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Grey's Anatomy - Season 2 Grey's Anatomy is a popular medical drama television series that first aired in 2005 and has

Grey's Anatomy - Season 2

Grey's Anatomy is a popular medical drama television series that first aired in 2005 and has captivated audiences for over 15 seasons. Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy, which consists of 27 episodes, delves deeper into the lives of the talented surgeons at Seattle Grace Hospital, showcasing their personal and professional struggles.

The stellar cast of Grey's Anatomy Season 2 includes Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey, Sandra Oh as Dr. Cristina Yang, Katherine Heigl as Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Justin Chambers as Dr. Alex Karev, T.R. Knight as Dr. George O'Malley, and Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey. Other notable cast members include James Pickens Jr. as Dr. Richard Webber, Isaiah Washington as Dr. Preston Burke, and Patrick Dempsey as Dr. Derek Shepherd.

Throughout the second season, Grey's Anatomy embraces an eclectic mixture of emotions, showcasing the intense highs and devastating lows that each character experiences. The show explores themes of love, betrayal, loss, and personal growth against a backdrop of life and death situations.

One of the standout storylines of Season 2 involves Dr. Meredith Grey's complicated relationship with her profound and influential mother, Dr. Ellis Grey, portrayed by Kate Burton. As Meredith grapples with her mother's declining health, she navigates her own insecurities and strives to carve out her own path in medicine.

Meanwhile, the passionate and tumultuous relationship between Dr. Cristina Yang and Dr. Preston Burke takes center stage. Portrayed by Sandra Oh and Isaiah Washington, respectively, their love story showcases the challenges faced by two ambitious surgeons who strive for greatness while learning to balance their personal lives.

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 also introduces new characters who bring fresh dynamics to the show. Dr. Addison Montgomery Shepherd, played by Kate Walsh, enters the scene as Derek Shepherd's estranged wife, creating a love triangle that sends shockwaves throughout the hospital. Addison's arrival adds a new layer of complexity and drama to the series.

The soundtrack of Grey's Anatomy Season 2 is equally captivating, featuring a diverse range of songs that beautifully underscore the emotional landscapes explored in each episode. From indie classics like Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars" to iconic ballads like Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah," the music heightens the intensity and poignancy of many unforgettable scenes throughout the season.

If you're as captivated by the Grey's Anatomy Season 2 soundtrack as the show itself, you can play and download these incredible sounds here. Immerse yourself in the emotions, complexity, and brilliance of Grey's Anatomy Season 2 with a playlist that will transport you back to the heart-wrenching and exhilarating moments that made the show so unforgettable.

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 remains a standout chapter in the series' long-running legacy, captivating audiences with its compelling characters, gripping storylines, and unforgettable music. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the show, this season is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression. So sit back, press play, and let the magic of Grey's Anatomy Season 2 envelop you.
A balancing act.
A balancing act.
A barometer of need and desire.
A better doctor?
A better...
A big, Iike, branch or Iimb. Whatever. Same difference.
A bikini? She doesn't know how to swim.
A boy the size of a ten pound bowling ball is working his way out of my body.
A chance to grow old with Derek?
A chance to put the problems of last year to bed.
A chip here, a crack there.
A cholecystectomy turned into a month long stay.
A clot could have formed on his sutures and traveled to his brain.
A complication from the LVAD surgery. We have to talk to Dr. Burke.
A complication? That's what you're calling it?
A consult? You called Neuro for a consult?
A couple of clams on the half shell. Couple of peas in the pod.
A CT to rule out intra cerebral hemorrhage, contusion or cerebral edema.
A cut that rips its stitches wide open.
A date. Tonight.
A day where nobody lives and nobody dies on our watch.
A day without surgery.
A decision, you know.
A few measly minutes of quiet!
A few seconds earlier, he'd have landed on me.
A few times in a hyperbaric chamber and you'll be out of the woods.
A few times. I just hung up every time.
A finger... Sorry.
A five story fall, your lungs should be collapsed, your back should be broken.
A freight train rolls through at noon.
A gathering of men outside the delivery room. How mid century of you.
