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Electric Library The Electric S Library is a treasure trove of that capture the essence of electricity in all its forms.
Created by Bardman 9

Electric SFX Library

The Electric S Library is a treasure trove of sounds that capture the essence of electricity in all its forms. From the high-pitched whirring of an Electric Hand Saw cutting through wood to the mesmerizing sound of an Electric Guitar playing a complex F Minor Eleventh chord, these audio snippets transport you to a world where sparks fly and currents surge. With a click of a button, you can immerse yourself in the dynamic buzz of electricity buzzing and moving with a sense of urgency.

As you delve deeper into the collection, you'll encounter the peculiar sound of a Toy Drill Electric struggling to run off, as well as the exhilarating revving of an RC Toy Car's small motor steering from left to right with its wheels squealing in protest. The metallic whirring of a Blacksmith Benchgrinder's electric motor powering up and down reverberates through your speakers, adding a touch of industrial grit to the mix.

But it's not just the mechanical sounds that captivate your senses in the Electric S Library. The distorted riffs of an Electric Guitar playing leads and fills in Eb Minor and C Diminished take on a raw and edgy feel, while the spiritual bass groove in G at 101 BPM evokes a sense of transcendence. Pair these music-oriented sounds with the electromagnetic accents and smooth warbling buzzing, and you have a sonic palette that is as diverse as it is electrifying.

From the crackling sizzle of high-voltage electric arcs to the eerie hum of an electromagnetic accent, the Electric S Library offers a glimpse into the unseen forces that power our modern world. Whether you're looking for a sound to add tension to a film score or to create an otherworldly atmosphere in a video game, these audio snippets are sure to spark your creativity.

As you explore the depths of the Electric S Library, you'll come across unexpected gems like the sound of a garage door being manually pulled down with no motor assistance, or the strange digital electronic fidgety rubs that defy easy categorization. These offbeat sounds add a layer of intrigue to an already eclectic collection, making it a playground for sound designers and music producers alike.

In conclusion, the Electric S Library is a veritable playground of sounds that range from the familiar to the downright bizarre. With a diverse array of audio snippets at your fingertips, you can experiment, create, and push the boundaries of sonic expression like never before. So why wait? Dive in, play, and download these electrifying sounds to spark your next creative endeavor.
A Major Blues 90 Clean
A Major Funk Riff 90 Clean
Air Pump Electric On Run Off
Alarm Clock Electronic Buzz Start Steady 1
Alarm Clock Electronic Medium Distant Buzz Snooze Some Pumping
Alarm Electrical Warble 01
Analogue Synth Tone - Computer Malfunctioning - Wacky - Data 1
Analogue Synth Tone - Computer Malfunctioning - Wacky - Data 4
Arch Welder Crackle Long Electricity Sparks
B Fretted Over
Beard Trimmer Turning On And Running And Working Then Turning Off
Button - Pressing - Turning On Or Off 1
C Major Pop Rock Riff 140 Over
Camera Minolta Dynax Flash Buzz Mono
Car Window Closing
Casio Sk 1 - Circuit Bent - Grainy Atonal Loop
Circuit Scanner - Clock Pulse - Electronic Emf Timing Control Noise 2
Circuit Scanner - Signal Noise - Electronic Emf Interference 6
Circuit Scanner - Signal Noise - Electronic Emf Interference 12
Coffee Machine 2 - Contact Microphone
Delinter Small Motor Turning On And Running And Shaking Maniacally Then Turning Off
Delinter Small Motor Turning On And Running Constantly Then Turning Off
Designed Feedback - 1980'S Digital Data Transfer - Modulated - Low
Designed Feedback - Data Transfer Loop - Piercing And Tonal - High
Designed Feedback - Internet Cloud Data Transfer - Finishing And Modulated - High - Noisy
