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Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) Exit Through the Gift Shop is a thought-provoking and critically acclaimed documentary

Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) Soundboard

Exit Through the Gift Shop is a thought-provoking and critically acclaimed documentary film released in 2010. This fascinating movie, directed by the renowned British street artist Banksy, delves deep into the world of street art and graffiti. With its intriguing storyline and captivating characters, this film captivates and challenges viewers to question the true nature of art and its commercialization.

The film revolves around the character of Thierry Guetta, a French immigrant living in Los Angeles, who becomes obsessed with documenting street art. Armed with a camera, Guetta captures the underground world of renowned street artists like Shepard Fairey, Invader, and ultimately, Banksy himself. Through his camera lens, Guetta gains unprecedented access to the clandestine process of creating street art, which often involves trespassing, nighttime adventures, and a constant risk of getting caught.

As the movie progresses, it becomes apparent that Guetta might be more interested in documenting these artists rather than participating in their world. His obsession with filming leads him to accumulate hundreds of hours of footage, which eventually evolves into a massive archive. However, despite his extensive documentation, Guetta struggles to translate his footage into a coherent artistic vision.

Enter Banksy, the elusive and anonymous British street artist who agrees to help Guetta transform his chaotic footage into a compelling documentary. However, it soon becomes apparent that Guetta's version of the film is disappointingly amateurish and lacks any artistic merit. Disappointed and possibly even betrayed by Guetta's lackluster effort, Banksy seizes control of the project and turns the film into a commentary on the commercialization of art.

Exit Through the Gift Shop challenges audiences to question the authenticity and true value of art. With witty and sharp commentary, Banksy raises important questions about the commodification of street art and the very nature of artistic expression. Is art only valuable because it is monetarily successful? Or is there something more profound in the act of creation itself? These are some of the philosophical quandaries that viewers are left pondering long after the film's end credits roll.

The cast of Exit Through the Gift Shop mainly consists of the real-life artists who contribute to the film. Thierry Guetta, the protagonist and aspiring filmmaker, goes on to reinvent himself as the street artist Mr. Brainwash. Meanwhile, Banksy himself remains behind the scenes, using his enigmatic persona to weave complex narratives and challenge societal norms.

The documentary received widespread critical acclaim upon its release and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2011. Its unique storytelling style, blending elements of documentary, satire, and street art, sets it apart from traditional documentaries. The film's success also generated significant controversy, with some questioning whether the entire story is, in fact, an elaborate hoax orchestrated by Banksy.