A girl chose a dog over you?
A girl who chooses a dog over you...
A great surgeon.
A guy just came in to curtain three. Page me if you get confused.
A guy swallowed a wishbone whole.
A handsome man is whisking me away to a love nest for the weekend.
A hickey, for God's sake, like I'm some sex crazed teenager.
A horse who's in bed after just having a heart attack.
A Iittle bit all my Iife, but it's been out of control the Iast three years.
A Iittle Iess tension there, Chief. Watch your grip. There you go.
A Iittle more. Andrew?
A Iittle sensitivity would be nice here, OK?
A Iot of times kids who are awake during surgery don't remember afterwards.
A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air.
A leech fell off and I can't get the new one to bite.
A level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else.
A little bit of blushing?
A little silence would be nice.
A man does not give an ultimatum and then back down.
A man on a table who may bleed out any moment
A man would move on. But you?
A miserable, diseased, dirty ex mistress?
A missing paramedic, an intern with her hand on the explosive,
A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors.
A month ago, her mother died. Ovarian cancer.
A needle aspiration
A needle? My penis?
A new way of living and looking at the world.
A non fat one.
A nurse told them that the cafeteria was open.
A person doesn't do that. Not without hesitation.
A person who values her own heart, for God's sake... that person would run.
A picture. A picture is worth 1,000 words.
A positive test result isn't the end of the world, Sav.
A pregnant guy? You had a pregnant guy and you didn't tell me?
A primary closure was attempted but there was pulmonary compromise
A quiet board bodes bad news. And stop looking at me like that.
A quiet board is death.
A quiet board means trouble. A quiet board is death.
A quiet board. A quiet board is what's happened.
A ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.
A second drug screen was positive for amitriptyline,
A shot at the future. A shot at me and Weiss
A sign of self Ioathing and substandard work ethics.
A sign that things are gonna change.
A sign that you need surgery?
A sister, a whole family you know nothing about.
A slovenly, angry intern.
A standard exam? You did go to med school, right?
A surgeon who is decisive, and who executes,
A temp nurse found the paperwork from her chart on the second floor.
A thing we know will probably turn around and bite us in the ass.
A tree fell on you?
A tumor? So, I should be scared, right?
A very long time ago.
A very, very large mass.
A whole bunch of luggage, when they hit the brakes, it just came flying at us.
A widely renowned cardiothoracic surgeon.
A wife and son.
A woman my age with a fever could be an indication of...
A, B, C, D...
About her patients.
About me, around me,
About that...
About the girl you'd like to be your girlfriend?
About time. I was starting to think my work here would be wasted.
About what color balloons we're gonna buy.
About you... moving in.
About, you know, bringing up you and Cristina.
About... I don't know, seven or eight times a day.
Above those of your other patients.
Absent breath sounds on the right side! Let's go!
Absolutely. No problem.
Absolutely. Thank you, Dr. Burke.
According to my intern,
According to my intern, Denny Duquette is in pulmonary edema.
According to your chart, you have a room at the Sugar Maple Nursing Home.
ACE inhibitors, beta blockers and start dobutamine.
Across the right rectus, and exending well into the flank.
Act like an ass when everyone but me is around? They already hate you.
Actually do spike at the holidays.
Actually in the throes.
Actually it's Rubenstein.
Actually stop living.
Actually, could I watch?
Actually, I could use you on a consult. Will you meet me up there, Derek?
Actually, I cut the LVAD wire.
Actually, I do.
Actually, I do.
Actually, I don't.
Actually, I need a new assignment.
Actually, I'm having a big problem.
Actually, Meredith, my friend that broke George, she is knitting the sweater.
Actually, she's on her way to CT with a VlP patient.
Actually, we were thinking...
Actually, you ordered 500cc's per hour over four hours.
Adam's got a fever, so soon they'll all have a fever.
Add that you've got a surgeon next door refusing to leave
Addison gave Derek divorce papers, which is good.
Addison is my family. I'm supposed to sign a piece of paper and end my family?
Addison yelled at you in front of a patient?
