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Man Library The Man's Library is a cacophony of that fill the air as you navigate the shelves filled with knowledge and
Created by Bardman 9

Man SFX Library

The Man's Library is a cacophony of sounds that fill the air as you navigate the shelves filled with knowledge and adventure. The deep, resonant sound of a male voice echoes through the room as the weights clank together, accompanied by the sound of grunts and exertion. It's a symphony of masculinity, showcasing the determination and strength of those who frequent this space.

In the midst of all the noise, a sudden hush falls over the room as a police radio dispatch crackles to life. A young man's voice cuts through the silence, declaring with authority to disregard the call. The abruptness of the command is startling, yet it is quickly overshadowed by the sudden eruption of screams and shouts from a human male. The room is filled with chaos and intensity, a stark contrast to the previous quiet.

As the commotion dies down, a voice breaks through the din, offering a cheerful greeting of "Happy Thanksgiving". The twenty-five-year-old man's voice is warm and inviting, bringing a sense of festive joy to the atmosphere. But as the holiday cheer fades, an old man's voice whispers a soft "Shh", a gentle reminder to keep the peace and quiet within the walls of the library.

The tranquility is shattered once again as a police radio dispatch announces a car taking control of a pursuit. The urgency in the young man's voice is palpable, filled with determination and focus. But as the chase continues, a twenty-year-old man's voice urges silence with a stern "Shhh", a command that is quickly followed by the sound of urination in a bathroom toilet.

Amidst the chaos and clamor, a deep male voice interrupts, offering a solemn "Greetings" in the darkness. The enigmatic presence of the god character fills the room with an air of mystery and reverence. Another voice breaks through, uttering a simple American English phrase that resonates with authority and power.

The heavy boots of a man walking on the wooden barn floor create a steady rhythm, reverberating through the library and signaling the approach of someone new. A cartoon voice breaks through the silence, pleading for assistance in a tone that is both endearing and desperate.

The room is filled with the smell of hot dogs as a man's voice declares their presence, adding a touch of whimsy to the atmosphere. The fire dispatch radio crackles to life with an urgent call for all engines to respond. The urgency in the old male voice echoes through the space, adding to the sense of urgency and tension.

A late thirties male voice makes a hospital announcement, signaling a code red in the ER. The distant sound of his voice adds to the sense of urgency and drama, setting the stage for a tense and gripping moment. His announcement is underscored by the sound of intense male laughter, adding an unexpected twist to the unfolding scene.

As the night wears on, a middle-aged man's voice echoes through the room, calling for battle stations on a navy ship. The urgency in his voice is unmistakable, adding a sense of drama and tension to the atmosphere. The room is filled with the sounds of action and adventure, the air electric with the promise of excitement and danger.

The library is a place of wonder and discovery, filled with the voices and sounds of men from all walks of life. From the solemn tones of a god character to the whimsical laughter of a fifty-year-old man, each voice adds to the tapestry of sound that fills the space. It's a place where knowledge and adventure collide, where the unexpected and the extraordinary come together in a symphony of sound. You can play and download these sounds here.
A Man Says The Candidates Came To Blows At 803 P M With The Tko Declared Just Two Minutes Later The General Election Has Been Ca
Aahh Uuuh M
Aged Gentle Open Hearted Laughter
Air Traffic Control Radio Announcement Man Says Flight 118 Turn Right At 250 Maintain 5200 To Establish An Approach
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying 1
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying 2
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying 3
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying 4
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying 8
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying 10
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Back
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Cannot Connect
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Complete
