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The War Room (1993) The War Room is a political documentary film released in 1993. Directed by Chris Hegedus and D.A.

The War Room (1993) Soundboard

The War Room is a political documentary film released in 1993. Directed by Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker, this movie provides an inside look into the 1992 presidential campaign of Bill Clinton. With unprecedented access to behind-the-scenes footage and interviews, The War Room takes viewers directly into the heart of the political battlefield, where strategists James Carville and George Stephanopoulos navigate the rough tides of the campaign.

The film primarily focuses on James Carville and George Stephanopoulos, who were both key members of Bill Clinton's campaign team. Carville, known for his colorful personality and sharp political instincts, served as Clinton's lead strategist. His larger-than-life presence and Cajun charm captured the attention and admiration of viewers, making him an unforgettable character in The War Room. Stephanopoulos, on the other hand, was the campaign's 31-year-old communications director, providing a youthful and intelligent perspective to Clinton's team.

Through their interactions and decision-making, the film explores the nuances of political campaigns. The War Room delves into the intensity and pressure of the political machine, highlighting how small victories and setbacks can impact the race. Viewers witness the strategists tirelessly working to shape Clinton's image, respond to attacks, and craft the messages that will resonate with the American public.

This critically acclaimed documentary offers penetrating insights not only into the Clinton campaign but also the broader political landscape of the era. The film captures the essence of the changing political landscape in America and provides a fascinating historical account of the events leading up to Bill Clinton's presidency.

In addition to Carville and Stephanopoulos, The War Room features appearances by a cast of characters who contributed to Clinton's campaign. Some notable figures include Mickey Kantor, Secretary of Commerce under Bill Clinton, who played a pivotal role in the campaign as the senior consultant. Additionally, Deputy Campaign Manager George R. Stephanopoulos, Senior Strategist Paul Begala, and Communications Director Mandy Grunwald are also highlighted in the documentary.

The War Room is not just a political documentary; it is a compelling story about the triumphs and tribulations of a presidential campaign. It brilliantly captures the tension and excitement of the 1992 presidential race, inviting viewers to experience the rollercoaster ride of politics firsthand. The film's fly-on-the-wall style and candid interviews with campaign staff humanize the political process, allowing audiences to see the individuals behind the scenes and the strategies they employ.

Since its release in 1993, The War Room has become a classic among political documentaries. It offers a captivating glimpse into the inner workings of campaigns and has inspired numerous filmmakers to explore the world of politics. The film received critical acclaim and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, further cementing its status as a must-watch for political enthusiasts.