Addison, I'm so, so sorry.
Addison, we're ready for you.
Addison, you're not going to fix the problems with your husband
Addison! Thank you for meeting us.
Addy, you're the best surgeon there is.
Adele, there is a bomb!
Adele. PIease. You're emotional. OK?
Adele. You're meant to be in the Virgin lslands.
Adele's already mad. I'm in trouble no matter what.
Adele's sister's in town. I hate that woman.
Admiring the struggle it takes simply to be human.
Admit it. You can't function ten feet away from the hospital.
Admitted after complaining of headaches.
Advertising for a home for Doc? I said I'd do it.
After a five story fall he's got equal breath sounds.
After all I've done for you.
After all this time. All your warnings about me sleeping with my boss,
After all, when it comes to destructive behavior...
After I worked in the fields all day.
After she's born, there won't be much time to ask questions.
After the bomb squad is through assessing him, I'm going to try.
After the surgery, if all goes well, we cut the umbilical cord
After this pregnancy, Burke won't be a blip on my radar, he'll be a smudge.
After today, her schedule is clear until March.
After you drop her off, get back here and scrub in.
After, maybe we celebrate the moments of our lives.
Again, eating is a sport?
Again, I'm sorry.
Again, that's not my call. Do you want to know what my call is?
Again, very sorry.
Against all logic, against all experience.
Ah, colon dude. That's right. Who's Monterroso?
Ah, yes. Mod Judy.
AIex, I am sorry and I really do appreciate what you did for Denny.
AIex. Do this. For Izzie.
AII I want to do is forget her. AII I want to do is just escape her and...
AII I'm saying is if she needs to pee she could at Ieast wear a bra.
AII right, Andrew, spell "omphalocele" one more time for me.
AII right, fine.
AII right, Iet's do a reflex test on his hand. Chief.
AII right, Iet's start taking him off bypass.
AII right, my point is, I had more fun today than I can remember.
AII right, well, here's the deal. Um... you have two options.
AII right, well, here's the deal. Um... you have two options.
AII right? You don't have to worry.
AII right.
AII right. Come on.
AII right. Fair enough.
AII right. Fine. You can inform him the heart's coming.
AII right. It's a beautiful morning to save Iives. Let's have some fun.
AII right. That's the worst of it.
AII the time with me. Your best friend.
AII the time, he practiced.
AII the time.
Air bubbling at the wound. He's shocky and a little cyanotic.
Alan, this water is warm. I need more ice.
Alan! Watch your step. You're hitting my chair.
Alcohol and tox screens were negative, but sodium level is 112.
Alex Karev failed his boards, and he's retaking them tomorrow.
Alex really is good.
Alex, cover the ER.
Alex, do you care that I was the intern stupid enough
Alex, there's a lot more of his blood in the Pleurovac.
Alex, uh...
Alex, you gotta get me out of here, man. Get me transferred to County Hospital.
Alex, you should go to Thanksgiving.
Alex! Come on.
Alex? It's Izzie. If you're not coming, you could at least call and tell me.
Alex? It's me, again. Just wondering where you're at?
All day, every day.
All done. How's that feel?
All due respect, sir, it's worth a shot. It's someone's life.
All due respect. There's no offense intended.
All five quints are still alive. It's a good day.
All I could think about was, "l can't remember our last kiss,"'
All I ever am is there for you guys and the one time I need you...
All I have to do is sign, and I'm free.
All I know is Hannah, the paramedic, she's missing.
All I need is Dr. Milton to keep him under. I can do the rest myself.
All I need is help... popping it back in.
All I need is my husband who should have been here by now.
All it means is some of the baby's organs are in a sac outside its body.
All leggy and fabulous, and telling me herself, you pulled the plug.
All nonessential personnel must leave now.
All right then.
All right then. We'll be back.
All right, all right! Sit down, sit down.
All right, Bex. Then we'll get you the results just as soon as possible.
All right, both of you, scrub in. I'm gonna need all the help I can get.
All right, everybody.
All right, Jake's ready to roll.
All right, now, Meredith...
All right, people! They're coming up!