In conclusion, Exit Through the Gift Shop is not your average documentary. It immerses viewers in the world of street art and raises profound questions about the nature of art and the commercialization of creativity. With its remarkable cast of real-life artists and Banksy's directorial finesse, the film challenges our preconceived notions about art and leaves us questioning the very meaning of artistic expression. To experience the sights and sounds of Exit Through the Gift Shop, you can play and download the film or listen to the captivating soundtrack here.
A bit more on the other side now.
A Frenchman who had been living in Los Angeles
A regular family man,
Almost 200 pieces in a riot of themes and styles.
Amanda always thought that he was weird,
And after her death,
And change 'em around.
And generally, people were thinking,
And going on top of something
And he goes to here, he goes there,
And he had a massive larder.
And he left me with the tapes.
And he put it.
And he said, Hello, my chéri,
And he was filming me all the time,
And his increasingly ambitious adventures
And I don't know how to stop...
And I handed some out first of all,
And I made, like, this image giant
And I said, Absolutely.
And I said, I really like that guy.
And I started making that photocopy...
And I was just having fun,
And I'll come and decide.
And I'm filming.
And iconic visual style.
And it's beautiful.
And it's like,
And left Thierry there filming it.
And locking the unwatched tapes away in boxes
And making the thing and going,
And one moment,
And Paul Klee and..
And realized he didn't have a clue
And sold off whatever he could
And starting to blow up, through a pump, a doll.
And suddenly, it had all become about the money,
And the day that I find out about my mother,
And they make something out of it.
And Thierry adding new projects by the hour,
And thousands of hours of material
And we used to buy these for $50.
And when I got there,
And you can get caught, you know?
And, you know, things you couldn't find here:
Andre the Giant.
Andy Warhol made a statement by repeating famous icons
At getting a print?
Banksy took Thierry everywhere,
Banksy turned a spot of hit and run vandalism
Banksy's about brainwashing.
Because he was, like, doing some tile, very small,
Because I felt like everything
Because I think it's part of the popular culture.
Because usually people film a day, two days, three days,
Because with time, you'll see my creativity.
Because you're gonna attract attention.
Because, you know, it's Disneyland.
Brought something to it
But I respect passion.
But I said that I would do it
But I said, Wait till the end of life,
But I took some out,
But I would never watch it.
But in ways, he was an accomplice,
But it never was about the money.
But the American news media could only see
But, sweetie, it's all around us.
By the end of his opening week,
Come on, guys!
Coming up at 5:30,
Commemorate his life.
Could be shared by an audience of millions.
Could I just have a quick word with you, please?
Did a good job.
Even people who tell me, No, I don't want to be filmed,
Everything I was doing.
Filming at night and street,
For his debut show, Life is Beautiful.
For the next eight years.
For the world's biggest street artists,
Framed and ready to hang,
From Miami and New York
Full of enthusiasm for his unexpected new assignment.
Got it.
Great. Bravo.
Had its roots in his childhood in France.
He attached it to the metal bars,
He can help you out.
He does very, very good graffiti.
He faced Israeli army fire to pull off his latest stunt.
He goes in the corner
He just wanted to go whenever I was going,
He took him on a tour of the city
He wanted to keep going all night long,
He was actually gonna finish it and pull it off
He was like kind of a Robin Hood or something.
He was not only a filmer,
He'd been to them around the world.
He'd seen people do big art shows.
His mother's illness had been kept from Thierry,
How can I get this guy?
How do I feel about being partially responsible
I call it designer,
I came up with the idea that the whole movement of art
I don't have any picture on him,
I don't know... 30 feet by 40 feet high, you know?
I finally did train him to not turn the light on
I go on Delete, and I go, Pffft!
I guess he became my friend
I guess Thierry was in the right place
I knew that couldn't be far away.
I liked the idea of the more stickers that are out there,
I lost my mother when I was 11 years old,
I made ÂŁ1 million worth,
I mean, I always used to encourage everyone I met
I mean, I am still a filmmaker, and..
I mean, it's... I was there at the wrong time
I mean, the thing is
I mean, Thierry was the perfect host
I need to put some white ones here...
I really liked him.
I think even when you have the best intentions,
I think it's exploring
I think the joke is on...
I used to buy old Adidas and old things
I vrrr... I go through red light.
I was, like, addict.
I worry for my kids
I'm downstairs
I'm glad my friends turned me on to this.
I'm Mr. Brainwash.
I'm nobody
I've done it.
In my own house, when the kids grow up,
In the beginning, you're, like, thinking,
In the gallery's landscape room
In the heart of old Hollywood
In the months that followed,
It was an even bigger star, however,
It was around the anniversary of September the 11th,
It was dangerous.
It was important what it was.
It was like a spiral, and I just fall in it.
It's Bat Papi.
It's cool, though, right?
It's impossible.
It's Lady Di instead of the queen.
It's so cool.
It's, like, a piece that I made.
It's, like, the moment that I'm here for
Just me and him.
Later, as an adult raising his own family,
Life is Beautiful stayed open for a further two months,
Like he would use the video camera.
Like kind of a cartoon character.
Like people who have Picassos and, you know, Mondrians
Like people who's not at Disneyland
Like, because I love art
Like, behind the gate.
Like, they caught me as Banksy.
Maybe it means art is a bit of a joke.
Most artists spend years perfecting their craft,
