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The Martian (2015) "The Martian" is a critically acclaimed science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott. Released in

The Martian (2015) Soundboard

"The Martian" is a critically acclaimed science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott. Released in 2015, it is based on the novel of the same name by Andy Weir and stars an impressive ensemble cast.

Set in the not-so-distant future, the film follows astronaut Mark Watney, portrayed by Matt Damon, who is left stranded on Mars after his crew mistakenly assumes he has been killed during a violent storm. With limited supplies and no way to communicate with Earth, Watney must use his ingenuity and resourcefulness to survive on the desolate planet until a rescue plan can be devised.

Matt Damon delivers a captivating performance as Mark Watney, showcasing both his vulnerability and resilience in an incredibly challenging situation. His portrayal truly embodies the character's determination and wit, making him a standout in the film.

The supporting cast of "The Martian" is equally impressive. Jessica Chastain portrays Commander Melissa Lewis, the leader of the mission who must make the difficult decision of leaving Watney behind. Michael Peña brings a touch of humor to the story as fellow astronaut Rick Martinez, while Kristen Wiig shines as NASA spokesperson Annie Montrose. Jeff Daniels delivers a strong performance as Teddy Sanders, the director of NASA, and Chiwetel Ejiofor impresses as Vincent Kapoor, the Mars mission director.

"The Martian" is not just a visually stunning film, but also a testament to human perseverance and the power of science. The stunning cinematography captures the vastness and isolation of Mars, making the viewer feel as if they are journeying alongside Watney on the red planet.

The film also explores themes of teamwork, problem-solving, and the importance of international cooperation, as multiple nations come together to save one man stranded millions of miles away. It highlights the strength of the human spirit and the lengths we are willing to go to help one another.

With its mix of thrilling suspense, humor, and heart, "The Martian" garnered widespread acclaim from both critics and audiences alike. It received numerous accolades, including seven Academy Award nominations, with wins for Best Visual Effects and Best Production Design.

For those who want to relive the epic journey of Mark Watney and get lost in the expansive beauty of Mars, "The Martian" is available for streaming and download. And with the availability to play and download the sounds of the film, viewers can fully immerse themselves in the extraordinary adventure and captivating story brought to life by the talented cast and crew.

Play and download these sounds [here].

