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A bunch of stuff on sale today, I believe.
A little over a week 13.
A lot of fun.
A normal.
A small.
A smart lock?
A stationary bike.
A ton of stuff, them and you. Well, Yufei is owned by anchor, so I guess that doesn't make sense.
A week and 1/2 ish now.
A while ago and then I packed it instead of bringing it when we moved and I think that was a mistake because.
A whole day. And then you have to have another piece of the ice cream maker that's in the freezer so that it can.
Accidentally deleted the lights from.
After a big monsoon and.
Again, it's just smart so it's able to show you.
Again, it's like this. It'll blink.
All of that stuff. I've just been really, really impressed when it comes to OBS. Spot. So.
All of the time.
All sorts of stuff on it. You've got um.
All sorts of stuff.
Although right now it's just.
Always having to check that.
An audio thing on but um.
And awesome.
And be on their own.
And because I know there were others I know making like a Pickman 1.
And definitely, I remember when it first came out, we were riding our bikes, we were going to parks. It was so cool seeing like all these other people doing the same thing where they're like going ...
And fully weatherproof.
And has an adjustable arm on it. The other one is one that goes into your air conditioning.
And how we've been getting into it recently.
And I lost my page. There you are.
And it has the suction cup.
And it has the tripod.
And it has two feet 2 foot pedals, so it has.
And it just, it sounds awesome. It's got a 20 hour battery, which is also incredible. And then of course, like I said, the fact that it also can charge your phone, I just think it's such an ingenio...
And it makes it so smooth and delicious. I don't know how I like. I understand how it works, but I still can't figure out how it makes it.
And it um.
And it's a lot of fun.
And it's a lot of fun.
And it's a lot of fun. This isn't for $110. This one is great for kids rooms. This. I have this in my daughter's room. It's in the corner. It's basically her night light.
And it's actually like really good quality, because sometimes the poppet ones are.
And it's just a lot of fun. This was violent when she was seven, and she got the whole she got a hang of it.
And it's just awesome. This is a absolutely fantastic idea to keep in your car, just in case you never know when you're gonna need it.
And it's just it's a lot.
And it's just, like I said, it's definitely a lot of fun and it looks really great.
And it's like when you go into Costco and you see all the TV's with the stuff and like, Oh my God, this looks amazing. So it was all macro shots of like honey or like, I don't know, weird stuff. Bu...
And it's so comfortable. It's so incredibly warm. The hood is huge and it's just amazing. I wore this when we went to.
And like, yeah, so we've been playing it a whole lot, and I'm very surprised at how much fun it is again, even though I don't know who.
And my apps being weird and it's not like updating chat which is.
And now I just look like.
And now that the lights are, like, blinding me, that only is, you know, adding on to it. But yeah, no we've.
And now they are gone. OK.
And small. And it honestly is really nice to have one of those in the in your car.
And so I put them in there and it.
And so I've had to get hue lights, and then I had to get these other ones because hue lights are extremely red.
And the doorbells are no exception. They have another one that's really cool, because it's meant for.
And the second that they come out with canned lighting, I swear I'm replacing every single hue light. I will give them away because I just they're not as good in my opinion.
And then in the same you know the same thing is the like right now.
And then it's like.
And then it's turning like.
And then just in the last couple of weeks, we've gotten back into it and it has been.
And then of course that's.
And then we have.
And then we will organize it later because I like.
And they are just really comfortable, they are fully weatherproof.
And they are um.
And they do have a mini version which I think I have. I just need to find them but.
And um, so you know, we've been in, we've been here for.
And um.
And um.
And um.
And um.
And we like it was a lot of a lot of fun.
And yeah, so there's stuff just awesome. And like, sometimes, you know, it can be hard to find good.
And you can change like there's different um.
And you can kind of change them to be flat or they have too little.
And you kick started just like a normal scooter and then it has.
And you pointed out your wall and it gives like this really nice, beautiful kind of outer glow like you.
And zoom. It's super wide angle, which is what I really like about it too a lot of the times.
And, um, it's been.
Anything like that, there's a lot of fun stuff.
Anyways, alright, cool. Yeah, so we like. I don't have doors on my office yet, so we have like a.
Anyways, so that one's really cool. All of their stuff is absolutely amazing.
Anyways, that is easy to put together, but.
Are a couple of.
Are some youthy?
Are they're less expensive?
Asking for my child to crash, and if she crashes she will never want to ride her bike again.
At night fully wire free, which is what I personal.
Attachment. You could take that off and put it on a bigger tripod as well, so if you have to have it like higher up and it will still work, just.
Awesome gift idea.
Awesome. They make me happy.
Back here because I don't know.
