Main Content
A Couple of Wall Flowers on Wheels #they are all alone #skating rink #couple of wall flowers #no dates #laverne and shirley
A Hankie
Active Action Scenes #dancing while drinking #choking vinnie #rolling across the floor #rope drop #laverne and shirley
All Visitors Please do Some Bark #so some barking #cruise about to start #visitors disembark #laverne and shirley
Alright, Give it Your Best Roll #elderly lady bowls #dumps ball from cart #flaps arms like a chicken #gutter ball #laverne and shirley
Anything But Murder Mr #do something some time #get together #anything but murder #laverne and shirley
Anything But Murder Mr #no murder #what do you want to do #smashes chip #lavern and shirley
Appearance in the Fighting Ring #taking robe off #stuck in robe #help wasnt helping #ring announcement #lavern and shirley #lenny and squiggy
Are You Paranoid? #are you paranoid #im german #interrogation room #laverne and shirley
Being Thoughtless #been so thoughtless #wasnt thinking #lets not dwell on it #didnt stop and think #lenny and squiggy #laverne and shirley
Better Not Lay One Finger on Her #uncle gives warning #if you lay 1 finger on her #ill break your face #pizza date #laverne and shirley
Boy, Is Your Father Mad #telling off crude guys #accidentally laverns dad #boy is he mad #laverne and shirley
Can You Explain Something to Me? #explain to me #your mother know where you are #eating pizza #pizza flip #laverne and shirley
Can't Find My Pink Blouse #why arent you ready yet #not ready #cant find blouse #laverne and shirley
Couch is as Good as New #turtle on its back #couch is good as new #seat busted through #help me get out #its not funny #laverne and shirley
Dance off With Rosie #dance off #laverne vs rosie #dance moves #laverne and shirley
Doing The Model Walk #walk to water cooler #doing the walk #model agency #no cups #laverne and shirley
Don't Bring it Up Again #stuffing bra #squiggy #socks #dont bring it up
Don't Call Attention to Me #laughing out loud #stop that #dont call attention to me #laverne and shirley #sneaking in
Don't You Ever do That Again #pointing finger #dont ever do that again #laverne and shirley #do not ever
Egyptian Walk #theatrical walk #egyptian style #funny walk #laverne and shirley
Ernie's Discount Wedding Chapel & Bingo Parlor #wedding chapel #wedding day #bingo #laverne and shirley
Excuse Me, I See Some Real Customers Over There #we cater to the well to do #we are an exclusive shop #i see real customers over there #not affordable #out of their league #laverne and shirley
Falling Out of the Chair #falling asleep #falling out of chir #landing flat on ground #laverne and shirley
Feed Me the Rest of The Oranges #juggling #throw me the rest #yelling at each other #laverne and shirley
Fireman Song #fireman song #by lenny and squiggy #laverne and shirley #putting out the fire #fireman
Getting a Little Chunky Around the Seater #fork lift to get you up #jello thighs #chunky seat #goodyear tires made leotards #laverne and shirley
Giving the Dresses Back #returning rented dress #wearing only slips #snooty hostess #laverne and shirley #well i never
God Is Our Co Pilot #slap me #ill pinch you #god is our co pilot #frantic #laverne and shirley
Going for a Ride With Rosie #rosie still fat #girls want to fight #going for a car ride #laverne and shirley
Got the First Note? #got it #hear it #ready to sing #singing song together #finding first note #laverne and shirley
Hanging From the Hooks #stuck on wall #hanging from hooks #trying to get down #jumping #laverne and shirley
He's Got 39 Marshmallows in His Cheeks #marshmallow eating contest #lodged in his cheeks #somebody do something #laverne and shirley
Hello #hello #coming through door #making entrance saying hello #laverne and shirley
Hello #hello #entering saying hello #laverne and shirley #lenny and squiggy
Hello #hello #lenny and squiggy #hello hello hello #laverne and shirley
Hold It! Hold It! Hold It! #song with movement #singing #laverne and shirley #auditioning
Hot Iron Burnt the L Off #hot iron #burned shirt #burnt the l off #laverne and shirley
I Ain't Got No Gun #reach for the sky #got no gun #spraying water fight #lavern and shirley
I Broke My Tooth #broken tooth #smile #laverne and shirley
I Can't Climb Down #just come down #rings the bell #laverne carries down on shoulders #you did it #laverne and shirley
I Do, I Do, I Do #i do #wedding day #laverne and shirley #marriage
I Don't Know How to Dance #follow me #i cant dance #richie cunningham #laverne and shirley
I Just Said That With a Bible in My Hands #towels with hotel logo were gifts #towels in cabinet #i just lied #laverne and shirley
I Love That Dress #go out with me #i love that dress #ill wear it forever #going bowling #look stupid bowling in it #long kiss #laverne and shirley
