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Grey's Anatomy - Season 13 Grey's Anatomy is not a movie or a song, but an iconic television show that has gripped

Grey's Anatomy - Season 13

Grey's Anatomy is not a movie or a song, but an iconic television show that has gripped audiences worldwide. The thirteenth season of Grey's Anatomy continues to deliver gripping storylines, unforgettable characters, and emotional rollercoasters that have made the show a beloved favorite among fans. With its talented cast and skilled writing, this season keeps viewers on the edge of their seats episode after episode.

The talented cast of Grey's Anatomy - Season 13 includes:

- Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey: The show's protagonist, a brilliant and resilient surgeon who has faced countless trials and dramas throughout the series.
- Justin Chambers as Dr. Alex Karev: A fiercely loyal and protective doctor, whose journey in this season takes unexpected turns.
- Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey: A no-nonsense and dedicated Chief of Surgery, always ensuring her hospital runs smoothly.
- James Pickens Jr. as Dr. Richard Webber: A respected former Chief of Surgery with a wealth of experience and wisdom.
- Kevin McKidd as Dr. Owen Hunt: A talented surgeon struggling with personal demons, including love and loss.
- Jessica Capshaw as Dr. Arizona Robbins: An optimistic and talented pediatric surgeon, bringing hope to the youngest patients.
- Sarah Drew as Dr. April Kepner: A compassionate trauma surgeon facing personal and professional challenges.
- Jesse Williams as Dr. Jackson Avery: A renowned plastic surgeon navigating complicated relationships with his colleagues.
- Caterina Scorsone as Dr. Amelia Shepherd: A brilliant neurosurgeon with a complex past, searching for happiness and stability.
- Camilla Luddington as Dr. Jo Wilson: A fiercely independent resident surgeon with a mysterious past.
- Jerrika Hinton as Dr. Stephanie Edwards: A surgical resident with a passion for her work, always striving for excellence.
- Kelly McCreary as Dr. Maggie Pierce: A brilliant cardiovascular surgeon grappling with her newfound family relationships.

The thirteenth season of Grey's Anatomy dives deep into the lives of these characters as they face professional challenges, personal crises, and emotional turmoil. From intense surgeries to steamy romances, the show consistently delivers a whirlwind of emotions and unexpected twists.

Grey's Anatomy - Season 13 introduces viewers to new and unforgettable characters, such as Dr. Eliza Minnick (played by Marika Dominczyk), a determined consultant tasked with revolutionizing the hospital's residency program. Alongside the established cast, these fresh faces add new dimensions and spark intriguing storylines.

Grey's Anatomy is known for its exceptional soundtrack, featuring powerful and emotional songs that enhance the show's dramatic moments. From indie hits to soulful ballads, the music of Grey's Anatomy strikes a chord with audiences around the world. Fans of the show can immerse themselves in the Grey's Anatomy soundscape by accessing the official soundtrack album or tracking down individual songs from Season 13. Playing and downloading these sounds is a click away, allowing fans to relive the show's most impactful moments.

Grey's Anatomy - Season 13, originally aired in 2016, draws viewers deeper into the intricate web of relationships, professional challenges, and heart-wrenching decisions faced by the characters. Through its compelling cast and gripping storylines, this season solidifies Grey's Anatomy's position as one of the most captivating and addictive television shows of our time.

*To play and download Grey's Anatomy - Season 13 sounds, please visit the official streaming platforms or purchase the soundtrack album online.
A 27 year old got his hand jammed in a revolving door.
A 27 year old wants to keep his hand.
A A And regionals are next month,
A A risky one.
A And I hit the gas.
A And that will save them... that will save them both?
A And then she's gonna be okay, right?
A At least, I hope not!
A baby belly doesn't exactly equal baby daddy.
A baby boy.
A better way to teach them.
A biliary bypass wouldn't work,
A brand new, shiny one.
A bump in the road...
A car did this.
A car sped up the freeway, ramped the wrong way,
A chance at a miracle. He's giving it a Band Aid.
A chance to do that.
A clearer picture of the ischemia,
A clinical trial.
A cloud can mean a shower or a storm.
A couple of months to mature into adults.
A crime against God.
