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Army Library If you are looking to enhance your Army S library with an array of authentic military , look no further. From
Created by Bardman 9

Army SFX Library

If you are looking to enhance your Army S library with an array of authentic military sounds, look no further. From the commanding Male Military Voice declaring "Victory Is Ours" to the subtle Female Military Radio Voice softly saying "Hours", our collection captures the essence of the battlefield. Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding action with the T 34 84 Tank roaring to life, the sound of footsteps echoing on concrete as a soldier marches forward, and the unmistakable rumble of a Renault VAB APC armored personnel carrier turning on and off. These sounds are sure to transport you to the frontlines of combat with their raw intensity and realism. Remember, you can play and download these sounds here.

Experience the tension and urgency of warfare with the Male Military Voice whispering "Alpha" and the Military Officer Voice bellowing "To the Rear March". Feel the adrenaline rush as the Strv 103 C Tank idles with high steady RPMs, ready for action, and the Male Military Voice anxiously shouts "Recon Standing By" to signal readiness. The sound of the Scania V8 DSI 14 Combat Vehicle 90 passing by only adds to the sense of impending danger. Every sound in our collection is carefully curated to bring the chaos and intensity of the battlefield into your projects. Play and download these sounds here to elevate your audio productions to the next level.

As the scene intensifies, the Male Military Voice urgently warns "They're All Around Us" while the Female Military Radio Voice alerts "Hostiles" over the crackling radio waves. The Male Military Voice commands attention with a resounding "Front" as the Renault VAB APC armored personnel carrier revs up with purpose. The relentless advance of the M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer, its cannon elevating at a slow speed, adds a sense of imminent danger to the atmosphere. These sounds will transport you to the frontlines of combat, where every moment is a test of courage and strength. Play and download these sounds here to immerse yourself in the chaos of war.

Amidst the chaos and cacophony of battle, the Male Military Voice shouts "Mission Accomplished" triumphantly, while the Female Military Radio Voice urgently warns "Look Out". The tense atmosphere is heightened by the unforgettable sounds of combat - the Male Military Voice rallying his troops with "On Me" and "That's It Boys", ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. The Female Military Radio Voice counting down "Six" and "Ten" adds a sense of urgency to the proceedings, as soldiers brace themselves for the next wave of attacks. These sounds capture the essence of warfare in all its intensity and complexity. Play and download these sounds here to bring your audio projects to life with the raw power of the battlefield.

Whether you are working on a film, video game, or audio project that requires authentic military sounds, our collection has you covered. Each sound has been carefully selected to capture the essence of combat - from the rumble of tanks to the urgent commands of soldiers in the heat of battle. With our library, you can enhance the realism and intensity of your projects with the click of a button. Play and download these sounds here to take your audience on a visceral journey into the heart of war.
