A place without labels. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
About a month before homecoming. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Acting as, like, the gatekeeper to their better looking friends. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Ah. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
All right, deep breath. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
All right, well, you held up your end of the bargain, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
All right. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
And I was all like, Bitch, if I cared what you thought, I'd ask. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
And that's definitely mightier than a sword. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
And then they just started dancing together. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
And, you know, maybe send him an Edible Arrangement from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Anyone? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Are you filming me? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Are you twerking? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
As in a certain homecoming article that's due. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Because I can't find anything. Do you think short, long? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Because I do not subscribe to the American ideal of feminine beauty. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: In the end, it's not about popularity or even getting the guy. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: It was becoming harder and harder to deny the truth. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: Know how they say The hills have eyes? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: Oh, God, even my car's a DUFF. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: Oh, God, you always come back with that. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: Oh, no. No, no, no. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: Oh. Hey oh. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: So, yeah, she was a bitch. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: Thanks a lot. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: That's me. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: The vibe. Darker the better. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: The world gave me the gift of in visibility, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: Yes. All right. Okay. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BIANCA: You bet we are from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Boobs look good. New bra? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BOY 1: Thanks. BOY 2: Oh, yeah. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BOY: Yeah, Bianca! Let's get the hell out of here. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
BOY: Yeah, Madison. All right from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
But I'm happy to sit this one out. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
But now I just feel bad for you. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
But only because you're a dipshit and a man whore. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
But to the majority of kids in school, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
But tonight, possibly the greatest night of my life, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
But, you know, you're wrong, because we all have our insecurities. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Casey Cordero. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
CASEY: Ha, ha. He can't even spell. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
CASEY: Ugh, they do not clean those mirrors. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Coach says I might get to play some football this year. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Come Monday morning, it's back to reality from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Come on in. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Come on, let's go. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Crazy amazing. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Damn. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Don't look at me. Look at me from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
DOTTIE: Bianca, let's go. You'll be late for school. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Enthalpy, entropy from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Excuse me, that is not like us right now. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
FILLMORE: Take a seat, Mr. Rush. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
GIRL 1: Ouch. I feel bad for Toby from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
GIRL 2: Thank you. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
GIRL: Yeah, that's not me. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Good for you. Good talk. You know what? Get back out there. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Good luck. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Good? Wow, that's really a rave review. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
He's going to Ohio State in the fall. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Here we go. Yeah. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Hey, is this seat taken? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Hey, Jeffrey. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Hey, Jess. Hey, Casey. Homecoming tickets? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Hey, there you are. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Hit send, drop. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Hit that... Hit that, uh... That long one in the middle from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Ho, ho. Well, that's easy for you to say. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
How do we look together? How do we look together? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I can't believe it. Congratulations. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I can't believe you made all this sushi. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I couldn't even look at Jess and Casey, they made me so mad. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I couldn't work up the courage to say three words to Toby. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I don't play favorites, but you're my favorite. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I give you Wesley Rush. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I haven't been kissed in years from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I mean, I know you won't believe me, but I was the DUFF out of my friends. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I mean, I've been working on it for a little bit, so... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I mean, it's not like she's gonna say anything to him. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I mean, you got the easy part. You could pass science in your sleep. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I swear, I'm just feeling the pressure. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I wanna make out with your face. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I was cruising the halls with my two best friends. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I would totally bang the shit out of her. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I'm a little chilly, yeah. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I'm just saying, I would never call anyone fat or ugly. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I'm so sorry, Susan. I'll see you tomorrow. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I'm telling you, I'd really lost hope around Guy 17, you know. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I've actually been making a lot of poor choices with my toppings lately. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Inspire us. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Is what happens in high school is gonna stay with us forever. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Is, uh, gonna be fine for me. It's good. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
It's all part of the plan? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
It's just... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
It's kind of like us right now. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
It's kind of nice. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Jess and Casey? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
JESS: B, really? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Just apologizing profusely from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Just let me stay here and lie amongst the pizza a little longer. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Lab partner's got this. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Lighting, dark booth. Got it. What's next? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Like, in Japan, the... You have to go? Okay. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Long day, huh? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Look at me, Toby. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Look, I'm no wine expert, but I'm pretty sure from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Look, I'm sorry about Toby from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
MADISON: Wesley? Agh! from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
MADISON: What? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Martin Van Buren. Nickelback. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Mm hm. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Mm. Ish. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
More kids responded until it just became its own thing from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Mr. Sushi? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Next mission is to talk to 15 guys. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
No from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
No one at all? Any takers? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
No, literally, three words. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