A decision I led you to make.
A dozen women need sanitary napkins.
A drill. I need something I can use as a drill.
A dural carotid cavernous fistula.
A fair and honest price for quality pork,
A father who used to beat the crap out of his mom
A few minutes of peace and quiet?
A few?
A fight can change momentum,
A fire, explosion...
A first year surgical intern who almost lost his career
A fish lipped monster with an immobile forehead.
A flying corpse.
A former patient of hers.
A full night's sleep in my bed.
A full reconstruction like that.
A full report of the various injuries,
A funeral procession!
A good reason for you to like me.
A good surgeon knows that if you go screwing around
A guy came in...
A halt to what stuff?
A happy ending.
A hero is only human,
A knock at the door.
A little boy and a girl.
A little emergency with another client needs my attention.
A little miracle is a miracle.
A little mole told me they're short staffed.
A little more...
A little trickier when you're at the wheel
A little. I'm sorry. You'll...
A loculated acute on chronic subdural hematoma.
A lot of people die around me.
A lot of people do...
A lot of time, actually.
A lot.
A lottery ticket, then, yeah.
A mass firing announcement to the entire staff.
A mess, sir.
A miracle.
A mother to son kidney transplant.
A movie?
A newborn with all the blood, germs, and dying people?
A patient and a donor...
A pediatric surgeon walking around this hospital
A pediatric surgeon walking around this hospital.
A pediatric surgeon walking around this hospital.
A perfect, healthy living donor kidney.
A plan unlike any who have come before you.
A priest, a pastor, anybody.
A rat... and a goose, a sheep...
A resident gets to be the primary surgeon
A resident goes one of two ways.
A resident with less hands on experience or more?
A respected member of the community
A rocket sled experiment...
A rush of hormones blasts through us,
A senior resident over an intern.
A sick child.
A staged procedure?
A stick 'cause a boomerang's supposed to return.
A stick.
A stream of obscenities that'll tear the paint off the walls.
A subtle intraventricular hemorrhage or artifact,
A successful surgery would definitely buy you more time.
A teacher beat up a student.
A tear in a vessel with a trocar insertion...
A tireless work ethic,
A title doesn't mean anything.
A title is only as good as the person who earned it.
A transplant today after waiting... wow... three years.
A trauma patient in Trauma 1.
A trial I never believed in.
A tumor inside a fetus?
A vampire?
A week ago, you called it quits.
A what?
A whole, healthy kidney.
A window will never unbreak.
A woman came in, said her husband was working late,
A worm?!
AA pamphlets?
Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah! It's just kidney stones! Aah!
Aah! Aah.
Aah! How the hell am I gonna fix her leg?!
Ab... Absolutely. I'd love to see how they run things.
Abdomen's very distended. Bring me the ultrasound now.
About a program that I built, that I trained you in.
About a program that I built, that I trained you in.
About encountering turbulence is its aftermath.
About God and the afterlife or...
About God knows what.
About her boob job.
About how far apart are your contractions now?
About how hard it was being an Avery
About how I think about you.
About how risky it is,
About how to teach or not teach students
About how you guys never talk anymore?
About Karev? About how long he's gonna be...
About landing the plane.
About me.
About Mrs., uh, Peterkin.
About my relationship with your mother.
About services and permanent supportive housing programs.
About stopping her chemo.
About the scarlet letter on my chest.
About the whole thing?
About us, about how you don't think we should be together.
About what is best for the hospital moving forward,
About what is best for the hospital moving forward.
About what the residents are thinking,
About whatever you want whenever you want, period.
About when to come home and make up my mind.
About whether I'd be able to perfect it...
About you? Actually, I think a lot of things.
About your direction of this program.
About your treatment of me,
Absolutely not.
Absolutely not.
Absolutely, ma'am.
Absolutely. Clamp.
Acardiac twin.
According to a study in Ko...
According to chapter 21 of "Hemostasis and Thrombosis"...
Acting like they've never made a mistake before?
Actual help. Not prayers and olive oil on his head.
Actually, Chief, uh, I could use a little help.
Actually, don't answer.
Actually, Dr. Hunt, if you could...
Actually, Dr. Pierce took over your case.