In conclusion, "The Martian" is a must-watch film that combines stunning visuals, stellar performances, and a compelling storyline. It is an intense and uplifting cinematic experience that leaves viewers inspired by the extraordinary capabilities of the human mind and the resilience of the human spirit.
A full write up of everything.
Ahh! (THUDS)
All he can do is ask yes or no questions...
All the astronauts back at the same time.
Almost easier to what?
And all we can do is point the camera.
And I'll have the MMU,
And I'll survive
And I've got all my love to give
And if by some miracle, none of that happens...
And indeed, for international space travel.
And it'll be 52 minutes before intercept
And now it seems my only chance is giving up the fight
And now, me.
And poke a hole in the glove of my EVA suit...
And right now, the Hermes is headed towards you..
And sleeps somewhere in there and then starts again
And so you're back from outer space
And that's way too fast
And the MAV is gonna tip at 12.3.
And then I'm gonna make a speech...
And then if I just direct the hydrogen into a small area...
And then we just head home.
And they got a room full of people
And they nearly burned down their dorm.
And to intercept the Hermes...
And we had no choice but to abort the mission.
And we'll cancel the inspections.
And what do you hope to achieve this time around?
And you said yes to this?
ANNIE: Once Mission Control completes
Another mission?
Anyone else know a safer way to buy more time?
Anyone gets lost,
Approximately 48 minutes after launch.
Ares 5 won't even launch for five years
At the Schiaparelli Crater, just waiting.
At Waterloo Napoleon did surrender
Back it up. Look at Rover 2
Be careful out there.
Because we need to run the ship.
BECK: What about you, Commander?
Bomb set. (BEEPING)
Brace for deceleration. JOHANSSEN: two...
But "Elrond"?
But as long as I don't break it...
But he's smart enough to figure out
But instead, what I'm proposing is...
But it hasn't been very much.
But the second I walk outside, I'm in international waters.
But we can do a flyby.
But what about the Hermes crew?
Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase
Central Standard Time...
Cheese. You do "cheese"?
Come on, guys, keep it together.
Commander Lewis took it out on Sol 17..
Could that detect Watney's suit?
Did he do "cheese"?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Do you believe in God, Vincent?
Does he have enough supplies to survive?
Drives for four hours before noon...
During the Hohmann Transfer Window
Everywhere else would go vacuo
Everywhere I go, I'm the first
FEMALE AUTOMATED VOICE: Suit breach detected.
FEMALE REPORTER: Director Sanders!
FEMALE TIMER: The tail is giving good data.
First I was afraid
Five astronauts home safe and sound.
Five guys at Caltech were trying to make rocket fuel...
For a start...
For air resistance to matter...
For as long as I know how to love
For me to pose for a photograph
From the previous mission..
From there, they will have 414 days
Get out.
God! God, God, God, God!
GUIDANCE TECHNICIAN: Working on that now, Flight
He didn't load up the oxygenator
He is under a tremendous amount of stress.
He was hit.
He's 50 million miles away from home.
He's alive and he's healthy
He's not gonna decompose, you know.
He's sticking to schedule
He's well below target altitude
Helping me with this endeavor.
Hey, come on. What are you doing?
Hey, handsome!
Hey, he)'
Hone in on my suit's telemetry
How are we going to handle the public?
How bad is it?
How many samples do we need, Commander?
How that's gonna look with my spacesuit on.
I believe in several.
I can do it.
I colonized Mars.
I could tell him to take off his helmet...
I do like the way it sounds.
I don't really know what we're looking at.
I feel like I win when I lose
I have created 126 square meters of soil
I know how to save Mark Watney.
I know I'll stay alive
I know.
I know. I haven't had a shower in a year and a half.
I need hot stuff
I need the emergency contact for Vincent Kapoor
I need you to place the charge on the inner door.
I plot the course and execute it.
I should go with "High School Senior"...
I shouldn't have to answer to Vincent.
I think I can get Congress to authorize a sixth.
I tried to hold you back
I understand.
I understand. We're working on it.
I want that gap down to four minutes.
I was defeated You won the war
I was petrified
I'd never know what the camera was pointing at.
I'll find you the money.
I'll let you call Bruce, give him the news.
I'll see you in a few, Commander.
I'm definitely gonna die up here...
I'm gonna call you back.
I'm good.
I'm not gonna die here.
I'm not risking another crew member.
I'm sorry, who are you?
I've got all my life to live
If I can't figure out a way to make contact with NASA.
If it tips, you launch.
If it's mission critical, we die.
If Watney is really alive,
If we can't get Watney off the surface?
If we pass balance, we'll never rock back.
In order to make contact with us,
In order to make our launch window,
Intercept velocity will be 11 meters per second.
Is imperative to mission success
Is the probe going to be ready on time?
It has been seven days since I ran out of ketchup.
It is
It is 06:53 on Sol 19...
It's 214 meters long.
It's spinning on the long axis around a 17 degree precession.
It's the meeting where they decide
JOHANSSEN: 39 minutes, 12 seconds.
JOHANSSEN: Commander?
JOHANSSEN: Got a batch of personals.
JOHANSSEN: I'm checking.
JOHANSSEN: Velocity, 741 meters per second.
Just 20 instructions in the Rover's operating system..
Just turn around now 'cause you're not welcome anymore
Kept an ASCII table lying around.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
LAUNCH CONTROL TECHNICIAN: Launch status check complete.
Leaving Airlock 1.
Less than a minute
Let the children use it
Let them make that decision.
Let's get on CAPCOM and ask her directly right now.
Let's listen in.
Let's take a look.
