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Bulworth (1998) Bulworth is a satirical political comedy film directed by Warren Beatty and released in 1998. The movie

Bulworth (1998) Soundboard

Bulworth is a satirical political comedy film directed by Warren Beatty and released in 1998. The movie tackles issues of political corruption, race relations, and the influence of money in politics. With an exceptional cast and thought-provoking themes, Bulworth remains relevant and engaging even over two decades later.

The film stars Warren Beatty in the lead role, playing the character of Jay Billington Bulworth, a disillusioned and suicidal Democratic senator from California. Frustrated by the lies and deceit of politics, Bulworth decides to hire an assassin to kill himself. However, before the appointed day, he manages to find a new zest for life and a renewed passion for challenging the status quo.

Halle Berry portrays the character of Nina, a young woman who awakens Bulworth's desire for change and authentic connection. Berry delivers a charismatic performance, capturing Nina's energy and optimistic spirit. Her character becomes pivotal in the transformation of Bulworth's perspective on politics and society at large.

The main supporting cast includes Oliver Platt as Dennis Murphy, Bulworth's campaign manager who desperately tries to keep his candidate on track, and Sean Astin as Gary, a young political operative assigned to shadow and guide Bulworth. Both Platt and Astin provide excellent performances, with Platt adding a dose of humor and Astin embodying the genuine idealism that contrasts Bulworth's cynicism.

The film also features Paul Sorvino as Graham Crockett, a powerful political boss, and Don Cheadle as L.D., an African-American activist who challenges Bulworth's understanding of race and privilege. Sorvino's portrayal of the corrupt Crockett is both engaging and unsettling, representing the darker side of American politics. Cheadle, on the other hand, brings depth to his character, fueling the movie's exploration of racial issues and inequality.

Elon Gold plays the role of Bill Feldman, a journalist who uncovers the truth about Bulworth's transformation and subsequent political campaign. Gold's performance contributes an element of skepticism and a critical eye to the story as he delves into the depths of Bulworth's motives and actions.

Bulworth skillfully intertwines satire, humor, and social commentary. Through Bulworth's newfound honesty, primarily communicated through rap music, the film explores the detriment of money in politics and the need for greater authenticity in political discourse. The soundtrack of the movie, featuring rap songs written explicitly for the film, amplifies the cultural impact of Bulworth as it combines the elements of traditional narrative storytelling with a contemporary blend of music.

The satirical rap lyrics, often filled with profanity and controversial themes, were written by acclaimed hip-hop artist and producer Wyclef Jean along with Pras Michel and Lauryn Hill of The Fugees. Their collaboration resulted in an unforgettable soundtrack that played an integral role in the film's success. The soundtrack album features contributions from various rap artists, including Method Man, KRS-One, and Eve.

To this day, Bulworth stands as a remarkable piece of cinema, as its core themes remain highly relevant. The film's exploration of political disillusionment, racial inequality, and the corrosive influence of money in politics resonates strongly in the current socio-political climate. It serves as a reminder of the power of art to tackle serious issues while providing entertaining and thought-provoking narratives.