Bag - Gear - Walking - People Moving - Battle - Soldier 1
Bag - Light Gear - Running - People Moving - Battle - Soldier 1
Bdu Combat Uniform Long Swoosh 02
Bdu Combat Uniform Long Swoosh 05
Bdu Combat Uniform Movement
Bmp 1 Tank - Onboard - Idling With Steady Idles In Neutral With Medium To High Rpms, And Turning Off - Interior Perspective
Call Cheerful Bravo Company Reporting
Call Loud Alpha Company Reporting 02
Confirm Alien Bot 08
Curtis C 46 Commando Military Transport Aircraft - Exterior - Idling At Medium Speed - Distant - Rear Perspective Left
Dodge Wc52 1943 Military Truck - Onboard - Fast Speed Driving - Exhaust Perspective
Dodge Wc52 1943 Military Truck - Onboard - Slow Speed Driving - Exhaust Perspective
Dodge Wc52 1943 Military Truck - Onboard - Turning On, Slow Speed Driving - Interior Perspective
Efx Ext Group Battle Approach 01 D
Efx Ext Group Battle Approach 03 D
Efx Ext Group Battle Approach 03 E
Efx Ext Group Battle Approach 03 F
Efx Ext Group Battle Approach 04 A
Efx Ext Group Battle Approach 05 B
Efx Ext Group Battle Approach 05 G
Empire Game - Footsteps - Army Soldier Troops - Single - On Stone
Empire Game - Settlement Select - Military - Stables - Bass Wooden Hit Accent
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Enemy Spotted' 2
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Going In' 2
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Grenade' 2
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Hours' 1
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Hundred' 1
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'I Can't Lose Him' 1
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Look Out' 2
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Objective Failed' 1
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Open Fire' 1
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Over' 2
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Six' 1
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Target Lost' 1
Female Military Radio Voice Saying 'Ten' 1
Footstep Single Concrete Soldier Run N02
Footstep Single Concrete Soldier Walk N02
Footstep Single Concrete Soldier Walk N03
Footstep Single Grass Soldier Crouch N03
Footstep Single Gravel Soldier Crouch N03
Footstep Single Ground Soldier Crouch N01
Footstep Single Ground Soldier Crouch N03
Footstep Single Ground Soldier Walk N02
Footstep Single Ground Soldier Walk N05
Footstep Single Metal Soldier Walk N03
Footstep Single Snow Soldier Run N02
Footstep Single Water Soldier Walk N
Footstep Single Wood Soldier Walk N
Footstep Single Wood Soldier Walk N
Footsteps - Marching Army Soldier - Military Boots Rumbling - Close Up Perspective - Loopable
Footsteps On Gravel Soldier Crouching
Footsteps On Gravel Soldier Runing
Footsteps On Snow Soldier Walking
Footsteps On Water Soldier Crouching
Footsteps On Water Soldier Runing
Gas Mask Toss Down Tumble Military
Human Voice Military Private Tuck In That Shirt 01
Leopard 2 Strv 122 Tank - Onboard - Medium Speed Driving, Various, Stopping, And Turning Off - Engine Perspective
Leopard 2 Strv 122 Tank - Performed Effect - Machine Gun Shooting - Onboard Muzzle Perspective
M Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Onboard - Fast Speed Driving - Engine Intake Perspective - Dpa
M8 Greyhound Armored Car - Onboard - Medium Speed Driving - Exhaust Perspective - Re50
M8 Greyhound Armored Car - Onboard - Slow Speed Driving - Engine Intake Perspective - Dpa 4062
M8 Greyhound Armored Car - Onboard - Slow Speed Reversing - Interior Perspective - Dpa 4021
M8 Greyhound Armored Car - Onboard - Turning On And Idling With Blips - Interior Perspective - Dpa 4021
M8 Greyhound Armored Car - Onboard - Turning On, Idling, And Turning Off - Engine Intake Perspective - Dpa 4062
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Onboard - Slow Speed Driving - Engine Intake Perspective - Dpa 4062
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Onboard - Slow Speed Driving - Tracks Perspective
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Onboard - Slow Speed Driving, And Stopping - Interior Perspective - Dpa 4021
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Onboard - Turning On, Slow Speed Driving - Interior Perspective - Dpa 4021
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Performed Effect - Cannon Elevating - Manual - Mkh 60
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Performed Effect - Cannon Elevating - Manual At Slow Speed - Mkh 60
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Performed Effect - Hatch Closing - Passenger Side - Mkh 60
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Performed Effect - Hatch Drivers Side - Exterior Perspective - Rsm 191
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Performed Effect - Hatch Opening - Passengers Side - Exterior Perspective - Rsm 191
