All right. Well, I'll give you a rain check. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
All you can eat barbecue rib night at the Sizzler? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
And have you burned at the stake! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
And I bet we're the only ones who can help. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
And say supportive, nurturing things to it. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
And you don't want us exposing ourselves. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Aren't you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Beautiful. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Big as beavers from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Boys? Hey, what's going on up there? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Bring me the child, that I might live again. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Bring the baby, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
But now that my baby's a little older, I'm gonna try to go back to the orchestra. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
But you're excited now, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Bye bye. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Certified check, cash or money order. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Come on in. This is my place. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Come on. Just sit down. I'll get you guys a shirt or something. Hold on. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Dana. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Did you tell him to stop cutting? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Do you know what's more fun than anything? Huh? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Do you maybe wanna...? No, no. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Does it do Emmylou Harris? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Don't worry. She's tough. She's a harbor chick! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Dr. Venkman, Dana is not here from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Excuse me. Ghostbusters. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Four minutes to go, and then from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Full neutronas. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Get out. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
He'll wake up feeling like a million bucks. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
He's right. We need something that everyone in this town can get behind. We need... from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Heat them up. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Hey, take it easy. He's been working overtime. I tell you why we're here. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Hey, Vigo! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Hey! How you doing? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Hold him, Ray! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I don't think we should leave her alone. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I got 3000 phones out in Greenwich Village. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I hate Jell O. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I have been holding on to this for a long time, Oscar. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I know what it is. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I mean, he's not Elephant Man ugly, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I mean, it needs a woman's touch, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I never saw anything like this in my life. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I order you to pay fines in the amount of $25,000 each. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I think we hit the honeypot. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I'm in some kind of a chamber. There's tile work. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I'm not gonna let them get you. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I'm truly sorry, Your Honor. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I've also brought some things from your apartment. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I've got a major gas leak here! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It might be a good idea to go to the museum in the morning, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It used to be one of my two favorite shows. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It was absolutely incredible! The greatest tangible evidence from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It was in the Paramus Holiday Inn from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It won't be long before you can assist me in... from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It would take a tremendous amount of positive energy to crack that shell from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It's some dock supervisor down at Pier 34. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Just before his head died, his last words were: from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Just like the one I saw underground. We're going into the subway and sewer system from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Let me tell you something. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Let's suck in the guts, guys. We're the Ghostbusters. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Louis! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Neat. Who? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
No, I believe it's one of the Fettuccines. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
No, no, Spengie! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
No! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Of course not. And that is the whole problem with aliens, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Of psychic energy in 100 years from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oh, God. No! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oh, no. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oh, we don't mind. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oh, you bastard! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oh. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Okay, but I didn't know you had your license. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Okay, the trap's going in. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Okay. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
On a more personal note, let me just go on record from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
One! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Only a Carpathian would come back to life now from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Ooh, good slime. Good slime. Winston, is our slime in a good mood tonight? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oscar! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oscar? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oscar. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Ouch. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Party times. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Peter, let us in, please. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Please leave. You cannot... Get out of my restaurant! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Please, do something! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Please! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Pull them. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Ray, let's close this place up so you can buy me a calzone. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Ray's Occult. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Right, and the first time somebody gets mad, that toaster could eat their hand. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Shut up! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Slides are available in the gift shop. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Slime blower primed and set. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Somebody get me the Ghostbusters. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Sorry we had to hose you there, but you were kind of out of control. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Sorry! My fault! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Sorry. I missed it. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Splash Mommy. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Stinging! I'm stinging! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Stop that carriage! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Sure. Whatever you think. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Thanks a lot. We gotta do an inquiry here. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
That might have some bearing on this case? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
The park bench was chasing you? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
The spectrogram shows a river of slime flowing behind him. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Then he put the baby in a carriage and then levitated away. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
They found a little bit of that pink slime. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
They went through all your things, your personal stuff, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
This is what you do with your spare time? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Three! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Took it upon yourselves to dig a very big hole in the middle of First Avenue from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Uh huh. Did I tell you? I wasn't lying, was I? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Uh oh. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Ungrateful little yuppie larvae. After all we did for this city from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Venkman, start bringing him back! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Venkman, we need to talk. Come on. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
We're here because some diaper bag downtown from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
We've been running tests to see if we can get an equally strong positive reaction. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
We've got meter maids chasing ghosts all over midtown. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Well, Dana, how are you doing? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Well, I had them committed to the psychiatric ward at Parkview Hospital. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Well, we sing to it and we talk to it from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Well, what do you think? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Well, you're not gonna get a green card with that attitude, pal. Okay? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