If you are interested in politics or simply enjoy engaging documentaries, The War Room is a must-see film. Its captivating narrative, charismatic cast, and insider perspective make it a compelling watch. So, dive into the world of political strategy and immerse yourself in the wild ride that is The War Room. Play and download the sounds of this influential era here.
All right? [Chewing Loudly]
And by Ross Perot over Saddam Hussein...
And finally I want to thank...
And for the past two years I have lied to the press about our relationship to protect him.
And how many stories there are on George Bush's election year promises.
And I appreciated his saying that Al Gore and I had revitalized the Democratic Party.
And I really do care and feel strongly about Governor Clinton and, uh
And I think we're gonna win tomorrow...
And I'll be there Monday, I'll be there Tuesday.
And it was subcontracted through the media firm.
And let's see how many stories that was written on the draft.
And people are gonna tell you you're lucky. You're not.
And Perot even fave/un fave at around 37.
And so they looked better.
And the whole sleazy little cabal of 'em that wanna keep hold of anything...
And these people what are they, drunk?
And we don't know yet what the final tally will be...
And you'll all be eating crow, because that's how the American voters look at this.
Ask the president when he gets off the plane...
At the end when they were trying to clean it up.
At the end, you go...
Because hand done signs are the signs the network will cut to.
Because those two got into a dispute, you're all gonna use it on the news.
Believe me that it's been looked at by every major national news organization
Bill Clinton's passed his character test throughout his life and throughout this campaign.
Bush more negative net negative, by about 10...
Bush was on the defensive all night long.
Bush was on the defensive. Bush was on the defensive.
But But let me
But everything else I mean, Michigan
But it's almost impossible to get there because there are so many...
But on the other hand, Clinton campaign advisers...
But you just gotta be careful about being too programmatic.
Clean her out, sweep her out and whack her around a little bit...
Connecticut's fine.
Could be up to 12, maybe 400 electoral votes.
Did he have a transmitter planted in his cavity while he was there?
Do you like, Together we can make the country and love everything it was meant to be...
Excuse me. Excuse me, please. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Focus on the choice between these candidates and their philosophies.
Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!
From a role of regular human being into the role of a legend.
George and James and Bruce will have to be in there spinning immediately afterwards.
Get me Susan Zirinsky's number, please.
Giving us telling us what to do all the time.
Go ahead, Mark. Mark goes in.
God bless you and God bless America.
Goddamn, if we don't carry Georgia, we're going to look terrible.
Good afternoon.
Governor Clinton has no character problem. He's passed his character test.
Governor gives his speech.
He doesn't wear. He doesn't wear.
He noted they're gaining some strength and confidence...
He said no new taxes. You can just go
He said, That's what worries me. Clinton said the economic policy
He's gotta say, This is a two way race and we're gonna kick the living shit out of 'em.
He's like that on a lot of issues. First on one side, then the other.
He's lookin' good, Mom. Lookin' good.
He's pretty pumped. I mean, it's unbelievable.
Heading south towards Sri Lanka.
Hey, Governor, how you doing?
How are we gonna foll The other thing
How long does he intend to talk? This sounds like an awful long speech.
How's that?
I am saying it is vintage Clinton...
I called Mary, and she goes, Is this bad?
I don't believe. I think we gotta kinda ooze this thing out a bit.
I just I just can't imagine why they agreed to positioning...
I mean, I don't know what he did.
I mean, it doesn't mean anything...
I mean, it's perfect for the news for television
I think if you did a Nexis, it would come up in about a thousand places.
I think it's only really a matter of days before he'll have to get out... if not hours.
I think of George Bush's face on it.
I was moved by Ross Perot's announcement today.
I was shocked by it because I don't think someone in government
I'll bet you one thing. I just wanna say one thing. If this
I'm gonna see how many stories there are on the draft...
I'm sorry?
If they succeed this time, it's gonna be every time.
If we say 50 plus 50 is 104, and they say 50 plus 50 is 104,000...
If you went on the radio...
In a place called Hope.
In the first place just to get elected...
Is Mary Matalin...
Is this bad?
It causes you some temporary pain...
It doesn't take you long to get to the second time though.
It was the Republican Party.
It's a big You're talking taxpayer funds, and that's what you said
It's just a joke. It's just a joke
It's like the draft
It's possible that they were printed in primary money.
It's still not You know, it's getting I mean, I was pretty shook up talking to him.
It's the record. It's the agenda. It's the qualifications.
Just imagine how you personally would feel...
Leadership. Proven ability to change.
Man, I'm scared.
Maybe I don't You know [Stammering, Chuckling]
Ms. Matalin, let's talk about first the polls.
No speeches!
No, but somebody said, if you look at the translation...
No, here it is. He's finally got a jobs program
No, wait a minute, Bob. I was in the middle of a sentence, okay?
No. Hey. What did Barney Fife say? We'll handle it
Oh, CBS. We dropped overnight.
Okay, y'all you never want to talk about the deficit.
Okay. He was. Hell, he was on the ropes.
Okay. We'll see you in a little bit.
Or the last chance or whatever it was that he says
People are gonna tune in tonight to hear what Bill Clinton has to say
Perot volunteer army, despite the disconnection of the 800 number...
Remember Muskie? Okay?
Repeat it for jobs, for health care, for taxes, for everything, for education.
Say, Fine. That's easy, man. What do you need? Here it is.
See how hard it is, how many times you gotta hop it to get it up here.
See if we can find a story in the catalog with a young person.
See, I agree with you that they're a different group of people.
Shakes you up.
She can't wait till this election's over so she can get her Maserati and her jewels back.
She's the She's the woman that Broadcast News was
So as we always say, you know, speed kills...
So in terms of our universe of folks, that was a strong showing for Perot
