Apologize, Fucker #say sorry #say youre sorry #you were wrong #that wasnt cool #that hurt from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Bullshit! I Holler Bullshit! #bs #i call bullshit #i call bs #no way #not true #lying from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate #sweet tooth #dessert #need chocolate #love chocolate #valentines day from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Coffee. Coffee from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Congratulations! Well Done, Fucker #congrats #good job #you did great #props from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Don't Make Me Grate Your Ass #kick your ass #watch out #pissing me off #making me mad from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
For Fuck's Sake, Get Over Yourself #be humble #stop #bragging #boasting #talking about yourself #all about you #no one asked from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
For Fuck's Sake, Not That Again #drop it #over this #nothing else to say #change subject #enough of this from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Fuck it. Flip it from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Fuck No! #absolutely not #cant have that #unacceptable #not cool #no way from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
FUCKING AWESOMENESS! #amazing #awesome #thats perfect #ideal #hell yeah #yes #celebrate from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Get some rest and tackle that shit! #rest up #big day tomorrow #you got this #sleep well #dont stress from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Give Me Coffee and Nobody Gets Hurt #need coffee #morning #tired #sleepy #caffeine from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Good Morning, Sweet Fuckers #have a nice day #rise and shine #waking up from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Granny Loves You #heart #heartbeat #love #grandma from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Granny Loves You! #blow kiss #love #grandma from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Greener Pastures are Full of BS #too good to be true #bullshit #not that good #not actually better #grass is greener from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Happy Anniversary! Make Some Whoopie #sex #special night #anniversary from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Happy Birthday, F*cker! #bday #happy birthday #hbd #birthday wishes from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Hugs and Kisses #hugs and kisses #hugs #kisses #love #love you #xoxo from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Hugs! I Love You #hug #love hugs #love #loving from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
I Don't Think So #oh no you didnt #watch yourself #crossed a line from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
I Get So Fucking High on Life #dont do drugs #natural high #who needs drugs #dont smoke #weed #pot #cocaine #drugs are bad from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
I have no idea what the fuck you just said from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
I'm Really Sorry #sincere #apology #my fault #my bad #mistake #im sorry #im so sorry from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
If You Like It, It Goes In #cooking #what you want #what you like #ingredients #advice from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
It's your fucking food. Have it your way from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Jokes on You, Fucker #gotcha #got you #april fools from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Just for You Fucking Haters #for my haters #unphased #keep hating from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Love is Admitting When You Fucked Up #advice #wisdom #relationship #apologize #say sorry #say youre sorry from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Love You. Mean it from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Nighty Night #good night #rest up #sleep tight #sweet dreams #sleep well #go to bed from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
No No No No No No No #never #no way #absolutely not #nah #not a chance from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Oh Fuck No #no way #never #absolutely not #not a chance #not happening from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Oh Goodie! The Holidays Again! #holidays #christmas #cause trouble #get in trouble #go wild #tis the season from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Oh Joy, the Holidays Again. F*ck me from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Oh Spare Me from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Really? Really? Really? #shocked #disappointed #thought better of you #cant believe you #sigh from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Sarcastic Apology #sorry #not sorry #insincere from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Satan, Suck a Dick #devil #temptation #not giving in #sin #religion from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Satan, Suck a Dick! That's Fucked Up! #disturbing #disgusting #not right #not ok #gross #evil from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Shut Up. Shut up. I Said Shut Up from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Shut Your Piehole #shut up #be quiet #stop talking #shut your mouth #shush from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
This is Mega Tits! #this is huge #wow #excited #oh boy #cant contain myself from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
What is there about "NO" that you don't understand? #i said no #rejection #not interested #no thanks #flirting #tinder #give it up #stop trying from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
What the Fuck #wtf #what the hell #cant believe #this is ridiculous #ugh #frustrated from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Whoop dee fucking doo #sarcastic celebration #fake excited #thanks for sharing #didnt ask #dont care from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
WTF #eye roll #what the fuck #wth #what the hell #are you kidding me #cant believe this #frustrated from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
Yikes. I apologize. I fucked up from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
You did what last night? With whom? #wild night #drunk #hook up #sex from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
You Got Me #fell for it #gullible #april fools from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
You Think That Shit's Funny? #not funny #bad joke #not amused from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
You're beautiful inside and out #pretty #stunning #gorgeous #you look amazing #look so good #positivity from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard
You're Fucked #so fucked #youre screwed #in trouble #tough situation from Granny PottyMouth Soundboard