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Jenz from jenz. #podcast #speech #rumble #vehicle #fieldrecording #malespeech #femalespeech #womanspeaking # #cello


Sounds from jenz.

#podcast #speech #rumble #vehicle #fieldrecording #malespeech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #cello #throbbing #electronicmusic #flute #newagemusic #horsestory #wildlifepreserve #animalstories #electricshaver #electricrazor #manspeaking
Q1 19830724 Larry Rosenberg UNK awakening intelligence #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #noticias #venezuela #elecciones2024 #trieutien #chuongtrinhhatnhanbandaotrieutien #kimjong un #music #musicalinstrument
Q1 19840920 Larry Rosenberg UNK buddhas ancient med path a modern challenge part ii 1516 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #hum #mainshum #spain #futbol #womenempowerment #voyage #travel #personaldevelopment #animal #boat #speechsynthesizer
Q1 19880324 Larry Rosenberg UNK balancing samadhi wisdom or surrendering to wisdom 1549 Leandra Teje #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #clicking #inside #cough #sneeze #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #television #flute #zelanie #cel #passivnyidoxod
Q1 19890420 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 10 33813 Leandra Te #podcast #speech #pinknoise #waves #surf #waterfall #narration #monologue #snort #gasp #malespeech #manspeaking #throatclearing #inside #crunch #clicking #music #drummachine #smallroom #deepin #gnulinux #gadgets #audycjemamyitaty #paulinakwiatosinska #dzieci
Q1 19970309 Larry Rosenberg UNK daily life some guidelines to practice 42353 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #mainshum #hum #arabiclanguage #arabcina #music #speechsynthesizer #messianic #teaching #pinknoise #sigh #silence #thememusic
Q1 20010706 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC q a practice cant be separated from living part iii 8723 Leandra T #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #whitenoise #airconditioning #door #gasp #silence #music #musicalinstrument #computerkeyboard #typing #clicking #inside #sportspodcast #sportsradio #stomachrumble
Q1 20020705 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC learning to live in real time part iii 8737 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #music #musicalinstrument #country #piano #femalespeech #womanspeaking #inside #smallroom #church
Q1 20040306 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC studying the teaching studying ourselves examples from the anapana #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #conversation #inside #vehicle #airconditioning #clicking #narration #speechsynthesizer #intro #socialw
Q1 20080406 Larry Rosenberg CIMC king pasenadi goes on a diet part 2 also self knowing a quiet passi #podcast #speech #pinknoise #inside #largeroomorhall #conversation #vehicle #engine #femalespeech #womanspeaking #silence #narration #monologue #music #sheep #electronicmusic #clicking
Q1 20081106 Larry Rosenberg CIMC king pasenadi goes on a diet part 3 also self knowing a quiet passi #podcast #speech #rain #rainonsurface #thunderstorm #thunder #femalespeech #womanspeaking #writing #childspeech #music #singingbowl #ambientmusic #clicking #inside #narration #monologue #smallroom #speechsynthesizer #stomachrumble #environmentalnoise #aircraft
Q1 20100224 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the four noble truths a vehicle for self discovery part iii 8336 L #podcast #speech #breathing #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #pinknoise #music #musicalinstrument #guitar #clicking #inside #sniff
Q1 20110921 Larry Rosenberg CIMC dogens instructions for the cook some useful suggestions for vipass #podcast #mainshum #hum #speech #inside #smallroom #malespeech #manspeaking #music #dingdong #wail #moan #speechsynthesizer #narration #femalespeech #womanspeaking #snort
Q1 20131009 Larry Rosenberg CIMC dharma talk 24524 #podcast #speech #cupboardopenorclose #inside #smallroom #femalespeech #womanspeaking #clicking #speechsynthesizer #narration #music #gong #monologue #thump #thud #malespeech
Q2 19830724 Larry Rosenberg UNK awakening intelligence 1556 #podcast #speech #narration #monologue #malespeech #manspeaking #communeliving #hippylife #hippykid #inside #smallroom #music #electronicmusic #drumandbass #silence #screaming #groan
Q2 19840428 Larry Rosenberg UNK learning how to live part i 1505 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #narration #monologue #pinknoise #malespeech #comedy #fun #clicking #speechsynthesizer #airconditioning #inside #whispering #manspeaking #squish
Q2 19840428 Larry Rosenberg UNK learning how to live part i 1505 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #narration #monologue #pinknoise #malespeech #comedy #fun #clicking #speechsynthesizer #airconditioning #inside #whispering #manspeaking #squish
Q2 19840920 Larry Rosenberg UNK buddhas ancient med path a modern challenge part ii 1515 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #animal #vehicle #pinknoise #inside #smallroom #rkadrano #buenosdiasguadarrama #music #femalespeech #narration #monologue #outside #ruralornatural #clicking #writing #guitar #musicalinstrument