Basket and just honestly, when it comes to cooking pretty much any frozen food ever, air frying is seriously the way to go.
Be Sir uh, this is the security camera and it has.
Because I have govie everywhere in my house, but they don't make the Cam lights and we have a bunch of canned lights in our new house.
Because I'm still trying to like, I have so much kitchen like gadgets and stuff that it got to the point where I was trying to put stuff away. And I'm like, OK, we just need to put it into a cabinet.
Becomes a blur. So I'm like if it's just in the cabinets, it's in the drawers, then I can assess each one individually later.
Being a 90 versus 50I I I personally just like the open room better. That's just my thought.
Bull. Volume.
But anyways, yeah, we had to get our backyard done.
But four months is still not bad.
But I want govie. I want all of my house to be gone because their stuff is so much smarter, better. There's they're just they're my absolute favorite when it comes to RGB.
But I'm going to.
But I'm not seeing it telling me anything about the battery life.
But if you want to be able to go back and look at stuff, or if it tells you there's motion or something happened and.
But it has. I believe it has a microphone as well and noise cancelling on there so you don't have to worry about.
But it is there.
But it's a lot of fun. So this one is great if you have, you know, maybe you don't have a big yard. We don't have a big yard, we couldn't do a giant trampoline if we wanted to. And honestly, the am...
But just in general.
But like right now.
But man, I have to like, I love buying gifts. I'm like, really? I really love shopping for people. And so I have to like, tell myself like.
But man, when it comes to reheating food.
But other than that, the everything else about it is pretty.
But that was, you know.
But the open move I found.
But then it has a camera, and then it also has a doorbell button.
But then it takes longer and sometimes you just want your food like yesterday, right? So this one is awesome because it's a nice middle ground. It comes with the air fryer basket. And I already hav...
But they're very neat because it's like nice if you're going, you know, outside or you just.
But this is something that you know you keep in your car or you could take if you're going camping.
But this is these hover soccer balls that I've heard so much about. So these are on sale for $36.00 right now. But then there is also a or there was.
But this one is a.
But this one is really fun. So I bought this full price at 70 bucks and I thought it was really great. This one's on sale for 50 or $49.00 today. If you like Marvel as much as I do, it is absolutel...
But trust me when I say, if you need light bulbs for anything, you will not be disappointed.
But we got turf and we got like marble paper stuff. It looks really, really nice. So I'm happy. I'm just glad it's done because I was not about to sit here for.
But we're starting to get there. But it's like, I'm like, oh crap, it's 6:30 and I didn't do my stream today, so.
But with the creamy, it's really cool because you just have these little containers. You mix all of your stuff together and you put it in there, you let it freeze overnight so that it's completely ...
But yeah, I expected it to be a little bit less. It probably is dependent on how much it's actually lighting up. I expected it because it needs to actually light up a light.
But yeah, that was absolutely a non-negotiable.
But yeah, this one, this one's nice, it's solid. It's, it's a good price and I've just been.
But you can have them plugged in or you can take them with you. There's like a little bowl. They can be all different colors. They have like a flickering, like a fire option. They're very, very fun...
By far one of the best.
Can be bent, so you can set it up so that he's doing like the snap.
Can keep yourself in frame, it's pretty cool.
Can you fully dunk it underwater? You can like throw it in the pool, it's gonna float away. I love this cause like I just think of like ohh you have like a bow or like your you rent a boat or somet...
Can't see anything, so I always like the idea of having a spotlight there anyways, but having that.
Can't wait until we put them up.
Case in point, I don't know if you could hear that I've got like a.
Certain ones like these that are 180 day battery life, there's other ones that are 365 day. So it's either you're charging it one time or two times a year. That's it. And then you put it up where y...
Charge a fee to use the cloud, so like.
Come on, can lights.
Computer it's just really fun and it's.
Connecting to it to play music, anything like that and?
Cook sugar.
Cook your food on it and then you don't worry about your um.
Cool enough? And like, there's just a lot of.
Cool, so this was on sale for $143?
Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Copy all of.
Coughing and.
Couple of years, but it used to be for a while that like if you were getting a $50.00 webcam, it just looked like the worst.
Covered in stuff because.
Creamy, which is on sale today.
Custom security zones, you can talk through it. That's the thing with all these two. They have two ways, two way audio so that you can.
Cyber Monday deals and it looked like the company forgot to turn off the clickable coupon. So it's like they had it the Cyber Monday deal and then it was like 30% on top of that.
Deals like there was a couple on on here that I saw that were.
Deals you can get.
Definitely not a bad thing.
Dialing in, but it's a lot of fun, so this is on sale for $115.