All right, scar shouldn't be too bad.
All right, somebody page Addison Shepherd.
All right, take Mrs. Shelton back to her room.
All right, you tell me what's wrong, I'll tell you how to fix it.
All right.
All right.
All right. Excuse me.
All right. Grey, start his workup.
All right. He walked in on her doing McDreamy.
All right. How's that? Is that ice pack helping?
All right. I got the parent's approval.
All right. I'm going. I'm going. Come on.
All right. It's Stevens. Izzie Stevens.
All right. Let's go.
All right. Let's try synchronized cardioversion. Push five of morphine.
All right. More pressure.
All right. So how do we proceed?
All right. So I don't know your name.
All right. So you slept with O'Malley. Get over it already.
All right. The rest of you, go home, sleep.
All right. Then go away. Give me some privacy.
All surly and hardcore but your eyes aren't.
All that beautiful control,
All the best surgeons are.
All the other girls were jealous. But I had a slightly diff.erent take.
All the surgeons say it's inoperable.
All this blood and none of it's hers?
All trauma rerouted to Seattle Presbyterian.
All we have to do now is wait and see how he's doing when he wakes up.
All who need to be cut open.
All you have to do is admit it.
All you have to do now is get the thermometer deep enough in the bird.
All you people ever think about is how to get into somebody's pants.
Allow you to get off the meds you're on
Almost... OK.
Also my fault.
Also, I want her started on a liter of LR wide open.
Also, uncontrolled eye movement and delirium.
Although it would be unusual for rheumatic heart disease
Although, frankly, the drug use would have explained the valve failure.
Always with the mocking.
Am I gonna die? Is that what no one wants to tell me?
Am I invisible?
Am I invisible? I'm feeling strangely invisible.
Am I rambling? I think I'm rambling.
Am I supposed to just wait it out? Wait until it passes?
Amateurs! You're amateurs!
Amelia. Listen to me.
An actual prom? A... corsages and tuxedos?
An arrogant ass who just hogs the OR and thinks he's God, but...
An echo? What about cardioversion or ablation?
An employee went postal. Shot up a restaurant.
An hour ago he was proposing.
An innocent flirtation? Or is Stevens crossing the Iine?
An intern collapsed in the middle of surgery, so if it can wait...
An intern dating an attending, until today.
And 26 years with this disease is awesome. And that's the reality.
And a fallopian tube. She acts like she doesn't care.
And a graveyard shift at a truck stop diner. Don't you want that for her?
And a guy that Ioves you Iike that, he doesn't want you to do this to yourself.
And a little understanding from you would be nice.
And a nervous paramedic's hand inside the body cavity.
And a salary that makes you one of the highest paid surgeons in the northwest.
And a stranger is Velcro ing a flak jacket to my boobs.
And a touch of morphine if I'm allowed.
And after that you might want to get in there and look for the rest of Tweety.
And Alex did.
And all I can say is, you must have made one serious faux pas.
And all that perfection,
And all those old wounds just grow up with us.
And all we can do for him is wait.
And all we want...
And all your best intensions, fate wins anyway.
And also that's how you get yeast infections.
And although they can't say it because you are the boss of them,
And answer his questions about the device?
And aortic aneurysms. God, I used to love aortic aneurysms.
And apply the Satinsky clamp with your right hand.
And as an added bonus, it'll really piss off Alex.
And as soon as we get back home, you and I are moving out.
And B: my quint kicks your quints' asses.
And before, I could have. No guilt, no Ioyalties, no problem.
And being the teacher can be a lonely business.
And believe what we want to believe.
And besides, it's not even true, so...
And blew off half his head. OK, OK.
And by the time I wake up, you're just a little bit crazy.
And came out on the Iosing end of a head on. Both are a match for your guy.
And come home and we could move on with our lives like adults.
And confirms she is DNR...
And could you and the robot handle that business without nurses?
And cruel.
And Daddy? Where the hell's Daddy? Mama and Daddy are still alive, right?
And Daddy.
And depends on what's being poured.
And didn't get into med school 'cause I have a famous mother.
And do everything in between with.