Designed Feedback - Low Bit Rate Data Transfer - Cycle - Percussive
Digital Electricity - High Pitched Buzz, Staticy, Oscillating 2
Digital Electricity - Mid Low Buzz, Rhythmic Oscillating
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays B Diminished
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Blues Fill Descend
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Blues Fill Slide
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Bsus2
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays C Augmented
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays C Diminished
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays C Eleventh
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays C Minor 6Th 9Th
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays C Ninth
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Chromatic Descend
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays D Minor 6Th 9Th
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays D Seventh
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Dsus4
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays E Diminished
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays E Minor Eleventh
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays E Ninth
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Eb Augmented
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Eb Minor
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Ebsus4
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Esus2
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Esus4
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays F Eleventh
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays F Major
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays F Major
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays F Minor 6Th 9Th
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays F Minor Seventh
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Fifth Interval
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Fsus4
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Fsus4
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays G Eleventh
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays G Major
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Gsus4
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Lead Blues Fill Bend
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Lead Blues Fill Happy
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Lead Pull Off Fill
Distorted Electric Guitar Plays Major Pentatonic Fill
Door Heavy Electric Motorized Door Closing
Drill Cordless Ryobi Remove Screw No Contact
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor 06
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance B
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance B
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 02 A
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 04 A
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 06 A
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 07 A
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 08 B
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 09 B
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 10 B
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 19 A
Efx Int 1 5Vdc Motor Resistance 20 A
Efx Int 3Vdc Motor B
Efx Int 3Vdc Motor 04 B
Efx Int 3Vdc Motor 07 A
Efx Int 12V Motor 07 B
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 01 B
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 03 B
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 04 B
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 08 A
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 11 A
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 13 A
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 13 B
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 15 A
Efx Int Dewalt 18V Cordless Drill 17 A
Efx Int Drill Gear A
Efx Int Drill Gear B
Efx Int Drill Gear 02 A
Efx Int Drill Gear 08 B
