes #chimes #wind @whorn1
Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #wind @MootMcnoodles
Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #wind @supuhmagikarp
Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #windchimes #glissando @opalmirage
Chimes #chimes #windspiel @schluppipuppie
Chimes 1 #chimes #field recording #wind #bells #wind chimes @freekit
Chimes 01 #chimes #serene #ringing #bell #light @newagesoup
Chimes 1Kind #chimes #microkorg #bells @Butilko
Chimes 02 #chimes #serene #ringing #bell #light @newagesoup
Chimes 2Sec Gliss Down #chimes #glissando #orchestral #percussion #wind chimes @Stickinthemud
Chimes 12 #chimes #jangling #jangles #metal #percussive @ bliind
Chimes A3 Ff 1 #chimes #decca tree #orchestra #sample #music @Samulis
Chimes Grave #chimes #transformation #grave @PhonosUPF
Chimes In The Wind #chimes #vent #windchimes #music #gregorian @SiriusParsec
Chimes Pickup Drop Carpet #chimes #falling #dropping #windchimes @jcdecha
Chimes Sequence #chimes #remix #transformation @PhonosUPF
Chimes Sequence #chimes #transformation #percussion @PhonosUPF
Chimes Sequence #chimes #transformation #sequence @PhonosUPF
Chimes Sequence 2 #chimes #transformation #percussion @PhonosUPF
Chimes Sparkle #chimes #magic #bell #spell #sparkly @lukabea
Chimes Vibrato #chimes #transformation #stretching @PhonosUPF
Chimes.wav #chimes #wind chimes #windchimes @leftovertuna...
Church Bells In Distance #chimes #church #bells @batmanjohnson
Church Clock Strikes 8 #chimes #church bell #clock #9 #church @JarredGibb
Church Clock Strikes 9 #chimes #church bell #clock #9 #church @JarredGibb
Clock Ticking And Striking #chimes #sounds #time #clock @Cass bass
Cold Front Blowing In #chimes #winter #january #minnesota #storm @kjy883
Copper Bells #chimes #magical #bells @adambar
Copper Chimes #chimes #windchimes #metal @rivv3t
Currated Ambience Windchimes La #chimes #field recording #breeze #ambient #ambience @pan14
Decemberwindandleaves48Khzversiononasphaltdec11Th.. #chimes #desolate #field recording #nature #december @kvgarlic
Diamond Collect #chimes #tinkle #coins #jingling #collect @Arcana23
Door Chimes #chimes #door #windchimes #windchime #chime @IENBA
Dresden Zwinger Chimes #chimes #dresden #field recording #bell #zwinger @cjlustig
Drum Effect #chimes #drums #effect #noise #toms @leas
Dull Metal Windchimes #chimes #windchimes #metal #wind @SpliceSound
Electric Chimes #chimes #future #loud #quiz #happy @zilverton
Electronicchimes #chimes #clock #westminster @guitarguy1985
Elevator Ride #chimes #chinks #dingdong #door #elevator @jobro
Evening Bells At Bachkovo Monastery, Bulgaria #chimes #bulgaria #bells @L83
Fairy Wonderland #chimes #magic #wand #spell #tinkle @ImATaco
Fantasy Sfx 003 #chimes #magic #bell #spell #sparkly @tec studio
Fantasy Ui Button 4 #chimes #spell #magic #crystal #button @ZenithInfini...