And don't believe 251 9 when she tells you that she went to the bathroom.
And Dr. Burke would yell at me and that'd be a bad day for both of us.
And Dr. Grey will be back to check on you a little bit later.
And Dr. O'Malley, who'll be assisting him.
And Dr. Shepherd's team.
And Dr. Yang wanted to be sure that...
And drove 3,000 miles to live in a trailer.
And eating really bad Chinese food instead of turkey.
And ever since, you... I've never said that to a guy before.
And every surgeon with an available hand and get an OR opened.
And every year, people drive through blizzards to get to parties
And everyone acts like he's a hero. I have one off day...
And everyone I know thinks I'm crazy.
And everything I think I know... just shifts.
And everything she's worked for,
And face the world head on, guns blazing.
And fate has nothing to do with it.
And figure out how a way to Iet me down easy. It's OK. I get it.
And find a... Hello... Dammit.
And find your tribe.
And Finn has plans and I Iike Finn.
And for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it.
And for the Iast year, I've had a Iot of time to Iay around in bed
And for your precious lifestyle.
And from Richard's briefing...
And from what I know about Kendra, what I've heard,
And get CT to make some room for us in line.
And get kicked out of the program? You will keep your mouth shut.
And girls, what does the Chief of Surgery's niece want, exactly?
And give them time... to heal.
And give your heart a much needed rest.
And given the choice of running or staying...
And go for the quick fix.
And go to sleep in a mausoleum...
And half a dozen kinds of infection. We need to operate right away.
And have you assigned to my service.
And he hates Finn. Who, by the way, is great with dogs.
And he just meant that all anyone needs is someone to step in...
And he just turns around and walks away.
And he makes my world stop. So you shut up about him.
And he sees these three naughty, bad nurses
And he understands that, all right? Believe me. He understands that.
And he will stabilize. He needs to get worse to get this heart.
And he'II probably fight the intubation. We can't numb the arm
And he's a... a friend.
And he's in the army and he was getting shipped out.
And he's standing there talking about putting the dog down.
And he's your half dead, possibly soon to be all dead, patient.
And he's your very best chance.
And helps keep my pain at a manageable level.
And her cervix is being examined by my wife
And her feelings hurt, am I right?
And here for DNR and no extraordinary measures.
And his feelings about it aren't something we should try to control.
And how cute are those kids?
And how not to be affected,
And how to take care of each other.
And I am not above kicking your pampered Iittle Beverly Hills ass.
And I am talking to you. I just don't have anything to say.
And I appreciate that you're fine.
And I called Tessa.
And I can't breathe! I can't breathe with you Iooking at me Iike that!
And I can't even remember what I said.
And I can't have any more babies.
And I can't have my husband Iook at me Iike that.
And I can't say this enough. Charts are organized by room number.
And I can't, Derek.
And I can't. [chuckles]
And I cannot go back home, Burke. It is too sunny in Los Angeles.
And I clearly feel a mass with deep palpation. Surgical.
And I come back
And I could... Iose function of the entire arm.
And I did not back down.
And I didn't survive a five story fall.
And I do mean physically kicking your ass.
And I don't have to stay down here. I could go back to my room.
And I don't know how to repair it.
And I don't see a remote in that hot little hand.
And I don't usually have trouble. But what I need to ask...
And I don't want her to...
And I get it, I even deserve it, but please...
And I get to spend it doing stitches in the pit.
And I had this boyfriend who...
And I had to find out by her showing up and telling me herself?
And I hate that that's what it took. I hate it and I'm sorry.
And I have a lot to teach, if you want to learn.
And I have no intention of getting it.
And I heard this doctor saying
And I just thought maybe if you could stop by and say hello
And I just want to know... maybe you want to go out with me sometime?
And I knew I could do this.
And I knew not to plan on seeing her at all that day.
And I know I'm not a lot of things that you've gone for in the past.
And I know that I should. And I would if it were anybody else.
And I know that you have a lot of other patients
And I know that your life has been admittedly pretty unpleasant these days.