So that represents a good six point change or more.
Spending has priority. If welfare's possible as a second shot
Steve Denari, who's the director of the I llinois Perot office...
That have worked for them for 15 years?
That implies an inadequacy with the country, doesn't it? The latter formulation?
That means people are gonna see Bill Clinton tonight step into the vacuum.
That New Hampshire, tonight, has made Bill Clinton the Comeback Kid.
That puts him at such a severe angle.
That she hired a lawyer to say was absolutely defamatory over a year ago.
That we are held to a different standard.
That we asked for November 6 that they didn't give us?
That would be huge news huge news.
That's tomorrow. [Laughs]
The Gores go sit down. Hillary and Chelsea go sit down.
The printing... The
The Republican campaign...
The Tsongas sign on Route 3 lasted all of two days.
The, uh Today she took money to publish a story...
There's no debate.
They get together with their wedge issues and they knock it off.
They were giddy
They'll say, Well, both of them are stretching their numbers a little bit
This aired, and one of our people saw it two weeks ago and made the tape down there.
To call the Pentagon and ask how the letter got out.
To just tell the truth about what happened?
To President Bush, who's won reelection, we offer our full support...
Um, and so, thanks.
Um, and, you know, that's important.
We can try. He's up there talking now though, you know.
We don't know what the date on the tape is.
We had a band in high school called The Three Kings. I've still got a record.
We knew he didn't care much about creating American jobs
We really want you to say whatever you want to say tonight...
We went through this twice before at two other conventions...
We won Nevada big.
Well, you're going to hear an awful lot of spinning.
What are we gonna do when George Bush attacks us?
What did Bush say in the last second after Clinton did Baker?
When poor kids...
Where it all began for me.
Where's the Where are we supposed to be goin', Vicki?
Which is very important.
While the evening is young...
Whoa. Let's get one thing Do we want a bunch of handmade signs or not?
Why can't we attack George Bush?
Why can't we talk about there being a political hack as drug czar in this country?
Why don't you go ask George Bush what's he gonna do when we hold him accountable...
With appropriate visuals of printing presses.
Worked to soften up the incumbent...
Yeah, I want a cold beer. What kind of special today?
Yeah. There's no sense in this thing being a one day story.
Yeah. They're gonna lead with it.
You can demonstrate all you want here at home.
You can say that. Yeah. That's a good James line.
You don't?
You like everything better than the country?
You oughta be the I mean, the happiest man in the world
You say, Congratulations, Mr. President.
You'd never ask me if Martians walk on the earth.
You've been part of something special in my life.
Your ever growing bald spot.
[All Talking At Once] You know what that means.
[Announcer Speaking In Portuguese] [Woman] This is it!
[Applause] I'm getting sick and tired
[Applause] Okay?
[Both] Indiana, we're ahead. [Woman] Indiana?
[Carville] Excuse me, please. Excuse me. [Mandy] That one girl got in.
[Clinton] I didn't humiliate him after his morning television performance? No, no, no.
[Laughing Continues] [Man] He got a very good deal.
[Laughs] Thanks. Thanks. [Man] Give 'em hell, Bill!
[Male Reporter] Who will nominate you? [Male Reporter #2] Thank you very much.
[Man] What? [All Groaning]
[Man] Yes! Whoo!
[Stephanopoulos] Hello? Nothing.
[Woman] Which three facts? We're going with spending.
And I'm out of the picture. [Reporters Laughing]
Are two pages missing from his passport? [Laughter]
Bush came in third in both. As far as I know.
Bye. Bye. I'll see you. Okay.
He has said that he had problems in his marriage. That's right.
He said, Thanks. He said, Yeah, yeah, yeah.
How do I get it to him? We'll take care of it.
No speeches! [Woman] No demonstrations!
Oh, you got it. [Whistles]
She... [Host, Caroline Arguing]
Thanks. Your voice coach is
That is so fucking true. You know?
That's good luck! That's good luck! No problem.
This all tracks. Yeah.
Threw up a little bit. I knew it!
Um, it's all politics. Could start tomorrow.
We can't be this lucky. [Laughing]
[All] One more day! One more day!
[Announcer Speaking In Portuguese]
[Applause, Cheering]
[Camera Shutter Clicks]
[Camera Shutter Clicks]
[Caroline Chuckling] How about giving her the opportunity to?
[Caroline] What I'm saying is Seriously, as a viewer...
[Carville] It's the people that are voting for Perot that we wanna focus on.
[Carville] Uh, we have a tough fight comin' right down the stretch
[Carville] Where's the tape? Hey, Vicki, put the tape in the thing.
[Cheering, Applause]
[Clinton] James, thank you.
[Delegates Chanting] We want Bill! We want Bill!
[Delegates Cheering]
[Male Host] Caroline, you're on KDKA with James Carville.
[Male Reporter] Will you comment on the tapes she has?
[Man #2] Sit down.
[Man Chuckling] He likes me. He may not like Clinton, but he likes me.
[Man Talking, Indistinct]
[Man] Gennifer.
[Man] Oh, yeah. It'll be an hour or two.
[Man] The next president of the U nited States, Bill Clinton!
[Man] They have no effect on your campaign?
[Man] What did he say?
[Men Laughing]
[Murmuring, Chuckling]
[Second Phone Ringing]
[Stephanopoulos] It's leading the news, and she's sending me the script.
[Stephanopoulos] Oh, God.
[Stephanopoulos] Read my lips. No. Read the record.
[Stephanopoulos] Yes!
[Trish] CBS is something like 35, Clinton, 29, Perot, and then the balance is Bush.
[TV Reporter] The president said he thinks there will be a debate, but he couldn't say when...
[Woman Singing] ♪ Vote, baby, vote ♪
[Woman] Can you tell us what you said to Ross Perot?
[Woman] Good night.
[Woman] Please move out of the way.
[Woman] We're the people!
[Woman] Yes, Mr. Chairman?
[Woman] You don't even need to understand Portuguese.
♪ Are you registered, baby ♪♪
♪ Below the Dixie line ♪
♪ If you wake up and don't want to smile ♪
♪ My friends ♪
♪ Open your eyes and look at the day ♪
♪ Taking every state in my stride ♪
♪ Well, I'm gonna pick you up in my '88 Come here, sugar, don't be late ♪
♪ Why not think about times to come? ♪♪
♪ Without exception ♪
♪ You'll see things in a different way ♪
♪ You'll see things in a different way ♪
♪♪ [Continues, Scatting]
♪♪ [Continues]
♪♪ [Continues]
♪♪ [Ends]
♪♪ [Man Shouts]
♪♪ [Rock: Man Singing]
♪♪ [Swing]
♪♪ [Continues]
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