Main Content
A dime piece q
A particular interest we wont go into
A stupid one
Aa yes I live another year 1 24 21 ep 93 clip
About 10 seconds ago
Albino twins trampoline scotch and olive oil
All of em
All over your hair back and face
All the extra sauces
Alright 2
Alright i like that
Alright last one
Alright put your mom on the phone
Always have a little flower on your asscrack from kitchen
And a wet pussy you have
And he's gone
And his drool (Too quiet, needs edit)
And how many fingers
And i'll just jizz all over it (WAY TOO LOUD - needs Edit)
And I'm cummin there
And it was worse
And whats your name again
Are there any men that workd there
Are u taking people there in restaurant (to eat)
Are you a hottie
Are you a thin girl
Are you awake
Are you behnchov
Are you calling me a liar
Are you gonna help us or not missy
Are you into sadism or masochism or both
Are you single you sound cute
Are you sure hes mexican
Armed to the teeth
As your lawyer spiel
Avaz I'm from the frog talk
Back in the day
Back that ass right up one me
Be homosexual
Behnchode [hey]
Bif floppy bologna tits you can spin around like a propeller
Big cock Q
Big fat veiny purple cock
Bring all the wives and daughter
Burger king some cum? yes.
But i dont want you to touch it with those dirty monkey fingers
But i love australia
But the whole time you've been cucking
Butthole 2
By the dawns early light
Call him back later
Called and asked for fat one and put u on
Can i come there to eat q
Can i get just the handjobings
Can i hold you upside down and use u as a mop
Can i speak to mr muhammed plz
Can i special order chicken lip
Can i talk to him
Can i talk to the girl who reads books
Can i talk to the manager
Can we useit
Can you check for the spanking machine
Can you hear me
Can you hear me 2
Can you hook me up with some weed
Can you look at one and describe peach bottom
Can you put a man on the phone
Cani geta dif server
Charmuta 2
Charmuta 3
Charmuta 4
Check ur underwear color right now
China (f accent)
Choding your ghost sister
Come on
Come on mister
Come on over here with that WAP
Come on rooster man
Cuz of his teeth
Damn did her tit fall out
Dear bitch
Did you eat my biscottis
Did you go to iraq or something or were you born taht way
Did you know that i was gonna call
Did you leavea any food in the fridge
Do I have to wear my pants during that time
Do I have to wear my pants or is it adult swim
Do you have a nice peach
Do you have behnchode
Do you have chicken lips
Do you have chicken tika masala
Do you have fresh curtains you can bring
Do you have garlic naan
Do you have nice peaches
Do you have robo spanker
Do you have sofa king
Do you have the chicken fingers
Do you have the father fuckers
Do you have the motherfuckers (long)
Do you have the motherfuckers (short)
Do you know who thisi s
Do you launch em out of your butthole
Do you speak english
Do you speak english 2
Do you want me to call
Do you want me to call them
Do you work for tips
Dont eat the brown acid
Dont forget the cocaine
Dont put me on hold
Doo you have a sofaking
Down south
Drop - Fuckin u and the frog talk (Prank Collar)
Drop - Robodrop (ft. Tom Servo)
Drops - Ur listen to frogtalk happy thanksgiving
Eating noises
Eating noises 2
Eating noises 3 edit
Eating so you'd like it
Emergancy (its an)
English plz u stupid assholemonkey
Even for flipping your bean
Even just one
Even tho its ok to be homosexual
Exploring the depths of their urethras
Extrom alt worlad trippnig
Firework fx plus oh fuck
Flu - I ain't gonna do the fuckin drop
For me you made a wank break
For me you made a wank break wow i didn't
For the drinks
Frog in pussy torture
Frog Related
Frog trippin
From the looks of it it was probably your wife
From the street
From the united states of america
From the us and here in aus pissing
Fuck new york
Fuck new york 2
Fuck you
Fuck yourself then
Fucker 2
Fuckin bitch
Fuckin hell
Fuckin pineapple everything
Gay voice you don't have to tell her everything
Get on the table and show me the WAP
Get your ass out here and pump my gas
Gimme two
Gimme two two of the one that i ordered
Go fuck yourself
Go fuck yourself you whore name
God damnit
Gonna be investigated hilary clinton style
Got room for 5 q
Hang on
Hang up
Hank Hill 1
Hank Hill 2
Hank Hill 3
Hank Hill 4
Happy thanksgiving jariff
Have any men
He wiped his butt on the curtain again
Hello 6
Hello 7
Hello big cock q