Did not need to be such a giant.
Did not quite impressed with how well it works.
Did somebody say PokΓ©mon? Yes, we did.
Didn't have an air fryer, and I really love having an air fryer toaster in particular because it gives you options.
Different cameras here again.
Do they have a clickable? They don't have a clickable right now.
Does it maybe have battery?
Don't take this the wrong way, but you look exhausted. Thanks. I am.
Door locks that are really cool. It's so it's like they took.
Doorbell as well, but the battery ones are actually really a lot easier because you could just literally stick it somewhere and.
Dude, I gotta tell you all the stuff that we ended up getting this like.
During monsoon season gets swept away.
Dustproof. Waterproof.
Earbuds, because, I don't know. My ears are small and they're always really uncomfortable, so these are great because they don't.
Ended up picking up for my daughter for Christmas she.
Fantastic. This is a one of those portable tire.
Fast Internet, yes, absolutely. That was like 100%. It's I believe it's fiber.
Favorite PokΓ©mon or one that you're trying to level up will get more.
Few things.
Finds the PokΓ©mon.
Fingerprint to open. It's really cool.
Fingers and all that.
First of which is the.
Five that I like you OK.
For GPS or anything like that, so it's nice to.
For kids or anybody really, this is fun. No matter if you are.
For kids this holiday season.
For kids, for like anyone we've had, we had such a blast in the summer making different.
For the speed test.
Four terabyte SSD ooh, what was your deal? How much do you pay?
Frozen potato wedges that sounded so good and then like.
Full Oh no. This one's the 2K as well, but this one is the 365 day batteries.
Full volume, so it's a little terrifying when you are not expecting it to be as loud as it possibly can be.
Fully why? Please turn off.
Game lights.
Garbage. You're buying it for the name.
Gelato. It can make ice cream. There's like a bunch of different settings on here.
Getting it done. I'm happy with this. Absolutely. I am. You like, I mean you. You've been to a lot of my streams, so you know that I've been like, waiting for this for a very long time. So I'm very...
Glow or Arctic something, so it's like Blues and purples.
Go be likes to do so much more. They can color loop. They can do they. They just are.
God, there's just a ton of stuff. So that is.
Going to scroll on there, it's the.
Gosh, the chat is being real weird guys. I'm seeing one thing on my.
Gotten a lot done, but.
Great gift idea for Christmas. This could be one of those like big ticket items.
Grown or if you are a child.
Guten PokΓ©mon. Yeah, no, we're we wanted to do it with bikes too. I gotta get violent. I well, that's the problem, actually, with doing the bikes and and that she doesn't. She has Internet on her i...
Guys right there. So you can have them kind of more.
Happy Monday.
Happy Monday. My name is lisha. It is Cyber Monday. This whole weekend has been just so many different deals and all sorts of stuff happening and it's been super, super awesome.
Have fun. This is a seriously.
Have it up on a.
Have more storage.
Have two and they say the exact same thing. One is easy clip.
Having a separate.
Heavy cream and milk.
Here is.
Here we have the Carphone Holder. They both just.
Here's your here's your chance.
Hidden by that's the best kind of deals. I get super excited about that. Or like when there's the like when they forget to turn off the clickable coupon.
Honestly, amazing. It's on sale for $126 right now and I have to say like.
Hood and look how short my hair was as well.
House is beautiful and great. Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm super excited about it. Everything about it's been so great. The hardest part has absolutely been.
How long?
Huge actual drum kit that you.
Human detection like I was saying, um.
Hurts your ears, but if you just remember to turn it down and you'll remember after you hit it one time.
I absolutely love that fact about a lot of the.
I actually don't know any other webcams that do.
I am impatient. I don't like looking at them.
I am super exhausted.
I believe this is the right one. Yay, OK.
I can't imagine kids wouldn't love this.
I can't think of a cooler boom box, especially like the price point that the sound is amazing. It's fully waterproof. It's fully.
I cannot speak highly enough about it. I can't wait to film a video about it. We watched, we watched quite a few movies, quite a few TV shows. The response time on it is absolutely phenomenal.
I connected my stream lights.
I don't know if it's there anymore. There was a clickable coupon.
I don't know what he's talking about, OK?
I don't know what that means.
I don't know where this is, it says.
I don't know.
I don't know. There's all sorts of there's all sorts of stuff with it that's very new, but it's a lot of fun.
I don't. I've never seen the doorbell on the smart lock, but I don't really care about that. I like the fact that I can just it auto locks.
I got a good, weirdly hidden deal on a A.
I gotta figure out how to work it because I was telling my friend about it and I'm like, Oh yeah, you put it in there and then it locks and then it has a camera and then, like, nobody can steal you...