Q2 19850218 Larry Rosenberg UNK dialogue problems with practice 1523 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #clicking #inside #silence #music #musicalinstrument #speechsynthesizer #newagemusic #ambientmusic
Q2 19870718 Larry Rosenberg UNK reflections on the buddhas fire sermon part ii 1545 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #animal #radio #environmentalnoise #bird #birdvocalization #noticias #eleccionesprimarias #elecciones2024 #speechsynthesizer #inside #smallroom #clicking #homilies #childspeech #kidspeaking
Q2 19880323 Larry Rosenberg UNK samadhi in action 1548 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #inside #smallroom #speechsynthesizer #snicker #chuckle #funny #morningshow #laughter
Q2 19880324 Larry Rosenberg UNK balancing samadhi wisdom or surrendering to wisdom 1549 Leandra Teje #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #conversation #narration #malespeech #manspeaking #music #inside #vehicle #clicking #monologue #carnaticmusic #smallroom
Q2 19890426 Larry Rosenberg UNK conscious breathing i reflections on anapanasati i 1566 Leandra Teje #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #conversation #narration #inside #smallroom #music #musicalinstrument #ukulele #snicker #slap #breathing #chatter #silence
Q2 19890427 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 11 33814 Leandra Te #podcast #speech #pinknoise #whitenoise #inside #smallroom #radio #speechsynthesizer #music #electricpiano #acousticguitar #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #musicofbollywood #irani #silence #education #equity #students #educational #connemara #community
Q2 19890524 Larry Rosenberg UNK conscious breathing ii reflections on anapanasati ii 1567 Leandra Te #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #malespeech #manspeaking #thunk #drum #music #electricpiano #inside #smallroom #nederlands #history #streekverhalen #speechsynthesizer
Q2 19920226 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 3 33806 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #conversation #inside #narration #monologue #music #drummachine #malespeech #manspeaking #clicking #speechsynthesizer #seo #marketing #marketingdigital
Q2 20000809 Larry Rosenberg CIMC discussion on practice 8142 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #music #singlelensreflexcamera #cocina #cook #school #swingmusic #speechsynthesizer #clicking #inside #childspeech #noticias #venezuela #oposicion
Q2 20080406 Larry Rosenberg CIMC king pasenadi goes on a diet part 2 also self knowing a quiet passi #podcast #speech #pinknoise #femalespeech #womanspeaking #whitenoise #narration #monologue #siren #mainshum #malespeech #manspeaking #music #speechsynthesizer #clicking #whispering
Q2 20100224 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the four noble truths a vehicle for self discovery part iii 8336 L #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #pinknoise #whitenoise #music #thememusic #speechsynthesizer #inside #conversation #femalespeech
Q2 20110724 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the way of the breath anapanasati as a complete meditation practic #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #inside #smallroom #malespeech #manspeaking #music #musicalinstrument #femalesinging #lullaby #singing #writing #spirituality #self care #selfdevelopment
Q2 20130628 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC retreat closing 19835 #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #breathing #gasp #music #synthesizer #musicalinstrument
Q3 19840920 Larry Rosenberg UNK buddhas ancient med path a modern challenge part ii 1516 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #music #musicofbollywood #folkmusic #femalespeech #womanspeaking #perdredupoids #mindset #emotions #musicforchildren #crowing #cockadoodledoo #chicken #groan #throatclearing #cough
Q3 19890406 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 8 33811 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #pinknoise #inside #smallroom #whitenoise #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #musicalinstrument #singlelensreflexcamera #camera #malespeech #narration #monologue #silence #clicking #progressiverock
Q3 20020209 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the bhaddekarrata sutta reflections on true solitude 4 8727 Leandr #podcast #speech #pinknoise #whitenoise #static #femalespeech #narration #monologue #music #speechsynthesizer #clicking #sigh #silence #womanspeaking
Q3 20080406 Larry Rosenberg CIMC king pasenadi goes on a diet part 2 also self knowing a quiet passi #podcast #speech #pinknoise #whitenoise #inside #smallroom #narration #monologue #malesinging #silence #music #ambientmusic #whispering #clicking #femalespeech #womanspeaking #soffia #mercure #saint cyr #musicalinstrument #mandolin
Q3 20100224 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the four noble truths a vehicle for self discovery part iii 8336 L #podcast #speech #narration #monologue #conversation #femalespeech #music #acousticguitar #guitar #malespeech #manspeaking #speechsynthesizer #tap #musicalinstrument #rattleinstrument #bolsa