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying E Mail
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Engaging
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Incoming Transmission
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Make Your Selection
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Pause
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Please Confirm
American English Vocal Phrase Male Or Man Saying Ready
Angry No No No
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'And Here We Go' 3
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'And The Winner Is' 3
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Can Hear You
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Coming Soon' 1
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Congratulations' 3
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Defeat
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Game Over' 2
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Goodnight Everybody
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Knock Out
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Let The Show Begin
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Mega Win
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Nice Job' 2
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Round Two
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Start Your Engines
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'That's Right
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'This Is An Emergency Message
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'Yelling Touchdown' 1
Announcer Male Voice Saying 'You Did It
Announcer Voice Saying - "Stay Tuned The Weather Is Next
Answer Shout Yes Seargent
Answering Machine Message 1
Answering Machine Message 2
Answering Phone Hello
Appreciative Milk And Cookies
Are You Ready Question
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (Asmr) - Male Saying 'Stipple' - Very Close, Varying, Intimate, Plosive, And Sibilant
Baseball Umpire Yelling Strike One 2
Battle Cry For The King
Battle Cry Victory Is Ours
Blow Nose Male Early Forties Tissue Strong To Weak
Body Falls On Floor 1
Breathe In Element Male 25 Year Old
Brush Teeth Male Mouth Closed Fast
Burping And Forced Belching From A Year Old Man, Medium Distant, Ab Stereo
Burping And Forced Belching From A 40 Year Old Man, Stereo
Call Loud Alpha Company 02
Call Loud Charlie Company Reporting
Call Loud Echo Company 02
Call Loud Ready
Carnival Barker Affordable Family Fun
Carnival Barker Guess Your Weight
Carnival Barker Hurray Hurray
Carnival Barker Processed Voice Saying 'Welcome To The Greatest Show' 1
Carnival Barker See Sweet Marie
Carnival Barker Welcome To The Greatest Show On Earth 2
Cartoon Character - Bad Guy - Angry 2
Cartoon Character - Caveman - Laughing 4
Cartoon Character - Male Voice Saying - "Are You Stupid Or Something
Cartoon Character - Male Voice Saying - "Now That's Funny" 1
Cartoon Character - Male Voice Saying - "Well Laud Have Mercy On My Soul
Cartoon Country Male Big Shot Eh
Cartoon Country Male Get Out Of Here
Cartoon Male Mumbling 1
Cartoon Male Mumbling 2
Cartoon Male Voice With Gangster Laughing 3
Cartoon Man Answers Phone Hello
Cartoon Voice Are You Crazy
Cartoon Voice Back Off
Cartoon Voice Fiddle Faddle
Cartoon Voice Firm No
Cartoon Voice Gee Come On
Cartoon Voice Get Off My Case
Cartoon Voice Gross Thats Disgusting 2
Cartoon Voice Happy Easter Everyone 2
Cartoon Voice Hey Whats The Big Idea
Cartoon Voice I Cant Do It 2
Cartoon Voice I Cant Stop Dreaming About You 2
Cartoon Voice I Hope You Have A Wonderful Birthday 2
Cartoon Voice I Love Halloween 2
Cartoon Voice I Need Some Help
Cartoon Voice Its Santa Claus
Cartoon Voice Its So Good So Tasty
Cartoon Voice Keep Your Eyes Open
Cartoon Voice Leave Me Alone
Cartoon Voice Lets Go Outside And Play 2
Cartoon Voice Long Ow
Cartoon Voice Merry Christmas Everybody
Cartoon Voice Ouch That Hurt 2
Cartoon Voice Please Dont Leave Me Im Scared
Cartoon Voice Pow Right In The Kisser 2
Cartoon Voice Short Ah Pain
Cartoon Voice Stop It Right Now
Cartoon Voice Surprise 5
Cartoon Voice Watch Out 2
Cartoon Voice What
Cartoon Voice Would You Help Me
Cartoon Voice Yummy 3
Chette 2
Chose Your Hero
Clapping From A Man X2 With Slapback, In The Distance, Ortf Stereo
Clapping From A Man X2 With Slapback, Stereo
Clapping From A Man X2, Low And High, Mid Side
Clapping From A Man X3, Quick, Mid Side
Clapping From A Man, Firm X2, Stereo
Clapping From A Man, Forceful X2, Medium Distant, Ab Expansive Stereo
Clapping From A Man, Peppy X2, Medium Distant, Ab Stereo
Clapping From A Man, Peppy X2, Mid Side