Actually, I don't want to get into it.
Actually, I own a big chunk of this hospital,
Actually, I shaved this morn...
Actually, no.
Actually, sir, I was talking about this.
Actually, Warren, that should work.
Actually, we should find out who we need to call.
Actually, we'd only take a portion of hers for you.
Actually... we do.
Acute hepatic failure,
Admitted for resection of cardiac myxoma.
Advance the probe, please.
Advanced pancreatic cancer.
AFB stain came back... Cross definitely has TB.
Afforded me the opportunity to grow,
Afraid I was never gonna see again.
After a mistake like Warren makes,
After a night of partying.
After a while, it... it just...
After all, they're only human.
After being missing for years.
After failed attempts at resuscitation.
After he's given me a spectacular massage.
After I'm gone.
After she found out how sick she was.
After she stabilizes, there's newer medications we can try.
After she's released and stable, it'll be up to her.
After that...
After the baby's born and she signs the papers,
After the completion of anastomosis,
After the surgery,
After the trial, if I just take off,
After they go to bed, you can...
After this morning, I started looking into Alex's record,
After tomorrow, we might not get a chance to talk.
After two weeks.
After what happened last time?
After what she did this morning?
After what you've been through.
After your heart attack...
Again... What are you calling this, again?
Against all of us.
Against his parents' will, especially when that treatment
Against the wall.
Aggressive chemo radiation with staged excision
Agreed. I'm moving on to Catherine.
Agreed. If it helps us find this guy sooner...
Agreed. It's hard. I don't like it.
Ah, damn it! Push another epi.
Ah, don't worry about it.
Ah, Dr. Corridan, join us.
Ah, Dr. DeLuca, glad you could join us.
Ah, it doesn't work that way, I'm afraid.
Ah, it was just right.
Ah, it's a piece of cake. What do we always say?
Ah, it's okay.
Ah, one more minute.
Ah, push one of epi. Let's charge to 30.
Ah, see one, do one, teach one...
Ah, she's bleeding out. Damn it.
Ah, that's not ominous at all.
Ah, well, provided that your spleen heals
Ah, yes. Thanks. Uh, that was fun.
Ah, you feel calm? You feel controlled?
Ah! Okay. All right. Okay.
Ah! Thank you, Dr. Bailey, for doing the procedure!
Ah. I bet there's a pig, too.
Ah. Just got paged to the pit. Can it wait?
Ah. Look who's back.
Ah. No revisiting.
Ah. That's great. That's great.
Ah. You two taking a vacation?
Ahh... For the snakes?
Ain't nobody safe on the battlefield.
Airport, please.
Airway reconstruction?
Alert and oriented times three.
Alert and oriented times three.
Alex and I were trying to...
Alex is in a really bad place.
Alex is in jail. I have to find him.
Alex Karev.
Alex said you were being a jerk.
Alex sent me an e mail one time
Alex went to the D.A. and took a plea bargain.
Alex will not be there.
Alex, car, now.
Alex, I didn't...
Alex, listen to me.
Alex, listen to me.
Alex, they said...
Alex, this is really bad.
Alex, we should... get going.
Alex, you're gonna go home and get a good night's sleep.
Alex, you've got five minutes. I mean it.
Alex, you've said that. I know.
Alex! What are you doing?
Alex. I can help you, but, I mean, I have kids here.
Alex. I... I was drunk, yes,
Alison has pretty severe internal injuries.
Alison, we're gonna take you up to the O.R. now.
Alison. You with us?
Alison's in surgery?
All bent out of shape and mopey over something you shouldn't
All clear.
All day long, I have been thinking that there is...
All day?
All day.
All I know is,
All I know is...
All I want to do is take you home
All in her cell.
All it takes is her filing one complaint.
All Minnick did was take a job she was offered.
All my fiancé and I have done today
All night?
All of his stupid mistakes in the face.
All of it.
All of these?
All of this stubbornness and the insubordination.
All of this?
All of us, right? We're all friends.
All of you?
All over the house...
All right, "liver" on three.
All right, 0.1 of atropine.
All right, all right.
All right, all right. Buddy, that's enough.
All right, assist the head lac.
All right, bandage, and get me a blood gas.