I have an old phone that we've been debating, but like, that's the thing. I'm like, do you want to switch?
I have no idea what happened. I saw Luna run out of there. I don't. I don't know.
I have so much fun at trampolines. You don't realize how much of a workout it is until you're like sweating and like, can't breathe.
I have. The only one I've ever played is PokΓ©mon Go.
I I like very much appreciate when temperature.
I just have holiday season in general. There's a lot of stuff here that is really great.
I just know that it does and like.
I know the open run are pretty much fully waterproof other than like being under like literally underwater.
I know, like Canto PokΓ©mon. I don't know any of the other ones, but it it it's it's really fun. And it's good because Violet is old enough so that she's having a lot of fun with it too.
I like, I really hope that Kobe himself, they come up with all these really cool stuff. I'm like.
I like. I don't know. I just think that's really.
I literally have so many of these I.
I love this. I think it's a great rechargeable battery. It has an LED light so that you can.
I need to find the cord for them, but these are very cool because they don't need to be plugged in in order to work.
I opened too many tabs.
I personally don't think they're as comfortable. They have a lower battery as well. I think it's 6 hour battery and they are lower waterproof.
I personally just like the idea of keeping it in your car, because then if you need it.
I played that Geo game. I can't remember the name. You have to get basses made. Linked together really gets you rocking.
I put an OLED TV on here as well because like I said, my husband just got one as that he's using as a monitor and it's like, he's literally like I will never be able to go back to anything else bec...
I really like this, and this is so great for things like your side gate.
I really like this. It's a lot of fun. There are all different settings.
I think that's this one.
I think that's why they're called A-15 or the E 26 bulbs like these are because we wanted to be able to do Govi lights and.
I think they're like sweat proof, but it's not like rain proof.
I thought you could, but I'm not 100%.
I truly cannot speak highly enough about them.
I used this last night. I had gone to Trader Joe's yesterday and they had these like.
I wanna have it so my kitchen doesn't have like, just stuff everywhere.
I was really excited that we got this because when we got to our House, we.
I wish I knew that before because my husband just bought like 3 Wi-Fi extenders.
I'm assuming it's less because it literally literally.
I'm Goldie. I've been, like begging for them to come out with can lights. The BR 30s.
I'm like losing my voice here, so I apologize if I'm like.
I'm like there has to be a way.
I'm not opening these because I got them in the mail yesterday.
I'm seeing like one thing on my phone and then not on.
I've barely opened it today.
I've had to like. I'm not playing it as much as.
Ice creams and trying different things, adding different mixins. We did like a cherry Garcia. We did.
If there is a human.
If you are looking for, you know, gift ideas for other people for yourself.
If you can imagine, there is just boxes and.
If you get a lot of packages it has like 2 cameras the one will like.
In conclusion, I can't wait until my doors show up anyways. OK, so let's get into what we have.
In conclusion.
In general though very cool. We actually also it's not on sale today, so I didn't add it, but we just got the new T2, I think that's what it's called.
In like the last.
In our cart today.
In the last week.
Ingress. Yeah, I've never heard of that one.
Instagram. Tick. Tock. Something you're not using like.
Interesting. Um.
IPad bike mount.
Is absolutely ridiculous. Like there's been times where we'll just go driving.
Is anchor who has.
Is definitely this weekend. So if you're looking to get a new TV and you want to be completely disappointed with every other TV ever.
Is it does come with a camera that you can put at the top of your screen and then it can pretty much.
Is shocks. Their open run is on sale. This is a phenomenal deal and I actually should post about this on Instagram because.
Is that older?
Is there?
Is wild to me. And then as the local storage.
Isn't necessary. So I was like, I gotta know.
It blows my mind that this thing can fill up tire.
It can make milkshakes. It can make smoothies. It can make.
It comes with the drumsticks. It comes with a carrying case.
It doesn't have blinds, and it doesn't have.
It doesn't take too long to put together and like Legos, are really fun.
It has amazing sound. It's got a built-in power bank on the backside.
It has the intruder sign, extended Wi-Fi.
It has two. This one comes with two cameras. They are 180 day battery life.
It is definitely.
It is on your computer, so it's just plug and play, which is another thing that I really appreciate when it comes to OBS spot is.
It is so much faster because it does the air circulation. It does come with air, free air. In fact, it's it's included.
It is super, super soft.
It is the smooth set electric scooter for kids.
It it also has a what they call adventure sink, so even if you're not on the app.
It it like will blanket you and then you move around and all of this just being recorded on your phone through your photo or camera app.
It just.
It looks beautiful.
It looks so good. It's just so like.