Clapping From A Man, Sharp And Hard X1, Medium Distant, Ab Stereo
Clapping From A Man, Sharp And Hard X1, Mid Side
Clapping From A Man, Smacking Hard X2, Medium Distant, Ab Stereo
Clapping From A Man, Smacking With Two Tone, Medium Distant, Ab Stereo
Clapping From A Man, Smacking With Two Tone, Medium Distant, Xy Stereo
Clapping From A Man, Two Tone, High, Low, And Strong, Stereo
Clear Throat Male Early Forties Series
Commanding Come My Helper Elves Work To Do
Cough Male Early Forties Dry Wheezy Simple
Cough Male Late Thirties Cough Up Uncontrolled
Cough Male Late Thirties Series
Cough Male Thirties Quiet Natural Mono M
Coughing 40 Year Old Man, Dryly - Mid Side
Courtroom Male Voice Saying 'May I Remind You You Are Under Oath' 2
Courtroom Male Voice Saying 'May I Remind You You Are Under Oath' 3
Courtroom Male Voice Saying 'The Witness Is Not An Expert' 1
Courtroom Male Voice Saying 'The Witness Is Not An Expert' 2
Cowboy Draw
Cowboy Ride
Cowboy Them Cattle Russlers Are Going Regret The Day They Was Born
Cowboy Time To Head Back To The Ranch Boys
Cowboy Voice Approving Mighty Fine Mighty Fine
Cowboy Voice Conversation Plenty O Gold In These Parts
Cowboy Voice Drawl Cabin On The Trail Just Ahead
Cowboy Voice Drawl Cookin Cattle On Bbq
Cowboy Voice Excited Lets Go Pannin For Gold
Cowboy Voice Exclamation Injuns
Cowboy Voice Exclamation Its Rustlers
Cowboy Voice Exclamation Tennessee Sippin Whisky 02
Cowboy Voice Forceful Take Out The Train With Dynamite
Cowboy Voice Frightened Black Bart Back In Town
Cowboy Voice Grunt Jump Fight Attack Or Hurt Shout 01
Cowboy Voice Grunt Jump Fight Attack Or Hurt Shout 02
Cowboy Voice Grunt Jump Fight Attack Or Hurt Shout 03
Cowboy Voice Howdy Miss Lookin Mighty Purrdy
Cowboy Voice Question Right There
Cowboy Voice Reassuring Im The Law In These Parts
Cowboy Voice Reassuring Never Mind The Gun Smoke
Cowboy Voice Shout Ride 02
Cowboy Voice Shout Ride Them Broncs
Cowboy Voice Terse This Bar Only Got Milk And Whisky
Cowboy Voice Threaten Blow A Hole With My Six Shooter
Cowboy Voice Threaten Dont Take Another Step Marshal
Crying Wailing Man
Dark Male Game Voice Casting Spell Saying 'Je Feruni Desialorum' 3 - Whispering, Spoken, Reverb, Wide
Dark Male Game Voice Casting Spell Saying 'Marakenapo' 3 - Whispering, Reverb, Soft
Dark Male Game Voice Casting Spell Saying 'Meeka Vista Ulyan' 5 - Spoken, Reverb, Reversed
Dark Male Game Voice Casting Spell Saying 'Rehjohtoh Jekana' 4 - Spoken, Reverb
Dark Male Game Voice Casting Spell Saying 'Retocka Yassium Cellio' 1 - Group Chanting, Minimum, Reverb
Dark Male Game Voice Casting Spell Saying 'Ultar Sin Vitas Ki Trodon' 1 - Whispering, Deep, Minimal, Wide
Drunk Man Singing On Train Platform
Efx Ext Group Trama Scream 03
Efx Int Urban Walla Group Adr Ca Sound
Efx Int Urban Walla Group Adr 03 2011
Efx Int Urban Walla Group Adr 19 2011
Efx Int Urban Walla Group Panic Adr 06 2011
Efx Int Walla Shooting Vicim 02 Deep 02
Emergency Announcment
Emergency Hospital Pa System Announcement Unfiltered Male Voice Clip Urgent Security To Er 01
Emergency Police Dispatch Unfiltered Adult Male Shots Fired Shots Fired Officer Down I Repeat Off
Emote David Man Anger Fight Grunt Huge 02
Emote David Man Pain Choke Gasp 03
Emote George Man Fear Panic Medium 01
Emote George Man Pain Death Or Fall 01
Emote George Man Pain Death Or Fall 02
Emote George Man Pain Hurt Grunt Small 32
Emote Harry Man Anger Fight Grunt Small 02
Emote Harry Man Anger Fight Grunt Small 04
Emote Harry Man Call Close 05
Emote Harry Man Cough 03
Emote Harry Man Disagreement
Emote Harry Man Disagreement With Tongue Noise 02
Emote Harry Man Disgust 03
Emote Harry Man Pain Death Gasp 02
Emote Harry Man Pain Effort Gasp 02
Emote Harry Man Pain Hurt Grunt Small 01
Emote Harry Man Surprise 07
Emote John Man Anger Fight Grunt Ninja 02
Emote John Man Cough 01
Emote John Man Fear Panic 02
Emote John Man Joy Laugh Evil 01
Emote John Man Surprise Amazement 02
Emote Joshua Man Cough 02
Emote Joshua Man Pain Effort Gasp
Emote Joshua Man Pain Effort Gasp 01
Emote Lucas Man Anger Fight Grunt Ninja 08
Emote Lucas Man Anger Fight Grunt Ninja 09
Emote Lucas Man Anger Fight Grunt Small 02
Emote Lucas Man Anger Fight Grunt Special Power 04
Emote Patricia Woman Disgust 02
Emote Robin Man Cough 02
Emote Robin Man Curiosity 02
Emote Robin Man Curiosity 04
Emote Robin Man Joy Cheer 01
Emote Robin Man Pain Hurt Grunt Small 01
Emote Robin Man Trust Agreement 01
Enquiry How Are The Presents Going
Exit The Building Immediately Notification 2
Exit The Building Immediately Notification 3
Factory Pa Via A Speaker Old Man Says This Is A Drill
Factory Pa Via A Speaker Young Man Says Lock Down
