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Machines Library You can hear the steady hum of the Hydraulic Sanitation Center Drone 2 as it works tirelessly to clean
Created by Bardman 9

Machines SFX Library

You can hear the steady hum of the Hydraulic Sanitation Center Drone 2 as it works tirelessly to clean and sanitize the machinery in the factory. The sound is low and constant, like a distant engine running in the background. It gives a sense of efficiency and order to the chaotic world of machines.

The Steamengine Loop Foley 005 brings a nostalgic feeling of old-fashioned industry with its rhythmic chugging and hissing. It's like stepping back in time to a time when steam-powered machines ruled the world. The sound is full of character and charm, a reminder of the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the past.

The Cabasa 120Bpm Otfa adds a unique percussion element to the symphony of sounds in the Machines Library. The rhythmic shaking of the cabasa creates a lively and dynamic beat that contrasts with the mechanical hum of the other machines. It injects a sense of energy and movement into the industrial soundscape.

The Small Servo Motor 1 emits a high-pitched whirring noise that cuts through the ambient background noise of the factory floor. It's like a small but mighty creature, adding a sense of urgency and precision to the soundscape. The sound of the servo motor is sharp and distinct, a reminder of the intricate mechanisms at play in the world of machines.

The Lm2 Electric Belt Drive Full Run 02 60Akg Ms produces a smooth and continuous whirring noise that hints at power and speed. It's like the purr of a well-oiled machine, a sound that promises efficiency and reliability. The electric belt drive adds a sense of motion and progression to the symphony of sounds in the Machines Library.

The Lm1 Crank Handle Belt Noise 01 Ls3 provides a more mechanical and rhythmic sound, like the ticking of a clock or the beat of a drum. It's a reminder of the manual labor that goes into operating machinery, a sound that speaks of hard work and determination. The crank handle belt noise adds a touch of nostalgia and tradition to the modern world of machines.

The Robot Arm Movement 10 adds a futuristic and robotic element to the Machines Library. The sound of the robot arm moving is precise and mechanical, a reminder of the advanced technology at play in the world of machines. It's like listening to the future unfold before your ears, a glimpse of what is to come.

The Servo Geared Motor Grind 8 emits a grinding and metallic noise that speaks of friction and resistance. It's a harsh and unsettling sound, like gears grinding against each other in protest. The servo geared motor grind adds a touch of drama and tension to the soundscape of the Machines Library.

The Electricpowermirror 05 14 adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the industrial sounds of the Machines Library. The sound of the electric power mirror moving is smooth and refined, like the hum of a luxury car. It brings a sense of luxury and comfort to the otherwise utilitarian world of machines.

The Drill Tone Servos 7 produces a sharp and piercing noise that cuts through the ambient background noise of the factory floor. It's like the sound of a dentist's drill, a reminder of the precision and power of the machines at work. The drill tone servos add a sense of urgency and focus to the symphony of sounds in the Machines Library.