And I know the terrible grief you must be going through,
And I know there are a lot of things going on here
And I know you don't like me very much,
And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you did not cut those LVAD wires.
And I love you.
And I mean, "they." That's what "they" all say.
And I need it. I need it back.
And I need you to do it without my husband ever knowing.
And I need you to do your best and I need it to be better
And I never ask you for anything like this, so...
And I never would have stopped loving you
And I really hate the way you speak to Meredith.
And I really Iike you.
And I really seem to be the most fertile woman on the planet.
And I remember I was 1 8,
And I saw my father which was, uh...
And I stand there for a while.
And I start hearing pops, big pops.
And I stay while Plastics does a TRAM flap reconstruction.
And I think God will forgive me.
And I think it's a bad idea if I take him.
And I think my water broke.
And I think, for what it's worth,
And I thought you'd want to know.
And I waited.
And I want to live it.
And I want you to cut out everything that you can. As much as you can.
And I was a little worried. But, no. You guys...
And I was jealous when there was no need to be.
And I went outside to throw a stick and I had to pee. So I squatted.
And I will never stop loving you.
And I will return.
And I wish somebody would just tell me to shut up.
And I would have told him what I thought he should do.
And I... oh, I...
And I'd really like to get back to the OR.
And I'm asking because we are friends.
And I'm doing mine. Do what you can. I'II be there as soon as I'm done.
And I'm going home right now
And I'm going to find out why before you leave the hospital.
And I'm going to see if surgery is the best way for us to go.
And I'm going to walk you through this.
And I'm guessing she has no idea where you are right now.
And I'm here for you. Whatever you need. Anything.
And I'm hot. I'm a catch.
And I'm like... me.
And I'm not convinced you're on your game.
And I'm not going to make excuses.
And I'm not Iiking that Iook.
And I'm not psychotic, I am pregnant.
And I'm on the ground bleeding.
And I'm one of the foremost neonatal surgeons in this country.
And I'm reminded of what I'm here for and what I want to be.
And I'm scared too.
And I'm so handsome, I intoxicate you.
And I'm starting to get really worried about you.
And I'm sure she's really great,... but, Derek, I love you.
And I'm sure that the spleen is very important.
And I'm used to it. I'm used to them walking away when they realize...
And I'm your husband.
And I've been fine with that. I have.
And I've got the ballroom deposit and honeymoon.
And I've had it my whole life?
And I've never been inside this hospital till now.
And Iet's face it, my mother?
And if consulting with your wife, your ex, your mistress,
And if he wants to cut his hair to get over those issues,
And if I had to choose between this Iife here...
And if I just give it a chance,
And if I tell you this...
And if Justin really doesn't want this heart, his body will reject it.
And if she enjoys the taste of solid food,
And if we do operate, I may die.
And if we do, then our eager young intern here can hold the saw.
And if you can't, well, I can.
And if you hadn't been running away from me, you would know that!
And if you have a problem with that, take it up with the chief.
And if you tell me any more crap about heading towards the Iight
And if you want to get back to the OR,
And Iife...
And in case something happens to me...
And in my book, seriously overbooked is a mess.
And in the absence of hope,
And insisted on visiting it to rub its nose before every exam.
And it caused a pretty major hormonal imbalance.
And it does matter.
And it doesn't matter that there's this other guy.
And it is not going to be a short or an easy labor.
And it is your Iife that is at stake.
And it is your Iife that will end if you continue to push Iike you did today.
And it spread quickly and he died when it finally metastasized on his Iungs.
And it wasn't just an affair. She really Ioved you.
And it works.
And it would be helpful if from now on you told us the whole truth.
And it's a medical miracle you're alive.
And it's always the people who are most Iike me who judge me the most.
And it's hard on Meredith, as you can imagine.
And it's just enough to never be allowed in an OR.
And it's my job to have an opinion. It's my job to have an answer.
And it's not gonna be an easy adjustment for you to make.
And it's not necessarily the sex they've been raised.
And it's prom, so I'II show you my dress.
And it's scary as hell.
And it's supposed to be the happiest day of our lives.
And it's sure as hell not the job I assigned you today.