Factory Radio Announcement Young Man Says Security
Factory Speaker Pa Announcement Middle Aged Man Says All Available Officers Report To Column B 77
Factory Speaker Pa Announcement Young Man Says All Personnel Report To The Nearest Tornado Shelter
Factory Speaker Pa Announcement Young Man Says Officer Needed For A Confined Space Permit
Fantasy Giant Voice Bad Game
Fantasy Giant Voice Me Kill
Fantasy Giant Voice Uh Huh
Fantasy Lizard Monster Voice Effect 1
Fantasy Lizard Monster Voice Say Your Prayers
Fast Food Drive Through Speaker Voice Man Says Be With You In One Second
Fast Food Drive Through Speaker Voice Man Says What Kind Of Sauce Would You Like
Fast Food Drive Through Speaker Voice Man Says Would You Like Fries With That
Fear Crazy This Is Bad Not Gonna Make It
Fifty Year Old Man Says Animal Noises Dog Bark Multiple Fast
Fifty Year Old Man Says Animal Noises Horse Blow Air
Fifty Year Old Man Says Animal Noises Horse Nay
Fifty Year Old Man Says Bonjour Angry
Fifty Year Old Man Says Brothers And Sisters
Fifty Year Old Man Says Ciao Angry
Fifty Year Old Man Says Cool
Fifty Year Old Man Says Freeze
Fifty Year Old Man Says Give Me A Kiss
Fifty Year Old Man Says Hallo
Fifty Year Old Man Says Happy Fourth Of July
Fifty Year Old Man Says Happy Hanukah
Fifty Year Old Man Says Happy New Year
Fifty Year Old Man Says Hi
Fifty Year Old Man Says Hi Long
Fifty Year Old Man Says Hooray
Fifty Year Old Man Says I Got It
Fifty Year Old Man Says In A Cowboy Voice I M Gonna Pump You Full Of Lead
Fifty Year Old Man Says In A Cowboy Voice Ride Em Cowboy
Fifty Year Old Man Says In A Pirate Voice Ahoy There
Finger Snapping From A Man - Strong And Quick X2, 3 From A Medium Distance - Xy Stereo
Finger Snapping From A Man, Strong And Quick X2, Medium Distant, Ab Stereo 1
Finger Snapping From A Man, Strong And Quick X2, Medium Distant, Ortf Stereo 2
Finger Snapping From A Man, Strong And Quick X2, Stereo 1
Finger Snapping From A Man, Strong X2, Mid Side
Finish Her
Fire Dispatch Radio Middle Age Male Engine 5 Dispatch Pockets Of Fire All Around
Fire Dispatch Radio Old Male All Engines Respond
Foley Footsteps Exterior Man Walking On Gravel Near Railroad Tracks Distant Traffic Light Wind
Footsteps - Ironworks Apartment - Solid Wooden Floor - Converse Trainer 1
Footsteps - Various And Heavy 10
Footsteps - Wide Perspective - Walking Around Inside An Apartment - Wooden Parquet
Gasp Male Late Thirties Surprised Afraid Medium Distant
Gasp Male Late Thirties Surprised Ahhh Waver Mousy Medium Distant
German Dying4
Get Him
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Are You Ready' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Atomic' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Canceled' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Doing Well' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Eleven' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Excuse Me' - Wet - Stereo 1
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Fall From Grace' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Final Round' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Five' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Go The Extra Mile' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'God Allows Everything For A Purpose' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Greetings' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Holy Smoke' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Interesting' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Let There Be Light' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Level Two' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Level Up' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Ow' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Ow' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Patrol Here' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Push Button' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Qualifying Round' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Reload' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Round Finished' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Saved' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Sector Two' - Wet
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Seize Them' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Stage One' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Three' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Weapon Restored' - Dry 2
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'What Are They Doing Here' - Dry
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'Who Are You' - Wet - Stereo