Hello loud
Hello mad
Hello miss mohammed
Hello q
Hello usa
Here goes anotehr one (firework being lit)
Hershey bar
Hes back asleep already
Hes gptta ci,k
Hey how are you
Hi how are ya hunny
His name is pepe
His names chainsaw
Holy shit
Hookers and cocaine brother
Hot as fuckin hell
How late are youopen
How long its take to find a 4 foot dowl
How many do you have
How many fingers
How many girls asses did you grab today grabby
How many more fingers
How many people did you kill today
How many wet pussy
How you doin
Hurry up
Hurry up 2
Hurry up 3
Hurry up 4
Hurry up please
I am odell
I bet thats fake mark isnt it
I bet your wetter than an otters wallet
I bought em
I called your parents
I called your parents they are dissappointed wanted a boy
I called your parrents theyre both dissappointed
I can still shoot ropes from the street
I can't Make It Fucking Go
I cant be his fluffer i cant jerk him off
I caught my bush on fire
I could get arrested
I could teach you
I definitely want barrels
I didnt
I fart at you
I farted on my daughter
I feel like I got fucked here
I got a poodle and a dachshund I'm trying to mate them
I got wives
I guess i gotta come down south
I guess that was the wrong number
I had her all night for the fuckings the ghost fuckings
I hate em
I hate pepe
I hate you
I have a problem with the way those animals are kept
I have been grooving on canned pineapple
I have no thumbs
I have to disagree
I have well 6 inches of fury
I just did a dab
I just wanna know if you have crabs
I just wanna know if you have crabs on your pussy
I kinda liked her
I know but do you have any chicken lips
I like the brown gravy
I need a sheet pizza
I need an answer
I need some help real quick
I need some viagra for him
I need something ic an launch these things otu of
I need to come down for the fucking
I need to come down for the FUCKINGS
I ordered the pizzas
I said
I said shut up
I saw you two doing the fuckings
I sent
I talked to her earlier
I think it was the ghost of your sister
I think you got a pretty nice ass
I undersatnd
I wanna do fucking and jizzing all over hair
I wanna get in there i wanna get in those butt cheeks
I wanna get in those butt cheeks
I wanna know exactly wth is going on over tehre
I wanna know who i have to come over and arm wrestle
I want a barrel of monkeys
I want peck peck
I want the fuckings
I was gettin worried
I was *******
I will frickin arm wrestle you
I will say motherfucker
I'm a mormon
I'm gettin fucked here
Id like to order something to eat
Idk who that fucker is
If theres somebody with a fat neck put em on
If u wanna sell call or text pictures
If you put a pencil under your breast will it stay there or fall like saggy tits
If you want 12 inches we're gonna have to do it twice
If your not using your house can we use it
Ill arm wrestle you
Ill break your leg arm wrestling you
Ill fuck ur sister in her ass with my head
Ill just jizz all over it
Ill make a reservation sure
Ill put a little wax on that ass for ya
Ill take it
Ill tell em you gave me permission
Im an american my god
Im bringing em back
Im bringing em back right now
Im cummin
Im erally unhappy with em
Im gettin fucked
Im gonna be tehre with your chairs
Im gonna come in there
Im gonna come there and arm wrestle you until you cry
Im gonna dip my balls in it
Im gonna get you
Im here pissing
Im just gonna dump em then
Im launching em right now out of my peehole
Im launching em right now out of my peehole here goes anotherone oh fuck firework fx
Im not drinking
Im not drunk
Im not threatening you
Im on my way there now
Im ordering a pizza rightnow motherfucker
Im properly shaved
Im ready go ahead
Im so upset i left the rest in tears
Im sorry
Im suin
Im suin 2
Im suin this guy
Im suing you
Im suing you I'm suing this guy
Im tellin ya be a mormon
Im the customer who called first
Im the sober one most these guys are trashed
Imagine fucking 8 wives
In my hand
Indian food down south
Instead of the fuckings
Instead of the fuckings can i get just the handjobings
Is anyone there from guatemala
Is she healthy
Is that your animals out back
Is there food in there
Is there more hair on your tacos or upper lip
Is this susan
Is your boss there
Is your neck as fat as your head or wider
Is your sister over 18
Is your sister there
Isnt it q
It is
It says they're waiting for my call
It's killin me
Its a huge glass tube