What are you guys working on? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
What are you talking about, buddy? The phone lines are over there. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
What are you trying to do, drown me? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
What do you see? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
What the...? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
What? Are you serious? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
What's going on here? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Whatever's down there, they must've put it there. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Why are you cutting? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Winston from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
With explosive supernormal potential. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Women, huh? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Wow. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Yeah, the museum! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Yeah, well, that happens. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Yeah! Destroy me from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Yes! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Yes. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You gonna come shake my monkey tree again?! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You gotta do something. Help me! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You know how much negative energy it must have taken to generate a flow this size? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You know, I have met some dumb blonds in my life, from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You know, my dad says you guys are full of crap from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You mean you never even had a Slinky? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You should also check Duke University studies on controlled psychokinesis. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You wanna take a look at this? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You want a baby? Go ahead and knock up some willing hellhound. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You'll never take us alive. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You're also a human being. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You're gonna have the whole place to yourself tonight, pal. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You're not gonna take my baby. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ ♪ It's like that, y'all ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Higher and higher ♪ ♪ Higher ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ I said your love ♪ ♪ Your love keeps lifting me ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ It's serious ♪ ♪ Cold serious ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Keep on lifting me ♪ ♪ Love keeps lifting me ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Keep on lifting me ♪ ♪ Love keeps lifting me ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Lifting me ♪ ♪ Lifting me ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Your love is lifting me higher ♪ Oh, it dances too. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
And get me the Ghostbusters! Mr. Mayor, come take a look at this. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Appears to be ticklish. Yep. Baby ticklish. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
For your sake, I hope you're right. Thank you. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Go! Go. Please, go. You. Yes, you. Who's this wiggler? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
How about Thai? No, it's too spicy. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I love you when you roughhouse! Hit it, Mama! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
I'm a Ghostbuster! I loved it! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
It's got ahold of him. Get his belt off! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Janosz. Janosz. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Just someone we know. Oh. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
No more parties. Here's your share. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
No, we didn't! Ray, Ray. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Nothing. So, what, brainiac? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Oscar. Call 911 right now! from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Pete Venkman. Can I help you? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Put this on my account, please? Sure. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Ray, take a look at this. Oh, yeah. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Ray. Ray. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Right here. There's a hole. Let's go. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
She got out and went to Venkman's. This is interesting, Ray. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Thank you. Call anytime. Bye. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
That's fantastic. Just watch. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Twelve feet. Twelve? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
We're fine. Thank you. Thank.. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
We're running out of time, Ray. Can't you go any faster? from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
why did you dump me? I didn't dump you. I was from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
Yes, darling. I'm so sorry. You guys just sit down. Relax. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You all right? Yes. Thank you, Peter. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
You're disturbing our guests! This is an emergency. One second. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
"I get to splash Mommy." Yes. from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ 'Cause I believe so much in we And no we're not kidding ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ And I'll be at your side... ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Did not understand a hand Coming out the ground ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Ghostbusters ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Gloom in the room Outside is the storm ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Gotta, gotta take it home ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Gotta, gotta, gotta Take it home ♪♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ I ain't afraid of no ghost ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ I ain't afraid of no ghost ♪♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ I ain't, I ain't, I ain't ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ I ain't, I ain't, I ain't ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ I remember the time I visited the grave ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ If it's up to us We've got to take it home ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ If it's up to us We've got to take it home ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ If you feel the same as me, yo You gotta wanna take the ball ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ If you want something done You gotta do it yourself ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Newborn baby And Dana's the lady ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Not filled by the things That go bump in the night ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Now that evil's presence Make it pleasant in ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Oh, we're back ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Something strange going on Something's wrong ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Spirit, some people hear it Some people fear it ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Spirit, some people hear it Some people fear it ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Spirit, some people hear it Some people fear it I from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Spirit, some people Just won't go near it ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Spirit, some people Just won't go near it ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Sure as I'm me And the skies are blue ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ The Ghostbusters are back And all brand new, come on ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ The spirit is the key To unlock the true you ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ They're the Ghostbusters And they're in control ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ To everyone I know ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Too hot to handle Too cold to hold ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Walk through the wall With no time to stall ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Walk through the wall With no time to stall ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ We got, we got, we got ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ We got, we got, we got ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ We got, we got, we got ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ We will never deceive you ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Who you gonna call? ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Who you gonna call? ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Yeah ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ Yo, is that what I did? Did I see something move? ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ You call the Ghostbusters Well, that's who you call ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
♪ You find yourself Caught up in a silly game ♪ from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
⪠I ain't, I ain't, I ain't afraid of no ghost ⪠from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
⪠If it's up to us We've got to take it home ⪠from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
⪠Sure as I'm me And you should know that you ⪠from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
⪠They're called the Ghostbusters And they're in control ⪠from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
⪠Who you gonna call? ⪠from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard
⪠Your love is lifting me higher ⪠from Ghostbusters II (1989) Soundboard