LEWIS: And for the rest of you guys..
LEWIS: Beck, unhook me. I'm going after him.
LEWIS: Copy that
LEWIS: Martinez, how does it look?
LEWIS: Mmm hmm. We ran the numbers. They check out.
LEWIS: That's an order, Martinez
LEWIS: Watney?
LEWIS: Where did you last see him?
LEWIS: Worry about that later.
LEWIS: You're a chemist.
Look, I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything..
Lotta soul, he said
Luckily, in the history of humanity...
Main engine start.
Maintain your positions at your consoles.
MALE REPORTER ON TV: There you have it.
Mark is dead
Martinez will pilot the MAV remotely from the Hermes.
Martinez, close the door.
Martinez, how long before take off?
Martinez, what if we point our thrusters
MARTINEZ: Booster separation complete.
MARTINEZ: We've got negative contact
Martinez's personal items
Mmm hmm
Mooring clamps released
My son turned three yesterday
My, my
NASA hates fire.
NASA TECHNICIAN 2: Communication lost. Stand by.
No, it is the worst idea. It's the worst idea ever.
Not a damn thing
Not that I 'm complaining
Now that we can have more complicated conversations..
Now, we don't say that's the purpose of the mission...
Now, we finished the Iris probe in 62 days.
Now, we're going too fast
Now, you can either accept that...
Of signal.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Okay, so, success.
On my next transmission
On this course before it's irreversible.
Once there's a real rescue plan, we'll tell them.
Once we hit intercept,
One big bonus
Open B2.
Or "coquettish ingénue."
Or send Hermes back to get him right now.
Otherwise, they'll never have enough fuel to make it home
Outside Johnson Space Center.
Over satellite trajectories and orbital adjustments.
Oxygen level...
Performance is nominal.
Prep emergency departure.
Radioactive isotope riding right behind me...
Ready to go on your command.
REPORTER '2: Mission confirmation:
Reporting debris falling from the sky.
Right now, the world's on our side.
Roger that, Flight. Beginning launch status check.
SANDERS: Bruce, what do you think?
SANDERS: How sure?
SANDERS: Rich. Yes, sir.
SANDERS: The nation was blessed
SANDERS: You're going to say it's impossible
SATCON TECHNICIAN: No satellite acquisition
Say again?
Seriously, Johanssen...
So I gotta make a lot more water.
So we do this together or not at all.
So we would never be stupid enough
So, are we gonna do it?
So... Yeah...
Some cat was layin' down some rock 'n' roll
Some supplies to him next year...
Sympathy for the Watney family
Take some time to absorb this.
Taking a holiday from being cool?
Teddy. I'm the Director of NASA.
That we're watching this as it unfolds.
That weren't no DJ That was hazy cosmic jive
That will bring the intercept range to zero.
That's for 6 people
That's right.
That's too far.
The Ares '5 team will rendezvous with the Hermes...
The camera does spin.
The design presumes 500 kilograms
The infrared can't get through a sandstorm.
The nose airlock alone is 400 kilograms.
The other question I get most frequently is...
The particles were predominantly coarse..
The smaller ones I'll reseed,
The solar panels have been cleaned.
The thrust of the launch combined
Then we lose the crew.
There's a starman waiting in the sky
There's a starman waiting in the sky
They left him there alive.
They want constant updates on every Hab system..
They won't shut up.
This isn't a JPEG
Tilting to 11 with all the gusts of wind.
TIM: Okay. Signal acquired.
Time to VAL blow after initiate?
To the Ares '5 program?
To what end? Why would he leave
Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days
Uh huh.
Uh huh.
Unfortunately, during the evacuation...
Vincent, how are you?
Vincent, wake up.
Waterloo, promise to love you forevermore
WATNEY: "Commander Lewis...
WATNEY: "Just because I can."
WATNEY: Commander?
WATNEY: Commander...
WATNEY: I know what they're doing.
WATNEY: Let's wait it out
WATNEY: On my way, Commander.
WATNEY: Roger that.
WATNEY: Welcome to the Astronaut Candidate Program
WATNEY: Well, you'll be happy to hear...
We don't intercept with Earth at all...
We have to remind our viewers
We would tell him to stay put..
We'll be looking into that
We'll give you a write up of what happened,
We're a public domain organization
We're at 10.5 degrees
We're gonna get there.
We're telling you now because...
We've lost it, Flight.
Well, it depends how much fuel you wanna save...
Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?
What am I missing? Why is that important?
What attempts have been made
What is it?
What obstacle?
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
What's the relative velocity?
When this is over, I'll expect your resignation.
Where is he?
Where the hell is he going?
Which is not a word that I take lightly.
Which means it takes 24 minutes for them
Which means we need to make the MAV lighter.
While we're doing that..
Who also had copies of Zork 2...
With the positions of Earth and Mars,
WOMAN: Lookin' for some hot stuff
Wow. Good shot
Yeah, Earth and Mars are really badly positioned.
Yeah, I get to go faster than any man
Yeah, it could be the first way.
Yeah, they estimate Mark's crops will last till Sol 912.
Yeah, they upgraded their estimate
Yeah, we're working on it
Yeah, you
You know what? These interviews aren't easy.
You should hang up the phone.
You were following orders.
You're in a hurry.
5.2 meters per second.
7... 6... 5... 4...
12 meters per second.
12 minutes.
15, 20, 30, 35..
20 seconds.
47 days to make this probe.
100 grams each.
260 meters, approximate.
533 more days before we see our families again.
...pick up whatever provisions we need...
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
"and greater than me.
"and I'm really good at it.
"And it'll be hard talking to a couple..
"And tell them...
"And that I'm dying...
"on the roof of your Rover...
"Please tell them...
"Tell them I love what I do..
"We have to take turns doing your tasks.
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