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Transformers (2007) Soundboard

Transformers (2007) Soundboard

Transformers (2007) is an electrifying science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay. Serving as the first installment in the live-action Transformers film series, this movie takes audiences on a thrilling adventure filled with giant robots, powerful battles, and the eternal conflict between the Autobots and the Decepticons.

Released in 2007, Transformers introduced fans to a new level of visual effects and non-stop action. The movie features an impressive cast, including Shia LaBeouf as the main protagonist, Sam Witwicky. Megan Fox stars as Mikaela Banes, Sam's love interest, while Josh Duhamel portrays Captain William Lennox and Tyrese Gibson embodies USAF Tech Sergeant Epps.

However, the true stars of Transformers are the Transformers themselves. The Autobots, led by the wise and noble Optimus Prime, fight to protect humanity from the malevolent Decepticons, led by the merciless Megatron. These iconic robots have become household names, with Peter Cullen providing the voice of Optimus Prime and Hugo Weaving lending his voice to Megatron, creating a perfect balance between hero and villain.

Transformers (2007) captivates audiences with its impressive visuals and mind-blowing sound effects. The movie showcases the transformation sequences of the robots, accompanied by the distinct robotic sounds that have become synonymous with the franchise. These sounds, ranging from mechanical shifting to powerful roars and laser blasts, add an extra dimension of realism and excitement to the film. You can immerse yourself in the world of Transformers by playing and downloading these sounds, bringing the action right into your own hands.

The film's soundtrack further enhances the tension and emotions felt throughout the story. With a mix of popular songs and original score, the music perfectly complements the intense action and heartfelt moments. Composer Steve Jablonsky masterfully combines orchestral arrangements with electronic elements, creating a unique and dynamic sound that has become synonymous with the Transformers franchise.

Transformers (2007) not only captivated audiences with its groundbreaking visuals and thrilling action but also revived the beloved Transformers franchise for a new generation. With its compelling storyline and complex characters, the movie successfully launched a series of sequels and spin-offs that continue to entertain fans around the world.

Whether you are a die-hard Transformers fan or simply enjoy action-packed sci-fi adventures, Transformers (2007) is a movie that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Experience the power of the Autobots and the Decepticons as they wage war on Earth, downloading and playing the iconic sounds from the film. Get ready to witness the epic battle between good and evil, man and machine, in a world where nothing is what it seems. Transformers (2007) is a cinematic journey you won't want to miss.