Efx Int Drill Gear 10 B
Efx Int Drill Motor A
Efx Int Drill Motor 01 A
Efx Int Drill Motor 03 B
Efx Int Drill Motor 05 A
Efx Int Drill Motor 07 B
Efx Int Drill Motor 13 A
Efx Int Drill Press A
Efx Int Drill Press 02 B
Efx Int Drill Variac 02 A
Efx Int Drill Variac 02 B
Efx Int Drill Variac 03 A
Efx Int Electric Mud Mixer 01 B
Efx Int Electric Mud Mixer 03 B
Efx Int Electric Mud Mixer 06 A
Efx Int Electric Mud Mixer 07 A
Efx Int Electric Stove On 01
Efx Int Hammer Drill 02 A
Efx Int Hammer Drill 04 B
Efx Int Hammer Drill 09 B
Efx Int Hammer Drill 12 B
Efx Int Industrial Sewing Machine 01 B
Efx Int Industrial Sewing Machine 02 A
Efx Int Industrial Sewing Machine 02 B
Efx Int Industrial Sewing Machine 03 A
Efx Int Industrial Sewing Machine 06 A
Efx Int Industrial Sewing Machine 07 B
Efx Int Meat Grinder 02 B
Efx Int Metal Band Saw 01 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Drill 01 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Drill 02 A
Efx Int Rigid 12V Drill 06 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Drill 12 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Drill 13 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Sawsall 02 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Sawsall 03 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Sawsall 04 B
Efx Int Rigid 12V Sawsall 09 A
Efx Int Rigid 12V Sawsall 10 A
Efx Int Saw Variac B
Efx Int Saw Variac 02 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 03 B
Efx Int Saw Variac 04 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 04 B
Efx Int Saw Variac 05 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 05 B
Efx Int Saw Variac 06 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 07 B
Efx Int Saw Variac 10 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 14 B
Efx Int Saw Variac 15 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 18 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 18 B
Efx Int Saw Variac 20 A
Efx Int Saw Variac 21 B
Efx Int Saw Variac 22 A
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Iron
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Iron 02
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Iron 03
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Iron 06
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Metal 03
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Steel
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Steel 02
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Steel 03
Efx Int Small Drill Motor On Steel 06
Efx Sd Emf 14
Elec Bidi Di Di
Electric Arc Sparking Single
Electric Bass In A Bass Line Intense Mood
Electric Bass In A Bass Line Softy Bass
Electric Bass In A Bass Line Softy Bass Loop
Electric Bass In F Jazz Jazz Hands
Electric Bass In G Country Bass Line Loop
Electric Buzzing Bright
Electric Buzzing Swelling 2
Electric Buzzing Warbling
Electric Drill 02 03
Electric Drill 02 05
Electric Drill 02 15
Electric Drill 02 17
Electric Drill 02 23
Electric Drill 02 24
Electric Drill 02 26
Electric Guitar A Chord 115Bpm
Electric Guitar Accent - All Strings - Muted Picking Effect - Slow Picking
Electric Guitar Accent - Fast Picking Ascending Riff - With A Bit Of Overdrive
Electric Guitar Accent - Medium Speed - Ascending Chords With A Winner Feeling
Electric Guitar Accent - Medium Speed - Ascending Heavy Distorted Riff - Palm Muted
Electric Guitar Accent - Medium Speed - Classic Solo Intro 2
Electric Guitar Accent - Medium Speed - Descending Chords - Gives A Deception, Loosing, Or Failing Feeling 1
Electric Guitar Accent - Medium Speed - Simple Overdriven Riff - Strumming Chord
Electric Guitar Accent - Medium To Slow Speed - Lightly Overdriven Old Country Riff - Drunk Feeling
Electric Guitar Accent - Plucking A Chord On An Untuned Guitar 2
Electric Guitar Accent - Slow Riff - Overdriven Chords
Electric Guitar Accent - Slowly Descending Chords With Smooth Picking - Deception Feeling 1
Electric Guitar Accent - Slowly Playing Chords On An Untuned Guitar