Q3 20130628 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC retreat closing 19835 #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #animal #mainshum #silence #clicking #inside #music #water #watertap #tools #chewing #homilies #dovge #fiiovka #umfiiovciprovsitko
Q4 19840428 Larry Rosenberg UNK learning how to live part i 1505 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #pinknoise #narration #monologue #inside #kalaniramirez #ayleenmartinez #yaelpalomino #rkadrano #buenosdias #buenosdiasguadarrama #malespeech #manspeaking #sydneybanks #sydbanks #3ps
Q4 19840920 Larry Rosenberg UNK buddhas ancient med path a modern challenge part ii 1515 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #buzz #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #musicalinstrument #jesus #jesuschrist #leper #speechsynthesizer #monologue
Q4 19840920 Larry Rosenberg UNK buddhas ancient med path a modern challenge part ii 1516 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #hum #mainshum #electricshaver #electricrazor #narration #monologue #fart #burst #squish #chewing #heartsounds #heartbeat #music #rapping #malespeech #inside #trauma #meditation #alcoholism
Q4 19880716 Larry Rosenberg UNK questions and answers 1554 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #narration #monologue #femalespeech #womanspeaking #hum #mainshum #clicking #inside #speechsynthesizer #sigh #childspeech #kidspeaking #smallroom #music #violin
Q4 19890301 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 6 33809 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #pinknoise #whitenoise #inside #smallroom #narration #monologue #heartspace #meditation #spirituality #biblestudy #childspeech #kidspeaking #malespeech #manspeaking #femalespeech #womanspeaking #clicking #writing #music #electronica
Q4 19970309 Larry Rosenberg UNK daily life some guidelines to practice 42353 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #music #backgroundmusic #thememusic #femalespeech #womanspeaking #clicking #writing #clipclop #chop #silence #inside #aircraft
Q4 19980617 Larry Rosenberg UNK shining the light of death on life part 2 43034 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #vehicle #car #sizzle #fryingfood #malespeech #manspeaking #chewing #mastication #career #careeradvancement #billionaire #sigh #femalespeech #womanspeaking #mandolin #music #gasp #narration
Q4 20080627 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC taking a fresh look at life on retreat part 4 3767 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #static #whitenoise #hum #pinknoise #malespeech #manspeaking #ticktock #tick #inside #smallroom #speechsynthesizer #narration #hitchhikingfrombirmingham #anger #goodandbad #music #newagemusic #backgroundmusic
Q4 20080627 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC taking a fresh look at life on retreat part 4 3767 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #static #whitenoise #hum #pinknoise #malespeech #manspeaking #ticktock #tick #inside #smallroom #speechsynthesizer #narration #hitchhikingfrombirmingham #anger #goodandbad #music #newagemusic #backgroundmusic
Q4 20100224 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the four noble truths a vehicle for self discovery part iii 8336 L #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #femalespeech #womanspeaking #childspeech #kidspeaking #clicking #inside #rumble #music #soundeffect #electronicmusic
Q4 20110724 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the way of the breath anapanasati as a complete meditation practic #podcast #speech #pinknoise #inside #smallroom #malespeech #cupboardopenorclose #narration #femalespeech #womanspeaking #childspeech #kidspeaking #manspeaking #sigh #gasp #music #effectsunit #electricpiano
Q4 20130813 Larry Rosenberg CIMC q a for 8 13 13 dharma talk 24521 #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #malespeech #manspeaking #inside #smallroom #bicyclebell #bicycle #bell #marimba #xylophone #sigh #clicking
Q5 19840429 Larry Rosenberg UNK learning how to live part ii 1512 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #snake #narration #femalespeech #womanspeaking #spiritual #music #sadmusic #newagemusic #electricpiano #musicalinstrument #cello #acousticguitar #guitar #clicking #inside #wind
Q5 19850218 Larry Rosenberg UNK dialogue problems with practice 1523 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #hum #mainshum #music #newagemusic #sadmusic #voyage #travel #personaldevelopment #homilies #crunch #inside #clicking #whispering #speechsynthesizer #femalespeech
Q5 19880323 Larry Rosenberg UNK samadhi in action 1548 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #music #jinglebell #jingle #singing #inside #fingersnapping #writing #speechsynthesizer #clicking #musicalinstrument #escuela #psicologia #university
Q5 19890406 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 8 33811 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #animal #radio #bird #inside #pinknoise #whitenoise #clicking #speechsynthesizer #silence #homilies #narration #clapping #capgun #femalespeech #womanspeaking #writing