All right, can I see him for a minute?
All right, check on that gauze.
All right, come on, Mindy, wake up for me, okay?
All right, come on. Let me help you.
All right, Dad.
All right, deep breath.
All right, Erin?
All right, Erin...
All right, fine. It's the guy. The bad, escaped rapist guy.
All right, first things first.
All right, first, I'm going to measure the shunt.
All right, get me an art line kit.
All right, give me that pain.
All right, good.
All right, guys, I've been working on this, um, petition
All right, he's got a lot of neck swelling.
All right, her adrenaline faded. Pain's probably set in.
All right, his mesentery's bleeding.
All right, his pelvis is filled with blood.
All right, I just want to...
All right, I see pooling,
All right, I was a teenager, total idiot.
All right, I will, um...
All right, I'll call Dr. Rapkin.
All right, I'll get him up to ICU,
All right, I'm going to bed.
All right, I'm gonna examine you now, okay?
All right, I'm gonna get this out of your throat, okay?
All right, I've been thinking.
All right, is she intubated?
All right, it's... it's... it's art, Miranda.
All right, lap pads.
All right, let's get her on a bed right away.
All right, let's get her on the cooling blanket.
All right, let's get him to Trauma One.
All right, let's get some irrigation in here.
All right, let's give the Clatches some air.
All right, let's go.
All right, let's go.
All right, let's go. Thank you.
All right, let's move him.
All right, let's move him.
All right, let's put her on ECMO.
All right, look.
All right, lost his pressure!
All right, moving on... Um, Shepherd?
All right, no problem.
All right, now talk me through your surgical plan.
All right, now that's enough.
All right, okay.
All right, on my count.
All right, Pierce. Pierce?
All right, pull the trocars.
All right, push 10 cc of saline now!
All right, so we're together on that.
All right, so what do we do now?
All right, so you just need to look straight ahead.
All right, so, what if... what if we just made her new ones?
All right, someone tell me what we've got on our table tonight.
All right, take a deep breath.
All right, thanks again.
All right, that's smart.
All right, then I should be the one to enter it.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, this is heavy. Skooch on out.
All right, this... this is all one family.
All right, uh, gown and gloves.
All right, we are in a corner.
All right, we should... go do that, then.
All right, well, then, um...
All right, well, what type of friends are we?
All right, well, you've had a lot to say lately,
All right, what's your plan here, Pierce?
All right, where are we going?
All right, Wilson, continue with the cephalic version?
All right, you know what? I could... Just go.
All right, you're gonna be all right.
All right, you're gonna feel my hands.
All right! Stop!
All right? I can't keep walking on egg shells
All right? Karev is your friend.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Contact dermatitis, bed 4.
All right. Edwards?
All right. How is she?
All right. I better get to the ER.
All right. Let's cheer up, everybody.
All right. Let's get you out of here.
All right. No, no.
All right. Robbie, I'm Dr. Shepherd.
All right. So, as long as the tumor doesn't grow too fast,
All right. So, then, how about I tell you something about me?
All right. Something's going on neurologically.
All right. Then go ahead. Get prepped.
All right. We haven't seen her yet.
All right. Well, what's next?
All right. You stay right here for a minute, okay?
All righty, Gus, let's take a look at your labs.
All she said was "Happy Birthday!"
All the self sacrifice.
All the way down to the table.
All the way here, she's gonna fight and fight...
All the way.
All these people.
All this time...
All this woman wanted to do was die holding her husband's hand,
All those windows...
All we can do is just go on, live our lives,
All we've got to do now is have an awkward conversation
All you can do is sit...
All you have to do is listen to him,
All your pre op tests came back looking terrific,
Almost done here.
Almost done here. You're doing great.
Almost there.
Almost there.
Almost there... oh!
Alone tonight.
Alongside the chest wall here.
Already recalled my nurses. I've got the E.R. covered.
Already started.
Also "The Spy."
Also don't have a stroller.
Also yes.
Also, I was in the hall.
Also, I'd rather invest in a sure thing
Also, I'm not a gutless wuss.
Also, if I take the job, I work alone.
Also, if we get to the car within the hour,
Also, it usually gets me free drinks.
Also, standing right here. I can absolutely hear you.
