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3 Idiots (2009) 3 Idiots is a masterpiece of Indian cinema that was released in 2009. This critically acclaimed Bollywood

3 Idiots (2009) Soundboard

3 Idiots is a masterpiece of Indian cinema that was released in 2009. This critically acclaimed Bollywood film takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, laughter, and reflection. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, 3 Idiots explores the pressures of the Indian education system and the quest for true passion and happiness.

The film follows the journey of three friends - Rancho, Farhan, and Raju - who meet at the prestigious Imperial College of Engineering. The brilliant screenplay written by Hirani and Abhijat Joshi keeps the audience engaged from start to finish, blending humor with profound social commentary.

Rancho, played by Aamir Khan, is the enigmatic and unconventional genius who questions the traditional education system and encourages his friends to follow their dreams. Khan's outstanding performance further solidifies his reputation as one of the top actors in Indian cinema.

Farhan Qureshi, portrayed by R. Madhavan, is a talented photographer who reluctantly enrolled in engineering to please his parents. His portrayal of a lost soul yearning to pursue his passion is both relatable and heartwarming. Alongside him, Sharman Joshi brings his talent to the character of Raju Rastogi, a timid and anxious student from a financially struggling family. Joshi sensitively portrays the pressure and desperation faced by countless young students in India.

Apart from the central trio, the movie features memorable performances from Boman Irani as the ruthless institution director, Viru Sahastrabuddhe, commonly known as "Virus." Irani's portrayal of the strict disciplinarian and his comedic timing add an extra layer of entertainment to the film.

Kareena Kapoor Khan plays the role of Pia, the love interest of the protagonist Rancho. Kapoor Khan's portrayal of an independent and compassionate medical student adds depth to the storyline. The chemistry between Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan is palpable, adding a touch of romance to the narrative.

The soundtracks of 3 Idiots have garnered immense popularity and have become an integral part of Indian pop culture. The music is composed by Shantanu Moitra with lyrics penned by Swanand Kirkire. Songs like "All Izz Well" and "Give Me Some Sunshine" have become anthems for the youth, resonating with their struggles and aspirations.

Link: [Play and Download the 3 Idiots Soundtrack here]

The film's cinematography, helmed by C.K. Muraleedharan, showcases the stunning landscapes of India. From the breathtaking valleys of Ladakh to the vibrant streets of Delhi, the visuals beautifully capture the essence of the film.

At its core, 3 Idiots challenges the notion of success solely tied to academic achievement and highlights the need for a broader perspective on education. It reinforces the importance of pursuing one's passion and nurturing creativity, rather than succumbing to societal pressures.

The film's success lies in its ability to seamlessly blend humor and drama, making the audience laugh and cry in equal measure. The script tackles serious issues like societal expectations, mental health, and the importance of individual choices. It also sheds light on the flaws within the education system, emphasizing the need for reforms that encourage holistic learning.

Through its relatable characters and powerful storytelling, 3 Idiots leaves a lasting impact on viewers. It serves as a reminder to chase dreams, challenge conventions, and embrace the pursuit of happiness.

So, if you are looking for a movie that will make you reflect, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear, 3 Idiots is an absolute must-watch. Immerse yourself in the fantastic performances, captivating storyline, and unforgettable music that will leave a lasting impression on your heart.