You can play and download these sounds at [link].
Air Compressor 04
Air Compressor 07
Air Compressor 12
Air Dryer 1
Air Fire Extinguisher 3
Air Pressure Release 05
Air Pressure Release Valve 01
Air Release 01
Amusement Arcade One Armed Bandit
Bgbowlingroomtoneint01 Ms
Blender Bys
Blender Bys Doppler X5
Blender Juice 01
Buffing Machine 04
Buzz Saw Sawing 03
Canon Printer
Casino Slot Machines
Casino Slot Machines 01
Chainsaw Start Run With Low Revs Then Off
Circular Saw 02
Clicking 01
Compression Chamber Depressurize Sequence Drone
Contact Fan Grille Engine Working On Different Levels Mono
Contact Fan Grille Switches On Off Mono
Document Shredder
Document Shredder 07
Document Shredder 19
Document Shredder 20
Drill Auto Air
Drill Auto Air Micros 15
Drill Auto Hub Grinder 01
Drill Auto Hub Grinder 08
Drill Auto Hub Grinder 11
Drill Makita Multiples 1
Drill Makita Multiples 2
Drill Makita Quick 1
Drill Makita Quick 4
Drill Makita Quick 9
Drill Milwaukee 03
Drill Milwaukee 04
Drill Milwaukee 11
Drill Tone Servos 5
Drill Tone Servos 7
Drill Tone Servos Close 13
Dryer 1
Dryer 01 1
Efx Ext Baler Run 02 C
Efx Ext Baler Start And Run 01
Efx Ext Disc Harrow
Efx Int Air Drill Bursts 04 Workers Lav
Efx Int Air Nailer 03
Efx Int Bale On Conveyor A
Efx Int Changing Air Tool Workers Lav
Efx Int Impact Driver 01 A
Efx Int Impact Driver 02 B
Efx Int Impact Driver 03 B
Efx Int Large Hair Clippers Steady Cut 01
Efx Int Observatory Telescope Motor 03
Efx Int Observatory Telescope Motor 04
Efx Int Photobooth Quarter Drop 03
Efx Int Register And Bagging 01 Side
Efx Int Remote Control From Table 01
Efx Int Selector Switch 05
Efx Int Servo 01 C
Efx Int Servo 02 C
Efx Int Servo 04 C
Efx Int Servo 06 C
Efx Int Sewing Machine 03
Efx Int Sonic Mouse Device Buzz
Efx Sd Cement Roller 01
Electric Drill
Electric Drill 02 02
Electric Drill 02 07
Electric Drill 02 08
Electric Drill 02 10
Electric Drill 02 14
Electric Drill 02 18
Electric Drill 02 29
Electric Grind Stone 01
Electric Hedgetrimmer 04
Electric Mechanic Door 01
Electricdrain Cleaner 02
Electricdrain Cleaner 04
Electricpowermirror 05 14
Electricpowermirror 06
Electricpowermirror 08
Electricrollerdoor 02 02
Electricrollerdoor 04
Electricscrewdriver 01
Electricscrewdriver 21
Electricscrewdriver 23
Electricscrewdriver 49
Electricscrewdriver 50
Eng 10 Mid Loop
Eng 12 High Loop
Engine 04
Engine Shortmovement
Engine Shortmovement
Engine Shortmovement 10
Factory Machine Buzzing
Forge Welder 2
Forge Welder 6
Garage Rollerdoor
Garage Rollerdoor 01 02
Gas Transformer Drone 1
Gas Transformer Drone 2
Gears Moving 01
Halonic Headquarters External Core Drone
Heavy Machinary 01
Hydraulic Sanitation Center Drone 2
Industrial Print Shop - Old - Big Room - Several Big Press Machines - Ms Stereo Decoded 2
Kaib Mach Cu Soda Machine Steady Buzz
Kaib Mach Med Soda Machine Steady Buzz
Largeblowingmachine 03
Lawnmower Mowing Around The Yard And Back Again Then Turning Off 2
Lifitng Cart
Lifitng Cart 01
Lm1 Crank Handle Belt Noise 01 Ls3
Lm1 Crank Handle Full Run 02 Ls3
Lm1 Electric Belt Drive Full Run 09 Sbcontact
Lm1 Electric Belt Drive Full Run 10 Sbcontact
Lm2 Electric Belt Drive Full Run 02 60Akg Ms
Lm3 Electric Belt Drive Full Run 03 Educontact
Lm4 Crank Handle Various Rev 01 60Akg Ms
Lm4 Crank Handle Various Rev 09 Edu172 Ab
Lm4 Crank Handle Various Rev 16 Sbcontact
Lm4 Electric Belt Drive Full Run 10 Sbcontact
Lm4 Electric Motor 04 60Akg Ms
Lm4 Electric Motor Belt Close 03 60Akg Ms
Lm4 Protective Grating 04 Edu172 Ab
Lm5 Electric Belt Drive Full Run 05 8090 Ortf
Machine Click 01
Machine Sueak 02
Machine Tumbling 01
Machine Turn On 02
Metal Vice Grips Click 01
Metal Vice Grips Click 06
Metal Wrenches Socket Spins 04
Metal Wrenches Socket Spins 10
Motor 2 1
Motor 10
Motor 15
Motor 17
Motor 30
Motor Clicking
Motor Release 01
Motor Stopping Suddely 01
Nondescript Machine Switching On And Buzzing
Pressure Valve Click 01
Printing Press Running
Robot Arm Movement
Robot Arm Movement 10
Robot Arm Movement 11
Robot Creaking 01
Robot Servo 02
Room Tone Huge Factory 01 1
Room Tone Large Factory -1
Room Tone Large Factory 01 1
Room Tone Large Factory 03
Servo A Wallow Ultimate 15
Servo Dremel 2
Servo Dremel 7
Servo Dremel 12
Servo Dremel 14
Servo Dremel Power On 2
Servo Dremel Powerdown
Servo Drill Unpowered Moves 5
Servo Geared Motor 3
Servo Geared Motor 5
Servo Geared Motor 6
Servo Geared Motor 12
Servo Geared Motor Grind 2
Servo Geared Motor Grind 7
Servo Geared Motor Grind 8
Servo Geared Motor Longer 1
Servo Geared Motor Longer 3
Servo Pickup On Drill 1
Servo Ratchet Small 1
Servo Razor Powered Face
Servo Seat 9
Servo Sun Roof 3