No, no, still worse. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Not a lot of people would have the balls to say all that. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Not all at once. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Note to self. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Now I did. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Off to a nice evening from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, he's going to town on me, Toby. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, hell, no. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, my God, of course. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, my God. There it is, there it is. You know what? No, no, no. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, no, heh, not... I'm not going out with Wes. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, perfect. No more of Bianca's almost ironic tweets for the day. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, Toby, don't stop. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, Toby. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, yeah. You got moves. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, you're not the only B in my life. Suck it, science. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Okay, bye. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Okay, girl, I know some DUFFs too. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Okay, next up, final assignment, all right? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Okay, you know what? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Ooh. Showtime. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Or Toby. Or anyone, for that matter. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Out where? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Passion plus action... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Pretty much sums it up right there. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Pretty. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Put your arm around me. Whoops. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Really? What kind of light...? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Say when. Say... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Shaw's over. Just Bianca. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Shh. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Shouldn't you be working with a partner? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
So here's the song. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
So you're an honest dipshit, and that's what counts. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Speaking of stones, rock hard abs. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That is actually incredible. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That no matter what label is thrown your way, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That sounds like an awesome episode of Dateline. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That was an awesome lesson. I'm humiliated from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That was Florida. Seems like a long time ago. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That was... Uh, that was practice. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That's probably a good idea. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
That's right from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
The one who doesn't look as good, thus making their friends look better. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
The one who's approachable and easy to talk to, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
They're pity RTs. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
They're sugar free, and I know you're trying to watch that kind of thing from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
This is a good look. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
This is just getting weird now. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Toby, that is unbelievably inappropriate. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Uh, in porn, maybe. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
We gotta go. Come on. Let's go, let's go from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
We just bumped into each other here. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Well, I mean, I'm more of a tongue guy myself, but... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Well, yeah, we're in. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
WESLEY: Hey, Billy. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
WESLEY: Hey, neighbor. Wesley. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
WESLEY: Ow. Hmm. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
What did Wes say? That no one's making out if they're three feet apart. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
What do you think? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
What the shit? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
What the...? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
What? No, I didn't. I called you the DUFF. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
When I told them that you were here, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
When you're not overthinking things, actually having some fun. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Why was I Bosley? There were three Angels. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Without making a total ass of myself, okay? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
WOMAN: Everyone, get your phones. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
WOMAN: I do everything around this house, and you don't do... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Would've been enough to make me hide under my bed. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, all right. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, go ahead and check them. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, it is. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, like a midget jerking it. Meow, meow, meow meow. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, no shit, it's not from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Yeah. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Yeah. I actually kind of feel nervous about it from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You could only be a jock, a geek, from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You do. Come on. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You get a shot of the desserts? Jess, hair's looking good. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You gotta lighten up, and you're gonna have to trust me. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You hungry? I'm hungry from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You know, you'd be bringing me a pizza from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You look beautiful. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You said I could use it. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You talk about my son one more ******* time. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You've got to be kidding me. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
All right, well... BIANCA: Okay. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Aren't you? Heh. Well, irregardless... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Dad, 17 pa... But it article we need. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Hey. Now, that's a classic look from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I hate you. No, you look adorable. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
I'm so proud of you. Good job. Ah from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Is he sitting close? I don't know... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
It was all so easy for Wes. Ha, ha from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Look, Bianca, I've tried to be nice. BIANCA: Have you? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Maybe we'll accidentally touch knees from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Mm. And dancer. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Mom. Sorry from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Nerd ass. Okay, no. Didn't need... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
No, no one wants that. WESLEY: Graze them. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Oh, man, you're so good. Thank you so much. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Okay. BIANCA: I need to talk to you. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Party pooper. No, no, guys, I don't dance. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
seeing you here. Hey. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Seven o'clock? Yes, 7 is good. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Thank you. You're welcome. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
Um... Wow, um... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
What are you doing? I just have to... from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
What do you think? Hey, look at those. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You laughed. You did laugh. I had a small stroke. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
You wanna know why? Yeah. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[BELL RINGS] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[BELL RINGS] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[BELL RINGS] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[BELL RINGS] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[BIANCA SCOFFS] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[BOTH MOANING] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[CELL PHONE CHIMES] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[COMPUTER BEEPING] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[CREW LAUGHING] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[CREW LAUGHING] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[CROWD LAUGHING] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[GRUNTS] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[IN BRITISH ACCENT] turn it up to 11 from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[IN MONSTER VOICE] Bianca kiss Wes now? from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[IN NORMAL VOICE] I wanna be your wife from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[IN SLOW MOTION] Don't stop. from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[LAUGHS] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[MADISON LAUGHING] from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard
[SINGING] Let you get away from The DUFF (2015) Soundboard