[Play and Download the 3 Idiots Soundtrack here]
A for Apple, B for Ball..
A free spirited bird had landed in Virus's nest
A graders: Masters C graders: Slaves
A letter For you, from Hungary
A paralyzed father..
A passenger has just fallen down in the aisle
A shooting star skips along Crooning a ballad of love
Aal izz well
Aall izz well
Accept this humble offering
After dad's stroke, I couldn't focus for two months
All is well
Always blessed you with eternal life
And come close to kiss me
And his ties had hooks
And it's not a fight we intend to lose
And put in Rancho's
And the silent ones unbearable
Another roti?
Any questions?
Are you impotent? No
At every daughter's wedding, we're there to rock the party
At your sister's wedding, you wore sparkling new clothes
Babies were delivered
Be careful
Being stubborn?
Beware Virus inside
Booty, funds Bosom
But erase another zero, and I would worry a little
But he too would do anything for friends
But I still fail
But one day these methods will bring me success
But there is no way we are letting go of you
But we can't leave him alone
But you... you'll regret on your deathbed
Buzz off. You don't have school?
By the way, how many sarees per annum is reasonable?
C'mon Come
Can screw so many, so well
Can you type?
Chatur was the introductory speaker at the Teachers' Day function
Check from the bottom
Come to the window
Compete or die
Confusion and more confusion No sign of any solution
Cottage cheese? No, no, it's ok
Crazy sunbeams dance off petals As birds yodel in the skies
D 26
Dad has set it, to fail Raju
Dad, stay out of this
Definitely, sir
Didn't he teach you A friend is man's greatest bosom?
Distinguished Mr. Chairperson
Do you know our names and roll numbers?
Don't die on her..
Dr. Viru Sahastrabuddhe was the Director of lCE
Draws power from guests' cars
Enough, please... he's upset
Enrichment, enhancement and education of the human brain
Envelope with the red seal
Even to be born, one had to race 300 million sperms
Everyday at 2 pm he took a 7 1/2 minute power nap
Everyone turns into a yes man to get the job
Everything is fair in Love and War
Excuse me, sir
Excuse me, where is Ranchhoddas?
Farhan We found Rancho
Farhan will marry your sister
Finishing journals, copying assignments
Flowers, bold and brazen Snuggle and cootchie coo
Follow me Where?
For 32 years, he has unceasingly screwed students
For stealing this What's this?
For the last four years
For you it is! Now you're free to wear your mom's watch
Forgot my socks
Forgot the cheques, Raju ... Farhan?
Four bucks. Two per bag
Free as the wind was he
Freshmen are summoned. Come quickly
From a pen's nib to a pants' zip all machines
From birth we were taught Life is a race
Get it from another hospital
Give me another chance I wanna grow up once again
Give me some sunshine Give me some rain
Glad you didn't wait for an ambulance and got him on the scooter
Go on now. You have an exam tomorrow
God of Wealth, I'll offer 100/ every month
Good evening, good evening
Have the guts? Go confess to Pia.
He challenged conventions at every stage
He glared at us like we'd asked for both his kidneys
He has violated all deadlines
He is making some nonsense helicopter
He is one! First Engineering, then MBA
He means 'served' students
He simply reveled in today
He stayed on with us after he was orphaned
He was as unique as his name
He was in college for the joy of learning
He was the only one who was not a machine
He who touched our hearts and vanished...
He'd trained his mind to write with both hands simultaneously
He'd won us over! I felt like embracing him as family...
He'll turn your life into a nightmare of brands and prices
Here What's this?
Here come the tears! Real mature, Pia
Hey bro All is Well
Hey Raju!
Hey, what's your roll number?
His body is paralyzed with shock, but his mind is alert
His salary completely. And the sister...
His travails with Chatur began. Yes, I mean travails, not travels
Hold on
Hold on, Dad
Holy incense lit up my plight And yet God's nowhere in sight
Hope no dog here
How dare you barge in? I'll have you arrested
How did he get my office key?
How you feel, matters to me. Mr. Kapoor makes no difference
How'll you focus on studies?
I am Rancho
I can give you sympathy, not an extension
I didn't do it..
I don't blame you, sir. I blame the system
I have to worry
I see
I slipped on more charms and rings
I swear on Papa, it's true
I vow: No X rated thoughts of girls in my class..