Electric Guitar Accent - Slowly Plucked Strings - Sad Feeling 2
Electric Guitar Accent - String Scraping With A Guitar Pick 3
Electric Guitar Accent - Very Slowly Sliding The Pick Along The String 1
Electric Guitar In A Country Chord Country Slidin
Electric Guitar In C Country Filler Slide
Electric Guitar In D Chord Tremolo
Electric Guitar In E Blues Filler Duane Slide Filler
Electric Guitar In E Country Riff Tremolo Loop
Electric Guitar In E Funk Funk It Up
Electric Guitar In E Rock Big Bar Dive
Electric Guitar In E Rock Filler Dales Run
Electric Guitar In E Rock Metal Rhythm Heavy Evil Loop
Electric Guitar In F Sharp Rock Rhythm Cruisin Fuzz
Electric Guitar In G Mystery Vibrato
Electric Guitar In G Rock Bar Harmonic Dive
Electric Guitar In G Sharp Country Rhythm Struttin Reverb Loop
Electric Guitar Plays A Augmented
Electric Guitar Plays A Seventh
Electric Guitar Plays B Minor 6Th 9Th
Electric Guitar Plays B Seventh
Electric Guitar Plays Bb Minor 6Th 9Th
Electric Guitar Plays Blues Chord Riff
Electric Guitar Plays Blues Fill
Electric Guitar Plays Blues Soulful Fill
Electric Guitar Plays Bsus4
Electric Guitar Plays C Major
Electric Guitar Plays C Minor 6Th 9Th
Electric Guitar Plays C Minor Eleventh
Electric Guitar Plays Chord Eerie
Electric Guitar Plays Chord Strum Major
Electric Guitar Plays Chords Back To The Show
Electric Guitar Plays Chords Major Long
Electric Guitar Plays Chords Strum Major
Electric Guitar Plays Csus4
Electric Guitar Plays D Minor
Electric Guitar Plays Diminished Chord Ascend Pick Suspense Tension
Electric Guitar Plays Diminished Chord Slide
Electric Guitar Plays Dsus4
Electric Guitar Plays E Minor
Electric Guitar Plays E Minor Eleventh
Electric Guitar Plays E Ninth
Electric Guitar Plays Eb Diminished
Electric Guitar Plays Eb Eleventh
Electric Guitar Plays Eb Major
Electric Guitar Plays Eb Minor
Electric Guitar Plays Eb Minor 6Th 9Th
Electric Guitar Plays Eb Minor Seventh
Electric Guitar Plays Eb Seventh
Electric Guitar Plays Esus4
Electric Guitar Plays F Diminished
Electric Guitar Plays F Major
Electric Guitar Plays F Minor
Electric Guitar Plays F Minor Eleventh
Electric Guitar Plays Fs
Electric Guitar Plays G Augmented
Electric Guitar Plays G Diminished
Electric Guitar Plays G Major
Electric Guitar Plays G Ninth
Electric Guitar Plays Gs
Electric Guitar Plays Lead Blues Fill Bend
Electric Guitar Plays Lead Blues Fill Happy
Electric Guitar Plays Lead Pull Off Fill
Electric Guitar Plays Major Chord Daddy
Electric Guitar Plays Major Chord Embellishment
Electric Guitar Plays Major Riff Pedal Tone
Electric Guitar Plays Soulful Lead Riff
Electric Guitar Riff Ascending 02
Electric Hand Saw - Cutting Wood - Servo - Fast Speed And Stopping
Electric Impact Wrench On Tighten Bolt 7 16 Inch Skipping Off
Electric Interference - Humming And Buzzing - Broken Radio - Alien Signal - Space - Sci Fi
Electric Pencil Sharpener Running - Cover On
Electric Pencil Sharpener Running - Movement
Electric Pencil Sharpener Short Revs Multiple 01
Electric Planer - On, Run, And Off
Electric Pulse Generator 2
Electric Pulse Generator 9
Electric Radiator 01 Turning On And Off
Electric Radiator 02 Turning On And Off
Electric Razor Turning On, Running Short, And Turning Off, Medium Distant, Xy Stereo
Electric Razor Turning On, Running, Movement, And Turning Off 2, Medium Distant, Ab Stereo, Expansive
Electric Razor Turning On, Running, Slight Wavering, And Turning Off, Medium Distant, Xy Stereo
Electric Spark Bursting 2
Electric Sparks 4
Electric Stutter Crackling
Electric Toothbrush Brushing Teeth Steadily With Mouth Open In The Distance
Electric Toothbrush Turning On And Running And Then Turning Off Offside
Electrical Arc Zap 3
Electrical Fire 7
Electrical Hum 02
Electrical Hum 03
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Humming - Continuous - Low Pitch 1
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Humming - Continuous - Low Pitch 2
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Humming - Continuous 12
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Humming - Intermittent 2
