Accept next it's fine. Make sure this is your obs install location. If you left everything default it should. from Jackool Phrases
And again, if you haven't used OBS before, you can now resize this, you know. from Jackool Phrases
And audio. However, OBS isn't in here. from Jackool Phrases
And download the installer. from Jackool Phrases
And here in media source this is basically like if you wanted to play an MP4 or something. from Jackool Phrases
And in here you'll be able to just go directly in and select that. from Jackool Phrases
And install. from Jackool Phrases
And let's register a new account here. from Jackool Phrases
And make sure the correct headphones or speakers or whatever are set. from Jackool Phrases
And now the last thing that we need to do is output this audio to that actual monitoring device. from Jackool Phrases
And now you can start streaming. from Jackool Phrases
And now you need to open up OBS. from Jackool Phrases
And on here you'll get this link. All these links will be in the description by the way. from Jackool Phrases
And once OBS is open, also open up Chrome. from Jackool Phrases
And outputting it to a fake virtual webcam. from Jackool Phrases
And send it to a fake virtual audio device. from Jackool Phrases
And then under the audio monitoring section, you just click. from Jackool Phrases
And there you go. You can see now. from Jackool Phrases
And under force audio you want to select that same device, the VB audio cable that we had set as the monitoring device. from Jackool Phrases
And under the advanced section you should see monitoring device. from Jackool Phrases
And what we're going to be doing here is basically. from Jackool Phrases
And when you get to the robot streamer page. from Jackool Phrases
And you're going to want to start it. Essentially what you're doing here is you're taking the video feed from OBS. from Jackool Phrases
As it says down here. from Jackool Phrases
Because they are now going to be able to hear this audio that we just routed to it. from Jackool Phrases
But for now, we're just going to select display capture. This is going to capture. from Jackool Phrases
But now we have something on our scene. So. from Jackool Phrases
Choose option one. Here it actually doesn't matter, but just. from Jackool Phrases
Civic camera. However, you shouldn't need to do that once you allow the camera. from Jackool Phrases
Click stream in the top right and you should see right here. from Jackool Phrases
Click the dropdown box and select voice meter input. from Jackool Phrases
Click tools. Virtual Cam. from Jackool Phrases
Cut off different parts of it, etc etc. from Jackool Phrases
Default should be fine as long as your headphones or whatever are the default. from Jackool Phrases
Down here on robot streamer. from Jackool Phrases
Flip it vertically or whatever. And. from Jackool Phrases
For instance, we could put an image on here. from Jackool Phrases
Google Chrome has to offer. from Jackool Phrases
Hi there, I'm Robert. I've been with robot streaming for about two years and this is going to be a tutorial on how to get. from Jackool Phrases
However, I'll explain them all to you. from Jackool Phrases
However, that's for all the mainstream platforms. from Jackool Phrases
If for some reason that doesn't succeed for you, you might need to right click and run as administrator on the installer. from Jackool Phrases
If you click the little plus, there's all types of goodies like images. from Jackool Phrases
If you don't see these OBS camera settings at first. from Jackool Phrases
If you don't, just right click properties. from Jackool Phrases
If you haven't used OBS before, these are your sources right down here. from Jackool Phrases
If you look at the robot streamer page by. from Jackool Phrases
If you open up OBS, you can see there's a start streaming button. from Jackool Phrases
If you right click you can choose transform and you can do things like. from Jackool Phrases
If you see this, just hit yes. from Jackool Phrases
Install location. We don't need these plugins. from Jackool Phrases
It'll automatically start this fake virtual Cam for you. from Jackool Phrases
Jackool 11 from Jackool Phrases
Just click yes. from Jackool Phrases
Just download the executable. Once downloaded. from Jackool Phrases
Just like our sources over here with images and window capture and such. from Jackool Phrases
Just refresh the page. from Jackool Phrases
Keeping on option one. from Jackool Phrases
Later. from Jackool Phrases
Like if if you had a. from Jackool Phrases
Make sure it's on auto start if you want to make life easy. from Jackool Phrases
Make sure to reboot because there's been issues when people haven't rebooted. from Jackool Phrases
Next, I agree. from Jackool Phrases
Next, we're going to get something called voice meter. from Jackool Phrases
Next, you're going to want to install OBS. If you already have OBS installed, you're going to want to make sure it's up to date, which I'll show you how to do once we download it. from Jackool Phrases
No e-mail required. You can get started streaming right away. from Jackool Phrases
Now that we have OBS installed, you unfortunately can't just start streaming right off the bat. from Jackool Phrases
Now we can go back into our downloads and actually install OBS. from Jackool Phrases
O let's head over to robot streamer dot com right now. from Jackool Phrases
O select select your audio cable. Select obs camera like we had set up before, remember. from Jackool Phrases
Obs set up on a fresh install of windows so that you could get started streaming on robot streamer. from Jackool Phrases
Obs. Outputting to the website. However, you still don't have desktop audio. from Jackool Phrases
On any devices that you want the stream to be able to hear, obviously desktop audio, microphone. from Jackool Phrases
Once OBS has been downloaded, simply open the executable. from Jackool Phrases
Once you're on this page, just click go to download in the top right. from Jackool Phrases
One of the 1st results should be this obvious virtual Cam forms. from Jackool Phrases
Open Obs backup and down here you can see the audio mixer. from Jackool Phrases