I will be really happy
I won't accept defeat, Rastogi
I won't be his flunky... like you
I'll clean it in a jiffy
I'll do that for you. It's my sister's wedding
I'll make one, I promise
I'll sort it out, sir How?
I've seen it happen in movies What's now happening with us
I've topped, so I'm next to you
If Michael Jackson's dad forced him to be a boxer..
If we work on his project, who'll work on ours?
If you prefer simple language, join an Arts and Commerce college
If you reject me, no regrets
If you'd said Don't do Engineering if you don't want to
Ignore him The biscuit's very good
In this journey of few strides
Induction motor, sir. The whole chapter
Instead of a veil, you lift your helmet
Is rusticated from the Imperial College of Engineering
Is she at the hospital?
It cost 2000/
It will fly! We'll make it fly
It'll kill my dad, sir
It's a warm day, press a button, get a blast of air
It's booty, stupid. Bosom means...
It's month end. Who'll pay? His Mother Teresa?
Jackass! l aborted a flight, he forgot his pants
Joy, look outside
Just let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
Keep this. Hey, here's Raju
Kicked again
L know he won't show up
L said 'Get lost' Don't get so uptight
L'm not used to such expensive gifts, Suhas
Ladakh! Why?
Learn it up, bro. We're gonna really need it here
Let me live as I...
Let me live as I...
Let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
Lifelong I lived
Like a soaring kite was he
Listen please to those who love you
Listen, I'll update Pia, you peel off the price tag
Living each moment to the fullest
Living room maple wood flooring
Look, Virus has canceled your suspension order
Lt's ok. Quiet, now
Machines were his passion
Made a bride elope from her own wedding! All for Rancho
Mom, please
Mona, don't worry. I'm with you
Monday morning, I taught a class. So don't give me that nonsense
More than just your socks
More time with you, and they'll be out of the photo
Move, it's an emergency!
Move... move...
Must we follow all his hogwash? 'Aal izz well'
My 150,000/ coat
My silly heart goes 'Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi' as it jives and jigs along
My silly heart goes 'Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi' as it jives and jigs along
My silly heart goes 'Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi' as it jives and jigs along
My students. What're they doing here?
Need background score?
Never mind the design
New watch? One moment
No ass can say it's an ancient piece of junk
No credit card, no social status
No degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife...
No more cover ups!
No need to be so happy. Define a machine
No one knows what the future holds
No one knows what the future holds
No one offers it so readily
No, Dad. I'll never attempt suicide
No, stupid
None of this mattered to him
Not Bangdu. Wangdu. 'W'
Not slept?
Not yet. It's a six hour drive
Now see how he makes it grow
Now wear your ancient piece of junk at dinner
Now you will teach me how to teach?
Off, now
Oh no
Ok sir
On a bruised heart, like soothing balm was he
On the path called life
Or air your report on TV
Our teacher alerted him before going to the Principal
Phunsukh Bangdu? Who's that?
Pia weds Suhas! Thanks for the suit
Pitter patter go the raindrops Whish whoosh whistles the wind
Problem solved... Wake up now
Put it back
Quick, photocopy this
Raju, design?
Raju, don't stress. We'll top our class. Nothing is impossible
Raju, turn on the web camera
Ranchhoddas Chanchad. Front row
Ranchhoddas, take care, son
Rancho, Pia
Rascal Sorry sir
Return this
Run fast or you'll be trampled
Run for your life! It's free advice. Take it or leave it
Same name, same degree, same photo, but a different guy
Security, that way
Shall we discuss the salary?
She's looking for her watch
Should I give it to him? Hope he won't dent it
Shut up, Pia
Shut up! Are you in touch with her?
Silencer crammed 18 hours a day
Sir, if I could know the convocation dates...
Sir, rum
Sir, they're still writing
Sir, what's the sum total of your daughters?
Sis, why did you interrupt?
So it's all fixed Farhan will marry your sister
So let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
So little slow in Hindi
So, we were discussing the machine...
Some 'madeira' for you?
Some he could re assemble...
Some he couldn't
Sorry sir, l was born in Uganda, studied in Pondicherry
Sorry, we're late It was an emergency
Sorry. We're looking for Ranchhoddas