If you're interested in experiencing the captivating satire and engaging performances of Bulworth, you can play and download the movie on various online platforms. Its enduring relevance and exceptional cast make it a must-watch for anyone seeking to delve into the complex web of politics, society, and self-discovery.
A couple questions, then off to the hotel
A few days ago, I made a deal with a guy...
Action's on and we get jail from that
Admit it. It's 'cause you make a bundle
Against the politics of robbin' 'hoods
Ain't gonna work, no, sir, not those
Ain't no education going on up in that mother [ bleep ]
Airs tomorrow afternoon at 2:00.
All this information makes America phat
And all our hopes and dreams
And don't start with the school shit.
And for the sake of your pretty little daughter right here..
And his dress blue
And it's the usual people making trouble.
And the spirit will not descend without song.
And we pretty much forgot about it.
And you're smoking marijuana!
Any other help, please make payable to Bulworth '96
Are scratching their heads in wonder...
ASSISTANT: We've got Clinton tonight.
At a fundraising brunch earlier today...
At how a campaign actually operates.
Before the whites got us all
BOY: No, sir
BOY: Oh, fuck your mama, you fuckin' pig cocksucker
Bulworth appears not only to have won...
But our campaigns are financed by the same guys...
But we'll have to cancel this for today.
But you got to be a spirit, Bulworth.
Call the taxi, makin' sure that it records ya
Can you play that crispy crab cakes remark again?
Can't even buy a meal
Challenger Hugh Weldie began campaigning early today..
CHERYL AND TANYA: Boom boom boom boom
Come on, the guys you and I get our money from..
Comin' from afar
Coming through. Thank you
Compton's 50 miles, but yo, I'm gonna get there
COP: Hey!
Corporations and broadcasters make you dead meat
CROCKETT: Senator, when you have a moment.
CROWD: [ Singing ] Hey oh, hey, hey, hey oh
CROWD: Hey oh
CYPRESS HILL RAPPING: Insane in the brain
CYPRESS HILL RAPPING: Insane in the membrane
DARNELL: This place is for our homies, real ******s.
DAVERS: Vinnie! Davers
DAVERS: You're back in the chips, Senator.
Democrats and Republicans say
Die over some motherfuckin' oil money
DIRECTOR: What's going on? Are we gonna do this or not?
Doing whatever leaves do.
Don't try it, I'll jack your ass
Every day is a holiday
FELDMAN: Nice. Less is more.
Feldman. Feldman
First, I'm too old for you
For a lot of life insurance..
For the haves and the have nots
For what seemed a much more casual and comfortable..
Forget it. I don't need it
FRED: I'm sure all he needed was a good meal and some sleep
Fuck me
Get on the ground and do it now!
Getting longer than a motherfucking marathon
Good of you to show up
Good work. Sit down.
Grand Dragon, finger lickin'
Has Mr
Have been helping support and protect families...
He ain't gotta be a black boy to be livin' like a slave
He said if I wanted the money, I'd have to do it myself
He was in a coma. I left the check.
Healthcare, managed care, HMOs
Hey, you freeze!
Hi, Larry
How many motherfuckers gotta pay?
How old do you think I am?
How you doing?
How's a young man gonna meet his financial responsibilities
I don't know about Hugh.
I find myself walkin' the streets
I have a 14 state strategy where you run as an independent.
I like Edgar. I've always liked Edgar.
I need to talk to the Senator
I saw you rush your brother out.
I'm a straight up ******
I'm concerned we're in a club in Compton..
I'm Jay Bulworth.
I've been looking for you everywhere.
ICE CUBE RAPPING: 'Cause I'm the wrong ****** to fuck with
If he lets a guy keep talking like I'm talking to you
If I'm gonna fuck, raise that dick
If we take the Santa Monica...
If you're having a problem, we should talk about it
In the political life of Senator Bulworth
Insane in the brain
Insane in the brain
Insurance came up with 250.
Into the only growth sector occupation..
Into white collar crime
Is focused on California...
Is the kind of press we're looking for?
It'll be fine. Give me the speech
It's not like I've not been completely loyal to that fucker
It's Senator Jay Bulworth
It's very important. See you at the church.
It's very, very disconcerting.
JAY RAPPING: Call it single payer or Canadian way
JAY RAPPING: It's the only way to go
JAY RAPPING: Murphy, Feldman, you're lookin' pretty beat
JAY RAPPING: Yo, Nina, Nina, I'm over here
JAY: Could I have your badge number?
JAY: It wasn't the guy.
JAY: So who walks in? Huey Newton
JAY: Uh, Con Uh...
JAY: Where are we going?
JAY: Where's Nina?
JAY: Why would I do that?
JAY: Woof! Woof!
JAY: Yes. Nina and I are going up to the room.
JAY: Yo, over here we've got our friends from oil
Just bounce to the
Just bounce to the beat
Just bounce to the beat, come on, come on
Keeps the haves and the have nots guessin'
Kill 'em live
Larry King is pissed about it, and he's not alone!
LEROY: That's George Hamilton.
Life insurance policies...
Like a looter in a riot
Macavoy, what does mack mean? Gary, do you know?