Far Ethereal Chimes #chimes #diffused #underwater #magical #metallic @moogsy
Fire Koshi Chimes Mini #chimes #sound bath #relaxing #meditative #relaxation @tayhamm
Foley Windchime #chimes #windchimes #chime #wind chimes #wind @WilliamJMeyer
Fulwood Church Chimes Six Bells #chimes #field recording #bird song #church #ambience @Mark Ward
Fxsasc Wind Chimes Close Near #chimes #atmosphere #near #atmo #background @Profispiesser
Fxsasc Wind Chimes Far #chimes #background #far #meditative #chime @Profispiesser
G19 01 Door Buzzer Or Telephone Ringing #chimes #vintage #optical #bells @craigsmith
Garden Chimes #chimes #breeze #field recording #rural garden #sparrows @nictfw
Garden Chimes #chimes #owi #garden #wooden #metal @Al BeDV
Garden Sounds, Tropical Birds, Wind Chimes, Gecko.. #chimes #birds #nature #birdsong #field recording @Organuz
Gleam Glow Sfx Chime #chimes #spell #magic #wand #wizard @newagesoup
Glimmer #chimes #magic #ethereal #spell #magical @opticaillusions
Glockenspeil #chimes #bright #glockenspiel #bells @0megaMan
Goats And Bells #chimes #nature #goats #field recording #bells @Refrain
Gong Like Pan #chimes #gong #hit #bell #bing @gokalp gonen
Gong Like Pan Metallic Hit #chimes #gong #hit #bell #bing @gokalp gonen
Gong Like Pan Shake #chimes #rumble #gong #hit #bass @gokalp gonen
Gong Like Pan Slide Friction #chimes #gong #hit #bell #bing @gokalp gonen
Gong Like Pan Slide Tapping #chimes #play #gong #hit #bell @gokalp gonen
Gong Rthym #chimes #play #gong #hit #bell @gokalp gonen
Grandfather Clock Striking 9 #chimes #grandfather clock #bells @urbaneguerilla
Harp Arpeggios - Rose Scent[1] #chimes #magic #rose #spell #sparkly @gertraut hecher
Heal Magic Buff #chimes #magic #holy #heal #spell @EminYILDIRIM
Hearing Bells At The Gates Of Hell And Hades1 #chimes #makenoise #ringing #qmmg #campanology @Jim Bretherick
Hells Bells - 04 #chimes #hells #ambient #dark #grain @funkymuskrat
Hsn 160713 Distant Spanish Chappel Bell #chimes #field recording #voices #church #bells @Bluesy1905
Icespell03 #chimes #magic #spell #sparkly #pipe @alonsotm
Iron Chimes 01 #chimes #windchimes #metal #metallic #bells @roman cgr
Ivana Pagan's Chimes Sculpture #chimes #sculpture #field recording @denalwa
Jf Victorious Trees #chimes #creaking #wind chimes #wood @cmusounddesign
Jingle Ball #chimes #toy #magic #bell #spell @alexyquest42
Jingle Bells #chimes #toy #magic #bell #clause @JarredGibb
Jinglebells Marbleinglass #chimes #magic #bb #bell #glass @Harrisando
Jingling Braids #chimes #metal #sparkle #tin @Department64
Kidstvshow #chimes #windchimes #magical #playful #entertaining @dustinreush
Klokslagtwaalf #chimes #field recording #street #street noise @Charel Sytze
Koshi #chimes #magic #spell #glimmering #tinkle @gertraut hecher
Koshi Chimes Windbell #chimes #koshi #wind #windbells @Audeption
Koshi Wind Chime #chimes #koshi #windchimes #natural soundscape #japan @Kinoton
Kremlin Chimes On Red Square At Midnight #chimes #square #field recording #city #moscow @Torror
Kyoto Station Chimes #chimes #field recording #announcement #kyoto #train @timcam
Latewinterwindleavesbirdssonyd100 #chimes #atmosphere #leaves #trees #small town @kvgarlic
Light Cast Loop Aura #chimes #magic #bell #light #spell @EminYILDIRIM
Light Cast Skill Loop ( Guidingbolt ) #chimes #magic #bell #light #spell @EminYILDIRIM
Light Chimes #chimes #glass @j1987
Looping Wind Against Trees With Chimes #chimes #nature #windchimes #looping #wind chimes @SalutanisOrk...
Mac - Pew - Poof 1 #chimes #pew #magic #spell #tinkle @MackinMeat
Machine Clock Hour Ring #chimes #cambridge #clock #quarters #westminster @DWOBoyle
Magic Aura Shimmer #chimes #magic #wand #heal #spell @EminYILDIRIM
Magic Flute - Dream #chimes #flute #magic #bell #spell @gertraut hecher
Manipulated Three #chimes #clock #grandfather #manipulation @nathanprtII
Manipulation Five #chimes #clock #grandfather #manipulation @nathanprtII
Me And Morgan Chimes 01 #chimes #sennheiser #7d #canon #me66 @BobbyLee
Me And Morgan Chimes 02 #chimes #sennheiser #7d #canon #me66 @BobbyLee
Me And Morgan Chimes 03 #chimes #sennheiser #7d #canon #me66 @BobbyLee
Meinl Ch27 Chimes #chimes #sticks #ran #daniel #chime @Dpoggioli
Metal Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #windchimes #metal #natural soundscape @janbezouska
Metal1 #chimes #metal #tubular #wind @synthania
Misc S Ext Wind Chimes #chimes #musical #wind #country @conleec
Morphagene Reel - Glockenspiel Rubber Mallet #chimes #music production #granular #electronic #morphagene @radiohumming...
Morphagene Reel 2 #chimes #morphagene #eurorack #makenoise #ambient @dereklhirond...