It says 4K.
It turned off my lights in here.
It was really fun to put together, definitely wasn't too hard.
It will chart recharge zero to 80% within one hour. Oh, that's really cool. I like that. I like the fact that it will recharge really, really quickly.
It would not be a good idea, and I think most of these are probably meant for like a like.
It, you know, it's a bigger screen and stuff, but I don't know. So with PokΓ©mon it's kind of like.
It's a smart person and I connected.
It's absolutely a great idea for for Christmas for gift ideas because it doesn't take up too much room. It's easy to put away.
It's also cool because we've done it like where you can literally take a can of fruit like can of Peaches.
It's an awesome little product. What did I just?
It's awesome. Love blah blah blah love this.
It's awesome. They are IP67, waterproof, weatherproof, dustproof. You don't have to worry about them. They have night vision. There's no monthly fee. That's another thing that I think is so amazing...
It's exhausted.
It's for this phone. Or do you want to have it on your iPad? Personally, if I was a kid I would think OK, iPad because.
It's full of good in any weather clarity.
It's fun in the sense of.
It's good to go.
It's got Bluetooth obviously. And then the other thing is really cool about it is that in addition to it being completely waterproof, it also floats. So I mean.
It's Infinity. Can't live on it but all of the fingers.
It's insane. So he's very excited about that.
It's just cool. They have another thing. I have it back here. I haven't gotten to open it yet.
It's just gone.
It's just nice because.
It's just nice. It's one that we like to keep in our car. It's like.
It's just smart, you know. It's the stuff that like.
It's just so awesome.
It's just, uh, you know, most of our stuff was in storage, so I forgot about how much stuff we.
It's just.
It's like a big circle.
It's like a peloton. It's like it makes sense.
It's like if you went to a garage sale and then you were like.
It's like.
It's not gonna sink, you know. I just. I just.
It's only a problem because my screen is a 38 inch wide.
It's possible.
It's really compact. Like I said, it has a carrying case. Everything go put away. And so if your kids are interested in drumming.
It's so fun. Go, just go. Makes me happy.
It's so small it's just it's crazy to me. It has different settings that you can set so that it knows what PSI to do as far as if it's for a.
It's super, super cool in how it works. I've been just like, very, very impressed with it.
It's the newest globe lights that are for.
Just me walking around. It will sink up.
Just really, really cool. So I'm so excited to set these up. We gotta we haven't done that yet. Like I said, we got like there's been so many things that we've been working on and and trying to get...
Just the amount of stuff that I totally forgot about, you know, most like.
Just yuffie's always just.
Kickball or if there are a car tire you can change it up.
Kind of not good quality so that this one's been like, really cool.
Last year there was a huge monsoon and I remember we had seen about.
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Let me just pull the whole thing.
Let's talk about stuff on Cyber Monday sales, starting with something that I literally looked for for the past 20 minutes.
Lights up.
Like for your phone that just has like one USB or two USB inputs, this thing is a beast.
Like if somebody comes up to your door, it's able to tell you there's a person at your door. It's not just gonna say motion detected. Like it's really pretty intuitive with that, which is really nice.
Like it's just nice to do like a set it and forget it. They cook up really great and it's just awesome. So it comes with a tray like you see here, but then it also has the air fryer.
Like kids, you know, my daughter hanging on to it here. But it's also nice if you're doing different workouts. They have a ton of different workouts on.
Like much of anything, it's so much easier than making traditional ice cream. Traditional ice cream. You kind of have to.
Like the air fryer getting super messy or anything like that.
Like the live feed?
Like where?
Like, right when I start, they decide. Like, even when they're.
Literally point down at the ground and it's able to tell you.
Little notebook.
Loud, no matter what you do.
Mainly because that's usually where the trash and garbage go, and a lot of the times if we're, you know, pulling those out at night.
Make me happy, please.
Makes it so you can't hear all the chaos out there. So I don't know if you guys see here, but it was just like.
Makes life so much easier. This one is fantastic because it's it's a good like middle ground size. We used to have a brevel, which is a lot bigger. They're there. Air fryer Toaster Oven is a lot bi...
Man, I my daughter's like really into fidgets. So we've got an absolutely like a monstrosity of different fidget.
Man, it is exhausting.
Man, it's crazy out there.
Maybe she's not.
Me a lot of trying to unpack and do all of this stuff.
Microphone or anything like that. It's just super easy to use the AI tracking the framing.
Miles or kilometers that I walk, which is good because they like a whole buddy thing where you're like.
Modes. I don't know what you would call it, but it can change all the different drums.
Monday. Ohh I didn't.
More fun, like, to an incredibly crazy degree.