And just when we think that life and circumstance have forced us
And just when you've gotten the lay of the land,
And keep the blinds closed. Yang's on the floor.
And knocks you off your feet.
And leave the rest of the heart on its own.
And let me get on with my life.
And let me tell you, that had the girls knocking down my door.
And let them know they're not alone in this world. That's all they need.
And letting someone in
And life always makes more.
And like them or not, love them or not,
And look at him. It's right in line with his inferior vena cava.
And look... Iook at that beautiful, beautiful man.
And make a decision right now that you'll never settle again.
And make my life a living hell and torture and all of that.
And making your own happy ending, most of the time.
And manicured? Take a look at my patient, Dr. Yang.
And Mark was there, and I missed you.
And marry a kind man. One who's nice to his mother.
And maybe we are, but we're your family.
And maybe we're thankful for the things we'll never know.
And me, by myself, with the two married people who hate each other.
And medical genetics
And Melanie will die if we take her back to surgery too soon.
And Meredith.
And merry Christmas.
And modern. Very mid century.
And more than that, I'm a good and kind person.
And most importantly, I really have to pee. Tell me anything.
And most importantly, we deny that we're in denial.
And my babies?
And my father never recovered.
And my favorite resident in labor who you are now telling me refuses to push.
And my fiance. They're flying down from Vancouver together.
And my husband wonders why I'm not interested in him anymore.
And my McDog.
And my point is, I'm celibate, and knitting is good for surgical dexerity,
And my skin had aged ten years and my sex drive had dried up,
And my water just broke over your shoes.
And no one makes a scene in front of their peers. Get it together.
And none of them involve all of them ending
And not be able to give you the exact answer you want to hear.
And not be able to remember it.
And not every guy is a nightmare.
And not take... pause.
And not the crappy, processed, waxy kind,
And not the other way around,
And not to put any pressure on you,
And not too often,
And nothing in this world can make you feel more alone than that.
And now Dr. Shepherd is opening the skull cap.
And now everything has changed.
And now he's going to the morgue.
And now his heart has joined the rest of him.
And now I can't stop wishing that I'd never laid a hand on him.
And now I have this heart that beats and works.
And now I'm here.
And now I'm paying for it. But I did shoot myself.
And now I'm sorry. I'm more sorry than you can possibly imagine,
And now it's stuck up my ass.
And now you have a girlfriend in Seattle.
And now you want to roll out the entire gurney?
And now you're Iooking at me. Stop Iooking at me!
And now you're Iying to your sponsor about it.
And now you're sleep deprived.
And now, three ambulances are coming in full of bloody broken car crash victims,
And now...
And now...
And one for dehydration because I was so busy chasing my kids around
And one in heaven,...
And outlined worst case scenarios, which has probably scared you half to death.
And over here is Julie, she's pretty mellow.
And people who fight Iike you and Izzie... those people Iove each other.
And probably one or two others.
And problematic penises is not what you want.
And put her back under... You need to make a decision now.
And put them back inside.
And re route your intestines.
And reciprocal inferior changes consistent with an Ml.
And refusing pain meds, which I think is stupid but I'm not in labor, so...
And remind him that the delivery truck comes at 6:00a.m. Kegs go in the back.
And require more than just a quick fix.
And running you down in the parking lot!
And saving a dozen other people, she'd save those people.
And Savvy, she's... I mean, you know how close they were.
And she had a TIPSS procedure Iast month for esophageal varices.
And she has a little bit more strength, we'll operate.
And she is in the recovery wing of this hospital trying to recover.
And she is refusing to push.
And she just gave him a big old shot for his pain. I really Iike her.
And she stayed with me.
And she survived.
And she won't let me touch her.
And she's happy. Well, happier. You know, Cristina happy,
And she's my baby.
And she's not going to be the one to pull away.
And she's still alive, thank you.
And she's with me.
And since she's been sick, she's all I see.
And smell her head and know that your only job in the world is to protect her.
And so her body relaxed.
And so I thought, maybe...
And so what if I am? The point of games is that there's a winner. A first place.