AB ?
AGENT: Lock it down! Lock it down!
All right, get on the horn with Northern Command.
Also, sir, have you heard about
Are you playing those video games again?
At 1900 local time yesterday,
At ease. Captain, Sergeant. Got your intel. Excellent work
Autobots, recon.
Autobots, relieve them of their weapons.
Because you're such a swell guy
Big guys. Big guys with big guns, huh?
But first, I'll take my car, my parents. Maybe you should write that down.
But, I mean, that's Megatron.
CAPTAIN: Crew, prepare for emergency descent.
Colonel Sharp, we have an inbound unidentified infiltrator, 1O miles out.
Come back!
Come on, come on
Come on, man. This is way too smart for Iranian scientists
Come on, please. Please, you gotta work for me now.
COMMANDO 1: Freeze it! Freeze it! Freeze it!
COMMANDO: Make a hole! Watch your back!
Concentrate your fire!
Convened in secret under President Hoover 80 years ago
Cops! Cops!
Could you stay off the grass?
Cover fire! Move it! Fig, cover the rear! Epps! Cover the rear! Move it!
CQPV the bogie.
Dad, call the cops!
Did we lose them?
Do whatever you want and get away with it badge, right?
Don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?
DONNELY: How about you use those magic voodoo powers
DONNELY: Open fire! FIG: Contact! Contact!
EPPS: My radio's fried.
EPPS: Whoa, mother... What the hell is...
Everything you can carry. Bring it.
Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life,
Fig! Cover the rear!
Five minutes, all right?
Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table!
Four football fields thick of concrete
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
Get a medic!
Get in! Go, go, go, go, go.
Get it, get it, get it, get it!
Give me that Cube, boy!
GLEN: It's the Air Force! They're responding!
Go! Move! Move!
Good? Good? Okay
Gosh, you're gorgeous. Isn't that the prettiest girl?
Grandmama! Drink your prune juice!
Have your crew step out or we will kill you.
Headed to rooftop marked by flare.
Hello? 911 emergency! My car has been stolen!
Here he comes! All right, get up. Get up and run! You have to run! Okay
Here, come here! Come here!
Hey, guys, check it out.
Hey, Sarah, if you can hear me, I love you and I'll be home soon.
Hey! I'm over here!
History. Language arts. Math. Science.
Hold on! Hold! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine
HOSNEY: Okay. Might be a pop quiz tomorrow. Might not.
I ain't never seen this in my life!
I am Megatron!
I decided to do it on my great great grandfather,
I don't know what you're talking about!
I got him here!
I hope I didn't get you stranded or anything.
I know that people say that all the time,
I need money to take out the girl is what I need.
I sold a car the other day..
I think there's a lot more than meets the eye with you.
I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing.
In 1897, he took 41 brave sailors straight into the Arctic Shelf
IRONHIDE: Optimus! Incoming!
IRONHIDE: You feeling lucky, punk? OPTIMUS: Easy, lronhide
It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster.
It's a shortwave radio channel. It might be still working.
It's all for sale, by the way.
It's going after the files!
It's Witwicky
Just get out of the tree right now, please.
Just give it a clean sweep, and I'll get the corner here
KELLER ON TV: We will hunt down this enemy. And when we do,
Kill it! Kill it!
Kind of like the itty bitty Energizer Bunny from hell, huh?
Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed
LENNOX: Anybody hurt? Everyone okay?
Lock it down.
Look, he's not fighting back!
Look, this isn't something that I, you know..
MAGGIE: There's only one hacker in the world who can break this code
MAN 2 ON RADIO: Weapons, I just got a call from Falcon Ops.
MAN ON PA: Bogie's on the deck.
MAN ON RADIO: Shots fired in the underdeck. Repeat, shots fired.
MAN: Stand by! Set!
MAN: Throughout the inanimate vastness of space...
Maybe it's a precaution, because isn't that what we're doing?
MEGATRON: You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose!
Men! We've made a discovery!
My God, Ron, they're everywhere.
Nice shot
No, I don't want a premium package! Epps! Pentagon!
No, no, don't worry about them. They're okay. Right?
No, no, no, I'm gonna do it.
No, Sam!
NSA's recruiting right out of high school these days
Of cruise missile range.
Oh, God, five months of this.
Oh, God. Oh!
Oh, great. Cops.
Oh, here come the matrix! Here come the matrix!
Oh, I hate these.
Oh, man. Yard's a waste.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry you had to hear our little family discussion about...
Oh, these things just don't die.
Okay, I lost him. I lost him.
Okay, I wanna tell you about a dream. A boy's dream
Okay, it's Visa.
Okay, let me explain something to you. Okay?
Okay, okay. You know what? Stop
Okay, there's a tall, white building with statues on top
Okay. Please, please don't kill me!
Okay. Where'd he go, guys? I lost him. Got no IR signature. Where'd he go?