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Medium 4
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 10
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 21
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 24
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 27
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 32
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling With A Spark - Humming - Short - Distant Perspective
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling With A Spark - Humming - Short 1
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling With A Spark - Humming - Short 4
Electricity - Arc - Sizzling With A Spark - Humming - Short 5
Electricity - Bug Zapper - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 8
Electricity - Electrified Pickle - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Long 3
Electricity - Taser - Snapping - Far Perspective 3
Electricity - Taser - Snapping - Far Perspective 9
Electricity - Taser - Snapping - Far Perspective 11
Electricity - Welder - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Medium 5
Electricity - Welder - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 1
Electricity - Welder - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 7
Electricity - Welder - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 9
Electricity - Welder - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 12
Electricity - Welder - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 17
Electricity - Welder - Sizzling And Snapping With A Spark - Humming - Short 21
Electricity Arc 05
Electricity Arc 16
Electricity Arc 18
Electricity Arc 29
Electricity Interference
Electricity Sparks 03
Electro Magnetic Buzz Or Hum - High Tonal Noise
Electro Magnetic Buzz Or Hum - Static Crackling - Pulsating Humming With Rhythmical Ticking And Few Glitches
Electro Magnetic Buzz Or Hum - Static Humming - With Few Quiet Crackling
Electromagnetic Accent - Emf - Smooth
Electromagnetic Accent - Emf - Telemetry Beeps - Fast
Electromagnetic Accent - Emf - Weird Glassy Interference - Humming And Clicks
Electromagnetic Field - Clicks, Pops, And Some Squeaks 1
Electromagnetic Field - Clicks, Pops, And Some Squeaks 2
Electromagnetic Field - Computer - Power Down
Electromagnetic Field - Computer - Scanning With Hum
Electromagnetic Field - Hum - Passing By - Powerful 4
Electromagnetic Field - Sharp Field Tone With Rhythmic Movement 04
Electromagnetic Field - Sharp Field Tone With Rhythmic Movement 05
Electromagnetic Field - Shredder - Power On And Off - Gritty 2
Electromagnetic Field - Static And Beeps - Computer
Electromagnetic Field - Steady Buzz
Electromagnetic Fields - Buzzing And Humming
Electromagnetic Waves 3 Laptop Computer
Electromagnetic Waves 5 Modem
Electronic Clicks Bell Ding
Electronic Typewriter Carriage Movement 5
Electronic Typewriter Space Bar With Paper Shuffle And Beep 2
Electronic Typewriter Stroke 1
Electronic Typewriter Stroke X2 1
Fast Fuzzy Lick
Foley Electric Pencil Sharpener Sharpen Pencil Long 01
Furby - 90'S Popular Talking Toy - Circuit Bent - Glitching Spoken Phrases With Mechanical Moving Parts 9
Furby - 90'S Popular Talking Toy - Circuit Bent - Glitching Spoken Phrases With Mechanical Moving Parts 10
G Major Pop Rock Riff 140 Clean
G9 Clean
Garage - Electric Roller Door Shutter - Creaking, Rattling, Squeaking With Thud, And Mechanism 7
Garage Door 1/2 Hp, Door Catch On Mechanism
Garage Door 1/2 Hp, Emergency Stop And Retract With Light Clicks
Garage Door 1/2 Hp, Manual Operation With No Motor, Pulling Down Fast
Garage Door 1/2 Hp, Manual Operation With No Motor, Pulling Down Fast, Ab Usi Pro
Garage Door 1/2 Hp, Manual Operation With No Motor, Pulling Down Slowly, Ab Usi Pro
Garage Door 1/2 Hp, Moving Up, Down, And Up, Ab 4060
Garage Door Close Electric Motor Automatic
Garage Door Open Electric Motor Automatic
Glitch Loop - Low And Grumpy Buzzing With Crackling - Broken Occasionally - Glitch Loop Pattern With Low Crackle - Lo Fi And