Mostly, the people came and came back.
Mr. Brainwash had arrived.
My cousin, at that time, he was an artistic...
NARRATOR: And that was the moment
NARRATOR: But inside,
NARRATOR: But instead, Thierry busied himself
NARRATOR: By targeting the world's most notorious wall,
NARRATOR: Circumstances had conspired
NARRATOR: Over the rest of his time in London,
NARRATOR: Street art had become a white hot commodity.
NARRATOR: Thierry seemed happy enough selling clothes
Nobody noticed,
Not to miss out on this cultural phenomenon,
Now it seemed everyone
Now no serious contemporary art collection
Of all this stuff that, you know,
Of unwatchable nightmare trailers,
Oh, yeah? That's a lot of paper
Okay, cela $30,000.
Okay, okay, there is one thing,
Okay. I'll make him.
On home turf.
On the grand debut of Mr. Brainwash.
One picture, yeah.
Only over three days and in skid row.
Or if he copies Shepard Fairey,
Or Mr
Or they... even if they do have it,
Otherwise, he gets beat, and he sleeps on the couch.
Over an art exhibit involving a live painted elephant
Prepare me some canned olive paint.
Re creating the character, kind of way.
Realizing that, frankly, he's just kind of retarded.
Really interesting stuff.
Reoccurring in so many different mediums.
Right. Not here.
Shepard was the world's most prolific street artist.
So he went through this book four or five times
So how did you like L.A. Weekly?
So I don't really know what the moral is.
So I film him
So I have them up here,
So I mean, it's like,
So I wanted somebody that I couldn't get.
So it was a pretty high temper moment.
So now you follow me.
So then I got a phone call from Thierry,
So they actually started shutting down parts of the park.
So they leave with it.
So this is what you're doing?
So we start working in the back of my house,
So why did you do him?
So you have a partner works with you, eh?
Some people, you know, might think that I'm a rabbit
Sometime I don't even write anything.
Starring the biggest figures in the street art world...
Stayed with him
Tagging along at Shepard's side
Telling me he could do anything;
That big image, I thought it was kind of cool.
That I have something to do with this person.
That I thought might be able to help him out
That makes the rest of the rooms look bad.
That Thierry's paintings finally arrived,
That's a Lichtenstein.
The Andy Warhol Mao is the first thing I ever bought.
The Campbell's Soup with multi ply colors
The enjoyment of taking the glue
The more important it seems,
The sense that he had missed such an important event
The two tone metal spray over there?
There you go. That's good.
These once temporary works
They brainwash.
They were so touched
Thierry goes through the books.
Thierry simply carried on,
Thierry struggled to keep himself entertained
Thierry was determined that Mr. Brainwash
Thierry was forced to accept that he may never find a way
Thierry would sell nearly $1 million worth of art.
Thierry's creative process, I guess,
Thierry's entrée into the art world
Thierry's family had learned to cope
This one, good.
Those little bunnies are Warhols.
Three guys behind me; four guys behind me.
To give him a quote for a press release,
To make art.
To the one missing star of his film,
To transform thousands of hours of unwatched tapes
Turned the show into an event.
Uh oh. Quickly, quickly, it's the cops!
Um... you know,
Until 8:00 in the morning,
Until they became meaningless,
Up on Hollywood Boulevard.
Very modern.
Wanted to know the answer to one question:
Was nothing less than a sensation.
We have, like... look at this.
We were going on top of buildings
Went back to 1989
What angel was gonna bring me to that person
What do you think, Thierry? Yeah.
What he considered to be a direct order:
What you doin', bud?
What's the capacity of this place?
Whatever elves Thierry had making that stuff
When I go with the artist, I'm just living them life.
When somebody shows you their work
When the sewing was different,
When you have Damien Hirst,
Whenever the artist went out in the streets.
Where he was gonna blow my cover.
Who could capture some of it.
Who was Banksy?
With no evidence to hold him,
With one exception.
With the notoriously secretive artist,
With Thierry's.
Would be the last time that I would see it the same way.
Yeah, it's very nice, this one.
Yeah, man, I do.
Yeah, yeah, that'll be crazy.
Yeah, yeah, there is Banksy here, and...
You can tell the real story of what this art is about.
You don't know Space Invader?
You just see lines.
You know what? We're working right now.
You know, he was putting mosaics together
You know, I like the danger.
You know, I'm kind of excited I'm going to Disneyland
You know, it's like a revolution kind of way.
You know?
You know?
You'll see if I'm a real artist or not.
You'll see in time who I will be,
You're coming with me.
You're laughing, eh? You're laughing, eh?
2:00... if he's gonna be out past 2:00,
Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.
[atmospheric electronic music]
[birds chirping]
[circular saw grinding]
[distant sirens wailing]
[distant sirens wailing]
[hammering drum and bass music]
[jaunty accordion music]
[metallic clanging]
[mischievous brass music]
[people on ride screaming]
[sirens wailing]
[slinky jazz music]
[sneaky music]
[spray paint can hissing]
[steel drums clanging]
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# And no one else can haunt me the way that you can haunt me #
# And there's nothing here to bind you #
# And there's nothing here to bind you #
# Do you know that tonight the streets are ours? #
# Do you know why #
# Don't let fear of me then fool you #
# From our vision and our goals #
# Go! #
# No, nothing ever mattered more than my darling #
# Oh, the trigger of time #
# These lights in our hearts #
# These lights in our street are ours #
# These lights in our street are ours #
# They tell no lies #
# They tell no lies #
# They tell no lies #
# Those people #
# Tonight the streets are ours #
# What you see sets you apart #
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