Male Military Officer Voice - Yelling - "Open Fire
Male Military Voice Grunts 10
Male Military Voice Grunts 11
Male Military Voice Saying '6Th
Male Military Voice Saying 'Attack The Objective' 1
Male Military Voice Saying 'Electronics Are Down
Male Military Voice Saying 'Enemy Spotted' 1
Male Military Voice Saying 'Enemy Spotted' 2
Male Military Voice Saying 'Frag Out' 1
Male Military Voice Saying 'Friendly Aircraft On The Way
Male Military Voice Saying 'Get On Your Belt Buckle
Male Military Voice Saying 'Grenade Out
Male Military Voice Saying 'Grenade' 1
Male Military Voice Saying 'He's Down
Male Military Voice Saying 'Help Me
Male Military Voice Saying 'I'm Out' 2
Male Military Voice Saying 'In Position
Male Military Voice Saying 'Man Down' 3
Male Military Voice Saying 'Negative' 2
Male Military Voice Saying 'On The Ground
Male Military Voice Saying 'Put Your Weapons Down
Male Military Voice Saying 'Ready For Launch
Male Military Voice Saying 'Ready' 3
Male Military Voice Saying 'Rear
Male Military Voice Saying 'Retreat
Male Military Voice Saying 'Right There
Male Military Voice Saying 'Standing Down
Male Military Voice Saying 'Tango Spotted
Male Military Voice Saying 'They're All Around Us
Male Military Voice Saying 'We've Captured
Male Military Voice Saying 'We've Got Them
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper '6
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper '7
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Alpha
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Breach
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Charlie
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Enemy Aircraft Incoming
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Enemy Destroyed Our Headquarters
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Find Some Cover
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Hostile Located
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Let's Go' 2
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Man Down' 1
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Negative' 3
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'On My Mark
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'On The Ground
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Over There
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Reloading' 2
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Send Sit Rep Over
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Sit Rep
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Tango Down
Male Military Voice Shouting '0
Male Military Voice Shouting '1St
Male Military Voice Shouting '4
Male Military Voice Shouting '5Th
Male Military Voice Shouting '50 Meters
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Airstrike On The Way
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Down The Stairs
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Find Some Cover
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Friendly Drone Inbound
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Friendly Helicopter Inbound
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Front
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Get On The Ground' 2
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Get Those Supplies
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Get To Cover
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Grenade' 2
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Help Me
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Hostage Located
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Hostage Rescued
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Incoming' 4
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Keep Fighting Boys
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Man Down' 1
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Man Down' 3
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Mission Accomplished
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Mission Failed
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Mission Is A Go' 2
Male Military Voice Shouting 'On Me
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Put Your Hands Up
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Ready' 2
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Recon Standing By
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Reload
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Right
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Sniper Spotted
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Stand Your Ground
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Standing By' 1
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Standing Down
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Step Away From The Vehicle