Glitch Loop - Thin Growling Buzz With Static - Glitch Loop With Static Crackling And Broken Buzzing
Glitch Radio Transmission Noise And Static 1
Gun Rifle Airsoft Lucid L Automatic Electric Bolt Medium Distant Action Slide X2
Gun Rifle Airsoft Lucid L47 Automatic Electric Bolt Action Slide Strong
Gun Rifle Airsoft Lucid L47 Automatic Electric Magazine In
Gun Rifle Airsoft Lucid L47 Automatic Electric Magazine In Concise
Gun Rifle Airsoft Lucid L47 Automatic Electric Magazine Medium Distant In Hard
Gun Rifle Airsoft Lucid L47 Automatic Electric Safety Auto To Semi
High Voltage Electric Arcs 2
Horror Impact Transition 6 Low Frequency 1
Ilmarinen Blacksmith Benchgrinder Switch Onoff Run Free Electric Motor Whirring Powerupdown Solo 2
Industrial Machinery - Electric Hand Drill - Starting, Clutch Gear Spinning, Motor Whirring, Idling, And Turning Off 2
Industrial Machinery - Electric Hand Drill - Starting, Clutch Gear Spinning, Motor Whirring, Idling, And Turning Off 3
Industrial Machinery - Electric Hand Drill - Starting, Idling, Turning Off, Motor Humming, And Constant Whirring 1
Industrial Machinery - Electric Jigsaw - Rigid - Short Running, Turning On, Whirring, And Revving 2
Industrial Machinery - Electric Jigsaw - Running, Scraping On A Wooden Surface, Motor Whirring, And Slowing Down
Industrial Machinery - Electric Jigsaw - Running, Scraping On A Wooden Surface, Motor Whirring, And Slowing Down 6
Industrial Machinery - Workshop Tools - Electric - Large Angle Grinder - Starting, Running, Cutting Metal, And Stopping 5
Industrial Machinery - Workshop Tools - Electric - Large Angle Grinder - Turning On, False Start, Short, And Stopping 1
Industrial Machinery - Workshop Tools - Electric - Large Angle Grinder - Turning On, Starting, Revving, And Stopping 8
Industrial Machinery - Workshop Tools - Electric - Large Angle Grinder - Turning On, Starting, Short Idling, And Stopping 5
Industrial Mechanical Electric Door Large Mid Perspective Closed Hutchsfx
Industrial Mechanical Electric Door Large Mid Perspective Closing Vairations Hutchsfx
Industry Tools Steel Electrocution 01
Inteferon 1125Khz
Jackout 1
Judloop 01
Kaib Dzn Di Modular Synthesizer Electronic Drone Transformation Lofi
Kaib Elec Di Induction Telemetrics Two Tone Pulse
Laser Zap Low Short Electric Production Element Imaging Element Accent Transition
Lawn Trimmer - Electric - Parkside Prt 550 A5 - Operating
Light Electrical Propeller Plane Idle Then Takeoff Away Xy 02
Light Electrical Propeller Plane Idle With Other Plane Revving Xy
Light Switch
Makita Electric Drill - Drilling Into Paprika Fruit 1
Makita Electric Drill - Drilling Into Paprika Fruit 2
Makita Electric Drill - Pulses 4
Makita Electric Drill - Pulses 5
Makita Electric Drill - Running And Spinning 6 - Mono
Metal Hit 1 - Contact Microphone
Microphone Handling 1 - Contact Microphone
Mot Coffee Machine Small Warm Up Water Boil And Run Expresso
Mot Epilator Electric Rev Servo Short
Mot Escalator Run In Close Perspective Metal Roll Cycle
Mot Fan Blower Large Start With Medium Rumble And Light Metal Rattle
Mot Fan Malfunctioning Rattle
Mot Fridge Large Professional Fan Run And Stop
Mot Ice Cube Machine Professional Fan Run In Close Perspective
Motor Fan 016 Int Mechanical Electric Fan Typea Mid Contact Mic
Motor Fan 017 Int Mechanical Electric Fan Typea High Contact Mic
Motorcycle Discover Medium Speed Pull Up Braking Stop Indian M
Motorcycle Discover Pass By 01 Indian M
Motorcycle Discover Pass By 05 Indian M
Motorcycle Karizma Electric Start Riding Fast Speed Tire Skid Slow Down Indian M
Motorcycle Royal Enfield 350 Cc Electric Start Idle Engine Off Indian M
Moving Toy
Musical Melody Electric Piano Sweeper Airy Reverb Wash
Nespresso Machine - Placing In Cap
Nespresso Machine - Running
Office Electric Pencil Sharpener Insert Pencil Sharpen Grind 01
Palm Sander Turn On Run Turn Off Craftsman
Pencil Sharpener Long Revs 1
Pig - Baby - Screaming And Shrilling - City Street 1
Pm Of Electro Magnetic One Shots 49
Pm Of Electro Magnetic One Shots 51