OPTIMUS: Megatron crash landed before he could retrieve the Cube.
OPTIMUS: The code.
OPTIMUS: There's no way to free Bumblebee without harming the humans.
PERFORMER: Thank you, you're beautiful.
PILOT 2: Strike and Dark Star roll call.
PILOT: Friendlies in the area.
Please, I'm begging you. You got to... You're making a racket
Put your head on the hood.
Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist
RON: Can't you take safety seriously?
RON: Sam! Do not say anything, Sam!
SAILOR: Can we throw you a rope, Captain?
Sam, I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in.
SAM: No, no!
SAM: Okay. What now?
SAM: We're gonna die!
SCIENTIST: Check that backup system!
Sexual healing
She doesn't know you yet, but she will.
Shoot! Shoot!
SIMMONS: All right, here's the situation.
So that's the story, right?
SOLDIER: That tank is definitely dead now.
Stay on him. Keep him in your sights.
Strike, tell me status of Hog right now
Take cover!
Target marked. Still waiting.
That we have not come across before.
That'd be a real shame if he had to rot in jail the rest of his natural life
That's it, right there. Mark him, mark him.
The Chinese and the Russians are nearing our area of operations
The first Seven didn't find it until 1913.
The genius that he was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward,
The humans have taken it.
The Laurentian Abyss is seven miles below sea level,
There you go.
There's Optimus
They hacked your firewall in 10 seconds
They walk through that door, you don't say nothing
They will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army
This is an emergency Pentagon call! I need you to... Do you understand?
This is the image from Mars
This isn't going well!
This was classified above top secret.
Till I get Bumblebee out of here, okay?
Time on target, 20 seconds
To Kill Box One Alpha. It's a danger close...
Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase.
Unknown, man. I don't... Man, if you seen this shit...
Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons
Very nifty how you put us down without really killing us.
Wait. What am I supposed to do with these?
Waiting, protecting
Watch out!
Watch out!
We can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment!
We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!
We got a beam rider incoming! Laze target!
We must destroy the Cube
We think it's involved in a national security matter
We're not told where they're going.
We've been in the same school since first grade.
We've got the boy.
We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web.
What do you make of this?
What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?
What the...
What the...
What was that?
What you're about to see is totally classified.
What? Oh, no, no, no
What's going on?
When have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect little life?
Which I would bet my ridiculous government salary is coming soon.
Who's closer to Kill Box One Alpha?
Who's gonna come around when you break?
Who's pretty much the harbinger of death, wants to use the Cube
Whoa! Sweet!
Wma' Hey, hey, hey! All right! om No! No!
Wow. You are so cheap
Yeah, it's definitely Japanese.
Yeah? What's it about? Sucking at sports?
Yes, but he's, you know, a little strange. He's a little strange.
Yes, Mr. President?
You all know there's only one way to end this war
You can't do this to me.
You eyeballing my piece, 50 Cent?
You got to be understanding here, all right?
You got to get up. You're okay. You're okay.
You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them.
You may remember NASA JPL lost the Beagle 2 Mars Rover.
You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it.
You won't understand right away
You're a criminal
You're wonderful, you're wonderful.
Your son's the great grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?
Afghanistan. That's got to be a mistake.
Come on, let's go! Mount up! Move out! Move out! Go! Go!
Did he hear it, too? Yeah, Jack heard it, too. Yeah.
Fig? Fig? FIG: on, God!
Her team
I'm sorry. Black Hawk..
It's a wash. The whole yard. JUDY: You're kidding
JUDY: Okay! Aftershock! Aftershock!
Maggie? Listen, I need your help
Mean little sucker, huh? That thing is freaky!
Mom, you can't come in and... I'm sorry.
No, no, no, no, no
Oh, my God! Trust me. He's a kick ass driver!
Oh, wet
Oh, yeah? Yeah.
Okay? Epps, get those Black Hawks here!
Right there. Okay.
Shut it off. RON: Sam, are you in there?
Step aside, ladies. Oh, man. What?
The guy's inside. Shut up! Walk towards the car.
We knocked. You didn't knock.
What the hell is that? I don't know.
What the hell was that? What are you talking about?
Where is Sector Seven? Wouldn't you like to know?
Which pocket? My back pocket!
Whoa! Whoa!
Yeah. I'll take care of that real soon. Couldn't we have hired a professional?
You have to get in the car. Get in. I don't want to.
You think that's funny? Yeah, I think it's funny