Also, the lab tech mentioned his platelets
Also, why do we keep these, anyways?
Also, you're looking at a lifetime
Always thought I'd go first.
Am I being stupid?
Am I dead?
Am I gonna get fired?
Am I just gonna wait around for my life to happen?
Am I just supposed to get on board... fold?
Am I just... supposed to accept
Am I missing something?
Am I okay?
Am I right?
Am I supposed to know what that means?
Am I...
Amanda Joseph, Kristen's attorney.
Amelia and, uh, Owen's wedding today... I want that!
Amelia has hers. I want mine.
Amelia, are you...
Amelia, Edwards can keep an eye on him.
Amelia, I am not stealing Edwards.
Amelia, I have operated in sinkholes.
Amelia, I think you'd be an amazing mom.
Amelia, people don't always get pregnant their first try,
Amelia, she's gone.
Amelia, stop.
Amelia, what are you doing?
Amelia, you
Amelia's gonna make me talk to him,
Amelia's pregnant?
Amputating a nonfunctioning hand.
Amputation is simpler.
An advanced procedure and still needing help and guidance.
An affair?
An angiography with possible stenting,
An eggshell is never gonna come back together.
An emergent CABG has just fallen into our laps,
An extraordinary future ahead of you.
An hour ago, we're having sex in the bathroom.
An intern pressing charges.
An old patient.
Anastomosis looks...?
And "MMMBop" was very popular at the time.
And 2243's ICPs are coming down.
And a donor in the same exact hospital.
And a horrible thing happened.
And a job.
And a lot of us feel this way.
And a possible ileal conduit for reconstruction.
And a senior resident.
And a skate to the face.
And a tear in his diaphragm.
And a very inflamed gallbladder.
And accepting that you actually have a life to live.
And after a full assessment,
And after all that stuff you said
And after that, then I'll prep for anastomosis.
And after that, you'll be ready to roll.
And all I really want to do is to get something to eat.
And all the saline solution I could round up.
And all these Hail Marys.
And all these people who got second chances.
And all your records have gone to the D.A.
And Amelia. She should come, too.
And an air conditioner repairman.
And an anterior approach would save him from a second one.
And another bickering family. Fantastic.
And apparently Shepherd, too, 'cause she's just, like, gone.
And apparently, he neglected to tell them that we had broken up.
And apparently, he neglected to tell them that we had broken up.
And April's more than capable.
And around the spleen.
And as long as Minnick's here, it's gonna stay bad.
And as soon as you told me you liked him, I called it off.
And as your chief...
And aspirated on his vomit and...
And at least my eyesight's all the way back.
And at some point...
And be specific.
And beat the crap out of Wilma.
And been left behind by it,
And before you tell me no,
And being a perfect guest...
And Ben Warren's, and this Leah Murphy,
And blood was a mess on the floor.
And boom, ran into each other.
And brews it.
And bring down the hammer on him?
And bringing in new ideas.
And broken my finger.
And by "other things," I mean sex.
And by the time they find her, we will be long gone, okay?
And by then, you were racing the clock,
And call me immediately for any signs of increased ICP.
And cannot see when to let go
And Carl ruptured his spleen. Gene broke some ribs.
And check out the rest of his abdomen.
And check that the guts are still in?
And Chris... He also h... has a kidney?
And clipping something like a million back to back aneurysms.
And coagulating intra abdominal vessels.
And complaints against attendings
And confidently, seamlessly perform a flawless solo surgery
And confirm that she has cancer.
And covered with a local muscle flap right away.
And crash carts on standby!
And decompress the hematoma with the needle.
And defied all your expectations.
And designed to choke the life out of someone
And detected a mass on your pancreas.
And diffuse axonal injury.
And discuss it further, okay?
And do me a favor.
And do not move her.
And do the impossible?
And do this surgery instead.
And do what?
And don't call her that.
And don't let him come up here.
And don't tell him.
And don't tell Karev. I don't want to hear about it.
And don't tell me that you don't miss the O.R.
And don't worry. This room is a vault.
And Dr. Bailey has hers.
And Dr. Karev's an attending you can threaten me?
And Dr. Pierce has agreed to let me use it
And Dr. Webber.