Speak to a friend miles away. The telephone... A machine!
Specially for Mr
Students called him Virus, computer Virus
Stumbling, rising, carefree walked he
Take off your pants or they are going to piss on you
Tell me something...
Thank you. Why?
That happens in movies, not in life
That resolves the problem?
That scared me
The duplicate key to Virus's office
The entire city's flooded, sir. We're helpless
The gorgeous low moon Serenades the earth
The heavens may beckon you
The lamb is clueless for what it's destined
The post mortem report
The question paper's in a cover with a red seal
The same rum you guzzled those days
Then con it bro, with this simple lie
Then prove it
Then why don't you propose to me?
There was another, just like him
There's a mistake. It's not possible
They'll get jobs, sir. There must be some firm that..
They're so unique, their names will be writ in gold
They've been our most consistent students
This is when we first saw Rancho
Those 22 minutes with you on the scooter
Time is ripe for love
Time itself is singing...
Time up
Today my respect for that idiot shot up
Today was Results day. Time to make a deal with God
Tomorrow ICE students will go across the globe
Too late! She's married
Try with all your might
Uday Sinha. Second row
Vaidyanathan, please sit down
Very good question
Vulgar fellow!
Wake up, don't torment us anymore
Watch over my results
We could afford just one air conditioner
We didn't invite you, you must be from the groom's side
We fought for a shower every morning
We fretted about the morrow
We had studied it. He applied it
We were in a huge dilemma
We were robots, blindly following our professors' commands
We won't let go of you
We won't let go of you
We won't let go of you
We won't let go of you
We'd sworn we won't even take a peek
We'll grow old searching! Ask Pia
We'll meet again after ten years
We'll never crash a wedding again Not even my own
We'll show the world that our capacity to screw...
We're not done yet..
Well done, buddy
Well, Delhi has plenty of power cuts that...
What do you say?
What happened?
What happened? We didn't inform Pia
What is it, Raju?
What is this? Sir, nest
What nonsense! I know that
What secret?
What the hell! You brought dad on the scooter
What? You lost the watch
What's he doing here?
What's this?
Whatever I do for you will be out of genuine love
When life spins out of control Just let your lips roll
When thrown out of one class, he'd slip into another
When you see him, do the winds whisper a melody?
Where did he go..
Where did he go... let's find him
Where did he go... let's find him
Where's it hidden...
Where's the design, Farhan?
Whistle away the toll Yell All is Well
Who are you?
Who is it?
Who is it? Your future son in law
Whole chapter?
Why such an expensive gift?
Why're you back?
Why're you smiling?
Will it hatch or become an omelette
Will it hatch or become an omelette
With just a little courage, you could've turned your life around
Without urgent corrective steps, his future will be ruined
Yeah, Farhan? The car's ready
Yell All is Well...
Yes, he lives there
Yes. How do you know?
Yes... so where was I?
You all will deliver this baby
You deflated Virus's erection
You explain so well. Can you give him a demo too?
You have given this institution what it sorely needs
You keep your job... I'll keep my attitude
You may refer to your books
You really missed your mom that day, didn't you?
You started it, you will finish it
You'll get killed as you step out of the college gate
You'll never deny a patient help... The Hippocratic Oath
You're an expert at that
You're gonna be Suhas Tandon's wife
You're in the center of the photo every year
You're still eating his favorite food
You're too straightforward
You've taken ages
Your 7th house is clear
Your dad wants Pia's scooter
Your grandpa is the ringmaster. He'll crack his whip
Your mom must've been really beautiful
Zoobi do...
2 minutes to think
5 years we've searched. Don't know if he's alive
1978. l was born at 5
'400 dead, 200 injured'
'Cause they're completely unused
'I give it to you'
'Okra Rs.12/ kilo'
'You have come first'; 'You're second"
'Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pum paara Zoobi doobi param pum'
'Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pum paara Zoobi doobi param pum'
'Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pum paara Zoobi doobi param pum'
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