God Character - Deep Male Voice Saying - 'You're Lost' - Wet
Groan Male Late Thirties Disappointed
Growl Angry Short Male Fifty Year Old
Growl Single Short Raspy Element Male 25 Year Old
Grunts M
Heavy Boots Walking On Carpet
Heavy Boots Walking On The Wooden Barn Floor Interior
Heavy Boots Walking On The Wooden Barn Floor Interior
Heavy Boots Walking On The Wooden Barn Floor Interior, Close Up
Henchman Vocal - Male Voice - Crying - Short 2
Henchman Vocal - Male Voice - Fighting - Swinging 2
Henchman Vocal - Male Voice - Jumping - Long 5
Henchman Vocal - Male Voice - Laughing - Evil 2
Henchman Vocal - Male Voice - Pain - Hurt 3
Hospital Pa Announcement Via A Speaker Middle Aged Man Says Hospital Calls Code Blue
Hospital Pa Announcement Via A Speaker Middle Aged Man Says Hospital Calls Security To The Er
Human - Breathing - Male - Deep - Open Mouth - Intensive Sport Exercises
Human - Breathing - Male - Deep - Open Mouth - With P Formed Trembled Lips Exhaling 1
Human - Breathing - Male - Deep - Open Mouth - With P Formed Trembled Lips Exhaling 4
Human - Breathing - Male - Deep - Tired Mouth - With Vu Formed Lips Long Exhaling - With A Bit Of Voicing Like Getting Cold
Human - Breathing - Male - Open Mouth - Deep - Slow And Relaxing
Human - Breathing - Male - Open Mouth - Deep Inhaling - Slow Calm Exhaling 1
Human - Breathing - Male - Open Mouth - Flimsy - Fast
Human Cough - Man
Human Element Male Sigh 01
Human General Elements Middle Aged Man Scream Long Ah Scared 01
Human General Elements Middle Aged Man Throat Clear Multiple Long 01
Human General Elements Middle Aged Man Wheeze Breath In Single
Human Laughing Ah Ha Ha Ha Element Male Middle Age
Human Laughing Evil Long Male Fifty Year Old
Human Laughing Genuine Element Male Middle Age
Human Laughing Hearty Short Male Old
Human Laughing Hysterical Male Fifty Year Old
Human Laughing I Can T Stand It Long Male Fifty Year Old
Human Laughing Old Man Long Male Fifty Year Old
Human Laughing Short Male Fifty Year Old
Human Laughing Throat Loud Male Fifty Year Old
Human Male - Breathing - Exhaling - Moderate 6
Human Male - Breathing - Exhaling - Moderate 9
Human Male - Grunting From Pain - Hoarse 8
Human Male - Grunting From Pain - Strangled, Thin
Human Male - Grunting From Pain - Throaty 3
Human Male Scott Sneeze 3
Human Throwingup
Human Voice Clip Male Middle Age Greeting Goodbye Long 02
Human Voice Clip Male Middle Age Greeting Goodbye Short 01
Human Voice Clip Male Middle Age Greeting Hi Long 01
Human Voice Clip Male Middle Age Greeting Hola Short 01
Human Voice Clip Male Old Young Whipper Snappers 01
Human Voice Scream Long No 01
Human Voice Scream Loud Creepy
Human Voice Tasty Triple Mmm 01
Intense Male Laughter
Interior Car Police Radio Dispatch Old Man Says Adam Two What S Your Twenty
Jail Prison Door - Rattling - With A Male Voice Saying 'Let Me Out
Jargon Vocalization 07
Jargon Vocalization 11
Jolly Christmas Magic 01
Jolly Hello My Son Perfect Present
Jolly Ho Ho Ho 04
Kaib Amb Dst Light Traffic Air Man Walking Down Hallway
Laugh Female Male S******
Laugh Male Late Thirties Short Single
Laugh Male Thirties Evil Cartoon Mr Burns Ho Ho Mono M
Laugh Male Thirties Evil Sniveling Mono M
Low Grunt Huh
Male - Ghostly Voice - Saying 'Find Me' - Creepy Air - Ethereal Spirit - Wet
Male - Warrior 4 - Screaming - Battle War Cry - Fighting And Shouting 2
Male - Warrior 4 - Screaming - Battle War Cry - Fighting And Shouting 9
Male And Female Voices - Crowd Screaming During A Fire
Male Angry Hello
Male Auctioneer Pa Voice In The Distance Selling And Divvying Lots Blade Serve Some Voices
Male Auctioneer Pa Voice Introducing And Selling Twice Then Divvying Lots And Selling X Serve
Male Auctioneer Pa Voice Introducing And Selling With Calls X Serve
Male Auctioneer Pa Voice Selling With Calls Blade Server
Male Auctioneer Pa Voice Selling With Character And Calls Printer And Scanner
Male Baby Crying Nervous Laugh 01
Male Cackling And Giggling 03
Male Cackling And Giggling Laughter
Male Cartoon Cowboy Voice Says Howdy Partner
Male Cartoon Voice Says Angry Boss Your Fired
Male Cartoon Voice Says Busted 2
Male Cartoon Voice Says Cards Gambling Rummy
Male Cartoon Voice Says Come On
Male Cartoon Voice Says Coo Coo
Male Cartoon Voice Says Hallelujah Shout
Male Cartoon Voice Says Hey
Male Cartoon Voice Says Hey
Male Cartoon Voice Says In A Pirate Voice Send Him To Davey Jones Locker
Male Cartoon Voice Says In A Pirate Voice Thar She Blows
Male Cartoon Voice Says Laugh Crazy
Male Cartoon Voice Says Oh Man
Male Cartoon Voice Says Oh No
Male Cartoon Voice Says Oh No Weird
Male Cartoon Voice Says Old Pizza
Male Cartoon Voice Says Old What S That Matter With You