Servo Window 7
Servo Window 15
Servo Window 17
Sm Clicks 03
Sm Clicks 10
Sm Clicks 12
Sm Clicks 13
Sm Crank Metal Continuous Medium 07
Sm Crank Metal Continuous Medium 08
Sm Crank Metal Double Medium 03
Sm Device Movement Medium 10
Sm Device Movement Medium 19
Sm Device Movement Medium 23
Sm Device Movement Small 01
Sm Device Movement Small 34
Sm Device Movement Small 35
Sm Device Movement Small 37
Sm Device Movement Small 42
Sm Engine Element Fantasy 01
Sm Engine Element Fantasy 02
Sm Engine Element Spark 07
Sm Machine Engine Idle Steam Large
Sm Metal Gear 01
Sm Metal Squeak 05
Sm Pump Metal Component Small
Sm Steam Release Air Large
Sm Steam Release Air Medium
Sm Steam Release Air Medium
Sm Steam Release Air Medium
Sm Steam Release Air Medium
Sm Steam Release Air Medium
Sm Steam Release Air Small
Sm Steam Water Small
Small Servo Motor 1
Sound Design Ambience - Evolving - Machinery - Periodic Granular Stingers
Sound Design Ambience - Evolving - Server Room - Distant Equipment Beeping 2
Sound Design Ambience - Evolving - With Machinery Feel
Sound Design Ambience - Machine Room - Slow Rhythmic Equipment Working - Periodic Grain Clouds 2
Steam Release 01
Steam Release 07
Steamengine Loop Combi Clean 03 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley Beatbox In Metal Pipe Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 005 Cabasa 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 009 Oil Can 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 013 Oil Can 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 014 Plastic Water Bottle 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 027 Torque Wrench 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 044 Small Iron Pot Filled With Metal Debris 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 045 Small Iron Pot Filled With Metal Debris 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 047 Plastic Tube Whirling 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 056 Kokiriko 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 058 Clay Wind Whistle 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 072 Steam Whistle Flute Clay 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 109 Metal Horn 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Foley 119 Broken Porcelain Plates In Cardboard Box 120Bpm Otfa
Steamengine Loop Real Gasoline Fast Pumping And Thumping 04 Airy Pufs And Metallic Ringing Otfa
Steamengine Loop Real Heavy Mechanism Metal Rattling And Grinding 02 Otfa
Sw012 Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Mkh8040 Ortf 1M Top Perspective Fast 96K
Sweat Shop Buzz Machinery
Texture Wrench Bolthead Morphs 3
Texture Wrench Socket Jiggles 04
Texture Wrenches Socket Spins 1
Tractor Start Up And Shut Off Outdoor Perspective
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Close Perspective Idle High Frequency Noise 01
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Close Perspective Running Slow Speed Noise 01
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Distance Perspective Robot Air Release 02
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Interior Idle Rattling High Freq Hiss 01
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Medium Close Perspective Robot Pneumatic Noise 01
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Medium Close Perspective Running Full Speed Noise 01
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Medium Distance Rhythm High Frequency Hiss 01
Tsc Print Shop Ambience Interior Machine Medium Far Perspective Running Medium Speed Noise 02
Turbines Down 002
Uher Variochord Buttons Play Rev Fwd Tapechange
Verylarge Woodgrinder Idle 04
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Ext Air Wrench 6
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Ext Air Wrench 17 Free
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Ext Hydraulics
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Ext Remove Wheel 2 Mono
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Ext Various Wheel Locks Unlocks Mono
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Ext Wrench Movement 2
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Garage Air Cap Release
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Garage Air Jack Release 1
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Garage Air Jack Release 4
Vhcl Auto Race Porsche 911 Gt3 Garage Air Wrench Wide 1
Water Sprinkler Start Mechanical Sounds
26 Factory
250Fx Rumori Asciugacapelli Spogliatoio
295Mestieri Artigiani Taglio Con Macchinario Combinata
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