Its cold like your heart
Its for the spankings
Its kinda depressing
Its like a flipping the bean hour
Its like the crease along the side
Its not acceptable the way these animals are kept
Its not like they work over there
Its not the end of the world
Its really not acceptable
Its the pepe show
Ive decided I'm not gonna order anything
Ive def peeked in there and took a look at it
Ive got the cash
Jew ew
Jizz all over it
John Rambo
John rambo i am the law
John rambo neva (weird accent)
John rambo never be over nothing is over nothign
John rambo nothing
John rambo nothing 2 (yell)
John rambo nothing is closed
John rambo nothing is closed 2
John rambo nothing is over
John rambo nothing is over 2
John rambo nothing is over 3 (yell)
John rambo nothing is over 4
John rambo nothing is over drew first blood nothin over nothing
John Rambo noting is over nothing
John Rambo she drew first blood
John rambo she drew first blood 2 (middle of sent)
John rambo they drew first blood
John rambo they drew first blood 2
John Rambo they drew first blood 3
John rambo they'll never be over
John Rambo yes before they drew first blood
John Rambo you drew first blood (crazy)
John rambo 2
John rambo 3
John rambo 4
John Rambo 5
John Rambo 6
John rambo neva
Just saying
Keep him in the kitchen when chainsaw iis there
Kill whitey
Kinda like me
Last try
Laugh 2
Laugh 3
Laugh 4
Laugh 5 heh huh
Laugh 6 heh heh huh
Laugh oh yes
Lets arm wrestle about this
Lets see
Lets see here
Like a quatemalan
Like i don't want mexicans cooking my food
Like i wouldnt even touch him
Like what are you
Listen 2
Listen are you awake
Listen i want that camera
Listen ill arm wrestle you for it
Madder CHOD
Make husband do dishes
Make it white
Man i am rushhead i just did a dab
Mandatory quarantine
Mix plant lady
Mmm the peaches sound good
Modern day pirate radi
Motherfucker 2
Motherfucker 3
Motherfucker 4
Motherfucker 5
Motherfucker 6
My ass doesnt care about any hours
My name is supreme leader
My names terry
Near the water right on the water
No 3
No he's gone
No holding
No hurry up
No lobby is closed to me
No problem
No whatever
No worries
No you do now
Not charging tax
Now your judging me q
O o b e
Obey (name)
Oh [disapnt]
Oh fuck
Oh good
Oh good good
Oh hes really mean
Oh i've seen it
Oh itll go
Oh my god
Oh my god (exasperated frustrated)
Oh my god who is this guy
Oh yea
Ok low
Ok you still there benchode
On the tip of his penis
On your pussy
Or bahnchode
Or the suckings
Pepe - i might vote for joe biden just because of you
Pepe and stalin (Very quiet, needs edit)
Pepe croak
Pickup for delivery
Pineapple milk
Pisses him off
Please get your lazy ass out here and pump my gas
Pretty good cunts ya know
Prolyl showed me the 4 5 10 that were any good
Put her on
Put somebody else on the phone taht gives a shit
Put that bitch on that i was just talking too
Rattle did you hear the rattle
Read it back to me
Really q
Retard and i said ruddfuckers
Retard bitch
Retard fucker
Retard i have a speech impediment
Retard i was in there and got in trouble
Retard lou
Retard louskunt
Retard louskunt2
Retard some bitch
Retard some fat bitch with a fat neck
Retard they threw me out
Retard they told me to get out
Retard yea
Retard and they told me to get out
Right at the tip of my penis
Right now you motherfucker
Sandy right
She ahd a fat neck and everything
She ever seen a grown man naked
She gave me crabs
She knows were gonna do the ffuckings
She told me you'd give me my money back
She wanted your order
Shell take it
Shut up
Sing a little did for me (edit 2
Sing a little diddy for me
Singing yankee doodle went to town
Sir (q)
Skeeter i have a drag show coming up and need something special
Skeeter i want it like a 70s porn star
Skeeter you speak spanish better than you speak french
So are we gonna fuck or what
So i need some kind of med
So its gonna be that kinda party
So there's no bean flipping time at all
So whats your kink
So you just stick your head out
So you like em crunchy
So you want me to spank that ass
So youre gonna go back to cucking
Some cum
Some of the animals have no cover
Someone that speaks english
Son of a bitch
Sounds to me you'd be the next one id fire
Spanish cunion su madre juevon
Speak up
Speak up 2
Stal samp A
Stalins Strata
Stop interrupting and ill tell you
Sugar a crystal of pure on the peen tip
Sugar a crystal of pure suga
Sugar ass sugar