I Want Anchovies on My Pizza #ordering a pie #italian wheel hold anchovies #put shoes on its going for a walk #pizza to go #laverne and shirley
I'm all Soapy, I Need Water #water was being shut off #screams I'm all soapy #plucking eyebrows #laverne and shirley
I'm Drowning my Sorrows in Cooking Sherry #rotting in jail #she cant go anywhere #with common thugs and scallywags #im drowning my sorrows #cooking sherry #laverne and shirley
I'm Not Quitting, Just Not Walking #bowling tournament #laverne is on cold medicine #carried to line in chair #sneeze to release ball #laverne and shirley
I'm So Sorry #drunk #im so sorry #ill clean it up #lavern and shirley
I've Got High Hopes #ive got high hopes #singing frank sinatra #move a rubber tree plant #duet sung beautifully #laverne and shirley
I've got Your Badge Number Chubby #everyone move it out of here #leave #alright but ive got your number #my property #do you have a warrant #laverne and shirley
If You aint Got Teamwork, You Aint got Diddly #vince lombardi quote #if you aint got teamwork #you aint got diddly #laverne and shirley
If You Slap Me I'll Pinch You Hard #pinch #laverne and shirley #scared of flight #slap
Just Stand Up #stand up #officer training #kiddie size pool #carrying dummy over water #fall in pool #laverne and shirley
Kiss After the Date #the kiss after the date #he falls over steps #shes dreamy #laverne was watching #laverne an shirley
Laverne Darling, Hold My Fur #my husbands credit cards #hold my fur #laverne wants to fight #laverne and shirley
Lenny & The Squigtones #lenny and squiggy sing #laverne and shirley #concert #rock n roll
Lenny and Squiggy #busting thru the door #doing dance moves #laverne and shirley #dance moves
List Read in Heaven #do good list #lavernes is short and sweet #shirley has a long list #in heaven #laverne and shirley
Make all our dreams come true #tv theme song #best friends #old tv #laverne and shirley #make dreams come true
No Need to Tape Your Bangs Down #brush bangs while wet #styling tips #pulling tape off #laverne and shirley
Nobody Cares What Happens to Us #laverne and shirley
Not a Minute Too Soon #drying hair in oven #we are going to make it #sewing button #charcoal face #almost ready #laverne and shirley #dressed in a flash
Nuns Don't Hear Confessions #lenny confessing sins #old classmate became a nun #he was out 10th grade due to ringworn #cant catch it #pass on to a priest #laverne and shirley
Obstacle Course Beat #rings the bell #climbs the rope #officer falls in the pool #laverne and shirley
Old but I Still Got all The Moves #very overweight #i can still run #laverne and shirley
Piano Playing Bed #honeymoon sweet #pretend groom #laverne stays dressed as groom #piano playing bed #heart shaped bed #laverne and shirley
Pilot Gets Knocked Out #just a little turbulence #air bubble #no one driving plane #laverne and shirley #spills coffee
Point it At Me #quit pointing it at me #point it at me #dentist office #n2o #breath in laughing gas #laverne shirley
Proud to be Here With You #proud to be here with you #clumbsy #falling down ramp #rose thorn pokes #laverne and shirley
Pull The Sheet out #nurse #pulling sheet out #changing patients sheet #sliding under the bed #laverne and shirley
Put That Away in Front of a Holy Man #what do ya think about this #risky sleepwear #put that away #priest preacher cover your eye #laverne and shirley
Reach For the Sky #spraying water #you wouldnt dare #reach for the sky #laverne and shirley
Roller Skating Conga Line #rollerskating #conga style #with little men #laverne and shirley
Rubber Worm Made From Rubber #starring jay leno #want to go fishing #carp are biting #have a brewsky #laverne and shirley
Santa Isn't Hohoho'ing Down the Chimney with a Man #santa isnt bringing you a man #hopes are too high #get it got it good #laverne and shirley
She Fits in a Suit Case #if i was a turtle #poke holes in top for turtles #traveled in suitcase #folded like a pretzel #shake her out #laverne and shirley
She Kissed Him #goodnight kiss #richie cunningham #goes out wrong door #laverne and shirley
She Married a Proctologist #grabbed the brass ring #been up on a high horse #married a proctologist #really grabbed the brass ring #laverne and shirley
She's a Nun, Married to God #we are the only singles #shes a nun married god #talk about mr right #not married #laverne and shirley
She's Got a Knife #shes got a knife #dont come near us #ill kill you #threatening #laverne and shirley
She's Not a Normal Girl #dont mess with her #shes not normal #slow #mentally retarded #dont ever say that again #laverne and shirley
Shield us From the Wind #windy #wind blowing hard #big girl shield us #runs away #objects blowing in the wind #laverne and shirley
Shirley Irish, Protestant, Democrat #official introductions #model showing off #irish protestant democrat #laverne and shirley