Male Cartoon Voice Says Pee You
Male Cartoon Voice Says Scientist I Am A Super Genius
Male Cartoon Voice Says Uh Oh
Male Cartoon Voice Says Yeouch
Male Cartoonish Voice Saying 'I'm Gettin Outta Here' 2
Male Cartoonish Voice Saying 'That's The End Of The Show Folks
Male Cartoonish Voice Saying 'Yea
Male Computer Pa System Announces Ten
Male Computer Pa System Announces Access Granted
Male Computer Pa System Announces Remote Activation
Male Computer Pa System Announces System Overload
Male Computer Pa System Announces System Override Failure
Male Computer Pa System Announces Thirty Percent
Male Computer Pa System Announces User Name Rejected
Male Computer Pa System Voice Says 30 Thirty
Male Computer Pa System Voice Says Activation Code
Male Computer Pa System Voice Says Commence System Shutdown
Male Computer Pa System Voice Says Im Sorry
Male Computer Voice Says 0 Zero Meters
Male Computer Voice Says Activating Hyper Drive
Male Computer Voice Says Authorization Required
Male Computer Voice Says Billion
Male Computer Voice Says Eight
Male Computer Voice Says Landing Sequence Aborted
Male Computer Voice Says Landing Sequence Initiated
Male Computer Voice Says Launch Sequence Activated
Male Computer Voice Says Life Form Detected
Male Computer Voice Says Life Systems Operational
Male Computer Voice Says Light Speed Activated
Male Computer Voice Says Please Enter Your Password
Male Computer Voice Says Three
Male Computer Voice Says User Name Rejected
Male Computer Voice Says Weapons Activated
Male Contagious Nervous Laugh 04
Male Cough
Male Country Voice Hows It Going
Male Country Voice You Betcha
Male Days English Friday
Male Days English Thursday
Male Days Spanish Friday
Male Disgusted Hmm
Male Dumb Bro Voice - Laughing 2
Male Dumb Bro Voice Saying - 'Sick Man Yeah
Male Dumb Bro Voice Saying - 'Yo Dude
Male Dumb Bro Voice Saying - 'Yo' 3
Male Dumb Bro Voice Shouting - 'Yo' 1
Male Evil Voice Saying 'You Will Surely Die
Male Frustrated Scream 1
Male Game Announcer Voice Saying 'Final Round
Male Game Announcer Voice Saying 'Round One
Male Game Voice Saying "Game Over" 1
Male Ghost Whisper Hear My Voice
Male Intense Nervous Laugh 04
Male Intensive Cackling Laughter 02
Male Irish Go Away You Idiot 1
Male Irish Happy Saint Patrick S Day 2
Male Irish Remarkable 2
Male Irish You Re Drunk 1
Male Letters English A
Male Letters Spanish
Male Letters Spanish B
Male Letters Spanish F
Male Letters Spanish H
Male Letters Spanish R
Male Letters Spanish V
Male Letters Spanish W
Male Light Giggly Laughter 01
Male Military Voice Grunts 5
Male Military Voice Grunts 8
Male Military Voice Grunts 16
Male Military Voice Saying '8
Male Military Voice Saying 'Breach
Male Military Voice Saying 'Clear
Male Military Voice Saying 'Delta
Male Military Voice Saying 'Down There
Male Military Voice Saying 'Echo
Male Military Voice Saying 'Explosion
Male Military Voice Saying 'Go Go Go
Male Military Voice Saying 'Have You Got Eyes On
Male Military Voice Saying 'Hold Positions
Male Military Voice Saying 'Hostage Located
Male Military Voice Saying 'I Repeat
Male Military Voice Saying 'Marking Drop Zone
Male Military Voice Saying 'Mission Is A Go
Male Military Voice Saying 'Move In
Male Military Voice Saying 'No Sir' 1
Male Military Voice Saying 'Objective Reached
Male Military Voice Saying 'Ready For Launch
Male Military Voice Saying 'Ready For Orders
Male Military Voice Saying 'Red Team
Male Military Voice Saying 'Reloading' 2
Male Military Voice Saying 'Remember Your Training
Male Military Voice Saying 'Reporting For Duty
Male Military Voice Saying 'Stop
Male Military Voice Saying 'Surrender
Male Military Voice Saying 'Target Spotted
Male Military Voice Saying 'That's It Boys
Male Military Voice Saying 'Uav Online
Male Military Voice Saying 'What Did You Say
Male Military Voice Saying 'Yeah
Male Military Voice Saying 'Yes
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper '9Th
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Airstrike On The Way
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'B
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Contact 2
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Down There 2
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Enemy Is Jamming The Radar
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Hold This Position
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Hostage Rescued
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Hostile Located
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Intel Received
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Man Down' 2
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Right There