Made no explanation or apologies...
Make him squirm like a jellyfish
MISSY: Shoot 'em together.
Momma Doll said don't mess up her flowers
MOMMA DOLL SINGING: The lights are low
MOMMA DOLL: The party's gettin' rough...
MOMMA DOLL: They can't see the flowers
MURPHY: And freshen up.
MURPHY: He'll be here any second
MURPHY: Not just the clothes. But they're a part.
MURPHY: OK, listen to me.
MURPHY: Senator?
MURPHY: The both sides remark. Hello, Constance.
MURPHY: The senator's gonna go to his hotel and sleep.
MURPHY: Twenty four hours on the campaign trail
MURPHY: Very, very shortly, I promise you
MURPHY: We want to thank you all for your help.
MURPHY: Whoops.
MURPHY: Why don't we take a look at that new 30 second spot?
MURPHY: Why don't you get some sleep now?
MURPHY: You got that right. Bye, fellas.
My man hits the body, busting caps and hardly misses
My pops used to warn me
Nina, Nina
Nina, Nina where you been a?
NINA: Are we hiding again?
NINA: Come on in. Come in
NINA: Get in your car and go!
NINA: Here.
NINA: Shit!
Now it's time for the blubber, blabber
Now people got the problems, the haves and the have nots
Now that we're really doin' it..
Now the FBI's all over my dick
Of course we should help...
Of three minutes.
Off with their head, off with their head I say
Oh, come on, Bulworth
OK, boss.
OK, Macavoy. Beverly Wilshire, chop chop.
OK, well, now you listen to me
Propaganda can't gas the last man standin'
Pull in here, will you? I'm starving
Rappers get shot
Reachin' for the stars
REPORTER: Murphy. Murphy.
Run away with me
S2720 regulates insurance companies.
She was the baby.
She's been a loving partner, and more importantly...
Should we talk on the way?
Stuck and runnin' hard, haulin' ass
TANYA: But she booty ugly!
Tell that girl in the blue
Than I'm accustomed to.
That's the real obscenity
That's why y'all sent them motherfuckin' teenagers to Iraq.
The candidate to whom the question is addressed..
The FBI's up to no good
The final haul from the Sunday brunch is 1.1.
The movies, the tabloids, TV, and magazines
The name William
The name William, Propaganda can't gas
The one with the weave all in her hair
The other candidate will then have one minute to reply
The pussy the pussy tight
The Senator Jay Billington Bulworth.
The Senator wants to speak with you
The senator would just love to have drinks with the sultan
The weekend research project.
Then she'd just
There are no black leaders today because they all got killed..
They always put the big **** on my schedule.
They tell us that they're careful
They want someone like this.
They will tell you that's my style
They're friends of mine, can't you see?
To another place
To reinvigorate our society
To reinvigorate our society..
TV ANNOUNCER: Bulworth unveiled a new strategy...
TV REPORTER: In recent days he has not been seen.
TV REPORTER: Nobody seems to have seen him.
TV REPORTER: Victory speech. We'll see Bulworth's reaction..
UNCLE TYRONE: Well, I'm Governor Tyrone Pickney...
Was take the club, get on the funk
We blow 'em all to hell
We can wait in the car
We do have a new schedule.
We do today, or Tuesday, we don't work for anybody
We got a Congress that ain't got a clue
We got two from oil, banks are in for one and a half...
We stand at the doorstep of a new millennium
We stand at the doorstep of a new millennium
We stand at the doorstep of a new millennium.
We stand at the doorstep of a new millennium.
We stand at the doorstep of a new millennium.
We'll let you wear them casts without breakin' your legs.
We're doing business here, cracker
Wells Fargo and Citibank, you're really very dear
Went insane, got no brain
What are you concerned about?
What do you think it is?
What do you think, Senator?
What his response is.
What she got to do to get with you
What's up?
Where are you anyway, sir? Senator Bulworth?
Where's Nina?
Where's the fire?
With a whopping 71% of the vote...
WOMAN SINGING: Talkin' 'bout the firm
WOMAN: Damn, motherfucker, watch yourself!
Work out details on a new guarantee
Would five do it?
Yada yada yada
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yes. You just sat there.
You are gonna get a behind the scenes look..
You girls want breakfast at the Beverly Wilshire?
You got a very comfortable guest room out there.
You kidding? The guy's on a roll
You know how much insurance companies come up with?
You know what I get out of this place? Bupkus
You really gotta think about where your kids go to school.
You think I'm gonna say it's the African Americans
You tryin' to mack on my sister?
You're insecure 'cause you're white?
You've always had tremendous support in this district.
Expecting trouble? No
Good to see you, I Senator?
I guess so, boss
Keep a look out. Nobody can get in.
Kill Kill 'em live
Kill Kill 'em live
That's not a good idea. Yes, it is.
Yeah. Yeah?
[ Alarm sounds ]
[ Engine backfires ]
[ Helicopter ]
[ Horns honking ]
[ Organ music plays ]
[ Rapping ] We're late, we're late, we're late!
[ Raps indistinctly ]
[ Ring ]
[ Snores ]
[ Vocalizing ]
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