Most of the time you probably won't need it at home, although it does work for at home.
Motion activated spotlight.
Motion boombox plus.
Much this one is one that goes up on the dash, and I think the other one, yeah, this is the one that goes up on the dash.
My main issue I've had with them is if I wear them all laying down because there's so much extra room in the back that ends up being kind of frustrating, but they do have many ones that I think wou...
Need to so that you can.
Next is another one that we've talked about so much, but is.
No monthly fee, which is again.
No third party stuff, which is also really nice. It makes it even easier to use it.
No wires.
No, I broke his whole thing. OK, well I said it was durable as I'm breaking off all of his like.
No, they definitely do.
Nobody so far has used the doorbell button, which I kind of didn't expect them to because like the actual doorbells like lit up and if on the side and.
Noise cancelling. I just end up feeling claustrophobic and like in my head. So the fact that they're not going in my ears so they're not hurting my ears, I can still hear everything going on around...
None of that stuff. It still has the same thing as far as.
Nope, I didn't. This looks different.
Nope, that was wishful thinking.
Not difficult for kids.
Now, so you don't want to do anything that has to be a permanent fixture. Obviously you could uninstall a.
Obviously this is not a $50.00 webcam, but it's really cool. Like, just does stuff a lot of them don't do.
Of lights like can be changed because.
Oh my God.
Oh, he's on this too.
Oh, I used to own this.
Oh, wait, no.
Oh, you're going on PokΓ©mon Go.
Ohh because they're connected.
Ohh like like he did like the IT has a.
OK, also we have quite a few govey things in the cart today, first of which are the govy smart smart light bulbs.
OK, battery case.
OK, guys. Well, thank you so much for hanging out with me during my stream. I hope you have an amazing rest of your Monday and I'll see you later. Bye.
OK, I linked the wrong one that I have. I think that one's just LED strips. That one is probably fine.
OK, I put a couple of other.
OK, I'll be 55, which I think is just like sweat proof.
OK, next.
OK, so the next thing, I don't have footage of yet because we just recently got it.
OK, so the next thing.
OK, so you can change the brightness and you can change the temperature of the light.
OK, then click save.
OK, there you go.
OK, this is the fantic portable tire inflator. These are amazing. These are seriously so cool. You don't like.
OK, two more things and I could show you this one because I ended up doing this one recently. This is so for $49.00 today it is the nano gauntlet from Infinity.
On sale for it 90.
On that like that.
On the back of my computer and it looks amazing.
On this little part down here and you do like a little motion like you can.
On top of them sounding so good, the guy at the register like kept going on about how they are one of his favorite items and.
One a little bit of light.
One for a bass drum and the one for a.
One of the ufi.
Oops, I just changed it. OK, I'm.
Open Runner definitely the top tier one. The open move are.
Or a 48 inch OLED TV that he's using as a monitor and it's so funny because he keeps talking about how it's like.
Or did you check on them?
Or oh, like that have gone over people's uh.
Or they did this week. I know I was.
Originally had a wired one, but when we moved we couldn't exactly get rid of it, so we had gotten a battery one because.
Other one because it does the um.
Out running around and.
Oven um.
Over here, I swear I'm like thinking I'm all prepared. Human and.
Over the weekend we put up.
Parts and moving pieces and stuff with this.
Percent, probably 95% of our staff's been in storage for seven months. Of course, over those seven months, we accumulated more cracks. That's what happens.
Personally think that is.
Phone mount. This is super, super cool because it's great if you do like tick tocks or if you do any kind.
Phone um.
Phone, car phone holders, that's what we have here. So we have two of them.
Please or not.
Plugs you have like.
Points and stuff.
Pollen, Violet are like nonstop with it.
Portable charger.
Poured money, it's just like.
Power station. I really want to call it a charger because.
Promise. It's a lot of.
Prove 2.
Pull it up here. So this is.
Put it in there, freeze it, and then blend it. You blend it twice.
Put it so I'm just going to pull up the product.
Put your hand out or you like, make it so that it recognizes you and then it will turn the camera to follow you and retract this from a really like.
Puzzle piece my stuff, you know it's just.
Quality webcams that are like really, really nice. They've come a long way.
Really durable, honestly, I put together a Winnie the Pooh set for my daughter.
Really fun. We have a lot of space in our new House, so I thought that this would be, we have like a really like wide hallway. So I thought this could be kind of a fun thing. And then the other thi...
Really have so?
Really really really love about it ohh at home base two is the added functionality to serves a Wi-Fi extender for improved connection.
Really, really cool.
Really, really quickly. So I know it's.
Really, really really fun.
Record yourself, keep yourself in frame. It also could be good for if you're doing like live streams on it.