Opening U Robot streamer and clicking stream in the top right. from Jackool Phrases
Otherwise, every time you open obs, you're going to have to go into tools. from Jackool Phrases
Our audio mixer. To this monitoring device. from Jackool Phrases
Peace. from Jackool Phrases
Picture pippi. You can resize it. from Jackool Phrases
Really generally you can just start looking up tutorials on messing with your obs or whatever. from Jackool Phrases
Robot streamer is still a very niche small community, so. from Jackool Phrases
See, there's that media source we just made. Obviously there's nothing in it but. from Jackool Phrases
Settings. Then we're going to go to the audio settings. from Jackool Phrases
Simply Google Obs click the download link. from Jackool Phrases
Simply open it. from Jackool Phrases
Simply open it. Click yes. from Jackool Phrases
So as I talk, you can see the microphone going up and down. If you add some desktop audio playing, you'd see that go up and down to as well. from Jackool Phrases
So for now, you're going to want to stop the stream. from Jackool Phrases
So hopefully this helped, hopefully you're able to figure things out. from Jackool Phrases
So in the next part is the other thing we installed. from Jackool Phrases
So next, what you're going to want to do. Is type in. from Jackool Phrases
So now you're going to want to reboot your computer. from Jackool Phrases
So to do that, what we're going to do is we're going to go to file. from Jackool Phrases
So to get started, obviously we're going to need an account. from Jackool Phrases
So you don't have to Google them, you can just grab them from the description yourself. from Jackool Phrases
So you're going to hit Alley hit OK. from Jackool Phrases
Sorry. So next. from Jackool Phrases
That allows you to manage the settings. from Jackool Phrases
That robot streamer ICOM wants to use your microphone and camera. from Jackool Phrases
That would end up in here as well, and you'd have to do the same thing. from Jackool Phrases
That's that banana thing that we downloaded earlier. from Jackool Phrases
The display obviously that we're looking at. from Jackool Phrases
The download will start immediately and once it's downloaded. from Jackool Phrases
The dropdown and select monitor and output. from Jackool Phrases
The video feed of OBS. We're now going to take the audio feed. from Jackool Phrases
Then hit next and if your system doesn't have visual C yet, you'll see this OU. from Jackool Phrases
Then you can close this and now we can just go back to the stream page. from Jackool Phrases
There already. from Jackool Phrases
There'll be audio, they can hear, the desktop audio, your microphone. from Jackool Phrases
There's other methods of streaming as well, um for instance you could use Raspberry Pi. You can set that up. from Jackool Phrases
There's some struggles to get through in order to set this up. from Jackool Phrases
This is where you'll manage the audio within OBS. from Jackool Phrases
This will work in other web browsers, however you won't get all the TTS voices that. from Jackool Phrases
To do this is really simple. You just right click here Advanced audio properties. from Jackool Phrases
To that OBS camera and audio feed. from Jackool Phrases
To the robot streamer page and justice to test. from Jackool Phrases
Tools virtual Cam. We started this. from Jackool Phrases
Uh, called virtual banana the audio cable. from Jackool Phrases
Um, if you have any questions, just go to the tech support channel on discord or you can just DM me. from Jackool Phrases
Um, if you have other if you say you're playing a video. from Jackool Phrases
Um, there's different ways of streaming, but this is specifically going to be OBS on Windows. from Jackool Phrases
Virtual Cam and start it again. O we should probably add something to our OBS scene so that we can actually tell that it's working. from Jackool Phrases
Virtual Cam obs to Google. from Jackool Phrases
We'll just name it obvious tutorial. from Jackool Phrases
We're going to have to use an extra plugin and something called a virtual audio cable in order to get access. from Jackool Phrases
We're going to output. from Jackool Phrases
We're going to select OBS camera. And you can click start stream. from Jackool Phrases
What we're going to do is we're going to do the same kind of thing that we did with. from Jackool Phrases
What you're going to want to do now is we can go over. from Jackool Phrases
When you see this, hit, yes. Close. Obs. from Jackool Phrases
When you see this, it's going to ask you to reboot. from Jackool Phrases
When you see this, just click yes. from Jackool Phrases
Which will then. Be selectable. from Jackool Phrases
Which you can see right here. from Jackool Phrases
Which you can then select on the robot streamer page. from Jackool Phrases
With a robot, there is also an RA if you're on Mac. from Jackool Phrases
With an advanced audio properties. from Jackool Phrases
Yeah, can't wait to see you guys streaming on robot streamer. from Jackool Phrases
Yes. from Jackool Phrases
You can close these other tabs now. from Jackool Phrases
You can close these tabs now. from Jackool Phrases
You can get the link for this in the description or you can just Google Voice. from Jackool Phrases
You can open up OBS now. from Jackool Phrases
You know videos, you can do window capture, display game capture. from Jackool Phrases
You'd have to set monitor and output on that again. And now if you haven't used OBS before, you can start playing around with the different sources that are available. from Jackool Phrases
You'll probably also want to select auto start so that the next time OBS starts U. from Jackool Phrases
You'll see a page like this and when you Scroll down a little bit you'll see this section right here. from Jackool Phrases
You'll see down here. You can select your camera. from Jackool Phrases
You're going to have to allow that. If you don't see that, there should be an icon right here next to the favorite button. from Jackool Phrases
You're going to want to close OBS for this because you're installing a plugin to it. from Jackool Phrases