Power Drill - Running - With Muted Revs 2
Razor Electric Norelco Plug Insert And Remove X 3
Razor Electric Norelco Remove Razor Head
Razor Electric Norelco Switch On And Off
Razor Electric On Run Off Shave Hair
Rc Car 1
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Friction - Accelerating Fast, Crashing, Remote
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Friction - Crashing, Remote Control Plastic
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Friction - Crashing, Remote Control Plastic 3
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Passing By - Doppler Effect - Motor Whining 1
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Passing By - Doppler Effect - Motor Whining 2
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Passing By - Doppler Effect - Motor Whining 5
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Passing By - Doppler Effect - Motor Whining 8
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Passing By - Motor Whining 7
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Robot - Winding Up, Powering Down, Long Strained
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Robot - Winding Up, Powering Down, Long Strained 5
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Robot - Winding Up, Powering Down, Long Strained 6
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Robot - Winding Up, Powering Down, Long Strained 14
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Running And Stopping - Whining 3
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Running And Stopping - Whining 8
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Running And Stopping - Whining 11
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Running And Stopping - Whining 14
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Steering - From Left To Right - Wheels Squealing
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Steering - From Left To Right - Wheels Squealing 7
Rc Toy Car - Electric, Remote Control, And Battery Operated - Small Motor - Steering - From Left To Right - Wheels Squealing 11
Re201 024E Self Oscillation Rate Sweep Slow Fast Mode 5 Di
Rice Cooker Button Pushing Down And Release Quickly
Rice Cooker Lid Closing
Rice Cooker Lid Closing Softly And Firmly
Rice Cooker Lid Opening Hastily
Rice Cooker Pot Out
Rice Cooker Retractable Cord In Briskly
Rice Cooker Retractable Cord In Quickly
Rice Cooker Retractable Cord Out Quickly
Rice Cooker Retractable Cord Out Speedy
Rice Cooker Set Down On Counter Softly
Samsung Cyclone Force Vacuum Cleaner - Operating And Cleaning - Buzzing 5 6
Saw Electric Turn On Run Blade Loosen From Chuck Turn Off Makita 9 6 Volt
Sci Fi - Rw Delay - Alarm
Sci Fi Atmosphere - Aggressive - High Pitched Data Reading 2
Sci Fi Atmosphere - Aggressive - Machine Whirring Sounds - Variations 1
Sci Fi Atmosphere - Strong Engine Like Sound - High Pitched And Lfo Based - Sub Frequencies Included
Sci Fi Atmosphere 21
Sci Fi Dark Energy Tone - Loop 2
Sci Fi Dark Energy Tone - Loop 4
Sci Fi Doors - Heavy - Shutting
Sci Fi Electromagnetism - Booting Up Electromagnetic Sounds
Sci Fi Interface Accent - High Pitched Sweep
Sci Fi Interface Accent - Rhythmic Noise
Sci Fi Power Down 4
Sdemfsignaltoner02 Ms
Servo - Moving 2 - Mono
Servo - Moving 3 - Mono
Servo - Pulse 5 - Mono
Servo - Small Point Volts - Pulse - Multiple - Shotgun 4 - Mono
Servo - Small Point Volts - Pulse - Shotgun 1 - Mono
Servo - Small Point Volts - Pulse - Shotgun 4 - Mono
Servo - Small Point Volts - Pulse - Xy 2 - Mono
Servo - Small Point Volts - Running - Shotgun 2 - Mono
Servo - Small Point Volts - Running - Xy 2 - Mono
Servo - Small Volts - Short - Xy 1 - Mono
Servo - Small Volts - Short - Xy 2
Servo Motor A 02
Servo Motor A 07
Servo Motor B
Servo Motor B 05
Servo Motor Bad Bearing 02
Servo Motor Bad Bearing 03
Servo Motor Bad Bearing 05
Servo Motor Bys 07
Servo Motor Bys E 02
Servo Motor Bys E 03
Servo Motor Bys E 05
Servo Motor D 11
Servo Motor F 07
Servo Motor G 01
Servo Motor G 04
Servo Motor H 06
Servo Motor H 10