Music Box F# 1 #chimes #music box @folkman
New Magic #chimes #magic #spell #sparkle #metalic @kdemani
Old Timey Magic #chimes #magic #bell #tree #spell @jcookvoice
Orchestral Bells Tuning1 #chimes #tuning #bell #rings #orchestra @Jim Bretherick
Our Chimes #chimes #processed #wind @memigh1
Our Chimes #chimes #wind @memigh1
Outdoor Ambience #chimes #outdoor #field recording #nature #spring @seth m
R09 0032 Garden Chimes -2 #chimes #garden #ringing #wind @monterey2000
Rain Wind Chimes #chimes #wind #rain @jakobthiesen
Real Windchimes #chimes #field recording #percussion #peaceful #meditation @Owl
Relaxing Wind Chime #chimes #relax #catcher #tone #windcatcher @SterckxS
Relaxing Wind Chime Sound #chimes #tone #windcatcher #windchimes #natural soundscape @SterckxS
Remix Of 82898 Juskiddink Over The Rainbow (Ice.. #chimes #clockwork #ice cream #music box #rainbow @Timbre
Rnd Bells1 #chimes #atmosphere #screepy #ambient #outdoors @EugenSid90
Round Bells #chimes #round #bells @jaime enrique
Sfx Magic #chimes #right #magic #reveal #spell @renatalmar
Signal Ring 1 #chimes #tone #skylines #city #signal @Vendarro
Singin Bowl Magic Energy Aura Varations #chimes #magic #energy #spell #bowl @EminYILDIRIM
Six O'clock #chimes #tower #bells #westminster chimes #clock @elig57
Small Bells Jangling - Interior #chimes #windchimes #ringing #bells @firewalkwith...
Small Wind Chimes #chimes #indoor #room #windchimes #recording @zambolino
Sogne #chimes #minimal @pera
Soleri Windbell #chimes #consanti #soleri #ring #bronze @stomachache
Solfeggio 417 518 Peace #chimes #bar #518hz #frequencies #energy @the very Rea...
Store Public Addess Chimes2 #chimes #announcement #public #supermarket #address @nigelcoop
Suburb Morning Garden #chimes #barking #birds #suburb #dogs @TheGloomWorker
Suburban Night Wind Recorded From Window #chimes #night #leaves #windchimes #trees @PhilllChabbb
Subwayridefree #chimes #field recording #subway #toronto #ttc @sagetyrtle
Success Jingle #chimes #magic #success #bell #positive @JustInvoke
Succubus Intro #chimes #magic #sfx #bell #keys @zagi2
Supermarket Pa #chimes #mobile #notification #supermarket #phone @nigelcoop
Sweet Melody #chimes #magic #beat #spell #sparkly @zagi2
Tambourine 34 #chimes #drum #sticks #tambour #hand @Jagadamba
Temple Bells #chimes #gong #ringing #hawaii #meditation @Paresh
The Hourglass #chimes #clock #fantasy #sonic fiction #wind @ecfike
Tinkling Chimes #chimes #windchimes #chime #tinkle #tinkling @TravieDoodle
Tintinnabulation At Mount Athos #chimes #mount #athos #bells @vas mous
Trinkets Jingling - Loud Jingle - 221098 Ashtihar.. #chimes #owi #jangle #jingling #trinket @221098HariPo...
Trinkets Jingling - Single Jingle - 221098 Ashtih.. #chimes #owi #jangle #jingling #trinket @221098HariPo...
Triumphant Trumpet And Chimes #chimes #trumpet #waveform #brass #fanfare @JellyDaisies
Twinkle Chimes #chimes #magic #twinkle #bell #sparkly @everythingso...
Various Bells, Ringing #chimes #ringing #bell #chime #ring @AlexanderChe
Wind #chimes #storm #wind @LS
Wind And Windchimes V #chimes #wind #windchimes #wind chimes @BobVoldar
Wind Chime #chimes #blowing #owi #magical #metal wind chime @Marnenagel
Wind Chime #chimes #windchimes #owi #notes #wind chime @CharleneZ
Wind Chime, Tolling, A #chimes #major #chimes #bell #toll @InspectorJ
Wind Chimes (Large, Metal, 6 Chimes) #chimes #windchimes #magical #wind chimes #wind @iainmccurdy
Wind Chimes (Medium, 6 Chimes) #chimes #windchimes #tinkling #magical #tinkly @iainmccurdy
Wind Chimes (No Background Noise) #chimes #peace #yoga #windchimes #zen @mooncubedesign
Wind Chimes (Small, 4 Chimes) #chimes #windchimes #tinkling #magical #tinkly @iainmccurdy
Wind Chimes #chimes #atmospheric #field recording #spooky #horror @minian89
Wind Chimes #chimes #blowing #owi #windchimes #cling @170134
Wind Chimes #chimes #chime #wind #bells @mandymatz
Wind Chimes #chimes #field recording #windchimes #magical #natural soundscape @skydawn
Wind Chimes #chimes #jangling #owi #bell #metal @Chelly01
Wind Chimes #chimes #metal #music #chime #wind chimes @harrietniamh
Wind Chimes #chimes #relaxing #nature #zen #natural soundscape @mooncubedesign
Wind Chimes #chimes #ringing #horror #atmo #wind @CapsLok
Wind Chimes #chimes #stereo #owi #garden #nature @MalieEngel
Wind Chimes #chimes #tin #wood #metal #wind @sweet niche
Wind Chimes #chimes #tranquil #owi #wind @CyrileneRossouw
Wind Chimes #chimes #tubes #homemade #wind #copper @bone666138
Wind Chimes #chimes #wind @IFartInUrGen...