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Take Cover' 1
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Taking Fire
Male Military Voice Shouting 'That's It Boys
Male Military Voice Shouting 'They're All Around Us
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Uav Online
Male Military Voice Shouting 'We Got To Get Out Of Here
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Yes Sir
Medieval War - Horn Call - Ancient Viking Battle Brass - Close Up Signal 4
Miliatry Helicopter Radio Voice Ok Sir Were Going In
Military Loudspeaker Broadcast Jibberish
Military Male Voice At Once
Military Male Voice At Once 3
Military Male Voice Charge 7
Military Male Voice They Re All Dead 2
Military Male Voice Understood 3
Military Male Voice Victory Is Ours 2
Military Male Voice We Broke Their Formation 2
Military Male Voice We Trampled Our Enemy
Military Officer Voice Saying 'Company Halt' 2
Military Officer Voice Yelling 'Charge' 1
Military Officer Voice Yelling 'Fall Back' 2
Military Officer Voice Yelling 'Forward March
Military Officer Voice Yelling 'Present Arms
Military Officer Voice Yelling 'To The Rear March
Military Radio Announcement Man Says Control Alert One Splash One Repeat Splash One
Military Radio Announcement With A Weak Signal Middle Aged Man Says A64 R64 Southwest 200 Meters Of The Rpg
Military Radio Announcement Young Man Says Sniper 10 O Clock
Military Radio Announcement Young Man Says Yankee
Military Radio Communication Short Wave Radio Or Walkie Talkie 6
Military Radio Communication Short Wave Radio Or Walkie Talkie 7
Military Radio Voice 27A Go Go Go
Military Radio Voice 35A Enemy Engaged
Military Radio Voice 39A I M Hit
Military Radio Voice 46A All Clear
Military Radio Voice 52A We Re Under Fire
Military Radio Voice 64A Pull Up
Military Radio Voice A Negative
Military Radio Voice Affirmative To Breach
Military Radio Voice Alright Lets Move It Out
Military Radio Voice Hostiles
Military Voice Saying Flanks
Military Voice Saying Shields
Renault Vab Apc Armored Personnel Carrier - Exterior - Idling With Blips - Mkh 8040
Renault Vab Apc Armored Personnel Carrier - Exterior - Idling, With A Swell - Css 5
Renault Vab Apc Armored Personnel Carrier - Onboard - Idling With Blips - Interior Perspective - Rsm 191
Renault Vab Apc Armored Personnel Carrier - Onboard - Turning On, Fast Speed, Reversing, And Turning Off - Exhaust
Renault Vab Apc Armored Personnel Carrier - Onboard - Turning On, Slow Speed, Reversing, And Turning Off - Interior
Response Flat No
Response Loud Echo Company
Response Loud Weve Got Em Surrounded
Response Shout Lock And Load
Response Soft No Sir
Scania V8 Dsi 14 Combat Vehicle 90 - Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Exterior Perspective - Distant Driving - Bp4025
Scania V8 Dsi 14 Combat Vehicle 90 - Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Exterior Perspective - Passes Bys - Sennheiser Mkh 8060
Sherman M4A1 Tank - Exterior - Medium Speed Passing By - Rsm 191
Sherman M4A1 Tank - Exterior - Slow Speed Approaching - Rsm 191
Sherman M4A1 Tank - Exterior - Slow Speed Passing By - Rsm 191
Sherman M4A1 Tank - Onboard - Idling With Steady Idles In Neutral, And Turning Off - Interior Perspective - Dpa 4021
Strv C Tank - Onboard - Driving, Various - Gas Turbine Perspective
Strv 103 C Tank - Onboard - Idling With High Steady Rpms, And Turning Off - Gas Turbine Perspective
T 34 84 Tank - Onboard - Driving With Ramps - Tracks Perspective
T 34 84 Tank - Onboard - Driving With Ramps, Long - Interior Perspective
T 34 84 Tank - Onboard - Slow Speed Driving - Onboard Perspective, And Top
T 34 84 Tank - Onboard - Turning On, Idling With Steady Rpms With Low To Medium Rpms - Onboard Perspective, And Top
T 34 84 Tank - Performed Effect - Ammunition Rack Belt - Interior Perspective
T 34 84 Tank - Performed Effect - Buttons And Switches - Interior Perspective
T 34 84 Tank - Performed Effect - Pedal Left - Interior Perspective
T 72 Tank - Onboard - Idling With High Steady Rpms, Turning Off, And Blowout
T 72 Tank - Onboard - Medium Speed Driving, Steady - Tracks Perspective
T 72 Tank - Onboard - Turning On - Exhaust Perspective
Tank - Gun Moving - Mechanical Movement Noise - Lifting Mechanism - Full Version
Tank - Modern - War Vehicle - Engine Revving Up - Idling To Movement Transition
Tank Artillery - Cannon - Shooting 2
Voice Male Late Thirties Army Mayday
Voice Male Late Thirties Army Over Gruff X4
Voice Male Late Thirties Army Reading You Five Series
Voice Male Late Thirties Army Stand By Series
War Museum Hallway 03
War Vehicle - Big Tank - Revving Up Engine Noise - Idling To Moving Transition 2
War Vehicle - Small Tank - Moving - Isolated Tracks - Mechanical Noise - Loopable 3
Weapon - Grenade Launcher - Shooting 10
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