Servo Motor K Stressed 11
Servo Motor K Stressed 12
Servo Motor K Stressed 17
Servo Motor L Stressed 03
Servo Motor L Stressed 06
Servo Motor M Stressed 02
Servo Motor M Stressed 11
Sfx Electricity Buzzing Moves Dynamic 1
Short Circuit 4
Short Circuit 11
Short Circuit 14
Short Circuit 16
Short Circuit 22
Singapore Electromagneticfields Streetlight Labradorpark Zoomf8N Priezor
Single Locomotive From Right 01 Ms
Sizzle Iron Electrical Zap 5
Skytrain - Electric - Approaching And Decelerating - Medium Perspective
Skytrain - Electric - Passing By From Left To Right At A Fast Speed - Close Perspective - Wind Detail 1
Skytrain - Electric - Passing By From Left To Right At A Medium Speed - With Detail 2
Skytrain - Electric - Passing By From Right To Left At A Slow Speed - With Detail 1
Skytrain - Electric - Passing By From Right To Left At A Slow Speed - With Detail 2
Skytrain - Electric - Pulling Away And Accelerating - From Left To Right
Sonic Rock Medium Barks X 12
Sonic Rock Sizzle X7
Sound Design - Electromagnetic Element - Electronic Movement 25
Sound Design - Electromagnetic Element - Electronic Movement 33
Sound Design - Electromagnetic Element - Flowing Current 3
Sound Design - Electromagnetic Element - Flowing Current 12
Sound Design - Electromagnetic Element - Flowing Current 13
Sound Design Buzz Tone - Adam A7X Studio Monitor - Transformer Area - Slow And Fast Movement With Whooshing
Sound Design Buzz Tone - Nec Lcd Monitor 17" - Free And Slow Movement With Whooshing
Sound Design Electrical Accent Dark Low Buzz Pulse
Sound Design Electrical Accent Distortion Ascend Rear To Front To Rear
Sound Design Humming Tone - Aqua Massage - With Bubbles
Sound Design Humming Tone - Braun Hair Dryer - Humming - Various Moves And Speed
Sound Design Tape Humming - Polivoks Filter Sweeps - Long 2
Sound Design Tape Humming Bursts - With Reverb - Belton Spring Tank - Long Feedback Tails 1
Sound Design Tape Humming Bursts - With Reverb - Belton Spring Tank - Long Feedback Tails 2
Sound Design Tape Speed Tone - Scratching 4
Sound Design Tape Speed Tone - Slowing Down - Playback - Long 2
Sound Design Tape Speed Tone - Speeding Up - Playback - Short 3
Sound Design Tape Speed Tone - Speeding Up - Playback - Short 6
Sparks - Aggressive Flame - Electricity Arc Flickering - Lo Fi
Sparks - Long Flame - Electricity Arc Flickering - Lo Fi
Speak And Read Electronic Learning Toy - Circuit Bent - Choppy And Glitchy With Mangled Spoken Phrases 3
Speak And Read Electronic Learning Toy - Circuit Bent - Choppy And Glitchy With Mangled Spoken Phrases 6
Speak And Read Electronic Learning Toy - Circuit Bent - Choppy And Glitchy With Mangled Spoken Phrases 7
Speak And Read Electronic Learning Toy - Circuit Bent - Spoken Phrase 3
Spiritual Bass Groove G 101 Bpm
Stick Vacuum Working On Hardwood
Streetcar Toronto Light Rail Utdc Clrv Electric 182 Hp Toronto By Cruise
Streetcar Toronto Ride Pov Fan Idle Maneuvers Small Heavy Ac Fan
Synthetic Interference 1
Synthetic Interference 3
Synthetic Noise 9
Synthetic Noise 12
Toy - Circuit Bent - Fuzzy Music Loop 2
Toy Drill Electric On Run Off Struggle
Train - Electric - Old - Engine - Interior 4
Train - Electric - Old - Engine - Interior 7
Train - Electric - Old - Engine - Interior 8
Train - Electric - Old - Engine - Interior With Horn 3
Train - Electric - Old - Engine - Interior With Horn 4
Train - Locomotive - Electric - Solo - From A Minimum Distance Of 1M - Rijeka, Croatia - Nos Stereo
Tram Electric Train Bell Ringing And Driving Away
Vintage Anime Accent - Electrical - Hit Large
Vintage Anime Accent - Electrical - Spark Small 2
Vintage Anime Accent - Force Field Large 1
Weird Digital Electronic Abrupt Accents 1
Weird Digital Electronic Fidgety Rubs
Weird Digital Electronic Rubs With Artifacts 2
Weird Digital Electronic Thing Shifting Tone
Wood Cutting Electric Saw - Long Spin 1
Ws Door Automatic Electric Parking Open And Close
80S Rock Riff
2007 Saturn Vue Side Mirror Adjust Electric Interior
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