Wind Chimes #chimes #wind #bells @MrCisum
Wind Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #metal #musical #wind @OPMartin
Wind Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #wind @baybeedriver
Wind Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #wind @MTJohnson
Wind Chimes #chimes #wind chimes #wind #night @vgraham1
Wind Chimes 01 #chimes #toy #music #swing @blukotek
Wind Chimes 02 #chimes #toy #music #swing @blukotek
Wind Chimes 2 #chimes #wind #windchimes @IFartInUrGen...
Wind Chimes 02 #chimes #windchimes #wind @Adelantemos
Wind Chimes 2 1 17 Lincoln Ne 25 Degrees #chimes #lincoln nebraska #tubular bells #nebraska #wind chimes @bmccoy2
Wind Chimes 04.10.2018 17.21 #chimes #field recording #wind @AntonTake
Wind Chimes Blip #chimes #sparkly #sparkle @mogalini
Wind Chimes Contact #chimes #ringing #bell #metallic #chime @wjoojoo
Wind Chimes In Nebraska Winter Storm #chimes #wind #bells @bmccoy2
Wind Chimes Loop #chimes #sparkly #sparkle @mogalini
Wind Chimes On A Very Windy Day #chimes #windchimes #h4 #gusts #windy @Hockinfinger
Wind Chimes Raw #chimes #sparkly #sparkle @mogalini
Wind Chimes Single #chimes #wind chimes #windchimes #music #ethereal @jcdecha
Wind Chimes, A #chimes #sparkle #glimmer #chime #chimes @InspectorJ
Wind Chimes1 #chimes #leaves #windchimes #tree #wind @Islabonita
Wind Chimes2 #chimes #leaves #windchimes #tree #wind @Islabonita
Wind, Chimes High Pitched, Outside, Backyard, 201.. #chimes #windchimes #wind @TRP
Wind, Chimes, Background Road Sounds #chimes #windy #noise #field recording #wind @lwr82
Wind, Chimes, Road Noise, Dog Bark (At The End) #chimes #field recording #dog #windy #road sounds @lwr82
Windchime #chimes #natural #field recording #nature #wind chime @Chris W
Windchimepadc1 #chimes #natural #harmonic #ambience #chime @Sllarson
Windchimes #chimes #cute #peaceful #twinkle #wind @morgantj
Windchimes #chimes #outside #wind chimes #windchimes #natural soundscape @nakenne
Windchimes #chimes #wind #outdoors @theshaggyfreak
Windchimes #chimes #wind chimes @cmusounddesign
Windchimes #chimes #windchimes #bells @nicola ariutti
Windchimes #chimes #windchimes #metallic #windspiel #ambient @BigDino1995
Windchimes 96Khz #chimes #windchimes #metallic #chime #jingle @PeterHidi
Windchimes And Wind #chimes #windchimes #owi #calm #wind @LeandiViljoen
Windchimes Windy #chimes #wind chimes #windchimes #wind @leftovertuna...
Windchimes1 #chimes #stereo #field recording #windchimes #ambience @spamblackhole
Windchimes2 #chimes #windchimes #natural soundscape #chime #wind chimes @Twotrickpony
Windchimesat Hd 3 40Escs #chimes #wind chimes #field recording #ambient @perrydolia
Winddecemberpluschimesandtrain44100Samplerate #chimes #empty #blowing #field recording #nature @kvgarlic
Windspiel #chimes #general noise #garden #ambiance #atmo @MatthiasFlowers
Windychimes Full #chimes #atmosphere #wood #plucky @mitchanary
Wooden Chimes #chimes #wood #wind @yosarrian
Wooden Windchimes #chimes #wooden #windchimes #gypsy #hippy @Alex hears t...
Xylophone Loop #chimes #timpani #ringing #horror #xylophone @zagi2
Zaphirchimeslong #chimes #bell #zaphir chimes #mystic #bamboo @NatBon
Zdf Kymes #chimes #kyma #resonator #filterbank #physical model @neverenginelabs
Zyl Finger Cymbals Open #chimes #bell #zyl #hand #percussion @pjcohen
3D Binaural Sounds #chimes #dishwasher #gong #field recording #city @CinematicLab...
7 11 14 Wind Chimes #chimes #trees #windy #california #sunnyvale @mcushman1969
48 #chimes #bicycle #field recording #bell #bike @HullMusic
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