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Stand Down
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Standing By' 2
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Team
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'Up The Stairs
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'We're 8 Minutes Out
Male Military Voice Saying With A Whisper 'We've Got The Enemy Flag
Male Military Voice Shouting
Male Military Voice Shouting '1
Male Military Voice Shouting '7
Male Military Voice Shouting '8
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Alright Soldier
Male Military Voice Shouting 'B
Male Military Voice Shouting 'C4, Watch Out
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Charge
Male Military Voice Shouting 'D
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Enemy Spotted' 1
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Get On The Gun
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Go' 1
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Hold Steady
Male Military Voice Shouting 'I Repeat
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Incoming' 3
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Never Give Up
Male Military Voice Shouting 'No Sir' 2
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Ok
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Overwatch
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Ready
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Retreat
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Stand Your Ground
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Standby
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Target Marked
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Target Spotted
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Up There
Male Military Voice Shouting 'Yeah
Male Movie Trailer Voice Saying Sin You Sinners Eerie
Male Movie Trailer Voice Saying Sounds Of Halloween 2
Male Movie Trailer Voice Saying Welcome To Motel Hell 1
Male Nervous Laugh 02 Short
Male Numbers English Robot 07
Male Numbers Spanish 10
Male Numbers Spanish Robot 03
Male Open And Trustworthy Fake Laughter 02
Male Pain 2
Male Pain 6
Male Pain 7
Male Pain 40
Male Pain 41
Male Pain 47
Male Pain 62
Male Pain 65
Male Pain 72
Male Pain 84
Male Pain Groan 3
Male Pain Moan 1
Male Pain Moan 6
Male Pain Moan 10
Male Pain Scream 2
Male Posh An Garde 2
Male Radio Voice - Unintelligible And Neutral 3
Male Radio Voice - Unintelligible And Yelling 2
Male Ready Or Not Here I Come
Male Saying Hi There
Male Saying Terrific 2
Male Short Scream 2
Male Sinister Voice Saying 'It's Time To Meet Your Maker' - With Laughing
Male Suppressed Cackling Laughter 02
Male Suppressed Cackling Laughter 03
Male Suppressed Giggling 03
Male Surprised Oh Wow
Male Time For Dinner
Male Torture Screams 4
Male Tough Guy Voice Saying "Back Off
Male Tough Guy Voice Saying "I'm Outta Here
Male Umpire Says Strike
Male Vocal Grunts Rises 09
Male Vocal Grunts Short 02
Male Vocal Grunts Short 08
Male Vocal Shouts 06
Male Vocal Shouts 11
Male Vocalization Being Choked And Strangled 2
Male Vocalization Bound And Gagged With Grunting 1
Male Vocalization Exertion Pushing Or Pulling Short 2
Male Vocalization Exertion Pushing Or Pulling Short 15
Male Vocalization Grunting Human Injury With Pain Vocal Ugh And Ouch 6
Male Vocalization Grunting Human Injury With Pain Vocal Ugh And Ouch 8
Male Vocalization Grunting Human Injury With Pain Vocal Ugh And Ouch 9
Male Vocalization Grunting Human Injury With Pain Vocal Ugh And Ouch 10
Male Vocalization Human Death Male With A Dying Sigh And Grunting 2
Male Vocalization Human Death Male With A Dying Sigh And Grunting 4
Male Vocalization Human Death Male With A Dying Sigh And Grunting 6
Male Vocalization Mouth Gurgling Man Gurgling With Water
Male Vocalization Pain From Injury Argh Medium 6
Male Vocalization Pain Shouting Ow 2
Male Vocalization Pain Umph Male Painful Grunting And Hurting 1
Male Vocalization Pain Umph Male Painful Grunting And Hurting 2
Male Vocalization Screaming Intense Pain From Torture 5
Male Vocalization Short Pain From Injury Umph 3
Male Vocalization Short Pain Grunting 6
Male Vocalization Sighing Bored Or Relief Male Relieved Sighing 1
Male Vocalization Sneezing Male Sneeze 3
Male Vocalization Snoring Male Snore 4
Male Voice - Cartoon - Evil Laughing
Male Voice - Cartoon - Karate Yelling And Hitting - 'Hiyaa
Male Voice - Saying - 'Double Kill
Male Voice - Saying - 'Oh Yeah
Male Voice - Saying - 'Yeah
Male Voice - Saying - 'Yes' - School Boy
Male Voice - Saying - 'Yes' - School Boy - Winner
Male Voice - Saying - 'Yooho
Male Voice - Screaming - Being Attacked - Perspective 4