And Dr. Webber.
And drain an abscess, so who gets the lidocaine?
And draw up a loading dose of Keppra!
And Ellis, who had an earache.
And endanger the lives of 257 people
And ENT specialist.
And even movie nights.
And even when you really screw up...
And every time we give him blood,
And everybody that I know that knows you...
And everyone just forgets about it?
And everyone's on the outside watching while I run out of air.
And everything I do pretty much embarrasses him.
And everything that I built is... is gone, done.
And fed me lasagna.
And find out who you belong to.
And find some place else for Mr., um...
And for sticking you in a duck gown.
And for the life of me, I can't understand why.
And Foster's Residency Director said she excelled there,
And found a bowel obstruction.
And get a good night's sleep.
And get help, figure it out.
And get her LFTs down.
And get her typed and crossed!
And get on the speaker and ask if anybody has
And get some more towels.
And get stronger before we continue.
And give him a gram of prednisone.
And give him some Mannitol.
And given how much the cancer has spread
And giving a criminal the perfect opportunity
And go out there and live it.
And go to dinner parties.
And got her the trial in the first place.
And grab a warming blanket.
And graft the remaining vessels.
And grandmas and friends and children
And guess who got to dissect the tumor
And hand it to you on a plate,
And have given me competing instructions,
And have our young surgeons practice on all of that?
And have you take a look.
And having surgery's gonna get in the way with that,
And he could lose it because I screwed up.
And he could've died at home from acute heart failure
And he couldn't do that.
And he didn't do anything about it!
And he didn't do anything to fix it.
And he didn't take the plea, and he's not in prison...
And he had O.D.'d
And he has to be...
And he is open on a table.
And he is worried that I won't be able
And he probably hates me, but he is a person,
And he said no?
And he said no.
And he wanted me to go.
And he was supposed to go to the DMV today.
And he was, but I really have to go now.
And he was...
And he would have embraced this, Grey, you know it.
And he'd reject it immediately.
And he'll be gone and the kids will be sad.
And he's a surgeon here?
And he's a surgeon. He can't be one with one eye.
And he's alive.
And he's already familiar with my Wilma case.
And he's gonna need brain surgery.
And he's sorry for being gone so long.
And hearing it one more time isn't gonna help anything
And help her communicate...
And help people.
And her mom just dropped the baby off every morning,
And her mom will be out cold.
And here comes the joy.
And here I am again... different person, same place.
And here?
And hey, look, we're hanging out.
And his "No" is always going to be there like a bloated corpse.
And his pressure was dropping,
And his unreasonably high expectations
And his vision should return.
And hold their lives and their futures in our hands.
And hopefully the next liver would be yours.
And how difficult the spinal mets
And how do we find Wilbur's parents?
And how is this the best use of our energy?
And how long do I hold on to this?
And how many fingers do you see?
And how much she has left to learn.
And how was I supposed to know that?
And I accepted. And I wasn't kidding.
And I already reported it. The hospital's on lockdown.
And I always pushed for you, no matter what anybody said.
And I am asking him out?
And I am done.
And I am ready.
And I am right behind you.
And I became the best.
And I believe in second chances.
And I believe in you.
And I called it off,
And I came back.
And I can say, "I know, baby,
And I can see her all the time when they visit.
And I can stand here with her. Either way.
And I can take care of her.
And I can take care of myself.
And I can tell her that I had cancer
And I can tell you from experience...
And I can't divorce him
And I can't do that up here.
And I can't give you that information.
And I can't keep ignoring that.
And I can't keep running every decision
And I can't move as much as I want to,
And I can't seem to get one.
And I can't spare the bed.
And I can't talk to anyone,
And I certainly don't want
And I could build a vocal tube.
And I couldn't say no when the boys wanted to go
And I couldn't see.
And I couldn't sleep.
And I didn't want my personal feelings,
And I didn't want to make it, because, yes,
And I didn't... I didn't want that to happen
And I do not make promises that I can't keep.
And I don't believe in God or fate or anything.
And I don't blame her.
And I don't break my promises.
And I don't even exist.
And I don't get a surgery out of it?
And I don't have the tools here
And I don't have time to sit here all day.
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