Regular plugs.
Ridiculously expensive.
Right now, sorry if it sounds like crazy, OK?
Right. Could I grab the wrong one?
Ring is one of them. Where it's there doesn't cost anything if you're just doing.
Security cameras. I can't even keep up with it all right?
Security items.
See if I could find.
See. It's like a package box.
Self all over the place, um.
Seriously, this one I've posted a couple of times on Instagram about.
She has a very soft we have it on like Arctic.
She's not here. She went PokΓ©mon Go hunting.
Similar. Let's see.
Smart lighting and the smart light bulbs are no exception. These went into my pendant lights.
So comfortable.
So cool. So this can go 5/8 or 10 miles an hour. It's got the LED lights on the bottom, which I mean sold for me. I freaking love LED lights and this is just super fun, but this one is definitely a...
So I have it on a schedule where it turns on at.
So I think you just you go like this.
So I wanted to put that in there because the best time to get these kind of TV's.
So I'm just.
So I'm super excited to show you guys some.
So I've been a huge, huge fan of them. The other ones here are the open move.
So it's definitely a great one to check out and it's just, it's just fun. I've been like so impressed with this one.
So it's on sale for $55. Totally love it. This is a great, really, really fun gift idea.
So much money because of all the stuff that we have to like. Just basic stuff, you know?
So much so many different batteries going on here.
So or security cameras. So this one is a 365 day batteries, but this is also 2K resolution home kit compatibility. This one comes with three.
So taking that on a bike.
So that's good to know.
So the Abbot is the first thing on my list here. So this is.
So the next one is like the next step up as far as the security stuff goes, because this one is.
So the next thing we have here is the ecoflow. This is a portable.
So these are on sale today for $32.
So they were just going to drive really slowly around the neighborhood.
So this is on sale for $88.00. It is normally 150.
So this is such a fun idea.
So this is the.
So this is.
So this is.
So this one is on sale UM 150. It's such a cool gift idea if you are getting gifts for someone.
So this one.
So this particular set is their 4K.
So yeah, but this not so much.
So you don't really like, it's like pushed away so like I know where it is but it's not like here's my air fryer. So personally I love that cause I like.
So you know, because we just moved and it's a brand new house, so they doesn't have like basic things like.
So, um, this one is cool. It is 40 or 48 inches. It has the handlebar which is also really nice, especially if you are.
Solid one. The other thing that's on sale today is the Orlay women's jacket. This is.
Someone delivered something. Or if someone's trying to steal your stuff.
Sorry guys, this was definitely not supposed to be this way.
Sound thingy on the so that it like.
Sounding like.
Speaker they have a lot of different ones down to like Ultra Teeny tiny little ones.
Standing up.
Still working on all of that stuff.
Stuff like that. Six hour battery instead of eight, but honestly.
Stuff. It's just all I see is static. I can't like.
Take it back a step you're spending all of your money.
Takes like a top down, like shaved ice, almost approach and it's able to blend it up.
Taking issue.
Talk with whoever you.
Technically, claim is the houses now.
Tell Dad to throw away all the boxes.
Tell Dad to throw the boxes.
Test the waters without buying a.
Thank you both.
That also has fingerprint.
That in Arizona.
That is also on sale today for the exact same price, 25% off, which is really nice.
That is amazing. I didn't realize that. That's very, very cool.
That is on sale.
That is so incredibly fragile. I always am. Like, you can look at it, you can play with it if you want, but like, I'm not putting it back together because it was not a fun one to put together.
That is way too bright. We're like, we're in like chill vibe zone, right?
That means that it is able to save everything. I believe you could put extra SD cards in there as well if you.
That page because.
That security camera as well as definitely.
That we had, I've been saying it's like.
That's amazing.
That's gonna tell me the answer to that.
That's like their I feel like that's their most.
That's not the play.
That's not the right.
That's so cool. We got what did. I don't know if we got Oh no, my husband got a.
That's something, but anyways alright.
That's why. Because I was not.
The battery video doorbell.
The becan foldable trampoline. This is another one that is seriously a.
The bomb and then all of your storage is local. There's nothing to worry about as far as.
The cloud, monthly fees, anything like that and it is IP65.
The comfy air fryer toaster.
The dark and it's cordless.
The deal so weird you go to the page to sign in.
The dogs freaking out about something. Last time that I streamed, they all were.
The hue thing. So cool. This is definitely how I wanted to.
The human detection it's able to do facial snapshot notifications.
The Internet.
The kinetic sand. She loves kinetic sand. This one is an Amazon exclusive. It's in a treasure box. It has all of these like hidden treasures in there.