Shirley Leads in Prayer #god is great god is good #thank you god for this food #co workers meal #laverne and shirley #shirley prayed
Show Stunts #mopping floor #bed folding up #riding horse thru living room #t****ze act #laverne and shirley #antics
Sip Swallow, Sip Swallow #sip swallow #beer tasting auditions #tryouts #laverne and shirley
Snoot Face #snootface #mistreated customer #falsely arrested #looked down on #laverne and shirley
Someone's Tailing You #small men #holding onto skirt #roller skating #leaning over to reach man #laverne and shirley
Spotless Reputation #clean record with dates #went steady a whole year #spraying sound with her mouth #scared a bus driver #laverne and shirley #hate that sound #spotless reputation
Starfish Stuck to Her Face #windstorm #windy #starfish stuck to her face #shirley pulls star fish off #man falls at the door #laverne and shirley
Synchronized Yelling #yelling #sounds like jibberish #stop to breath #laverne and shirley
That Cow Can't call me a Pelican #bowling ball stuck #trying olive oil to get it off #name calling #laverne is sneezing #pelicans are ugly #get even through bowling #laverne and shirley
That's All My Work up There #straw wrapper design #eating pizza #blow straw paper #dip in sauce it sticks #showing his artwork
The Dizzy Shall Inherit the Earth #taste testing at work #she got promoted #getting dizzy proved a fine pallet #laverne and shirley
The Double foldo backwards flipo #eating pizza #for the advanced eater #folded and flipped pizza #lenny giving demonstration #laverne and shirley
The Flying Yatsevitch vs Lenny & Squiggy #honeymoon suite #came to entertain lavern #performing at the hotel #dance off #laverne and shirley
The Fonze Finds Dates #fonze finds hot dates #laverne and shirley #dates #richie cunningham #fonzie
The Only Party You've ever Been To are Bring Your Own #party invitation #not a bring your own #go alone #drinking from milk carton #laverne and shirley
The Wind is Picking Up #wind storm #blown over #flying objects #laverne and shirley #windy
There Are No Holes #no holes in ball #laverne on cold medicine #look out audience #laverne and shirley
They Are at the Currency Exchange #busy at currency exchange #he didnt like his money #be here soon #laverne and shirley
They're Calling You The Fonzess #mrs fonzie #laverne getting married #laverne and shirley #wedding day
This Girl is Turning Green #turning green #shes irish #beer tasting tryout #not feeling well #laverne and shirley
TV Blows Up #tv blows up #fabulous fabian #watching favorite show #smoke and loud noises #laverne and shirley
We are Expecting 2 Gorgeous Chickaroonies #expecting 2 chicks #for dinner and crackers #dinner dates #laverne and shirley #lenny and squiggy
We're Crossing Guards #its a dirty city #clean up the muggers and jaywalkers #we are crossing guards #crime begins with the young #halt there halt you #laverne and shirley
We've Come to Fix Your Teeth #file them to match short ones #weve come to fix your tooth #short stubby teeth #laverne and shirley
Welcome Nutsy #welcome nutsy #reunion #nutsy became a nun #laverne and shirley
What Else will They do, Play Old Maid #rosie talking smack #they will show up #sit home and play old maid #laverne bites her #laverne and shirley
What's In it For Us? #how about 50 cents each #laverne and shirley
Whats the Matter With Your Own Sheets #our sheets are hard #throw up face #gagging laverne #laverne and shirley #lenny and squiggy
Wrestling Stretches #stretch #tights and tutu #hitting rear on ground #laverne and shirley
Wrong Answer #game show contestants #wrong answer #shirley you idiot #casa blanca piano player #laverne and shirley
You Behaved Like a Lady #good self control #behaved like a lady #ill stick her name tag up her nose #throwing ketchup bottle #mean lady #laverne and shirley
You Hit Me! #you hit me #getting a grip on myself #hysterical #im sorry #laverne and shirley
You Idiot #wrong answer #you idiot #laverne and shirley #smacks her
You Looked Like Total Idiots #harsh critique #looked like idiots #played part well #laverne and shirley
You Vode o Doe Doe #vode o doe doe #repeatable line #laverne and shirley
You Want to Make Up? #wrestling match #lets make up #exhibition fight #shirley taunting serious wrestlers #laverne and shirley
You're Going to be Here a Long Time #be comfortable #youre going to be here a long time #not leaving #laverne and shirley
You're in For Some Rough Stuff Tonight #not exhibition only #fight night #shirley is smack talkin #opponents responding with #making it a show #laverne and shirley
Your Reunions Stink #your reunions stink #you sharpened your darts today #laverne and shirley
Your Truck Washing Job Stinks #youre fired #job stinks #we quit #mustard and ketchup #laverne and shirley
2 Months Ago #why did you invite me here #i enjoyed last date #flirting #laverne and shirley
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