Sugar his sugars so high its unbelieveable
Sugar i got sugar so bad
Sugar pure little drop of sugar
Sugar pure suga
Sugar right at the tip of my penis is a pure little drop of sugar
Sugar when i wake up in the morning right at my penis is sugar
Sugar i got sugar
Sugar 2
Sugar 3
Sugar his sugar gets high honey
Sugar my sugars so high
Sugar my sugars so high (2 good)
Sugar thats too much sugar i think
Super hot
Take it
Tell me more
Tell that bitch in the background
Tell that dog to stfu
Tell that lady to stfu
Text pictures
Thank you prank caller
Thanks again
That i sent
That motherfucker
That son of a bitch
That sounds like a really good one
That was a good one
Thats a bargain
Thats all for you
Thats all for you (with smacking sound)
Thats cuz your a deaf behnchode
Thats him isnt it
Thats how i roll
Thats how they got al capone you know
Thats on me
Thats one that answers
Thats safer
Thats what i thought
Thats what i thought your a butthole guy
Thats what my wife does when we talk about you she laughs
Thats what she calls it the fuckins
The bosses name was pepe
The cucks
The devil made me do it
The fings
The frog says his name
The fuck q
The fucking and sucking (
The fucking and sucking (q) i could teach you
The fuckings 2
The fuckings 3
The ghost fuckings
The ghosts here are unbelievable
The girl there whats her name sandy
The guy with the fat neck
The handjobings
The judges order
The line is busy (yell)
The one that i ordered
The peach bottttomm
The pink chicken
The power that your pumpin it with
The rest of these look like they are made in china
The tip of his penis
There he is again
There is a fresh one that i sent
Theres gonna be fuckin either way
Theres gotta be
Theres no holding
Theres something for ya
These are all junk
These chairs suck
They dont have enough room
They just wanna cash out and head sdouth
Theyre all named mohammed
Theyre available
Theyre shit
Theyre theyre shit
This guy
This guy doesnt even speak english
This is by far the funniest prank call
This is my celery
This isnt professional
This motherfucker
This ones yours skeeter
This town
Time is the fire in which we all burn
Transfer me to another department
Two dogs
Two of the one that i ordered
Up in my room fucking my husband
Usually people that get somebody die
Wait a nap
Wake up bitch I'm talkin
We are giving you opp to explain the animal conditions
We deport everyone for that
We dont know what the frog talk is
We got 2 dogs were bringin
We just wanna weeze some jewwwss
We wanna be armed to the teeth
Well how bout this
Well i want the fuckings
Well why arent you
What (mad)
What a babe
What are they
What are you in a wheel chair
What are you on your period
What are you wearing dude
What are your fuckin hours
What color is your underwear
What do you mean like that
What does that even mean
What flicks your bean
What gets you in the mood to flick that bean aorund
What is frog talk
What is frog talk 2
What is her buttcheeeks made of sand
What is that music
What q
What was his name
What were you dreaming about
What would you buy what would you recommend
What would you reccomend
Whataya mean no
Whatd you say your name was
Whats that
Whats your kink 2
Whats your neighbors telephone number
Whats your thing
When i get there with that cash shell take it
When i wake up in the mornin
When you get back ill brush your hair very nice for you
Where can i find the sexy time
Wheres my money at
Who answer the phone what was his name
Who answered the phone
Who called first
Who is that
Who is this
Who was that girl on the phone
Who's that woman i was talking to a minute ago
Whos that fat fuck answered the phone
Whos that guy talkin
Whos that in the background
Whos the head immigrant down there
Whwhat did you say
Why dont u have naan
Why is it because were gay
Why you talking to me like that
Why you talking to me like that WHORE NAME
Will you really work for tips
With gravy on em
With the brown gravy on it (and)
With the gravy on top
Woman young ok what would you like
Woowoowoowoowo indian
Wow that's frickin freaky
Wow thats awesome
Yea [approve]
Yea 2
Yea 3
Yea 4
Yea i knew i was gonna be trippin balls
Yea i know
Yea i know i bought em
Yea i play with my asshole at you
Yea i want barrels
Yea ok
Yea q
Yea q 2
Yea thatd be great
Yea thats it
Yea the chick there you know the fat one
Yea the cuck
Yea the cucks
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