Male Voice - Screaming - Being Tortured - Medium Distant 4
Male Voice - Screaming - Football Fan 6
Male Voice - Screaming - In Agony 8
Male Voice - Screaming - In Panic 3
Male Voice - Screaming - Medium Long
Male Voice - Screaming - Panicking 1
Male Voice - Screaming - Serial Killer - Medium Distant 2
Male Voice - Screaming - Strangled - Medium Short
Male Voice - Suffering Moans - Short
Male Voice Armed And Ready Over Intercom
Male Voice Choking And Gagging 3
Male Voice Excited Soft Oh Yeah
Male Voice Expressing Anger 6
Male Voice Forward March
Male Voice Frustrated Ah
Male Voice Gasping In Pain 1
Male Voice Here Here
Male Voice Hes Crazy
Male Voice Its Nine Oclock
Male Voice Just Shut Up
Male Voice Now Thats A Crazy Dude
Male Voice Oh My Gosh That Stinks
Male Voice Order Today
Male Voice Prepare For Attack Over Intercom
Male Voice Proceed With Caution Over Intercom
Male Voice Saying '911 Operator What's Your Emergency
Male Voice Saying 'Absolutely Delicious' 1
Male Voice Saying 'Access Granted
Male Voice Saying 'Ah You Do It
Male Voice Saying 'All The Way
Male Voice Saying 'Amen
Male Voice Saying 'Amen Brother
Male Voice Saying 'And Now A Message From Our Sponsors
Male Voice Saying 'Assassination
Male Voice Saying 'Come On Come On
Male Voice Saying 'Do It
Male Voice Saying 'Don't Let Me Down Men
Male Voice Saying 'Forget About It
Male Voice Saying 'Forget About It Will Ya
Male Voice Saying 'Go Ahead
Male Voice Saying 'Go Go
Male Voice Saying 'Great Shot' 2
Male Voice Saying 'Hey Give Me A Call
Male Voice Saying 'I Am Not Gonna Ask You Again' 3
Male Voice Saying 'I'm Not Gonna Say It Again
Male Voice Saying 'I'm Sorry But That Was Pathetic
Male Voice Saying 'Just Get Off My Case
Male Voice Saying 'Ladies And Gentlemen Your Attention Please' 2
Male Voice Saying 'Let's Go' 3
Male Voice Saying 'Oh My With Laugh
Male Voice Saying 'Stand Back
Male Voice Saying 'That's Amazing
Male Voice Saying 'That's Pathetic
Male Voice Saying 'Um Hum
Male Voice Saying 'We're Going In
Male Voice Saying 'Well What About That
Male Voice Saying 'What's Happening
Male Voice Saying 'What's The Problem' 1
Male Voice Saying 'What's Up Sister
Male Voice Saying 'Why Hello There
Male Voice Saying 'Will You Just Listen
Male Voice Saying 'Woohoo All Right
Male Voice Saying 'Wow That's Amazing
Male Voice Saying 'Wow What A Shot' 3
Male Voice Saying 'Wrong Move
Male Voice Saying 'Yelling Let The Fight Begin
Male Voice Saying 'Yo What's Up Fool' 1
Male Voice Saying 'You Failed
Male Voice Saying 'You Idiot
Male Voice Saying 'You Some Kind Of Wise Guy' 1
Male Voice Saying 'You Talkin To Me' 2
Male Voice Saying 'You Won' 1
Male Voice Saying 'You Wouldn't Dare' 2
Male Voice Saying 'You're A Cheater
Male Voice Saying 'You're Crazy' 1
Male Voice Saying Angrily 'Don't Push Me
Male Voice Saying Angrily 'I Agree
Male Voice Saying Angrily 'I Agree With You
Male Voice Saying Angrily 'Let Go' 1
Male Voice Saying Angrily 'Let Go' 2
Male Voice Saying Angrily 'No
Male Voice Saying Angrily 'Watch Your Mouth
Male Voice Saying Digital Demo Watermark
Male Voice Saying Reluctantly 'Okay It's Time To Go
Male Voice Says Get Your Hot Dogs Here
Male Voice Screaming Cold
Male Voice Screaming While Falling 6
Male Voice Screaming While Falling 7
Male Voice Security Breach
Male Voice Sexy Baby I Love You
Male Voice Soft Saying 'Wake Up
Male Voice That Makes Me Frustrated 3
Male Voice Time For Some Bluegrass Yall
Male Voice Tortured Crying - Wet 1
Male Voice Umm Delicious
Male Voice Unfreaking Believable 2
Male Voice Wake Up 2
Male Voice Weight Lifting And Grunting 5
Male Voice Whats Going On
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying A Number '7
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying A Number '22
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying A Number '23
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying A Number '30
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying A Number '37
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying A Number '49
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying A Number '56
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying Chess Piece Term, 'King
Male Voice With A British Accent Saying Chess Piece Term, 'Knight
Male Voice Would You Please Stop The Whining
Male Voice Yelling 'Hallelujah' 1
Male Voice Yelling 'It's A Miracle
Male Voice Yelling 'Knock Him Down
Male Voice Yelling 'Show Some Respect' 2
Male Vomiting 1
Male Whistle Rising
Male Yelling I Said Get Out 2
Male1 Onfire6
Male1 Vomit6
Male2 Hurt8
Male2 Onfire4
Male3 Shock2
Male3 Shock6
Male3 Shock9
Male3 Shock10
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