Q5 19920226 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 3 33806 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #boat #watervehicle #speechsynthesizer #music #breathing #bible #biblecommentary #clicking #inside #smallroom
Q5 19980617 Larry Rosenberg UNK shining the light of death on life part 2 43034 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #sizzle #microwaveoven #narration #monologue #silence #inside #speechsynthesizer #noticias #clicking #malespeech #manspeaking #music #musicalinstrument
Q5 20080627 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC taking a fresh look at life on retreat part 4 3767 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #pinknoise #inside #narration #monologue #speechsynthesizer #clicking #sigh #music #thememusic #childspeech #kidspeaking
Q5 20100224 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the four noble truths a vehicle for self discovery part iii 8336 L #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #stomachrumble #music #drum #snaredrum #clock #alarmclock #clicking #speechsynthesizer #thememusic #silence #hum #throbbing #inside #letitbe #strength #selflove #smallroom
Q5 20131127 Larry Rosenberg CIMC dharma talk 24534 #podcast #speech #stomachrumble #inside #smallroom #femalespeech #malespeech #manspeaking #music #musicalinstrument #guitar #laughter #snicker #soundeffect #womanspeaking #cello #gasp
Q6 19840429 Larry Rosenberg UNK learning how to live part ii 1512 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #narration #monologue #malespeech #manspeaking #femalespeech #womanspeaking #intro #supportsystem #ibermart #music #writing #speechsynthesizer #rkadrano #buenosdiasguadarrama #guadarrama #electronicmusic #techno #inside #smallroom #wind
Q6 19870718 Larry Rosenberg UNK reflections on the buddhas fire sermon part ii 1545 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #narration #monologue #malespeech #manspeaking #music #camera #noticias #venezuela #oposicion #draweropenorclose #cupboardopenorclose #clicking #inside
Q6 19880716 Larry Rosenberg UNK questions and answers 1554 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #mainshum #hum #buzz #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #music #newagemusic #ambientmusic #femalespeech #womanspeaking #inside #smallroom #speechsynthesizer #acousticguitar #guitar
Q6 19890426 Larry Rosenberg UNK conscious breathing i reflections on anapanasati i 1566 Leandra Teje #podcast #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #narration #monologue #hum #mainshum #speechsynthesizer #femalespeech #inside #clicking #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation
Q7 19890406 Larry Rosenberg UNK anapanasati full awareness of breath series tape 8 33811 Leandra Tej #podcast #speech #pinknoise #narration #monologue #whitenoise #vehicle #animal #jesus #testimony #christ #music #thememusic #piano #keyboardmusical #throatclearing #cough #femalespeech #speechsynthesizer #singlelensreflexcamera #newagemusic #backgroundmusic #childspeech #kidspeaking
Q7 20000809 Larry Rosenberg CIMC discussion on practice 8142 Leandra Tejedor #podcast #speech #rumble #vehicle #fieldrecording #malespeech #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #cello #throbbing #electronicmusic #flute #newagemusic #horsestory #wildlifepreserve #animalstories #electricshaver #electricrazor #manspeaking
Q7 20110724 Larry Rosenberg IMSRC the way of the breath anapanasati as a complete meditation practic #podcast #speech #rustle #pinknoise #malespeech #manspeaking #femalespeech #womanspeaking #speechsynthesizer #narration #sigh #clicking #cupboardopenorclose #music #sermon #gpcnap #christmaseve #homilies
Q8 19840429 Larry Rosenberg UNK learning how to live part ii 1512 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #animal #pig #wildanimals #boat #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #bird #malespeech #manspeaking #sports #outdoors #romans518 21 #srbc #sermon #grunge
Q9 19880716 Larry Rosenberg UNK questions and answers 1554 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #speech #buzz #hum #malespeech #manspeaking #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #violin #fiddle #educacion #espanol #almazuela20 #almazuela #radioesc #narration #monologue #tuningfork #clicking #indore #eraporwal #56dukan
Q10 19880716 Larry Rosenberg UNK questions and answers 1554 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #hum #mainshum #speech #malespeech #manspeaking #femalespeech #womanspeaking #music #narration #guitar #musicalinstrument #fixedwingaircraft #airplane #writing #zipperclothing #squish #tap #whip
Q11 19880716 Larry Rosenberg UNK questions and answers 1554 Leandra Tejedor (1) #podcast #hum #mainshum #speech #static #electricshaver #femalespeech #womanspeaking #childspeech #kidspeaking #provinciefrylan #speechsynthesizer #narration #monologue #writing #inside #music #sampler #disco #sheep #malespeech #manspeaking
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