The Nano Gauntlet and I still have the Infinity Gauntlet I didn't put together yet. I bought the Infinity Gauntlet.
The next one is the floor length. This is the Lyra. We've had this for a while. It's essentially like a rope light that's just on a stand.
The next one on here are the smart table lights.
The next thing is another really great holiday gift idea.
The next thing we have here?
The next thing.
The next.
The next.
The one downside is you do need to have it hooked up to the camera and the camera to from the lights are really short.
The one downside with this kit though?
The other have here. This one is really cool. This is.
The other one that they have is just the regular webcam. This does the. It does a little bit more than the.
The price difference today?
The rope light on here is a little bit too small. Actually, I think I got the.
The smart lock and the like video doorbell and they put them all together, so it is.
The sound is amazing on this. I don't like noise cancelling either, so it also works well because.
The the consistency that it does it is absolutely phenomenal.
The thing with renting is anything you install, they can.
The uh, I thought it was.
The USB, I believe there's no, there's three USB's. There is a 12 Volt. There are just.
The UV ones are super cool. It's got a 1080P camera.
Their mid, I don't know if they have an under open run.
Then I got the right one.
Then it's going to be able to follow you. It also can.
Then it's really cool.
Then this is it. This is the 2K.
The****utic. I feel like it's, it's almost like meditative to play with it. You kind of can just zone out and it's really fun.
There has to be something that I don't know yet.
There we go.
There you are.
There. Sorry, it wasn't showing the thing, OK.
There's a lot of fun stuff I've like.
There's let's see, AC outlets, USB, a power output. There's just a lot 6 different devices at the same time.
There's too much going on.
These are awesome. These are actually super, super great as well if you are renting. We use our ring when we are renting.
These are really cool. So it's like indoor soccer. They have a fan in them, they have LED lights.
These look like this. I cannot turn them on for you because I currently don't know where the cord is, so that is also on my list. I found this random Gobi cord and I was hoping it was that one. It'...
These one.
They definitely do. So, I mean.
They went into all of our fans. We made sure to get fans that could do the A-15.
They're able to track you like that, so I think that that's just really cool.
They're really like so cool. They they, in my opinion go be lights make hue look just like.
Thing to show you how it works, because it's OLED.
Things in here that I thought.
This as well. It's very, very cool.
This cool little electric drum pad that's on sale.
This is a fun way to kind of.
This is another one that I just recently set up.
This is one. I talk about these all of the time. They're super, super cool. But these are bone conduction headphones. Basically. They go on over your ears and around the back and they just kind of ...
This is the current setup. I don't know why.
This jacket is absolutely amazing.
This next one. This is the gaming setup.
This one is also wired for re. How long is the battery on this?
This thing because it has this home kit piece.
This thing has like.
This thing is very very cool.
This thing is.
Those are good stocking stuffer gift ideas as well, because they're nice.
Those are my favorite. I get super excited about those because you're just like good. You feel like you're gaming the system or something.
Throttle thing is on the handles.
Tires. It's just absolutely crazy to me. So this one is able to do motorcycles, cars, bicycles, any kind of sports balls as well.
To be able to unlock it and then it also has like a pin.
To be different sounds.
To be for your.
To check out as far as gift ideas.
To do all of the things.
To do different stuff.
To do OK. So Next up.
To do this to start my stream off.
To go.
To my office lights, that's.
To talk about say what?
To these big boys, but they're really nice.
Today it's not in the cart, but.
Today. And yeah, it's solid.
Tofurky face today. How's it going?
Trained to unpack everything.
Try, I don't know, like a.
Trying to like.
Trying to.
UC doesn't do that, which I just think is super, super great.
Uh, but.
Uh, no, you don't have to pay extra for the air, which is really nice.
Ultra annoying.
Ultrawide so the way that it is this this.
Um are from end game. Rather I put this together in one night. It took like maybe 3 1/2 hours, but this was a really fun one, so let me let me go grab it.
Um, and it's just awesome. But with these ones, it's great because you just.
Um, and you know it's.
Um, but it's.
Um, definitely going to put this on our side gate.
Um, I got her Costco like 2 days ago they had this this one that's like.
Um, it has the strap on it. It has base up.
Um, it's just really cool.
Um, it's really fun.
Um, so the other thing that's nice is the app has really great AI things on it. So like it'll tell you. It can tell the difference between like.
Um, the creamy is really fun because it's a way to make ice cream without really having to do.
Um, we did Gelato. We did a lot of them with just the canned fruit. It's just.
Um, we're talking about PokΓ©mon Go?
Um, what else did we get?
Um, you have a place to put headphones in as well so that you don't have to.
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