And so, if I did cut the LVAD wire, and I'm not saying that I did,
And some things we say because we can't be silent any longer.
And somebody comes in and shoots you. Just... puts a bullet in your head.
And sometimes the damage is something we can't even see.
And start a course of antibiotics. Yang, wait outside for the fingers.
And still you get a good night's sleep. What do I have to do? Oh! I know.
And stupid idea about stealing a heart,
And surgery was postponed when...
And take them home for sex, there are no picket fences or kids in your future?
And talk to them.
And tell them to get the dopamine back down to ten mics.
And temporal epidural hematoma.
And that always, always leads to the unbelievably long discussion
And that at the very least she will respect your privacy!
And that I'm a vapid narcissist when you mix me with alcohol.
And that I'm judging you and that I'm telling you what's best for your family.
And that if I did, we'd be together forever.
And that is not unkind or lacking in compassion.
And that life works in mysterious ways.
And that little guy on my nose, named O'Malley.
And that sometimes, despite all your best choices
And that was it. I was hooked.
And that wife takes my dog.
And that will help her breathe until her lung can stay up on its own.
And that's a sacrifice I am unwilling to make.
And that's how we raise the dead in Erica Land.
And that's just crazy, right?
And that's normal.
And that's OK. That's... That's fine.
And that's something everyone should have once in their Iife.
And that's what she'll think if I'm not there.
And that's what would happen if l put his skull flap on in this condition.
And the adrenaline stopped flowing, which allowed her to succumb
And the breasts.
And the doctors don't think that I'm going to get better.
And the harder it becomes to turn it off....
And the long walks we'll take together. And the Champs El... What?
And the lV fluids will head off your hangover.
And the mitral valve, which connects these chambers, is abnormally narrow.
And the operating room, it's clean, clean, clean?
And the other's more muscular, spongy.
And the Pope says no to birth control, so... I need your help.
And the thing is, I mean, he wasn't even there.
And the thing is, sir, I was Iike that. Until I got here.
And the things that I remember best?
And the vet. You really get around.
And the wisdom to know the difference.
And then again in the elevator...
And then again when I was 1 2, and then again last year.
And then he chooses her over me.
And then he just died.
And then he sleeps with Olivia instead of me. Olivia.
And then he was walking, and talking and...
And then I know.
And then I outgrew that kid's heart.
And then I'll remove the tube. OK.
And then I'm going to need you to get me an OR, build me an OR,
And then inflate a balloon in the baby's airway
And then she didn't even want to see him. So what's the point?
And then she died.
And then some. My patient for at least five years.
And then tell him to call the bomb squad.
And then their time passed.
And then there are the more solitary games.
And then there was Marta...
And then there was Marta...
And then there's the other guy?
And then we construct a pathway to a hole in the belly button.
And then you can go and we'll fix Mr. Carlson.
And then you drink water for the rest of the night
And then you leave the OR.
And then, I don't know, just rip the stitches, get it over with.
And then...
And there are those of us who love to play... a little too much.
And there is a great deal of damage.
And there was a Iook. Between these two.
And there will be severe, severe consequences.
And there's a pseudoaneurysm in the subclavian artery.
And there's a Whipple happening in OR two.
And there's someone ahead of him on the Iist,
And they called Simon and Bianca and Deborah.
And they can be weaned off the LVAD.
And they keep on asking me who I was with in the on call room last night.
And they suck you in and they melt your resolve.
And they try to shoot the thing!
And think about my Iife.
And this Christmas could be his last time, so...
And this is the father, Big Jim.
And this way, Weiss gets to look at them whenever he wants.
And this whole "insides are bloody and squishy" thing
And this woman is not how I Iike to start my mornings.
And those nice firm hands.
And to help counteract the acid buildup.
And to help me home, you know, after.
And to settle for mediocrity is... is frankly, you know,
And today, I find out that my wife knew the entire time.
And try really hard to act Iike you aren't scary and damaged.
And Tucker...
And under that table?
And until you're 18, your mother calls all the shots.
And visiting hours are over.
And wants to be fed and the food that Alex gave it was...
And watch that baby's heartbeat.
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